cabal-version: 1.12 -- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.1. -- -- see: -- -- hash: 915a08146154923fec2684d6e8bd501f8a762c0486c3e7734de2bc79406cd8bf name: haskell-dap version: synopsis: Haskell implementation of the DAP interface data. description: Please see category: Development homepage: bug-reports: author: phoityne_hs maintainer: copyright: 2017-2019 phoityne_hs license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple extra-source-files: src-c-8.0/HsVersions.h src-c-8.0/PosixSource.h src-c-8.2/HsVersions.h src-c-8.2/PosixSource.h src-c-8.4/HsVersions.h src-c-8.4/PosixSource.h src-c-8.6/HsVersions.h src-c-8.6/PosixSource.h library exposed-modules: Haskell.DAP GHCi.DAP.IFData other-modules: Paths_haskell_dap hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base >=4.7 && <5 , containers default-language: Haskell2010 executable haskell-dap main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Haskell.DAP.GHCi.Command Haskell.DAP.GHCi.Constant Haskell.DAP.GHCi.Type Haskell.DAP.GHCi.Utility Paths_haskell_dap hs-source-dirs: app ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-name-shadowing cpp-options: -DGHCI cc-options: -fPIC build-depends: array , base >=4.7 && <5 , bytestring , containers , deepseq , directory , filepath , ghc , ghc-boot , ghc-paths , ghci , haskeline , haskell-dap , process , text , time , transformers if (impl(ghc >=8.0.0)) && (impl(ghc <8.1.0)) other-modules: GHCi.UI GHCi.UI.Info GHCi.UI.Monad GHCi.UI.Tags GHCMain hs-source-dirs: app-ghc-8.0 if (impl(ghc >=8.2.0)) && (impl(ghc <8.3.0)) other-modules: GHCi.UI GHCi.UI.Info GHCi.UI.Monad GHCi.UI.Tags GHCMain hs-source-dirs: app-ghc-8.2 if (impl(ghc >=8.4.0)) && (impl(ghc <8.5.0)) other-modules: GHCi.UI GHCi.UI.Info GHCi.UI.Monad GHCi.UI.Tags GHCMain hs-source-dirs: app-ghc-8.4 if (impl(ghc >=8.6.0)) && (impl(ghc <8.7.0)) other-modules: GHCi.Leak GHCi.UI GHCi.UI.Info GHCi.UI.Monad GHCi.UI.Tags GHCMain hs-source-dirs: app-ghc-8.6 if (impl(ghc >=8.0.0)) && (impl(ghc <8.1.0)) include-dirs: src-c-8.0/ c-sources: src-c-8.0/hschooks.c if (impl(ghc >=8.2.0)) && (impl(ghc <8.3.0)) include-dirs: src-c-8.2/ c-sources: src-c-8.2/hschooks.c if (impl(ghc >=8.4.0)) && (impl(ghc <8.5.0)) include-dirs: src-c-8.4/ c-sources: src-c-8.4/hschooks.c if (impl(ghc >=8.6.0)) && (impl(ghc <8.7.0)) include-dirs: src-c-8.6/ c-sources: src-c-8.6/hschooks.c if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 else build-depends: unix default-language: Haskell2010