{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | Lookup the documentation of a name in a module (and in a specific
-- package in the case of ambiguity).

module Haskell.Docs
  (module Haskell.Docs

import           Haskell.Docs.Cabal
import           Haskell.Docs.Formatting
import           Haskell.Docs.Ghc
import           Haskell.Docs.Haddock
import           Haskell.Docs.Index
import           Haskell.Docs.Types
import           PackageConfig

import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import           Data.List
import           Data.Ord
import           Data.Text (pack,unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import           GHC hiding (verbosity)
import           MonadUtils

-- -- | Print the documentation of a name in the given module.
  :: [String]          -- ^ GHC Options
  -> Bool              -- ^ Print modules only.
  -> Bool              -- ^ S-expression format.
  -> Maybe PackageName -- ^ Package.
  -> Maybe ModuleName  -- ^ Module name.
  -> Identifier        -- ^ Identifier.
  -> Ghc ()
searchAndPrintDoc flags ms ss pname mname ident =
  do result <- liftIO (lookupIdent flags
                                   (pack (unIdentifier ident)))
     case result of
       Nothing -> throw NoFindModule
       Just pkgModuleMap ->
         do pkgs <- getAllPackages flags
            docs <- fmap concat
                         (forM (M.toList pkgModuleMap)
                               (searchResult pkgs))
            if ss
               then printSexp docs
               else mapM_ (\(i,doc') ->
                             printIdentDoc False True True doc')
                          (zip [0 :: Int ..]
                               (nub docs))
  where searchResult pkgs (pkgName,modName) =
          case find (matchingPkg pkgName) pkgs of
            Nothing -> return []
            Just pkg -> searchPkg pkg modName
          where matchingPkg pkgName = (== pkgName) . T.pack . showPackageName .
        searchPkg pkg modName =
          do result <- searchWithPackage
                         (Just (head (fmap (makeModuleName . T.unpack) modName)))
             case result of
               Left err -> throw err
               Right (sortBy (comparing identDocPackageName) -> docs) -> return docs

-- | Search only for identifiers and print out all modules associated.
searchAndPrintModules :: [String] -> Identifier -> IO ()
searchAndPrintModules flags ident =
  do result <- lookupIdent flags (pack (unIdentifier ident))
     case result of
       Nothing ->
         throw NoFindModule
       Just packages ->
         forM_ (nub (concat (map snd (M.toList packages))))