module Data.GI.CodeGen.CodeGen ( genConstant , genFunction , genModule ) where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Data.Traversable (traverse) #endif import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, when, unless, filterM) import Data.List (nub) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, catMaybes, mapMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import Data.GI.CodeGen.API import Data.GI.CodeGen.Callable (genCCallableWrapper) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Constant (genConstant) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Code import Data.GI.CodeGen.EnumFlags (genEnum, genFlags) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Fixups (dropMovedItems, guessPropertyNullability, detectGObject, dropDuplicatedFields) import Data.GI.CodeGen.GObject import Data.GI.CodeGen.Haddock (deprecatedPragma, addSectionDocumentation, writeHaddock, RelativeDocPosition(DocBeforeSymbol)) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Inheritance (instanceTree, fullObjectMethodList, fullInterfaceMethodList) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Properties (genInterfaceProperties, genObjectProperties, genNamespacedPropLabels) import Data.GI.CodeGen.OverloadedSignals (genInterfaceSignals, genObjectSignals) import Data.GI.CodeGen.OverloadedMethods (genMethodList, genMethodInfo, genUnsupportedMethodInfo) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Signal (genSignal, genCallback) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Struct (genStructOrUnionFields, extractCallbacksInStruct, fixAPIStructs, ignoreStruct, genZeroStruct, genZeroUnion, genWrappedPtr) import Data.GI.CodeGen.SymbolNaming (upperName, classConstraint, noName, submoduleLocation, lowerName, qualifiedAPI) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Type import Data.GI.CodeGen.Util (tshow) genFunction :: Name -> Function -> CodeGen () genFunction n (Function symbol fnMovedTo callable) = -- Only generate the function if it has not been moved. when (Nothing == fnMovedTo) $ group $ do line $ "-- function " <> symbol handleCGExc (\e -> line ("-- XXX Could not generate function " <> symbol <> "\n-- Error was : " <> describeCGError e)) (do genCCallableWrapper n symbol callable export (NamedSubsection MethodSection $ lowerName n) (lowerName n) ) genBoxedObject :: Name -> Text -> CodeGen () genBoxedObject n typeInit = do let name' = upperName n group $ do line $ "foreign import ccall \"" <> typeInit <> "\" c_" <> typeInit <> " :: " indent $ line "IO GType" group $ do line $ "instance BoxedObject " <> name' <> " where" indent $ line $ "boxedType _ = c_" <> typeInit hsBoot $ line $ "instance BoxedObject " <> name' <> " where" -- | Generate wrapper for structures. genStruct :: Name -> Struct -> CodeGen () genStruct n s = unless (ignoreStruct n s) $ do let name' = upperName n writeHaddock DocBeforeSymbol ("Memory-managed wrapper type.") let decl = line $ "newtype " <> name' <> " = " <> name' <> " (ManagedPtr " <> name' <> ")" hsBoot decl decl addSectionDocumentation ToplevelSection (structDocumentation s) if structIsBoxed s then genBoxedObject n (fromJust $ structTypeInit s) else genWrappedPtr n (structAllocationInfo s) (structSize s) exportDecl (name' <> ("(..)")) -- Generate a builder for a structure filled with zeroes. genZeroStruct n s noName name' -- Generate code for fields. genStructOrUnionFields n (structFields s) -- Methods methods <- forM (structMethods s) $ \f -> do let mn = methodName f isFunction <- symbolFromFunction (methodSymbol f) if not isFunction then handleCGExc (\e -> line ("-- XXX Could not generate method " <> name' <> "::" <> name mn <> "\n" <> "-- Error was : " <> describeCGError e) >> return Nothing) (genMethod n f >> return (Just (n, f))) else return Nothing -- Overloaded methods cppIf CPPOverloading $ genMethodList n (catMaybes methods) -- | Generated wrapper for unions. genUnion :: Name -> Union -> CodeGen () genUnion n u = do let name' = upperName n writeHaddock DocBeforeSymbol ("Memory-managed wrapper type.") let decl = line $ "newtype " <> name' <> " = " <> name' <> " (ManagedPtr " <> name' <> ")" hsBoot decl decl addSectionDocumentation ToplevelSection (unionDocumentation u) if unionIsBoxed u then genBoxedObject n (fromJust $ unionTypeInit u) else genWrappedPtr n (unionAllocationInfo u) (unionSize u) exportDecl (name' <> "(..)") -- Generate a builder for a structure filled with zeroes. genZeroUnion n u noName name' -- Generate code for fields. genStructOrUnionFields n (unionFields u) -- Methods methods <- forM (unionMethods u) $ \f -> do let mn = methodName f isFunction <- symbolFromFunction (methodSymbol f) if not isFunction then handleCGExc (\e -> line ("-- XXX Could not generate method " <> name' <> "::" <> name mn <> "\n" <> "-- Error was : " <> describeCGError e) >> return Nothing) (genMethod n f >> return (Just (n, f))) else return Nothing -- Overloaded methods cppIf CPPOverloading $ genMethodList n (catMaybes methods) -- | When parsing the GIR file we add the implicit object argument to -- methods of an object. Since we are prepending an argument we need -- to adjust the offset of the length arguments of CArrays, and -- closure and destroyer offsets. fixMethodArgs :: Callable -> Callable fixMethodArgs c = c { args = args'' , returnType = returnType' } where returnType' = maybe Nothing (Just . fixCArrayLength) (returnType c) args' = map (fixDestroyers . fixClosures . fixLengthArg) (args c) args'' = fixInstance (head args') : tail args' fixLengthArg :: Arg -> Arg fixLengthArg arg = arg { argType = fixCArrayLength (argType arg)} fixCArrayLength :: Type -> Type fixCArrayLength (TCArray zt fixed length t) = if length > -1 then TCArray zt fixed (length+1) t else TCArray zt fixed length t fixCArrayLength t = t fixDestroyers :: Arg -> Arg fixDestroyers arg = let destroy = argDestroy arg in if destroy > -1 then arg {argDestroy = destroy + 1} else arg fixClosures :: Arg -> Arg fixClosures arg = let closure = argClosure arg in if closure > -1 then arg {argClosure = closure + 1} else arg -- We always treat the instance argument of a method as non-null -- and "in", even if sometimes the introspection data may say -- otherwise. fixInstance :: Arg -> Arg fixInstance arg = arg { mayBeNull = False , direction = DirectionIn} -- For constructors we want to return the actual type of the object, -- rather than a generic superclass (so Gtk.labelNew returns a -- Gtk.Label, rather than a Gtk.Widget) fixConstructorReturnType :: Bool -> Name -> Callable -> Callable fixConstructorReturnType returnsGObject cn c = c { returnType = returnType' } where returnType' = if returnsGObject then Just (TInterface cn) else returnType c genMethod :: Name -> Method -> ExcCodeGen () genMethod cn m@(Method { methodName = mn, methodSymbol = sym, methodCallable = c, methodType = t }) = do let name' = upperName cn returnsGObject <- maybe (return False) isGObject (returnType c) line $ "-- method " <> name' <> "::" <> name mn line $ "-- method type : " <> tshow t let -- Mangle the name to namespace it to the class. mn' = mn { name = name cn <> "_" <> name mn } let c' = if Constructor == t then fixConstructorReturnType returnsGObject cn c else c c'' = if OrdinaryMethod == t then fixMethodArgs c' else c' genCCallableWrapper mn' sym c'' export (NamedSubsection MethodSection $ lowerName mn) (lowerName mn') cppIf CPPOverloading $ genMethodInfo cn (m {methodCallable = c''}) -- Type casting with type checking genGObjectCasts :: Name -> Text -> [Name] -> CodeGen () genGObjectCasts n cn_ parents = do let name' = upperName n group $ do line $ "foreign import ccall \"" <> cn_ <> "\"" indent $ line $ "c_" <> cn_ <> " :: IO GType" group $ do bline $ "instance GObject " <> name' <> " where" indent $ group $ do line $ "gobjectType = c_" <> cn_ className <- classConstraint n group $ do exportDecl className writeHaddock DocBeforeSymbol (classDoc name') -- Create the IsX constraint. We cannot simply say -- -- > type IsX o = (GObject o, ...) -- -- since we sometimes need to refer to @IsX@ itself, without -- applying it. We instead use the trick of creating a class with -- a universal instance. let constraints = "(GObject o, O.IsDescendantOf " <> name' <> " o)" bline $ "class " <> constraints <> " => " <> className <> " o" bline $ "instance " <> constraints <> " => " <> className <> " o" blank qualifiedParents <- mapM qualifiedAPI parents bline $ "instance O.HasParentTypes " <> name' line $ "type instance O.ParentTypes " <> name' <> " = '[" <> T.intercalate ", " qualifiedParents <> "]" -- Safe downcasting. group $ do let safeCast = "to" <> name' exportDecl safeCast writeHaddock DocBeforeSymbol (castDoc name') line $ safeCast <> " :: (MonadIO m, " <> className <> " o) => o -> m " <> name' line $ safeCast <> " = liftIO . unsafeCastTo " <> name' where castDoc :: Text -> Text castDoc name' = "Cast to `" <> name' <> "`, for types for which this is known to be safe. " <> "For general casts, use `Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr.castTo`." classDoc :: Text -> Text classDoc name' = "Type class for types which can be safely cast to `" <> name' <> "`, for instance with `to" <> name' <> "`." -- | Wrap a given Object. We enforce that every Object that we wrap is a -- GObject. This is the case for everything except the ParamSpec* set -- of objects, we deal with these separately. genObject :: Name -> Object -> CodeGen () genObject n o = do let name' = upperName n let t = TInterface n isGO <- isGObject t if not isGO then line $ "-- APIObject \"" <> name' <> "\" does not descend from GObject, it will be ignored." else do writeHaddock DocBeforeSymbol ("Memory-managed wrapper type.") bline $ "newtype " <> name' <> " = " <> name' <> " (ManagedPtr " <> name' <> ")" exportDecl (name' <> "(..)") addSectionDocumentation ToplevelSection (objDocumentation o) -- Type safe casting to parent objects, and implemented interfaces. parents <- instanceTree n genGObjectCasts n (objTypeInit o) (parents <> objInterfaces o) noName name' cppIf CPPOverloading $ fullObjectMethodList n o >>= genMethodList n forM_ (objSignals o) $ \s -> handleCGExc (line . (T.concat ["-- XXX Could not generate signal ", name', "::" , sigName s , "\n", "-- Error was : "] <>) . describeCGError) (genSignal s n) genObjectProperties n o cppIf CPPOverloading $ genNamespacedPropLabels n (objProperties o) (objMethods o) cppIf CPPOverloading $ genObjectSignals n o -- Methods forM_ (objMethods o) $ \f -> do let mn = methodName f handleCGExc (\e -> line ("-- XXX Could not generate method " <> name' <> "::" <> name mn <> "\n" <> "-- Error was : " <> describeCGError e) >> (cppIf CPPOverloading $ genUnsupportedMethodInfo n f)) (genMethod n f) genInterface :: Name -> Interface -> CodeGen () genInterface n iface = do let name' = upperName n line $ "-- interface " <> name' <> " " writeHaddock DocBeforeSymbol ("Memory-managed wrapper type.") deprecatedPragma name' $ ifDeprecated iface bline $ "newtype " <> name' <> " = " <> name' <> " (ManagedPtr " <> name' <> ")" exportDecl (name' <> "(..)") addSectionDocumentation ToplevelSection (ifDocumentation iface) noName name' forM_ (ifSignals iface) $ \s -> handleCGExc (line . (T.concat ["-- XXX Could not generate signal ", name', "::" , sigName s , "\n", "-- Error was : "] <>) . describeCGError) (genSignal s n) cppIf CPPOverloading $ genInterfaceSignals n iface isGO <- apiIsGObject n (APIInterface iface) if isGO then do let cn_ = fromMaybe (error "GObject derived interface without a type!") (ifTypeInit iface) gobjectPrereqs <- filterM nameIsGObject (ifPrerequisites iface) allParents <- forM gobjectPrereqs $ \p -> (p : ) <$> instanceTree p let uniqueParents = nub (concat allParents) genGObjectCasts n cn_ uniqueParents genInterfaceProperties n iface cppIf CPPOverloading $ genNamespacedPropLabels n (ifProperties iface) (ifMethods iface) else group $ do cls <- classConstraint n exportDecl cls writeHaddock DocBeforeSymbol ("Type class for types which implement `" <> name' <> "`.") bline $ "class ManagedPtrNewtype a => " <> cls <> " a" line $ "instance " <> cls <> " " <> name' genWrappedPtr n (ifAllocationInfo iface) 0 when (not . null . ifProperties $ iface) $ group $ do line $ "-- XXX Skipping property generation for non-GObject interface" -- Methods cppIf CPPOverloading $ fullInterfaceMethodList n iface >>= genMethodList n forM_ (ifMethods iface) $ \f -> do let mn = methodName f isFunction <- symbolFromFunction (methodSymbol f) unless isFunction $ handleCGExc (\e -> line ("-- XXX Could not generate method " <> name' <> "::" <> name mn <> "\n" <> "-- Error was : " <> describeCGError e) >> (cppIf CPPOverloading $ genUnsupportedMethodInfo n f)) (genMethod n f) -- Some type libraries include spurious interface/struct methods, -- where a method Mod.Foo::func also appears as an ordinary function -- in the list of APIs. If we find a matching function (without the -- "moved-to" annotation), we don't generate the method. -- -- It may be more expedient to keep a map of symbol -> function. symbolFromFunction :: Text -> CodeGen Bool symbolFromFunction sym = do apis <- getAPIs return $ any (hasSymbol sym . snd) $ M.toList apis where hasSymbol sym1 (APIFunction (Function { fnSymbol = sym2, fnMovedTo = movedTo })) = sym1 == sym2 && movedTo == Nothing hasSymbol _ _ = False genAPI :: Name -> API -> CodeGen () genAPI n (APIConst c) = genConstant n c genAPI n (APIFunction f) = genFunction n f genAPI n (APIEnum e) = genEnum n e genAPI n (APIFlags f) = genFlags n f genAPI n (APICallback c) = genCallback n c genAPI n (APIStruct s) = genStruct n s genAPI n (APIUnion u) = genUnion n u genAPI n (APIObject o) = genObject n o genAPI n (APIInterface i) = genInterface n i -- | Generate the code for a given API in the corresponding module. genAPIModule :: Name -> API -> CodeGen () genAPIModule n api = submodule (submoduleLocation n api) $ genAPI n api genModule' :: M.Map Name API -> CodeGen () genModule' apis = do mapM_ (uncurry genAPIModule) -- We provide these ourselves $ filter ((`notElem` [ Name "GLib" "Array" , Name "GLib" "Error" , Name "GLib" "HashTable" , Name "GLib" "List" , Name "GLib" "SList" , Name "GLib" "Variant" , Name "GObject" "Value" , Name "GObject" "Closure"]) . fst) $ mapMaybe (traverse dropMovedItems) -- Some callback types are defined inside structs $ map fixAPIStructs -- Try to guess nullability of properties when there is no -- nullability info in the GIR. $ map guessPropertyNullability -- Not every interface providing signals or properties is -- correctly annotated as descending from GObject, fix this. $ map detectGObject -- Some APIs contain duplicated fields by mistake, drop -- the duplicates. $ map dropDuplicatedFields $ M.toList $ apis -- Make sure we generate a "Callbacks" module, since it is imported -- by other modules. It is fine if it ends up empty. submodule "Callbacks" (return ()) genModule :: M.Map Name API -> CodeGen () genModule apis = do -- Reexport Data.GI.Base for convenience (so it does not need to be -- imported separately). line "import Data.GI.Base" exportModule "Data.GI.Base" -- Some API symbols are embedded into structures, extract these and -- inject them into the set of APIs loaded and being generated. let embeddedAPIs = (M.fromList . concatMap extractCallbacksInStruct . M.toList) apis allAPIs <- getAPIs recurseWithAPIs (M.union allAPIs embeddedAPIs) (genModule' (M.union apis embeddedAPIs))