module Data.GI.CodeGen.Cabal ( genCabalProject , cabalConfig , setupHs , tryPkgConfig ) where import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) #endif import Data.Version (Version(..)) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import Text.Read import Data.GI.CodeGen.API (GIRInfo(..)) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Code import Data.GI.CodeGen.Config (Config(..)) import Data.GI.CodeGen.Overrides (cabalPkgVersion) import Data.GI.CodeGen.PkgConfig (pkgConfigGetVersion) import qualified Data.GI.CodeGen.ProjectInfo as PI import Data.GI.CodeGen.Util (padTo, tshow) import Paths_haskell_gi (version) cabalConfig :: Text cabalConfig = T.unlines ["optimization: False"] setupHs :: Text setupHs = T.unlines ["#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell", "import Distribution.Simple", "main = defaultMain"] haskellGIAPIVersion :: Int haskellGIAPIVersion = (head . versionBranch) version -- | Obtain the minor version. That is, if the given version numbers -- are x.y.z, so branch is [x,y,z], we return y. minorVersion :: [Int] -> Int minorVersion (_:y:_) = y minorVersion v = error $ "Programming error: the haskell-gi version does not have at least two components: " ++ show v ++ "." -- | Obtain the haskell-gi minor version. Notice that we only append -- the minor version here, ignoring revisions. (So if the version is -- x.y.z, we drop the "z" part.) This gives us a mechanism for -- releasing bug-fix releases of haskell-gi without increasing the -- necessary dependency on haskell-gi-base, which only depends on x.y. haskellGIMinor :: Int haskellGIMinor = minorVersion (versionBranch version) {- | If the haskell-gi version is of the form x.y[.z] and the pkgconfig version of the package being wrapped is a.b.c, this gives something of the form x.a.b.y. This strange seeming-rule is so that the packages that we produce follow the PVP, assuming that the package being wrapped follows the usual semantic versioning convention ( that increases in "a" indicate non-backwards compatible changes, increases in "b" backwards compatible additions to the API, and increases in "c" denote API compatible changes (so we do not need to regenerate bindings for these, at least in principle, so we do not encode them in the cabal version). In order to follow the PVP, then everything we need to do in the haskell-gi side is to increase x everytime the generated API changes (for a fixed a.b.c version). In any case, if such "strange" package numbers are undesired, or the wrapped package does not follow semver, it is possible to add an explicit cabal-pkg-version override. This needs to be maintained by hand (including in the list of dependencies of packages depending on this one), so think carefully before using this override! -} giModuleVersion :: Int -> Int -> Text giModuleVersion major minor = (T.intercalate "." . map tshow) [haskellGIAPIVersion, major, minor, haskellGIMinor] -- | Determine the next version for which the minor of the package has -- been bumped. giNextMinor :: Int -> Int -> Text giNextMinor major minor = (T.intercalate "." . map tshow) [haskellGIAPIVersion, major, minor+1] -- | Info for a given package. data PkgInfo = PkgInfo { pkgName :: Text , pkgMajor :: Int , pkgMinor :: Int } deriving Show -- | Determine the pkg-config name and installed version (major.minor -- only) for a given module, or throw an exception if that fails. tryPkgConfig :: GIRInfo -> Bool -> M.Map Text Text -> IO (Either Text PkgInfo) tryPkgConfig gir verbose overridenNames = do let name = girNSName gir version = girNSVersion gir packages = girPCPackages gir pkgConfigGetVersion name version packages verbose overridenNames >>= \case Just (n,v) -> case readMajorMinor v of Just (major, minor) -> return $ Right (PkgInfo { pkgName = n , pkgMajor = major , pkgMinor = minor}) Nothing -> return $ Left $ "Cannot parse version \"" <> v <> "\" for module " <> name Nothing -> return $ Left $ "Could not determine the pkg-config name corresponding to \"" <> name <> "\".\n" <> "Try adding an override with the proper package name:\n" <> "pkg-config-name " <> name <> " [matching pkg-config name here]" -- | Given a string a.b.c..., representing a version number, determine -- the major and minor versions, i.e. "a" and "b". If successful, -- return (a,b). readMajorMinor :: Text -> Maybe (Int, Int) readMajorMinor version = case T.splitOn "." version of (a:b:_) -> (,) <$> readMaybe (T.unpack a) <*> readMaybe (T.unpack b) _ -> Nothing -- | Generate the cabal project. genCabalProject :: (GIRInfo, PkgInfo) -> [(GIRInfo, PkgInfo)] -> [Text] -> BaseVersion -> CodeGen () genCabalProject (gir, PkgInfo {pkgName = pcName, pkgMajor = major, pkgMinor = minor}) deps exposedModules minBaseVersion = do cfg <- config let name = girNSName gir line $ "-- Autogenerated, do not edit." line $ padTo 20 "name:" <> "gi-" <> T.toLower name let cabalVersion = fromMaybe (giModuleVersion major minor) (cabalPkgVersion $ overrides cfg) line $ padTo 20 "version:" <> cabalVersion line $ padTo 20 "synopsis:" <> name <> " bindings" line $ padTo 20 "description:" <> "Bindings for " <> name <> ", autogenerated by haskell-gi." line $ padTo 20 "homepage:" <> PI.homepage line $ padTo 20 "license:" <> PI.license line $ padTo 20 "license-file:" <> "LICENSE" line $ padTo 20 "author:" <> PI.authors line $ padTo 20 "maintainer:" <> PI.maintainers line $ padTo 20 "category:" <> PI.category line $ padTo 20 "build-type:" <> "Simple" line $ padTo 20 "cabal-version:" <> ">=1.10" blank line $ "library" indent $ do line $ padTo 20 "default-language:" <> PI.defaultLanguage line $ padTo 20 "default-extensions:" <> T.intercalate ", " PI.defaultExtensions line $ padTo 20 "other-extensions:" <> T.intercalate ", " PI.otherExtensions line $ padTo 20 "ghc-options:" <> T.intercalate " " PI.ghcOptions line $ padTo 20 "exposed-modules:" <> head exposedModules forM_ (tail exposedModules) $ \mod -> line $ padTo 20 "" <> mod line $ padTo 20 "pkgconfig-depends:" <> pcName <> " >= " <> tshow major <> "." <> tshow minor line $ "build-depends:" indent $ do line $ "haskell-gi-base >= " <> tshow haskellGIAPIVersion <> "." <> tshow haskellGIMinor <> " && < " <> tshow (haskellGIAPIVersion + 1) <> "," forM_ deps $ \(dep, PkgInfo _ depMajor depMinor) -> do let depName = girNSName dep line $ "gi-" <> T.toLower depName <> " >= " <> giModuleVersion depMajor depMinor <> " && < " <> giNextMinor depMajor depMinor <> "," forM_ PI.standardDeps (line . (<> ",")) line $ "base >= " <> showBaseVersion minBaseVersion <> " && <5"