{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, DataKinds, KindSignatures,
  TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses, ConstraintKinds,
  UndecidableInstances #-}

-- |
-- == Basic attributes interface
-- Attributes of an object can be get, set and constructed. For types
-- descending from 'Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GObject', properties are
-- encoded in attributes, although attributes are slightly more
-- general (every property of a `Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GObject` is an
-- attribute, but we can also have attributes for types not descending
-- from `Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GObject`).
-- As an example consider a @button@ widget and a property (of the
-- Button class, or any of its parent classes or implemented
-- interfaces) called "label". The simplest way of getting the value
-- of the button is to do
-- > value <- getButtonLabel button
-- And for setting:
-- > setButtonLabel button label
-- This mechanism quickly becomes rather cumbersome, for example for
-- setting the "window" property in a DOMDOMWindow in WebKit:
-- > win <- getDOMDOMWindowWindow dom
-- and perhaps more importantly, one needs to chase down the type
-- which introduces the property:
-- > setWidgetSensitive button False
-- There is no @setButtonSensitive@, since it is the @Widget@ type
-- that introduces the "sensitive" property.
-- == Overloaded attributes
-- A much more convenient overloaded attribute resolution API is
-- provided by this module. Getting the value of an object's attribute
-- is straightforward:
-- > value <- get button _label
-- The definition of @_label@ is simply a 'Proxy' encoding the name of
-- the attribute to get:
-- > _label = Proxy :: Proxy "label"
-- These proxies can be automatically generated by invoking the code
-- generator with the @-a@ option. The leading underscore is simply so
-- the autogenerated identifiers do not pollute the namespace, but if
-- this is not a concern the autogenerated names (in the autogenerated
-- @GI/Properties.hs@) can be edited as one wishes.
-- The syntax for setting or updating an attribute is only slightly more
-- complex. At the simplest level it is just:
-- > set button [ _label := value ]
-- or for the WebKit example above
-- > set dom [_window := win]
-- However as the list notation would indicate, you can set or update multiple
-- attributes of the same object in one go:
-- > set button [ _label := value, _sensitive := False ]
-- You are not limited to setting the value of an attribute, you can also
-- apply an update function to an attribute's value. That is the function
-- receives the current value of the attribute and returns the new value.
-- > set spinButton [ _value :~ (+1) ]
-- There are other variants of these operators, (see 'AttrOp'). ':=>' and
-- ':~>' and like ':=' and ':~' but operate in the 'IO' monad rather
-- than being pure. There is also '::=' and '::~' which take the object
-- as an extra parameter.
-- Attributes can also be set during construction of a
-- `Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GObject` using `Data.GI.Base.Properties.new`
-- > button <- new Button [_label := "Can't touch this!", _sensitive := False]
-- In addition for value being set/get having to have the right type,
-- there can be attributes that are read-only, or that can only be set
-- during construction with `Data.GI.Base.Properties.new`, but cannot be
-- `set` afterwards. That these invariants hold is also checked during
-- compile time.
module Data.GI.Base.Attributes (


  ) where

import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))

import Data.GI.Base.GValue (GValue(..))
import Data.GI.Base.Overloading (ResolveAttribute)

import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)

infixr 0 :=,:~,:=>,:~>,::=,::~

-- | Info describing an attribute.
class AttrInfo (info :: *) where
    -- | The operations that are allowed on the attribute.
    type AttrAllowedOps info :: [AttrOpTag]
    -- | Constraint on the value being set.
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint info :: * -> Constraint
    -- | Constraint on the type for which we are allowed to
    -- create\/set\/get the attribute.
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint info :: * -> Constraint
    -- | Type returned by `attrGet`.
    type AttrGetType info
    -- | A string describing the attribute (for error messages).
    type AttrLabel info :: Symbol
    -- | Get the value of the given attribute.
    attrGet :: AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o =>
               proxy info -> o -> IO (AttrGetType info)
    -- | Set the value of the given attribute, after the object having
    -- the attribute has already been created.
    attrSet :: (AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
                AttrSetTypeConstraint info b) =>
               proxy info -> o -> b -> IO ()
    -- | Build a `GValue` representing the attribute.
    attrConstruct :: AttrSetTypeConstraint info b =>
                     proxy info -> b -> IO (String, GValue)

-- | Result of checking whether an op is allowed on an attribute.
data OpAllowed tag attrName =
    OpIsAllowed | AttrOpNotAllowed Symbol tag Symbol attrName

-- | Look in the given list to see if the given `AttrOp` is a member,
-- if not return an error type.
type family AttrOpIsAllowed (tag :: AttrOpTag) (ops :: [AttrOpTag]) (label :: Symbol) :: OpAllowed AttrOpTag Symbol where
    AttrOpIsAllowed tag '[] label =
        'AttrOpNotAllowed "Error: operation " tag " not allowed for attribute type " label
    AttrOpIsAllowed tag (tag ': ops) label = 'OpIsAllowed
    AttrOpIsAllowed tag (other ': ops) label = AttrOpIsAllowed tag ops label

-- | Whether a given `AttrOpTag` is allowed on an attribute, given the
-- info type.
type family AttrOpAllowed (tag :: AttrOpTag) (info :: *) :: Constraint where
    AttrOpAllowed tag info =
        AttrOpIsAllowed tag (AttrAllowedOps info) (AttrLabel info) ~ 'OpIsAllowed

-- | Possible operations on an attribute.
data AttrOpTag = AttrGet | AttrSet | AttrConstruct

-- | Constructors for the different operations allowed on an attribute.
data AttrOp obj (tag :: AttrOpTag) where
    -- Assign a value to an attribute
    (:=)  :: (info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              AttrOpAllowed tag info,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b) =>
             proxy (attr :: Symbol) -> b -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- Assign the result of an IO action to an attribute
    (:=>) :: (info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              AttrOpAllowed tag info,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b) =>
             proxy (attr :: Symbol) -> IO b -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- Apply an update function to an attribute
    (:~)  :: (info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              tag ~ 'AttrSet,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrSet info,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrGet info,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b,
              a ~ (AttrGetType info)) =>
             proxy (attr :: Symbol) -> (a -> b) -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- Apply an IO update function to an attribute
    (:~>) :: (info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              tag ~ 'AttrSet,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrSet info,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrGet info,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b,
              a ~ (AttrGetType info)) =>
             proxy (attr :: Symbol) -> (a -> IO b) -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- Assign a value to an attribute with the object as an argument
    (::=) :: (info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              tag ~ 'AttrSet,
              AttrOpAllowed tag info,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b) =>
             proxy (attr :: Symbol) -> (obj -> b) -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- Apply an update function to an attribute with the object as an
    -- argument
    (::~) :: (info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              tag ~ 'AttrSet,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrSet info,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrGet info,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b,
              a ~ (AttrGetType info)) =>
             proxy (attr :: Symbol) -> (obj -> a -> b) -> AttrOp obj tag

-- | Set a number of properties for some object.
set :: forall o. o -> [AttrOp o 'AttrSet] -> IO ()
set obj = mapM_ app
   resolve :: proxy attr -> Proxy (ResolveAttribute attr o)
   resolve _ = Proxy

   app :: AttrOp o 'AttrSet -> IO ()
   app (attr :=  x) = attrSet (resolve attr) obj x
   app (attr :=> x) = x >>= attrSet (resolve attr) obj
   app (attr :~  f) = attrGet (resolve attr) obj >>=
                      \v -> attrSet (resolve attr) obj (f v)
   app (attr :~> f) = attrGet (resolve attr) obj >>= f >>=
                      attrSet (resolve attr) obj
   app (attr ::= f) = attrSet (resolve attr) obj (f obj)
   app (attr ::~ f) = attrGet (resolve attr) obj >>=
                      \v -> attrSet (resolve attr) obj (f obj v)

-- | Get the value of an attribute for an object.
get :: forall info attr obj proxy.
       (info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj, AttrInfo info,
        (AttrBaseTypeConstraint info) obj,
        AttrOpAllowed 'AttrGet info) =>
        obj -> proxy (attr :: Symbol) -> IO (AttrGetType info)
get o _ = attrGet (Proxy :: Proxy info) o