{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | This module is based on the hie-wrapper.sh script in -- https://github.com/alanz/vscode-hie-server module Main where import Control.Monad.Extra import Data.Foldable import Data.List import Data.Void import Development.IDE.Session (findCradle, defaultLoadingOptions) import HIE.Bios hiding (findCradle) import HIE.Bios.Environment import HIE.Bios.Types import Ide.Arguments import Ide.Version import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.Info import System.Process -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do -- WARNING: If you write to stdout before runLanguageServer -- then the language server will not work args <- getArguments "haskell-language-server-wrapper" hlsVer <- haskellLanguageServerVersion case args of ProbeToolsMode -> do programsOfInterest <- findProgramVersions putStrLn hlsVer putStrLn "Tool versions found on the $PATH" putStrLn $ showProgramVersionOfInterest programsOfInterest VersionMode PrintVersion -> putStrLn hlsVer VersionMode PrintNumericVersion -> putStrLn haskellLanguageServerNumericVersion LspMode lspArgs -> launchHaskellLanguageServer lspArgs launchHaskellLanguageServer :: LspArguments -> IO () launchHaskellLanguageServer LspArguments{..} = do whenJust argsCwd setCurrentDirectory d <- getCurrentDirectory -- Get the cabal directory from the cradle cradle <- findLocalCradle (d "a") setCurrentDirectory $ cradleRootDir cradle when argsProjectGhcVersion $ getRuntimeGhcVersion' cradle >>= putStrLn >> exitSuccess progName <- getProgName hPutStrLn stderr $ "Run entered for haskell-language-server-wrapper(" ++ progName ++ ") " ++ hlsVersion hPutStrLn stderr $ "Current directory: " ++ d hPutStrLn stderr $ "Operating system: " ++ os args <- getArgs hPutStrLn stderr $ "Arguments: " ++ show args hPutStrLn stderr $ "Cradle directory: " ++ cradleRootDir cradle hPutStrLn stderr $ "Cradle type: " ++ show (actionName (cradleOptsProg cradle)) programsOfInterest <- findProgramVersions hPutStrLn stderr "" hPutStrLn stderr "Tool versions found on the $PATH" hPutStrLn stderr $ showProgramVersionOfInterest programsOfInterest hPutStrLn stderr "" -- Get the ghc version -- this might fail! hPutStrLn stderr $ "Consulting the cradle to get project GHC version..." ghcVersion <- getRuntimeGhcVersion' cradle hPutStrLn stderr $ "Project GHC version: " ++ ghcVersion let hlsBin = "haskell-language-server-" ++ ghcVersion backupHlsBin = case dropWhileEnd (/='.') ghcVersion of [] -> "haskell-language-server" xs -> "haskell-language-server-" ++ init xs candidates' = [hlsBin, backupHlsBin, "haskell-language-server"] candidates = map (++ exeExtension) candidates' hPutStrLn stderr $ "haskell-language-server exe candidates: " ++ show candidates mexes <- traverse findExecutable candidates case asum mexes of Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "Cannot find any haskell-language-server exe, looked for: " ++ intercalate ", " candidates Just e -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Launching haskell-language-server exe at:" ++ e callProcess e args -- | Version of 'getRuntimeGhcVersion' that dies if we can't get it, and also -- checks to see if the tool is missing if it is one of getRuntimeGhcVersion' :: Show a => Cradle a -> IO String getRuntimeGhcVersion' cradle = do -- See if the tool is installed case actionName (cradleOptsProg cradle) of Stack -> checkToolExists "stack" Cabal -> checkToolExists "cabal" Default -> checkToolExists "ghc" Direct -> checkToolExists "ghc" _ -> pure () ghcVersionRes <- getRuntimeGhcVersion cradle case ghcVersionRes of CradleSuccess ver -> do return ver CradleFail error -> die $ "Failed to get project GHC version:" ++ show error CradleNone -> die "Failed get project GHC version, since we have a none cradle" where checkToolExists exe = do exists <- findExecutable exe case exists of Just _ -> pure () Nothing -> die $ "Cradle requires " ++ exe ++ " but couldn't find it" ++ "\n" ++ show cradle -- | Find the cradle that the given File belongs to. -- -- First looks for a "hie.yaml" file in the directory of the file -- or one of its parents. If this file is found, the cradle -- is read from the config. If this config does not comply to the "hie.yaml" -- specification, an error is raised. -- -- If no "hie.yaml" can be found, the implicit config is used. -- The implicit config uses different heuristics to determine the type -- of the project that may or may not be accurate. findLocalCradle :: FilePath -> IO (Cradle Void) findLocalCradle fp = do cradleConf <- (findCradle defaultLoadingOptions) fp crdl <- case cradleConf of Just yaml -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Found \"" ++ yaml ++ "\" for \"" ++ fp ++ "\"" loadCradle yaml Nothing -> loadImplicitCradle fp hPutStrLn stderr $ "Module \"" ++ fp ++ "\" is loaded by Cradle: " ++ show crdl return crdl