{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module FunctionalCodeAction (tests) where import Control.Lens hiding (List) import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Ide.Plugin.Config import Language.LSP.Test as Test import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Capabilities as C import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as L import Test.Hls import Test.Hspec.Expectations import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir) import Test.Hls.Command {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication"::String) #-} tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "code actions" [ hlintTests , importTests , missingPragmaTests , disableWarningTests , packageTests , redundantImportTests , renameTests , signatureTests , typedHoleTests , unusedTermTests ] hlintTests :: TestTree hlintTests = testGroup "hlint suggestions" [ testCase "provides 3.8 code actions including apply all" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact2.hs" "haskell" diags@(reduceDiag:_) <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "hlint" liftIO $ do length diags @?= 2 -- "Eta Reduce" and "Redundant Id" reduceDiag ^. L.range @?= Range (Position 1 0) (Position 1 12) reduceDiag ^. L.severity @?= Just DsInfo reduceDiag ^. L.code @?= Just (InR "refact:Eta reduce") reduceDiag ^. L.source @?= Just "hlint" cas <- map fromAction <$> getAllCodeActions doc let applyAll = find (\ca -> "Apply all hints" `T.isSuffixOf` (ca ^. L.title)) cas let redId = find (\ca -> "Redundant id" `T.isSuffixOf` (ca ^. L.title)) cas let redEta = find (\ca -> "Eta reduce" `T.isSuffixOf` (ca ^. L.title)) cas liftIO $ isJust applyAll @? "There is 'Apply all hints' code action" liftIO $ isJust redId @? "There is 'Redundant id' code action" liftIO $ isJust redEta @? "There is 'Eta reduce' code action" executeCodeAction (fromJust redId) contents <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit doc liftIO $ contents @?= "main = undefined\nfoo x = x\n" , testCase "falls back to pre 3.8 code actions" $ runSession hlsCommand noLiteralCaps "test/testdata/hlint" $ do doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact2.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "hlint" cars <- getAllCodeActions doc etaReduce <- liftIO $ inspectCommand cars ["Eta reduce"] executeCommand etaReduce contents <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit doc liftIO $ contents @?= "main = undefined\nfoo = id\n" , testCase "changing configuration enables or disables hlint diagnostics" $ runHlintSession "" $ do let config = def { hlintOn = True } sendNotification SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config)) doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact2.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc let config' = def { hlintOn = False } sendNotification SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config')) diags' <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc liftIO $ noHlintDiagnostics diags' , testCase "changing document contents updates hlint diagnostics" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact2.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc let change = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent (Just (Range (Position 1 8) (Position 1 12))) Nothing "x" changeDoc doc [change] expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" let change' = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent (Just (Range (Position 1 8) (Position 1 12))) Nothing "id x" changeDoc doc [change'] testHlintDiagnostics doc , knownBrokenForGhcVersions [GHC88, GHC86] "hlint doesn't take in account cpp flag as ghc -D argument" $ testCase "hlint diagnostics works with CPP via ghc -XCPP argument (#554)" $ runHlintSession "cpp" $ do doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact3.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc , knownBrokenForGhcVersions [GHC88, GHC86] "hlint doesn't take in account cpp flag as ghc -D argument" $ testCase "hlint diagnostics works with CPP via language pragma (#554)" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact3.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc , testCase "hlint diagnostics works with CPP via -XCPP argument and flag via #include header (#554)" $ runHlintSession "cpp" $ do doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact2.hs" "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc , testCase "apply-refact works with -XLambdaCase argument (#590)" $ runHlintSession "lambdacase" $ do testRefactor "ApplyRefact1.hs" "Redundant bracket" expectedLambdaCase , testCase "apply-refact works with -XTypeApplications argument (#1242)" $ runHlintSession "typeapps" $ do testRefactor "ApplyRefact1.hs" "Redundant bracket" expectedTypeApp , testCase "apply hints works with LambdaCase via language pragma" $ runHlintSession "" $ do testRefactor "ApplyRefact1.hs" "Redundant bracket" ("{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}" : expectedLambdaCase) , expectFailBecause "apply-refact doesn't work with cpp" $ testCase "apply hints works with CPP via -XCPP argument" $ runHlintSession "cpp" $ do testRefactor "ApplyRefact3.hs" "Redundant bracket" expectedCPP , expectFailBecause "apply-refact doesn't work with cpp" $ testCase "apply hints works with CPP via language pragma" $ runHlintSession "" $ do testRefactor "ApplyRefact3.hs" "Redundant bracket" ("{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}" : expectedCPP) , testCase "hlint diagnostics ignore hints honouring .hlint.yaml" $ runHlintSession "ignore" $ do doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" , testCase "hlint diagnostics ignore hints honouring ANN annotations" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact4.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" , knownBrokenForGhcVersions [GHC810] "hlint plugin doesn't honour HLINT annotations (#838)" $ testCase "hlint diagnostics ignore hints honouring HLINT annotations" $ runHlintSession "" $ do doc <- openDoc "ApplyRefact5.hs" "haskell" expectNoMoreDiagnostics 3 doc "hlint" , testCase "apply-refact preserve regular comments" $ runHlintSession "" $ do testRefactor "ApplyRefact6.hs" "Redundant bracket" expectedComments ] where runHlintSession :: FilePath -> Session a -> IO a runHlintSession subdir = failIfSessionTimeout . runSession hlsCommand fullCaps ("test/testdata/hlint" subdir) noHlintDiagnostics :: [Diagnostic] -> Assertion noHlintDiagnostics diags = Just "hlint" `notElem` map (^. L.source) diags @? "There are no hlint diagnostics" testHlintDiagnostics doc = do diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "hlint" liftIO $ length diags > 0 @? "There are hlint diagnostics" testRefactor file caTitle expected = do doc <- openDoc file "haskell" testHlintDiagnostics doc cas <- map fromAction <$> getAllCodeActions doc let ca = find (\ca -> caTitle `T.isSuffixOf` (ca ^. L.title)) cas liftIO $ isJust ca @? ("There is '" ++ T.unpack caTitle ++"' code action") executeCodeAction (fromJust ca) contents <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit doc liftIO $ contents @?= T.unlines expected expectedLambdaCase = [ "module ApplyRefact1 where", "" , "f = \\case \"true\" -> True" , " _ -> False" ] expectedCPP = [ "module ApplyRefact3 where", "" , "#ifdef FLAG" , "f = 1" , "#else" , "g = 2" , "#endif", "" ] expectedComments = [ "-- comment before header" , "module ApplyRefact6 where", "" , "{-# standalone annotation #-}", "" , "-- standalone comment", "" , "-- | haddock comment" , "f = {- inline comment -}{- inline comment inside refactored code -} 1 -- ending comment", "" , "-- final comment" ] expectedTypeApp = [ "module ApplyRefact1 where", "" , "a = id @Int 1" ] renameTests :: TestTree renameTests = testGroup "rename suggestions" [ testCase "works" $ runSession hlsCommand noLiteralCaps "test/testdata" $ do doc <- openDoc "CodeActionRename.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck" cars <- getAllCodeActions doc replaceButStrLn <- liftIO $ inspectCommand cars ["Replace with", "putStrLn"] executeCommand replaceButStrLn _ <- anyRequest x:_ <- T.lines <$> documentContents doc liftIO $ x @?= "main = putStrLn \"hello\"" , testCase "doesn't give both documentChanges and changes" $ runSession hlsCommand noLiteralCaps "test/testdata" $ do doc <- openDoc "CodeActionRename.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck" cars <- getAllCodeActions doc cmd <- liftIO $ inspectCommand cars ["Replace with", "putStrLn"] let Just (List [Object args]) = cmd ^. L.arguments Object editParams = args HM.! "fallbackWorkspaceEdit" liftIO $ do "changes" `HM.member` editParams @? "Contains changes" not ("documentChanges" `HM.member` editParams) @? "Doesn't contain documentChanges" executeCommand cmd _ <- anyRequest x1:x2:_ <- T.lines <$> documentContents doc liftIO $ x1 == "main = putStrLn \"hello\"" || x2 == "foo = putStrLn \"world\"" @? "One of the typos got fixed" ] importTests :: TestTree importTests = testGroup "import suggestions" [ testCase "works with 3.8 code action kinds" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do doc <- openDoc "CodeActionImport.hs" "haskell" -- No Formatting: let config = def { formattingProvider = "none" } sendNotification SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config)) (diag:_) <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc liftIO $ diag ^. L.message @?= "Variable not in scope: when :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()" actionsOrCommands <- getAllCodeActions doc let actns = map fromAction actionsOrCommands importControlMonad <- liftIO $ inspectCodeAction actionsOrCommands ["import Control.Monad"] liftIO $ do expectCodeAction actionsOrCommands ["import Control.Monad (when)"] length actns >= 10 @? "There are some actions" executeCodeAction importControlMonad contents <- documentContents doc liftIO $ contents @?= "import Control.Monad\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = when True $ putStrLn \"hello\"" ] packageTests :: TestTree packageTests = testGroup "add package suggestions" [ ignoreTestBecause "no support for adding dependent packages via code action" $ testCase "adds to .cabal files" $ do flushStackEnvironment runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/addPackageTest/cabal-exe" $ do doc <- openDoc "AddPackage.hs" "haskell" -- ignore the first empty hlint diagnostic publish [_,diag:_] <- count 2 $ waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc let prefixes = [ "Could not load module `Data.Text'" -- Windows && GHC >= 8.6 , "Could not find module `Data.Text'" -- Windows , "Could not load module ‘Data.Text’" -- GHC >= 8.6 , "Could not find module ‘Data.Text’" ] in liftIO $ any (`T.isPrefixOf` (diag ^. L.message)) prefixes @? "Contains prefix" acts <- getAllCodeActions doc let (InR action:_) = acts liftIO $ do action ^. L.title @?= "Add text as a dependency" action ^. L.kind @?= Just CodeActionQuickFix "package:add" `T.isSuffixOf` (action ^. L.command . _Just . L.command) @? "Command contains package:add" executeCodeAction action contents <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit . TextDocumentIdentifier =<< getDocUri "add-package-test.cabal" liftIO $ any (\l -> "text -any" `T.isSuffixOf` l || "text : {} -any" `T.isSuffixOf` l) (T.lines contents) @? "Contains text package" , ignoreTestBecause "no support for adding dependent packages via code action" $ testCase "adds to hpack package.yaml files" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/addPackageTest/hpack-exe" $ do doc <- openDoc "app/Asdf.hs" "haskell" -- ignore the first empty hlint diagnostic publish [_,_:diag:_] <- count 2 $ waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc let prefixes = [ "Could not load module `Codec.Compression.GZip'" -- Windows && GHC >= 8.6 , "Could not find module `Codec.Compression.GZip'" -- Windows , "Could not load module ‘Codec.Compression.GZip’" -- GHC >= 8.6 , "Could not find module ‘Codec.Compression.GZip’" ] in liftIO $ any (`T.isPrefixOf` (diag ^. L.message)) prefixes @? "Diagnostic contains message" mActions <- getAllCodeActions doc let allActions = map fromAction mActions action = head allActions liftIO $ do action ^. L.title @?= "Add zlib as a dependency" forM_ allActions $ \a -> a ^. L.kind @?= Just CodeActionQuickFix forM_ allActions $ \a -> "package:add" `T.isSuffixOf` (a ^. L.command . _Just . L.command) @? "Command contains package:add" executeCodeAction action contents <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit . TextDocumentIdentifier =<< getDocUri "package.yaml" liftIO $ do "zlib" `T.isSuffixOf` (T.lines contents !! 3) @? "Contains zlib" "zlib" `T.isSuffixOf` (T.lines contents !! 21) @? "Does not contain zlib in unrelated component" ] redundantImportTests :: TestTree redundantImportTests = testGroup "redundant import code actions" [ testCase "remove solitary redundant imports" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/redundantImportTest/" $ do doc <- openDoc "src/CodeActionRedundant.hs" "haskell" diags <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck" liftIO $ expectDiagnostic diags ["The import of", "Data.List", "is redundant"] mActions <- getAllCodeActions doc let allActions = map fromAction mActions actionTitles = map (view L.title) allActions liftIO $ actionTitles `shouldContain` ["Remove import", "Remove all redundant imports"] let Just removeAction = find (\x -> x ^. L.title == "Remove import") allActions liftIO $ do forM_ allActions $ \a -> a ^. L.kind @?= Just CodeActionQuickFix forM_ allActions $ \a -> a ^. L.command @?= Nothing forM_ allActions $ \a -> isJust (a ^. L.edit) @? "Has edit" executeCodeAction removeAction -- No command/applyworkspaceedit should be here, since action -- provides workspace edit property which skips round trip to -- the server contents <- documentContents doc liftIO $ contents @?= "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}\nmodule CodeActionRedundant where\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = putStrLn \"hello\"\n" , testCase "doesn't touch other imports" $ runSession hlsCommand noLiteralCaps "test/testdata/redundantImportTest/" $ do doc <- openDoc "src/MultipleImports.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck" cas <- getAllCodeActions doc cmd <- liftIO $ inspectCommand cas ["redundant import"] executeCommand cmd _ <- anyRequest contents <- documentContents doc liftIO $ T.lines contents @?= [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}" , "module MultipleImports where" , "import Data.Maybe" , "foo :: Int" , "foo = fromJust (Just 3)" ] ] typedHoleTests :: TestTree typedHoleTests = testGroup "typed hole code actions" [ testCase "works" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do doc <- openDoc "TypedHoles.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck" cas <- getAllCodeActions doc liftIO $ do expectCodeAction cas ["replace _ with minBound"] expectCodeAction cas ["replace _ with foo _"] replaceWithMaxBound <- liftIO $ inspectCodeAction cas ["replace _ with maxBound"] executeCodeAction replaceWithMaxBound contents <- documentContents doc liftIO $ contents @?= T.concat [ "module TypedHoles where\n" , "foo :: [Int] -> Int\n" , "foo x = maxBound" ] , testCase "shows more suggestions" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do doc <- openDoc "TypedHoles2.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck" cas <- getAllCodeActions doc liftIO $ do expectCodeAction cas ["replace _ with foo2 _"] expectCodeAction cas ["replace _ with A _"] replaceWithStuff <- liftIO $ inspectCodeAction cas ["replace _ with stuff _"] executeCodeAction replaceWithStuff contents <- documentContents doc liftIO $ T.lines contents @?= [ "module TypedHoles2 (foo2) where" , "newtype A = A Int" , "foo2 :: [A] -> A" , "foo2 x = (stuff _)" , " where" , " stuff (A a) = A (a + 1)" ] ] signatureTests :: TestTree signatureTests = testGroup "missing top level signature code actions" [ testCase "Adds top level signature" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/" $ do doc <- openDoc "TopLevelSignature.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck" cas <- getAllCodeActions doc liftIO $ expectCodeAction cas ["add signature: main :: IO ()"] replaceWithStuff <- liftIO $ inspectCodeAction cas ["add signature"] executeCodeAction replaceWithStuff contents <- documentContents doc let expected = [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "module TopLevelSignature where" , "main :: IO ()" , "main = do" , " putStrLn \"Hello\"" , " return ()" ] liftIO $ T.lines contents @?= expected ] missingPragmaTests :: TestTree missingPragmaTests = testGroup "missing pragma warning code actions" [ testCase "Adds TypeSynonymInstances pragma" $ do runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/addPragmas" $ do doc <- openDoc "NeedsPragmas.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck" cas <- map fromAction <$> getAllCodeActions doc liftIO $ "Add \"TypeSynonymInstances\"" `elem` map (^. L.title) cas @? "Contains TypeSynonymInstances code action" liftIO $ "Add \"FlexibleInstances\"" `elem` map (^. L.title) cas @? "Contains FlexibleInstances code action" executeCodeAction $ head cas contents <- documentContents doc let expected = [ "{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}" , "module NeedsPragmas where" , "" , "import GHC.Generics" , "" , "main = putStrLn \"hello\"" , "" , "type Foo = Int" , "" , "instance Show Foo where" , " show x = undefined" , "" , "instance Show (Int,String) where" , " show = undefined" , "" , "data FFF a = FFF Int String a" , " deriving (Generic,Functor,Traversable)" ] liftIO $ T.lines contents @?= expected , testCase "Adds TypeApplications pragma" $ do runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/addPragmas" $ do doc <- openDoc "TypeApplications.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc cas <- map fromAction <$> getAllCodeActions doc liftIO $ "Add \"TypeApplications\"" `elem` map (^. L.title) cas @? "Contains TypeApplications code action" executeCodeAction $ head cas contents <- documentContents doc let expected = -- TODO: Why CPP??? #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 810 [ "{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}" #else [ "{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}" , "{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}" #endif , "module TypeApplications where" , "" , "foo :: forall a. a -> a" , "foo = id @a" ] liftIO $ T.lines contents @?= expected , testCase "No duplication" $ do runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/addPragmas" $ do doc <- openDoc "NamedFieldPuns.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc cas <- map fromAction <$> getCodeActions doc (Range (Position 8 9) (Position 8 9)) liftIO $ length cas == 1 @? "Expected one code action, but got: " <> show cas let ca = head cas liftIO $ (ca ^. L.title == "Add \"NamedFieldPuns\"") @? "NamedFieldPuns code action" executeCodeAction ca contents <- documentContents doc let expected = [ "{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}" , "module NamedFieldPuns where" , "" , "data Record = Record" , " { a :: Int," , " b :: Double," , " c :: String" , " }" , "" , "f Record{a, b} = a" ] liftIO $ T.lines contents @?= expected , testCase "After Shebang" $ do runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/addPragmas" $ do doc <- openDoc "AfterShebang.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc cas <- map fromAction <$> getAllCodeActions doc liftIO $ "Add \"NamedFieldPuns\"" `elem` map (^. L.title) cas @? "Contains NamedFieldPuns code action" executeCodeAction $ head cas contents <- documentContents doc let expected = [ "#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell" , "#! nix-shell --pure -i runghc -p \"haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (hp: with hp; [ turtle ])\"" , "" , "{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}" , "module AfterShebang where" , "" , "data Record = Record" , " { a :: Int," , " b :: Double," , " c :: String" , " }" , "" , "f Record{a, b} = a" ] liftIO $ T.lines contents @?= expected ] disableWarningTests :: TestTree disableWarningTests = testGroup "disable warnings" $ [ ( "missing-signatures" , T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "main = putStrLn \"hello\"" ] , T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}" , "main = putStrLn \"hello\"" ] ) , ( "unused-imports" , T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "" , "" , "module M where" , "" , "import Data.Functor" ] , T.unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "" , "" , "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}" , "module M where" , "" , "import Data.Functor" ] ) ] <&> \(warning, initialContent, expectedContent) -> testSession (T.unpack warning) $ do doc <- createDoc "Module.hs" "haskell" initialContent _ <- waitForDiagnostics codeActs <- mapMaybe caResultToCodeAct <$> getAllCodeActions doc case find (\CodeAction{_title} -> _title == "Disable \"" <> warning <> "\" warnings") codeActs of Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure "No code action with expected title" Just action -> do executeCodeAction action contentAfterAction <- documentContents doc liftIO $ expectedContent @=? contentAfterAction where caResultToCodeAct = \case InL _ -> Nothing InR c -> Just c unusedTermTests :: TestTree unusedTermTests = testGroup "unused term code actions" [ ignoreTestBecause "no support for prefixing unused names with _" $ testCase "Prefixes with '_'" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata/" $ do doc <- openDoc "UnusedTerm.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFromSource doc "typecheck" cars <- getAllCodeActions doc prefixImUnused <- liftIO $ inspectCodeAction cars ["Prefix imUnused with _"] executeCodeAction prefixImUnused edit <- skipManyTill anyMessage $ getDocumentEdit doc let expected = [ "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}" , "module UnusedTerm () where" , "_imUnused :: Int -> Int" , "_imUnused 1 = 1" , "_imUnused 2 = 2" , "_imUnused _ = 3" ] liftIO $ edit @?= T.unlines expected -- See https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-3-15/#textDocument_codeAction -- `CodeActionContext` , testCase "respect 'only' parameter" $ runSession hlsCommand fullCaps "test/testdata" $ do doc <- openDoc "CodeActionOnly.hs" "haskell" _ <- waitForDiagnosticsFrom doc diags <- getCurrentDiagnostics doc let params = CodeActionParams Nothing Nothing doc (Range (Position 1 0) (Position 4 0)) caContext caContext = CodeActionContext (List diags) (Just (List [CodeActionRefactorInline])) caContextAllActions = CodeActionContext (List diags) Nothing -- Verify that we get code actions of at least two different kinds. ResponseMessage _ _ (Right (List allCodeActions)) <- request STextDocumentCodeAction (params & L.context .~ caContextAllActions) liftIO $ do redundantId <- inspectCodeAction allCodeActions ["Redundant id"] redundantId ^. L.kind @?= Just CodeActionQuickFix unfoldFoo <- inspectCodeAction allCodeActions ["Unfold foo"] unfoldFoo ^. L.kind @?= Just CodeActionRefactorInline -- Verify that that when we set the only parameter, we only get actions -- of the right kind. ResponseMessage _ _ (Right (List res)) <- request STextDocumentCodeAction params let cas = map fromAction res kinds = map (^. L.kind) cas liftIO $ do not (null kinds) @? "We found an action of kind RefactorInline" all (Just CodeActionRefactorInline ==) kinds @? "All CodeActionRefactorInline" ] noLiteralCaps :: C.ClientCapabilities noLiteralCaps = def { C._textDocument = Just textDocumentCaps } where textDocumentCaps = def { C._codeAction = Just codeActionCaps } codeActionCaps = CodeActionClientCapabilities (Just True) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing testSession :: String -> Session () -> TestTree testSession name s = testCase name $ withTempDir $ \dir -> runSession hlsCommand fullCaps dir s