{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Progress (tests) where import Control.Lens hiding ((.=)) import Data.Aeson (Value, decode, encode, object, toJSON, (.=)) import Data.List (delete) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Text (Text, pack) import Ide.Plugin.Config import Language.LSP.Types.Capabilities import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as L import System.FilePath (()) import Test.Hls import Test.Hls.Command tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "window/workDoneProgress" [ testCase "sends indefinite progress notifications" $ runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata" $ do let path = "hlint" "ApplyRefact2.hs" _ <- openDoc path "haskell" expectProgressReports [pack ("Setting up hlint (for " ++ path ++ ")"), "Processing", "Indexing"] , testCase "eval plugin sends progress reports" $ runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "plugins/hls-eval-plugin/test/testdata" $ do doc <- openDoc "T1.hs" "haskell" expectProgressReports ["Setting up testdata (for T1.hs)", "Processing", "Indexing"] [evalLens] <- getCodeLenses doc let cmd = evalLens ^?! L.command . _Just _ <- sendRequest SWorkspaceExecuteCommand $ ExecuteCommandParams Nothing (cmd ^. L.command) (decode $ encode $ fromJust $ cmd ^. L.arguments) expectProgressReports ["Evaluating"] , testCase "ormolu plugin sends progress notifications" $ do runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata/format" $ do sendNotification SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (formatLspConfig "ormolu")) doc <- openDoc "Format.hs" "haskell" expectProgressReports ["Setting up testdata (for Format.hs)", "Processing", "Indexing"] _ <- sendRequest STextDocumentFormatting $ DocumentFormattingParams Nothing doc (FormattingOptions 2 True Nothing Nothing Nothing) expectProgressReports ["Formatting Format.hs"] , testCase "fourmolu plugin sends progress notifications" $ do runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata/format" $ do sendNotification SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (formatLspConfig "fourmolu")) doc <- openDoc "Format.hs" "haskell" expectProgressReports ["Setting up testdata (for Format.hs)", "Processing", "Indexing"] _ <- sendRequest STextDocumentFormatting $ DocumentFormattingParams Nothing doc (FormattingOptions 2 True Nothing Nothing Nothing) expectProgressReports ["Formatting Format.hs"] , ignoreTestBecause "no liquid Haskell support" $ testCase "liquid haskell plugin sends progress notifications" $ do runSession hlsCommand progressCaps "test/testdata" $ do doc <- openDoc "liquid/Evens.hs" "haskell" let config = def{liquidOn = True, hlintOn = False} sendNotification SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration (DidChangeConfigurationParams (toJSON config)) sendNotification STextDocumentDidSave (DidSaveTextDocumentParams doc Nothing) expectProgressReports ["Running Liquid Haskell on Evens.hs"] ] formatLspConfig :: Value -> Value formatLspConfig provider = object ["haskell" .= object ["formattingProvider" .= (provider :: Value)]] progressCaps :: ClientCapabilities progressCaps = fullCaps{_window = Just (WindowClientCapabilities (Just True))} data CollectedProgressNotification = CreateM WorkDoneProgressCreateParams | BeginM (ProgressParams WorkDoneProgressBeginParams) | ProgressM (ProgressParams WorkDoneProgressReportParams) | EndM (ProgressParams WorkDoneProgressEndParams) {- | Test that the server is correctly producing a sequence of progress related messages. Each create must be pair with a corresponding begin and end, optionally with some progress in between. Tokens must match. The begin messages have titles describing the work that is in-progress, we check that the titles we see are those we expect. -} expectProgressReports :: [Text] -> Session () expectProgressReports xs = expectProgressReports' [] xs where expectProgressReports' [] [] = return () expectProgressReports' tokens expectedTitles = do skipManyTill anyMessage (create <|> begin <|> progress <|> end) >>= \case CreateM msg -> expectProgressReports' (token msg : tokens) expectedTitles BeginM msg -> do liftIO $ token msg `expectElem` tokens expectProgressReports' tokens (delete (title msg) expectedTitles) ProgressM msg -> do liftIO $ token msg `expectElem` tokens expectProgressReports' tokens expectedTitles EndM msg -> do liftIO $ token msg `expectElem` tokens expectProgressReports' (delete (token msg) tokens) expectedTitles title msg = msg ^. L.value . L.title token msg = msg ^. L.token create = CreateM . view L.params <$> message SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate begin = BeginM <$> satisfyMaybe (\case FromServerMess SProgress (NotificationMessage _ _ (ProgressParams t (Begin x))) -> Just (ProgressParams t x) _ -> Nothing) progress = ProgressM <$> satisfyMaybe (\case FromServerMess SProgress (NotificationMessage _ _ (ProgressParams t (Report x))) -> Just (ProgressParams t x) _ -> Nothing) end = EndM <$> satisfyMaybe (\case FromServerMess SProgress (NotificationMessage _ _ (ProgressParams t (End x))) -> Just (ProgressParams t x) _ -> Nothing) expectElem a as = a `elem` as @? "Unexpected " ++ show a