module TypeDefinition (tests) where import Data.Tuple.Extra (first3) import System.FilePath (()) import Test.Hls import Test.Hls.Command tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "type definitions" [ testCase "finds local definition of record variable" $ getTypeDefinitionTest' 10 23 7 0 , testCase "finds local definition of newtype variable" $ getTypeDefinitionTest' 15 21 12 0 , testCase "finds local definition of sum type variable" $ getTypeDefinitionTest' 20 13 17 0 , testCase "finds local definition of sum type constructor" $ getTypeDefinitionTest' 23 7 17 0 , testCase "finds non-local definition of type def" $ getTypeDefinitionTest' 29 19 26 0 , testCase "find local definition of type def" $ getTypeDefinitionTest' 34 16 31 0 , testCase "find type-definition of type def in component" $ getTypeDefinitionTest ("src/Lib2.hs", 12, 20) [("src/Lib.hs", 7, 0)] , testCase "find definition of parameterized data type" $ getTypeDefinitionTest ("src/Lib.hs", 39, 19) [ ("src/Lib.hs", 36, 0) , ("src/Lib.hs", 38, 0)] ] definitionsPath :: FilePath definitionsPath = "test/testdata/gototest" getTypeDefinitionTest :: SymbolLocation -> [SymbolLocation] -> Assertion getTypeDefinitionTest (symbolFile, symbolLine, symbolCol) definitionLocations = failIfSessionTimeout . runSession (hlsCommand ++ " --test") fullCaps definitionsPath $ do doc <- openDoc symbolFile "haskell" InL (Definition (InR defs)) <- getTypeDefinitions doc $ Position symbolLine symbolCol liftIO $ defs `expectSameLocations` map (first3 (definitionsPath )) definitionLocations getTypeDefinitionTest' :: UInt -> UInt -> UInt -> UInt -> Assertion getTypeDefinitionTest' symbolLine symbolCol definitionLine definitionCol = getTypeDefinitionTest ("src/Lib.hs", symbolLine, symbolCol) [("src/Lib.hs", definitionLine, definitionCol)]