{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF script/cpphs -optF--layout -optF--hashes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GHCForeignImportPrim #-} -- foreign import prim
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} -- postfix # on identifiers
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} -- (#  #)
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-}  -- argument type of foreign import
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}  -- !

module Data.Approximate.MPFRLowLevel ( 
-- * Types
  RoundMode(..), Precision, Rounded,

#  include "MPFR/export.hhs"
-- * Assignment functions
  posInf, negInf, zero, negZero, nan,  
  fromInt, fromIntegerA, fromDouble, fromRationalA, fromInteger2Exp, readRounded,

-- * Conversion functions  
  toRationalA, toDoubleA, toDouble2Exp,  toInteger2Exp,
  toRawStringExp, toStringHex, toStringBin, toStringSci, toStringFix, toString, toStringReadback,
#  include "MPFR/conversion.h"

-- * Arithmetic functions
#  include "MPFR/arithmetics.h"
  mul2i, div2i, root,

-- * Comparison functions
  isNaN, isInfinite, isZero, cmp, cmpAbs, sgn,
# include "MPFR/comparison.h"

-- * Special functions
# include "MPFR/special.h"
  facw, zetaw, jn, yn, lgamma,

-- * Integer functions
# include "MPFR/integer.h"
-- * Miscellaneous functions
  nextAbove, nextBelow, nextToward, copySign,
) where
import Prelude as Prelude hiding (isNaN, isInfinite, div, sqrt, exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, pi, abs, min, max, floor, round, sinh, cosh,tanh, acosh, asinh, atanh, atan2)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Ratio
import GHC.CString -- unpackCString
import GHC.Int -- Int32#
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals -- #S, #J
import GHC.Prim -- Int#, ByteArray#,
import GHC.Types -- Word
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Prim (int2Integer#)
import GHC.Pack
import Data.Approximate.MPFR.Types

{- 5.2 Assignment Functions -}

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_set" mpfrFromMpfr#
  :: Unary

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_init_si" mpfrFromInt#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Int# -> RoundedOut#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_init_z" mpfrFromInteger#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> RoundedOut#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_init_q" mpfrFromRational#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> RoundedOut#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_init_d" mfprFromDouble#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Double# -> RoundedOut#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_init_z_2exp" mpfrEncode#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> CExp# -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> RoundedOut#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_strtofr" mpfrFromStr#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Int# -> Addr# -> (# CSignPrec#, CExp#, ByteArray#, Addr#, Int# #) 

readRounded :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> ReadS Rounded
readRounded  r p (I# i) str = [(Rounded s e l, unpackCString# a)] where
  (# s, e, l, a, _ #) = mpfrFromStr# (mode# r) (prec# p) i (byteArrayContents# (packCString# str)) 

set :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Rounded
set = unary mpfrFromMpfr#

posInf :: Rounded
posInf = Rounded s (-0x8000000000000000# +# 3#) l
  where  (!Rounded s _ l) = zero
negInf :: Rounded
negInf = Rounded s (-0x8000000000000000# +# 3#) l
  where (!Rounded s _ l) = fromInt Near 2 (-1)

nan :: Rounded
nan = Rounded s (-0x8000000000000000# +# 2#) l
  where (!Rounded s _ l) = zero

zero :: Rounded
zero = fromInt Near 2 0

negZero :: Rounded
negZero = neg Down 2 zero

fromInt :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> Rounded
fromInt r p (I# i#) = Rounded s e l where
    (# s, e, l #) = mpfrFromInt# (mode# r) (prec# p) i#

fromIntegerA :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Integer -> Rounded
fromIntegerA r p (S# i) = Rounded s e l where
    (# s, e, l #) = mpfrFromInt# (mode# r) (prec# p) i
fromIntegerA r p (J# i xs) = Rounded s e l where
    (# s, e, l #) = mpfrFromInteger# (mode# r) (prec# p) i xs

--fromString :: String -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
--fromWord :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded

-- | Construct a rounded floating point number directly from a 'Double'.
fromDouble :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Double -> Rounded
fromDouble r p (D# d) = Rounded s e l where
    (# s, e, l #) = mfprFromDouble# (mode# r) (prec# p) d

--stringToMPFR :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> String -> Rounded
--stringToMPFR_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> String -> (Rounded, Int)
--strtofr ::RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> String -> (Rounded, String)
--strtofr_ :: RoundMode  -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> String -> (Rounded, String, Int)
toInt# :: Integer -> (# Int#, ByteArray# #)
toInt# (S# x#) = int2Integer# x#
toInt# (J# x# xs#) =  (# x#, xs# #)
fromRationalA :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rational -> Rounded
fromRationalA r p rat = Rounded s e l where
    !(# n, ns #) = toInt# $ numerator rat
    !(# d, ds #) = toInt# $ denominator rat
    (# s, e, l #) = mpfrFromRational# (mode# r) (prec# p) n ns d ds

fromInteger2Exp :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Integer -> Int -> Rounded 
fromInteger2Exp r p i (I# ex) = Rounded s e l where
  !(# n, ns #) = toInt# i
  (# s, e, l #) = mpfrEncode# (mode# r) (prec# p) ex n ns

int2i :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> Int -> Rounded
int2i_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> Int -> (Rounded, Int)
int2w :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Int -> Rounded
int2w_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Int -> (Rounded, Int)

{- 5.4 Conversion Functions -}

toInt :: RoundMode -> Rounded -> Int
toWord :: RoundMode -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_get_z_2exp" mpfrDecode#
  :: CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> (# CExp#, Int#, ByteArray# #)

toInteger2Exp :: Rounded -> (Integer, Int)
toInteger2Exp (Rounded sp e l) = case mpfrDecode# sp e l of (# i, s, d #) -> (J# s d, I# i)

toRationalA :: Rounded -> Rational
toRationalA r
   | e > 0     = fromIntegral (s `shiftL` e)
   | otherwise = s % (1 `shiftL` negate e)
   where (s, e) = toInteger2Exp r

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_get_d" mpfrGetDouble#
   :: CRounding# ->
      CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# ->

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_get_d_2exp" mpfrGetDouble2Exp#
   :: CRounding# ->
      CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# ->
      (# Double#, Int# #)

toDoubleA :: RoundMode -> Rounded -> Double
toDoubleA r (Rounded sp e l) =
    let d = mpfrGetDouble# (mode# r) sp e l in D# d

toDouble2Exp :: RoundMode -> Rounded -> (Double, Int)
toDouble2Exp r (Rounded sp e l) = (D# d, I# ex)
    where (# d, ex #) = mpfrGetDouble2Exp# (mode# r) sp e l

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_asprintf" mpfrASPrintf#
  :: Addr# -> Int# -> CRounding# ->
     CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> ByteArray#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_readbackstr" mpfrReadback#
  :: CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> ByteArray#

mpfrASPrintf :: Addr# -> Int -> RoundMode -> Rounded -> String
mpfrASPrintf f (I# p) r (Rounded s e l) = unpackCString# (byteArrayContents# str) where
   str = mpfrASPrintf# f p (mode# r) s e l

toStringReadback ::  Rounded -> String
toStringReadback (Rounded s e l) = unpackCString# (byteArrayContents# str) where
   str = mpfrReadback# s e l

toStringHex, toStringBin, toStringSci, toStringFix, toString :: RoundMode -> Int -> Rounded -> String
toStringHex  r p d = mpfrASPrintf "%.*R*a"# p r d
toStringBin r p d = mpfrASPrintf "%.*R*b"# p r d
toStringSci r p d = mpfrASPrintf "%.*R*e"# p r d
toStringFix r p d = mpfrASPrintf "%.*R*f"# p r d
toString r p d = mpfrASPrintf "%.*R*g"# p r d

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_get_str" mpfrGetStr#
  :: CRounding# -> Int# -> Int# ->
     CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# ->
     (# Int#, ByteArray# #)

toRawStringExp :: RoundMode -> Int -> Int -> Rounded -> (String, Exp)
toRawStringExp r (I# n) (I# d) (Rounded s e l) = (unpackCString# (byteArrayContents# str), I64# i) where
   (# i, str #) = mpfrGetStr# (mode# r) n d s e l

#include "MPFR/types.hhs"
#include "MPFR/conversion.h"

instance Show Rounded where
    show = toStringReadback

{- 5.5 Basic Arithmetic Functions -}

#include "MPFR/arithmetics.h"

mul2i :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> Rounded
mul2i _ _ (Rounded s e l) (I# i) = Rounded s (e +# i) l

div2i :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> Rounded
div2i _ _ (Rounded s e l) (I# i) = Rounded s (e -# i) l

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_root" mpfrRoot#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Int# -> CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> RoundedOut#

root :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> Rounded
root r p  (Rounded s e l) (I# x) = Rounded s' e' l' where
    (# s', e', l' #) = mpfrRoot# (mode# r) (prec# p) x s e l

addd :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Double -> Rounded
addd_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Double -> (Rounded, Int)
addi :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> Rounded
addi_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> (Rounded, Int)
addw :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
addw_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> (Rounded, Int)

subd :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Double -> Rounded
subd_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Double -> (Rounded, Int)
subi :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> Rounded
subi_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> (Rounded, Int)
subw :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
subw_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> (Rounded, Int)
dsub :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Double -> Rounded -> Rounded
dsub_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Double -> Rounded -> (Rounded, Int)
isub :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> Rounded -> Rounded
isub_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> Rounded -> (Rounded, Int)
wsub :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded -> Rounded
wsub_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded -> (Rounded, Int)

mul2i_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> (Rounded, Int)
muld :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Double -> Rounded
muld_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Double -> (Rounded, Int)
muli :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> Rounded
muli_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> (Rounded, Int)
mulw :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
mulw_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> (Rounded, Int)
mul2w :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
mul2w_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> (Rounded, Int)

divd :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Double -> Rounded
divd_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Double -> (Rounded, Int)
divi :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> Rounded
divi_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> (Rounded, Int)
divw :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
divw_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> (Rounded, Int)
ddiv :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Double -> Rounded -> Rounded
ddiv_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Double -> Rounded -> (Rounded, Int)
idiv :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> Rounded -> Rounded
idiv_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> Rounded -> (Rounded, Int)
wdiv :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded -> Rounded
wdiv_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded -> (Rounded, Int)
div2i :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> Rounded
div2i_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> (Rounded, Int)
div2w :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
div2w_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> (Rounded, Int)

sqrtw :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
sqrtw_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> (Rounded, Int)
powi :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> Rounded
powi_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Int -> (Rounded, Int)
poww :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
poww_ :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> (Rounded, Int)

wpow :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded -> Rounded
wpow_ ::
  RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded -> (Rounded, Int)
wpoww ::
  RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
wpoww_ ::
  -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> GHC.Types.Word -> (Rounded, Int)

{- 5.6 Comparison Functions -}

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_cmp" mpfrCmp# :: CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray#
                       -> CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> Int#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_cmpabs" mpfrCmpAbs# :: CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray#
                       -> CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> Int#

#include "MPFR/comparison.h"

cmp :: Rounded -> Rounded -> Maybe Ordering
cmp a b | unordered a b  = Nothing
cmp (Rounded s e l) (Rounded s' e' l') = Just (compare (fromIntegral (I# (mpfrCmp# s e l s' e' l'))) (0 :: Int32)) 

cmpAbs :: Rounded -> Rounded -> Maybe Ordering
cmpAbs a b | unordered a b  = Nothing
cmpAbs (Rounded s e l) (Rounded s' e' l') = Just (compare (fromIntegral (I# (mpfrCmpAbs# s e l s' e' l'))) (0 :: Int32)) 

instance Eq Rounded where
  (==) = equal
  (/=) = notEqual

instance Ord Rounded where
  compare (Rounded s e l) (Rounded s' e' l') = compare (fromIntegral (I# (mpfrCmp# s e l s' e' l'))) (0 :: Int32) -- TODO opt
  (<=) = lessEq
  (>=) = greaterEq
  (<) = less
  (>) = greater
  {- TODO
  min = binary mpfrMin#
  max = binary mpfrMax#

isNaN :: Rounded -> Bool
isNaN (Rounded _ e _) = isTrue# (e ==# -0x8000000000000000# +# 2#)

isInfinite :: Rounded -> Bool
isInfinite (Rounded _ e _) = isTrue# (e ==# -0x8000000000000000# +# 3#)

isZero :: Rounded -> Bool
isZero (Rounded _ e _) = isTrue# (e ==# -0x8000000000000000# +# 1#)


sgn :: Rounded -> Maybe Int
sgn r | isNaN r = Nothing
sgn (Rounded s e l) = Just $ I# (mpfrsgn# s e l)

cmpd :: Rounded -> Double -> Maybe Ordering
cmpi :: Rounded -> Int -> Maybe Ordering
cmpw :: Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> Maybe Ordering
cmp2i :: Rounded -> Int -> Exp -> Maybe Ordering
cmp2w :: Rounded -> GHC.Types.Word -> Exp -> Maybe Ordering

{- 5.7 Special Functions -}

#include "MPFR/special.h"

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_fac" mpfrFac#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Word# -> RoundedOut#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_zetaw" mpfrZeta#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Word# -> RoundedOut#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_jn" mpfrJn#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Int# -> CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> RoundedOut#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_yn" mpfrYn#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> Int# -> CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> RoundedOut#

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_lgamma" mpfrLGamma#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> RoundedOut_#

facw :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
facw r p (W# x) = Rounded s' e' l' where
    (# s', e', l' #) = mpfrFac# (mode# r) (prec# p) x 

zetaw :: RoundMode -> Precision -> GHC.Types.Word -> Rounded
zetaw r p (W# x) = Rounded s' e' l' where
    (# s', e', l' #) = mpfrZeta# (mode# r) (prec# p) x 

jn :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> Rounded -> Rounded
jn r p (I# x) (Rounded s e l) = Rounded s' e' l' where
    (# s', e', l' #) = mpfrJn# (mode# r) (prec# p) x s e l 

yn :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Int -> Rounded -> Rounded
yn r p (I# x) (Rounded s e l) = Rounded s' e' l' where
    (# s', e', l' #) = mpfrYn# (mode# r) (prec# p) x s e l 

lgamma :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> (Int32, Rounded)
lgamma r p (Rounded s e l) = (fromIntegral (I# i), Rounded s' e' l') where
    (# s', e', l', i #) = mpfrLGamma# (mode# r) (prec# p) s e l

{- 5.10 Integer and Remainder related functions -}

#include "MPFR/integer.h"

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_remquo" mpfrRemquo#
  :: CRounding# -> CPrecision# -> CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> RoundedOut_#

remquo :: RoundMode -> Precision -> Rounded -> Rounded -> (Int, Rounded)
remquo r p (Rounded s e l) (Rounded s2 e2 l2) = (I# i, Rounded s' e' l') where
    (# s', e', l', i #) = mpfrRemquo# (mode# r) (prec# p) s e l s2 e2 l2

{- 5.11 Rounding related functions -}
maxPrec :: Rounded -> Rounded -> Precision

{- 5.12 Misc functions-}

type Inplace = CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> (# CSignPrec#, CExp#, ByteArray# #)

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_nextabove" mpfrNextAbove# :: Inplace
foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_nextbelow" mpfrNextBelow# :: Inplace

inplace :: Inplace -> Rounded -> Rounded
inplace f (Rounded s e l) = Rounded s' e' l'
  where (# s', e', l' #) = f s e l
{-# INLINE inplace #-}

nextAbove, nextBelow :: Rounded -> Rounded
nextAbove = inplace mpfrNextAbove#
nextBelow = inplace mpfrNextBelow#

type Inplace2 = CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> CSignPrec# -> CExp# -> ByteArray# -> (# CSignPrec#, CExp#, ByteArray# #)

foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_nexttoward" mpfrNextToward# :: Inplace2
foreign import prim "mpfr_cmm_copysign" mpfrCopySign# :: Inplace2

inplace2 :: Inplace2 -> Rounded -> Rounded -> Rounded
inplace2 f (Rounded s e l) (Rounded s2 e2 l2) = Rounded s' e' l'
  where (# s', e', l' #) = f s e l s2 e2 l2
{-# INLINE inplace2 #-}

nextToward :: Rounded -> Rounded -> Rounded
nextToward = inplace2 mpfrNextToward#

copySign :: Rounded -> Rounded -> Rounded
copySign = inplace2 mpfrCopySign#

getExp :: Rounded -> Exp
getExp (Rounded _ e# _) = I64# e#