{- Compile, Run and Clean. A helper program for running standalone tests for haskell-mpi. Intended to be used in conjunction with shelltestrunner. Use like so: haskell-mpi-comprunclean -np 2 Pi.hs The last argument is the name of a haskell file to compile (should be the Main module). All other arguments are given to mpirun. The program is compiled. The resulting executable is run underneath mpirun. The executable is deleted and so are temporary files. XXX should allow program to be run to accept its own command line arguments. -} module Main where import System (getArgs) import System.Cmd (system) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitWith) import Control.Monad (when) import Data.List (isSuffixOf) main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs when (length args > 0) $ do let mpirunFlags = init args (sourceFile, exeFile) = getFileNames $ last args run $ "ghc -v0 --make -O2 " ++ sourceFile run $ "mpirun " ++ unwords (mpirunFlags ++ [exeFile]) run $ "rm -f *.o *.hi " ++ exeFile run :: String -> IO () run cmd = do -- putStrLn cmd status <- system cmd if status /= ExitSuccess then do putStrLn $ "Command failed with status: " ++ show status exitWith status else return () getFileNames :: String -> (String, String) getFileNames str | isSuffixOf ".hs" str = (str, take (length str - 3) str) | otherwise = error $ "Not a Haskell filename: " ++ str