all: @echo !!! This Makefile is for development purposes only. !!! @echo !!! Users should instead use Setup.hs or cabal. !!! @echo @echo Development targets: std prof lint clean @exit 1 WARNING_FLAGS=-W -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -fwarn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-missing-signatures GHC=ghc $(WARNING_FLAGS) -rtsopts std: $(GHC) --make HaskellPdfPresenter.hs # Two stage profile build, due to Template Haskell not playing nice with profiling. # See: prof: std $(GHC) --make HaskellPdfPresenter.hs -prof -osuf p_o lint: hlint HaskellPdfPresenter.hs clean: rm -f HaskellPdfPresenter HaskellPdfPresenter.hi HaskellPdfPresenter.hp HaskellPdfPresenter.o HaskellPdfPresenter.p_o