module Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Fixity
, infix_, infixl_, infixr_
, preludeFixities, baseFixities
, AppFixity(..)
) where
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Fixity ( Fixity(..), infix_, infixl_, infixr_, preludeFixities, baseFixities )
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as S ( Assoc(..), QOp(..), Op(..), QName(..), Name(..), SpecialCon(..), ModuleName )
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Simplify ( sQOp, sOp, sAssoc, sQName, sModuleHead, sName )
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import Control.Monad (when, (<=<), liftM, liftM2, liftM3, liftM4)
import Data.Traversable (mapM)
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
class AppFixity ast where
applyFixities :: Monad m => [Fixity]
-> ast SrcSpanInfo
-> m (ast SrcSpanInfo)
instance AppFixity Exp where
applyFixities fixs = infFix fixs <=< leafFix fixs
infFix fixs (InfixApp l2 a op2 z) = do
e <- infFix fixs a
case e of
InfixApp l1 x op1 y -> do
let (a1,p1) = askFixity fixs op1
(a2,p2) = askFixity fixs op2
when (p1 == p2 && (a1 /= a2 || a1 == S.AssocNone ))
$ fail "Ambiguous infix expression"
if (p1 > p2 || p1 == p2 && (a1 == S.AssocLeft || a2 == S.AssocNone))
then return $ InfixApp l2 e op2 z
else liftM (InfixApp l2 x op1) (infFix fixs $ InfixApp (ann y <++> ann z) y op2 z)
_ -> return $ InfixApp l2 e op2 z
infFix _ e = return e
instance AppFixity Pat where
applyFixities fixs = infFix fixs <=< leafFixP fixs
infFix fixs (PInfixApp l2 a op2 z) = do
p <- infFix fixs a
case p of
PInfixApp l1 x op1 y -> do
let (a1,p1) = askFixityP fixs op1
(a2,p2) = askFixityP fixs op2
when (p1 == p2 && (a1 /= a2 || a1 == S.AssocNone ))
$ fail "Ambiguous infix expression"
if (p1 > p2 || p1 == p2 && (a1 == S.AssocLeft || a2 == S.AssocNone))
then return $ PInfixApp l2 p op2 z
else liftM (PInfixApp l2 x op1) (infFix fixs $ PInfixApp (ann y <++> ann z) y op2 z)
_ -> return $ PInfixApp l2 p op2 z
infFix _ p = return p
askFixity :: [Fixity] -> QOp l -> (S.Assoc, Int)
askFixity xs k = askFix xs (f $ sQOp k)
f (S.QVarOp x) = g x
f (S.QConOp x) = g x
g (S.Special S.Cons) = S.UnQual (S.Symbol ":")
g x = x
askFixityP :: [Fixity] -> QName l -> (S.Assoc, Int)
askFixityP xs qn = askFix xs (g $ sQName qn)
g (S.Special S.Cons) = S.UnQual (S.Symbol ":")
g x = x
askFix :: [Fixity] -> S.QName -> (S.Assoc, Int)
askFix xs = \k -> lookupWithDefault (S.AssocLeft, 9) k mp
lookupWithDefault def k mp = case lookup k mp of
Nothing -> def
Just x -> x
mp = [(x,(a,p)) | Fixity a p x <- xs]
instance AppFixity Module where
applyFixities fixs (Module l mmh prs imp decls) =
liftM (Module l mmh prs imp) $ appFixDecls (Just mn) fixs decls
where (mn, _, _) = sModuleHead mmh
applyFixities fixs (XmlPage l mn os xn xas mexp cs) =
liftM3 (XmlPage l mn os xn) (fix xas) (fix mexp) (fix cs)
where fix xs = mapM (applyFixities fixs) xs
applyFixities fixs (XmlHybrid l mmh prs imp decls xn xas mexp cs) =
liftM4 (flip (XmlHybrid l mmh prs imp) xn) (appFixDecls (Just mn) fixs decls)
(fixe xas) (fixe mexp) (fixe cs)
where fixe xs = let extraFixs = getFixities (Just mn) decls
in mapM (applyFixities (fixs++extraFixs)) xs
(mn, _, _) = sModuleHead mmh
instance AppFixity Decl where
applyFixities fixs decl = case decl of
ClassDecl l ctxt dh deps cdecls -> liftM (ClassDecl l ctxt dh deps) $ mapM (mapM fix) cdecls
InstDecl l ctxt ih idecls -> liftM (InstDecl l ctxt ih) $ mapM (mapM fix) idecls
SpliceDecl l spl -> liftM (SpliceDecl l) $ fix spl
FunBind l matches -> liftM (FunBind l) $ mapM fix matches
PatBind l p mt rhs bs -> liftM3 (flip (PatBind l) mt) (fix p) (fix rhs) (mapM fix bs)
AnnPragma l ann -> liftM (AnnPragma l) $ fix ann
_ -> return decl
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
appFixDecls :: Monad m => Maybe S.ModuleName -> [Fixity] -> [Decl SrcSpanInfo] -> m [Decl SrcSpanInfo]
appFixDecls mmdl fixs decls =
let extraFixs = getFixities mmdl decls
in mapM (applyFixities (fixs++extraFixs)) decls
getFixities mmdl = concatMap (getFixity mmdl)
getFixity mmdl (InfixDecl _ a mp ops) = let p = maybe 9 id mp in map (Fixity (sAssoc a) p) (concatMap g ops)
where g (VarOp l x) = f $ sName x
g (ConOp l x) = f $ sName x
f x = case mmdl of
Nothing -> [ S.UnQual x]
Just m -> [S.Qual m x, S.UnQual x]
getFixity _ _ = []
instance AppFixity Annotation where
applyFixities fixs ann = case ann of
Ann l n e -> liftM (Ann l n) $ fix e
TypeAnn l n e -> liftM (TypeAnn l n) $ fix e
ModuleAnn l e -> liftM (ModuleAnn l) $ fix e
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity ClassDecl where
applyFixities fixs (ClsDecl l decl) = liftM (ClsDecl l) $ applyFixities fixs decl
applyFixities _ cdecl = return cdecl
instance AppFixity InstDecl where
applyFixities fixs (InsDecl l decl) = liftM (InsDecl l) $ applyFixities fixs decl
applyFixities _ idecl = return idecl
instance AppFixity Match where
applyFixities fixs match = case match of
Match l n ps rhs bs -> liftM3 (Match l n) (mapM fix ps) (fix rhs) (mapM fix bs)
InfixMatch l a n ps rhs bs -> liftM4 (flip (InfixMatch l) n) (fix a) (mapM fix ps) (fix rhs) (mapM fix bs)
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity Rhs where
applyFixities fixs rhs = case rhs of
UnGuardedRhs l e -> liftM (UnGuardedRhs l) $ fix e
GuardedRhss l grhss -> liftM (GuardedRhss l) $ mapM fix grhss
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity GuardedRhs where
applyFixities fixs (GuardedRhs l stmts e) = liftM2 (GuardedRhs l) (mapM fix stmts) $ fix e
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity PatField where
applyFixities fixs (PFieldPat l n p) = liftM (PFieldPat l n) $ applyFixities fixs p
applyFixities _ pf = return pf
instance AppFixity RPat where
applyFixities fixs rp = case rp of
RPOp l rp op -> liftM (flip (RPOp l) op) $ fix rp
RPEither l a b -> liftM2 (RPEither l) (fix a) (fix b)
RPSeq l rps -> liftM (RPSeq l) $ mapM fix rps
RPGuard l p stmts -> liftM2 (RPGuard l) (fix p) $ mapM fix stmts
RPCAs l n rp -> liftM (RPCAs l n) $ fix rp
RPAs l n rp -> liftM (RPAs l n) $ fix rp
RPParen l rp -> liftM (RPParen l) $ fix rp
RPPat l p -> liftM (RPPat l) $ fix p
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity PXAttr where
applyFixities fixs (PXAttr l n p) = liftM (PXAttr l n) $ applyFixities fixs p
instance AppFixity Stmt where
applyFixities fixs stmt = case stmt of
Generator l p e -> liftM2 (Generator l) (fix p) (fix e)
Qualifier l e -> liftM (Qualifier l) $ fix e
LetStmt l bs -> liftM (LetStmt l) $ fix bs
RecStmt l stmts -> liftM (RecStmt l) $ mapM fix stmts
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity Binds where
applyFixities fixs bs = case bs of
BDecls l decls -> liftM (BDecls l) $ appFixDecls Nothing fixs decls
IPBinds l ips -> liftM (IPBinds l) $ mapM fix ips
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity IPBind where
applyFixities fixs (IPBind l n e) = liftM (IPBind l n) $ applyFixities fixs e
instance AppFixity FieldUpdate where
applyFixities fixs (FieldUpdate l n e) = liftM (FieldUpdate l n) $ applyFixities fixs e
applyFixities _ fup = return fup
instance AppFixity Alt where
applyFixities fixs (Alt l p galts bs) = liftM3 (Alt l) (fix p) (fix galts) (mapM fix bs)
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity GuardedAlts where
applyFixities fixs galts = case galts of
UnGuardedAlt l e -> liftM (UnGuardedAlt l) $ fix e
GuardedAlts l galts -> liftM (GuardedAlts l) $ mapM fix galts
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity GuardedAlt where
applyFixities fixs (GuardedAlt l stmts e) = liftM2 (GuardedAlt l) (mapM fix stmts) (fix e)
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity QualStmt where
applyFixities fixs qstmt = case qstmt of
QualStmt l s -> liftM (QualStmt l) $ fix s
ThenTrans l e -> liftM (ThenTrans l) $ fix e
ThenBy l e1 e2 -> liftM2 (ThenBy l) (fix e1) (fix e2)
GroupBy l e -> liftM (GroupBy l) (fix e)
GroupUsing l e -> liftM (GroupUsing l) (fix e)
GroupByUsing l e1 e2 -> liftM2 (GroupByUsing l) (fix e1) (fix e2)
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity Bracket where
applyFixities fixs br = case br of
ExpBracket l e -> liftM (ExpBracket l) $ fix e
PatBracket l p -> liftM (PatBracket l) $ fix p
DeclBracket l ds -> liftM (DeclBracket l) $ mapM fix ds
_ -> return br
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x
instance AppFixity Splice where
applyFixities fixs (ParenSplice l e) = liftM (ParenSplice l) $ applyFixities fixs e
applyFixities _ s = return s
instance AppFixity XAttr where
applyFixities fixs (XAttr l n e) = liftM (XAttr l n) $ applyFixities fixs e
leafFix fixs e = case e of
InfixApp l e1 op e2 -> liftM2 (flip (InfixApp l) op) (leafFix fixs e1) (fix e2)
App l e1 e2 -> liftM2 (App l) (fix e1) (fix e2)
NegApp l e -> liftM (NegApp l) $ fix e
Lambda l pats e -> liftM2 (Lambda l) (mapM fix pats) $ fix e
Let l bs e -> liftM2 (Let l) (fix bs) $ fix e
If l e a b -> liftM3 (If l) (fix e) (fix a) (fix b)
Case l e alts -> liftM2 (Case l) (fix e) $ mapM fix alts
Do l stmts -> liftM (Do l) $ mapM fix stmts
MDo l stmts -> liftM (MDo l) $ mapM fix stmts
Tuple l exps -> liftM (Tuple l) $ mapM fix exps
List l exps -> liftM (List l) $ mapM fix exps
Paren l e -> liftM (Paren l) $ fix e
LeftSection l e op -> liftM (flip (LeftSection l) op) (fix e)
RightSection l op e -> liftM (RightSection l op) $ fix e
RecConstr l n fups -> liftM (RecConstr l n) $ mapM fix fups
RecUpdate l e fups -> liftM2 (RecUpdate l) (fix e) $ mapM fix fups
EnumFrom l e -> liftM (EnumFrom l) $ fix e
EnumFromTo l e1 e2 -> liftM2 (EnumFromTo l) (fix e1) (fix e2)
EnumFromThen l e1 e2 -> liftM2 (EnumFromThen l) (fix e1) (fix e2)
EnumFromThenTo l e1 e2 e3 -> liftM3 (EnumFromThenTo l) (fix e1) (fix e2) (fix e3)
ListComp l e quals -> liftM2 (ListComp l) (fix e) $ mapM fix quals
ParComp l e qualss -> liftM2 (ParComp l) (fix e) $ mapM (mapM fix) qualss
ExpTypeSig l e t -> liftM (flip (ExpTypeSig l) t) (fix e)
BracketExp l b -> liftM (BracketExp l) $ fix b
SpliceExp l s -> liftM (SpliceExp l) $ fix s
XTag l n ats mexp cs -> liftM3 (XTag l n) (mapM fix ats) (mapM fix mexp) (mapM fix cs)
XETag l n ats mexp -> liftM2 (XETag l n) (mapM fix ats) (mapM fix mexp)
XExpTag l e -> liftM (XExpTag l) $ fix e
XChildTag l cs -> liftM (XChildTag l) $ mapM fix cs
Proc l p e -> liftM2 (Proc l) (fix p) (fix e)
LeftArrApp l e1 e2 -> liftM2 (LeftArrApp l) (fix e1) (fix e2)
RightArrApp l e1 e2 -> liftM2 (RightArrApp l) (fix e1) (fix e2)
LeftArrHighApp l e1 e2 -> liftM2 (LeftArrHighApp l) (fix e1) (fix e2)
RightArrHighApp l e1 e2 -> liftM2 (RightArrHighApp l) (fix e1) (fix e2)
CorePragma l s e -> liftM (CorePragma l s) (fix e)
SCCPragma l s e -> liftM (SCCPragma l s) (fix e)
GenPragma l s ab cd e -> liftM (GenPragma l s ab cd) (fix e)
_ -> return e
fix x = applyFixities fixs x
leafFixP fixs p = case p of
PNeg l p -> liftM (PNeg l) $ fix p
PApp l n ps -> liftM (PApp l n) $ mapM fix ps
PTuple l ps -> liftM (PTuple l) $ mapM fix ps
PList l ps -> liftM (PList l) $ mapM fix ps
PParen l p -> liftM (PParen l) $ fix p
PRec l n pfs -> liftM (PRec l n) $ mapM fix pfs
PAsPat l n p -> liftM (PAsPat l n) $ fix p
PIrrPat l p -> liftM (PIrrPat l) $ fix p
PatTypeSig l p t -> liftM (flip (PatTypeSig l) t) (fix p)
PViewPat l e p -> liftM2 (PViewPat l) (fix e) (fix p)
PRPat l rps -> liftM (PRPat l) $ mapM fix rps
PXTag l n ats mp ps -> liftM3 (PXTag l n) (mapM fix ats) (mapM fix mp) (mapM fix ps)
PXETag l n ats mp -> liftM2 (PXETag l n) (mapM fix ats) (mapM fix mp)
PXPatTag l p -> liftM (PXPatTag l) $ fix p
PXRPats l rps -> liftM (PXRPats l) $ mapM fix rps
PBangPat l p -> liftM (PBangPat l) $ fix p
_ -> return p
where fix x = applyFixities fixs x