{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase
           , ViewPatterns
           , ScopedTypeVariables
-- | Functions that convert the type-related elements of the GHC AST to corresponding elements in the Haskell-tools AST representation
module Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Types where

import ApiAnnotation as GHC (AnnKeywordId(..))
import HsExpr (HsSplice(..))
import HsTypes as GHC
import Id (mkVanillaGlobal)
import SrcLoc as GHC
import TyCon as GHC (TyCon(..))
import TysWiredIn (heqTyCon)
import Outputable

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>), Alternative(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (asks)
import Control.Reference ((^.))
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST as AST
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.GHCUtils (GHCName(..), cleanHsType)
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Kinds (trfKindSig, trfKind, trfPromoted')
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Names
import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.TH (trfSplice, trfQuasiQuotation')
import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST.FromGHC.Utils

trfType :: TransformName n r => Located (HsType n) -> Trf (Ann AST.UType (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfType typ | RealSrcSpan loce <- getLoc typ
  = do othSplices <- asks typeSplices
       let contSplice = filter (\sp -> case getLoc sp of (RealSrcSpan spLoc) -> spLoc `containsSpan` loce; _ -> False) othSplices
       case contSplice of [] -> trfLocNoSema trfType' typ
                          _ -> let lsp@(L l sp) = minimumBy (compareSpans `on` getLoc) contSplice
                                in typeSpliceInserted lsp (annLocNoSema (pure l) (AST.UTySplice <$> (trfSplice =<< rdrSplice sp)))
  | otherwise = trfLocNoSema trfType' typ

trfType' :: TransformName n r => HsType n -> Trf (AST.UType (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfType' = trfType'' . cleanHsType where
  trfType'' (HsForAllTy [] typ) = trfType' (unLoc typ)
  trfType'' (HsForAllTy bndrs typ) = AST.UTyForall <$> defineTypeVars (trfBindings bndrs)
                                                   <*> addToScope bndrs (trfType typ)
  trfType'' (HsQualTy (L _ []) typ) = trfType' (unLoc typ)
  trfType'' (HsQualTy ctx typ) = AST.UTyCtx <$> (fromJust . (^. annMaybe) <$> trfCtx atTheStart ctx)
                                            <*> trfType typ
  trfType'' (HsTyVar name) = AST.UTyVar <$> transformingPossibleVar name (trfName name)
  trfType'' (HsAppsTy apps) | Just (head, args) <- getAppsTyHead_maybe apps
    = foldl (\core t -> AST.UTyApp <$> annLocNoSema (pure $ getLoc head `combineSrcSpans` getLoc t) core <*> trfType t) (trfType' (unLoc head)) args
  trfType'' (HsAppTy t1 t2) = AST.UTyApp <$> trfType t1 <*> trfType t2
  trfType'' (HsFunTy t1 t2) = AST.UTyFun <$> trfType t1 <*> trfType t2
  trfType'' (HsListTy typ) = AST.UTyList <$> trfType typ
  trfType'' (HsPArrTy typ) = AST.UTyParArray <$> trfType typ
  trfType'' (HsTupleTy HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple typs) = AST.UTyTuple <$> trfAnnList ", " trfType' typs
  trfType'' (HsTupleTy HsBoxedTuple typs) = AST.UTyTuple <$> trfAnnList ", " trfType' typs
  trfType'' (HsTupleTy HsUnboxedTuple typs) = AST.UTyUnbTuple <$> trfAnnList ", " trfType' typs
  trfType'' (HsOpTy t1 op t2) = AST.UTyInfix <$> trfType t1 <*> trfOperator op <*> trfType t2
  trfType'' (HsParTy typ) = AST.UTyParen <$> trfType typ
  trfType'' (HsKindSig typ kind) = AST.UTyKinded <$> trfType typ <*> trfKind kind
  trfType'' (HsSpliceTy qq@(HsQuasiQuote {}) _) = AST.UTyQuasiQuote <$> annContNoSema (trfQuasiQuotation' qq)
  trfType'' (HsSpliceTy splice _) = AST.UTySplice <$> trfSplice splice
  trfType'' (HsBangTy (HsSrcBang _ SrcUnpack _) typ) = AST.UTyUnpack <$> trfType typ
  trfType'' (HsBangTy (HsSrcBang _ SrcNoUnpack _) typ) = AST.UTyNoUnpack <$> trfType typ
  trfType'' (HsBangTy (HsSrcBang _ _ SrcStrict) typ) = AST.UTyBang <$> trfType typ
  trfType'' (HsBangTy (HsSrcBang _ _ SrcLazy) typ) = AST.UTyLazy <$> trfType typ
  trfType'' pt@(HsExplicitListTy {}) = AST.UTyPromoted <$> annContNoSema (trfPromoted' trfType' pt)
  trfType'' pt@(HsExplicitTupleTy {}) = AST.UTyPromoted <$> annContNoSema (trfPromoted' trfType' pt)
  trfType'' pt@(HsTyLit {}) = AST.UTyPromoted <$> annContNoSema (trfPromoted' trfType' pt)
  trfType'' (HsWildCardTy _) = pure AST.UTyWildcard -- TODO: named wildcards
  trfType'' t = unhandledElement "type" t

trfBindings :: TransformName n r => [Located (HsTyVarBndr n)] -> Trf (AnnListG AST.UTyVar (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfBindings vars = trfAnnList " " trfTyVar' vars

trfTyVar :: TransformName n r => Located (HsTyVarBndr n) -> Trf (Ann AST.UTyVar (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfTyVar = trfLocNoSema trfTyVar'

trfTyVar' :: TransformName n r => HsTyVarBndr n -> Trf (AST.UTyVar (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfTyVar' (UserTyVar name) = AST.UTyVarDecl <$> typeVarTransform (trfName name)
                                           <*> (nothing " " "" atTheEnd)
trfTyVar' (KindedTyVar name kind) = AST.UTyVarDecl <$> typeVarTransform (trfName name)
                                                  <*> trfKindSig (Just kind)

trfCtx :: TransformName n r => Trf SrcLoc -> Located (HsContext n) -> Trf (AnnMaybeG AST.UContext (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfCtx sp (L _ []) = nothing " " "" sp
trfCtx _ (L l [L _ (HsParTy t)])
  = makeJust <$> annLocNoSema (combineSrcSpans l <$> tokenLoc AnnDarrow)
                              (AST.UContext <$> annLocNoSema (pure l) (AST.UTupleAssert <$> (trfAnnList ", " trfAssertion' [t])))
trfCtx _ (L l [t])
  = makeJust <$> annLocNoSema (combineSrcSpans l <$> tokenLoc AnnDarrow)
                              (AST.UContext <$> trfAssertion t)
trfCtx _ (L l ctx) = makeJust <$> annLocNoSema (combineSrcSpans l <$> tokenLoc AnnDarrow)
                                               (AST.UContext <$> annLocNoSema (pure l) (AST.UTupleAssert <$> (trfAnnList ", " trfAssertion' ctx)))

trfAssertion :: TransformName n r => LHsType n -> Trf (Ann AST.UAssertion (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfAssertion = trfLocNoSema trfAssertion'

trfAssertion' :: forall n r . TransformName n r => HsType n -> Trf (AST.UAssertion (Dom r) RangeStage)
trfAssertion' (cleanHsType -> HsParTy t)
  = trfAssertion' (unLoc t)
trfAssertion' (cleanHsType -> HsOpTy left op right)
  = AST.UInfixAssert <$> trfType left <*> trfOperator op <*> trfType right
trfAssertion' (cleanHsType -> HsTupleTy _ tys)
  = AST.UTupleAssert <$> makeList ", " (after AnnOpenP) (mapM trfAssertion tys)
trfAssertion' (cleanHsType -> HsWildCardTy _)
  = pure AST.UWildcardAssert
trfAssertion' (cleanHsType -> t) = case cleanHsType base of
   HsTyVar name -> AST.UClassAssert <$> trfName name <*> trfAnnList " " trfType' args
   HsEqTy t1 t2 -> AST.UInfixAssert <$> trfType t1 <*> annLocNoSema (tokenLoc AnnTilde) (trfOperator' typeEq) <*> trfType t2
   HsIParamTy name t -> do loc <- tokenLoc AnnVal
                           AST.UImplicitAssert <$> define (focusOn loc (trfImplicitName name)) <*> trfType t
   t -> unhandledElement "assertion" t
  where (args, _, base) = getArgs t

        getArgs :: HsType n -> ([LHsType n], Maybe SrcSpan, HsType n)
        getArgs (HsAppTy (L l ft) at) = case getArgs ft of (args, sp, base) -> (args++[at], sp <|> Just l, base)
        getArgs t = ([], Nothing, t)

        typeEq :: n
        typeEq = nameFromId (mkVanillaGlobal (tyConName heqTyCon) (tyConKind heqTyCon))