{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, FlexibleContexts, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, RecordPuns, TupleSections, TypeApplications #-} -- | Collecting modules contained in a module collection (library, executable, testsuite or -- benchmark). Gets names, source file locations, compilation and load flags for these modules. module Language.Haskell.Tools.Daemon.GetModules where import Control.Exception (Exception, throw) import Control.Reference ((^.)) import Data.Char (isUpper) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as Map (fromList) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, catMaybes) import Distribution.Compiler (AbiTag(..), unknownCompilerInfo, buildCompilerId) import Distribution.ModuleName (fromString, ModuleName, components) import Distribution.Package (Dependency(..), PackageName(..), pkgName, unPackageName) import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (finalizePD) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readGenericPackageDescription) import Distribution.System (buildPlatform) import Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec (ComponentRequestedSpec(..)) import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName (unUnqualComponentName) import Distribution.Verbosity (silent) import Language.Haskell.Extension as Cabal (Language(..), KnownExtension(..), Extension(..)) import System.Directory (listDirectory, doesDirectoryExist) import System.FilePath import DynFlags import qualified DynFlags as GHC import GHC hiding (ModuleName) import Language.Haskell.Tools.Daemon.MapExtensions (translateExtension, setExtensionFlag', unSetExtensionFlag') import Language.Haskell.Tools.Daemon.Representation -- | Gets all ModuleCollections from a list of source directories. It also orders the source directories that are package roots so that -- they can be loaded in the order they are defined (no backward imports). This matters in those cases because for them there can be -- special compilation flags. getAllModules :: [FilePath] -> IO [ModuleCollection ModuleNameStr] getAllModules pathes = orderMCs . concat <$> mapM getModules (map normalise pathes) -- | Sorts model collection in an order to remove all backward references. -- Works because module collections defined by directories cannot be recursive. orderMCs :: [ModuleCollection k] -> [ModuleCollection k] orderMCs = sortBy compareMCs where compareMCs :: ModuleCollection k -> ModuleCollection k -> Ordering compareMCs mc _ | DirectoryMC _ <- (mc ^. mcId) = GT compareMCs _ mc | DirectoryMC _ <- (mc ^. mcId) = LT compareMCs mc1 mc2 | (mc2 ^. mcId) `elem` (mc1 ^. mcDependencies) = GT compareMCs mc1 mc2 | (mc1 ^. mcId) `elem` (mc2 ^. mcDependencies) = LT compareMCs _ _ = EQ -- | Get modules of the project with the indicated root directory. -- If there is a cabal file, it uses that, otherwise it just scans the directory recursively for haskell sourcefiles. -- Only returns the non-boot haskell modules, the boot modules will be found during loading. getModules :: FilePath -> IO [ModuleCollection ModuleNameStr] getModules root = do files <- listDirectory root case find (\p -> takeExtension p == ".cabal") files of Just cabalFile -> modulesFromCabalFile root cabalFile Nothing -> do mods <- modulesFromDirectory root root return [ModuleCollection (DirectoryMC root) False root [root] [] (modKeys mods) return return []] where modKeys mods = Map.fromList $ map (, ModuleNotLoaded NoCodeGen True) mods -- | Load the module giving a directory. All modules loaded from the folder and subfolders. modulesFromDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [String] -- now recognizing only .hs files modulesFromDirectory root searchRoot = concat <$> (mapM goOn =<< listDirectory searchRoot) where goOn fp = let path = searchRoot fp in do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist path if isDir then modulesFromDirectory root path else if takeExtension path == ".hs" then return [concat $ intersperse "." $ splitDirectories $ dropExtension $ makeRelative root path] else return [] srcDirFromRoot :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath srcDirFromRoot fileName "" = fileName srcDirFromRoot fileName moduleName = srcDirFromRoot (takeDirectory fileName) (dropWhile (/= '.') $ dropWhile (== '.') moduleName) -- | Load the module using a cabal file. The modules described in the cabal file will be loaded. -- The flags and extensions set in the cabal file will be used by default. modulesFromCabalFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [ModuleCollection ModuleNameStr] -- now adding all conditional entries, regardless of flags modulesFromCabalFile root cabal = (getModules . setupFlags <$> readGenericPackageDescription silent (root cabal)) where getModules pkg = maybe [] (maybe [] (:[]) . toModuleCollection pkg) (library pkg) ++ catMaybes (map (toModuleCollection pkg) (executables pkg)) ++ catMaybes (map (toModuleCollection pkg) (testSuites pkg)) ++ catMaybes (map (toModuleCollection pkg) (benchmarks pkg)) toModuleCollection :: ToModuleCollection tmc => PackageDescription -> tmc -> Maybe (ModuleCollection ModuleNameStr) toModuleCollection PackageDescription{ buildType = Just Custom } _ = throw $ UnsupportedPackage "'build-type: custom' setting in cabal file" toModuleCollection pkg tmc = let bi = getBuildInfo tmc packageName = pkgName $ package pkg in if buildable bi then Just $ ModuleCollection (mkModuleCollKey packageName tmc) False root (map (normalise . (root )) $ hsSourceDirs bi) (map (\(mn, fs) -> (moduleName mn, fs)) $ getModuleSourceFiles tmc) (Map.fromList $ map modRecord $ getModuleNames tmc) (flagsFromBuildInfo bi) (loadFlagsFromBuildInfo bi) (map (\(Dependency pkgName _) -> LibraryMC (unPackageName pkgName)) (targetBuildDepends bi)) else Nothing where modRecord mn = ( moduleName mn, ModuleNotLoaded NoCodeGen (needsToCompile tmc mn) ) moduleName = concat . intersperse "." . components setupFlags = either (\deps -> error $ "Missing dependencies: " ++ show deps) fst . finalizePD [] (ComponentRequestedSpec True True) (const True) buildPlatform (unknownCompilerInfo buildCompilerId NoAbiTag) [] data UnsupportedPackage = UnsupportedPackage String deriving Show instance Exception UnsupportedPackage -- | Extract module-related information from different kind of package components (library, -- executable, test-suite or benchmark). class ToModuleCollection t where -- | Creates a key for registering this package component. mkModuleCollKey :: PackageName -> t -> ModuleCollectionId -- | Gets the build info field from a package component. getBuildInfo :: t -> BuildInfo -- | Get the names of all the modules used by this package component. getModuleNames :: t -> [ModuleName] -- | Gets if some of the modules are defined is source files that are not in the expected -- location or named as expected. getModuleSourceFiles :: t -> [(ModuleName, FilePath)] getModuleSourceFiles _ = [] -- | Checks if a module is exposed by the package component, so it is necessary to compile. -- Some of the components may have modules that are only conditionally imported by other modules. needsToCompile :: t -> ModuleName -> Bool -- | Gets the Main module in the case of executables, benchmarks and test suites. getMain :: t -> String getMain l = getMain' (getBuildInfo l) instance ToModuleCollection Library where mkModuleCollKey pn _ = LibraryMC (unPackageName pn) getBuildInfo = libBuildInfo getModuleNames = explicitLibModules needsToCompile l m = m `elem` exposedModules l instance ToModuleCollection Executable where mkModuleCollKey pn exe = ExecutableMC (unPackageName pn) (unUnqualComponentName $ exeName exe) getBuildInfo = buildInfo getModuleNames exe = fromString (getMain exe) : exeModules exe needsToCompile exe mn = components mn == [getMain exe] getModuleSourceFiles exe = [(fromString (getMain exe), modulePath exe)] instance ToModuleCollection TestSuite where mkModuleCollKey pn test = TestSuiteMC (unPackageName pn) (unUnqualComponentName $ testName test) getBuildInfo = testBuildInfo getModuleNames exe = fromString (getMain exe) : testModules exe needsToCompile exe mn = components mn == [getMain exe] getModuleSourceFiles exe = case testInterface exe of TestSuiteExeV10 _ fp -> [(fromString (getMain exe), fp)] _ -> [] getMain t = case testInterface t of TestSuiteLibV09 _ mod -> intercalate "." $ components mod _ -> getMain' (getBuildInfo t) instance ToModuleCollection Benchmark where mkModuleCollKey pn test = BenchmarkMC (unPackageName pn) (unUnqualComponentName $ benchmarkName test) getBuildInfo = benchmarkBuildInfo getModuleNames exe = fromString (getMain exe) : benchmarkModules exe needsToCompile exe mn = components mn == [getMain exe] getModuleSourceFiles exe = case benchmarkInterface exe of BenchmarkExeV10 _ fp -> [(fromString (getMain exe), fp)] _ -> [] -- | A default method of getting the main module using the ghc-options field, checking for the -- option -main-is. getMain' :: BuildInfo -> String getMain' bi = case ls of _:e:_ -> intercalate "." $ filter (isUpper . head) $ groupBy ((==) `on` (== '.')) e _ -> "Main" where ls = dropWhile (/= "-main-is") (concatMap snd (options bi)) -- | Checks if the module collection created from a folder without .cabal file. isDirectoryMC :: ModuleCollectionId -> Bool isDirectoryMC DirectoryMC{} = True isDirectoryMC _ = False -- | Modify the dynamic flags to match the dependencies requested in the .cabal file. applyDependencies :: [ModuleCollectionId] -> [ModuleCollectionId] -> DynFlags -> DynFlags applyDependencies mcs deps dfs = dfs { GHC.packageFlags = GHC.packageFlags dfs ++ (catMaybes $ map (dependencyToPkgFlag mcs) deps) } -- | Only use the dependencies that are explicitely enabled. (As cabal does opposed to as ghc does.) onlyUseEnabled :: DynFlags -> DynFlags onlyUseEnabled = GHC.setGeneralFlag' GHC.Opt_HideAllPackages -- | Transform dependencies of a module collection into the package flags of the GHC API dependencyToPkgFlag :: [ModuleCollectionId] -> ModuleCollectionId -> Maybe (GHC.PackageFlag) dependencyToPkgFlag mcs lib@(LibraryMC pkgName) = if lib `notElem` mcs then Just $ GHC.ExposePackage pkgName (GHC.PackageArg pkgName) (GHC.ModRenaming True []) else Nothing dependencyToPkgFlag _ _ = Nothing -- | Sets the configuration for loading all the modules from the whole project. Combines the -- configuration of all package fragments. This solution is not perfect (it would be better to load -- all package fragments separately), but it is how it works. See 'loadFlagsFromBuildInfo'. setupLoadFlags :: [ModuleCollectionId] -> [FilePath] -> [ModuleCollectionId] -> (DynFlags -> IO DynFlags) -> DynFlags -> IO DynFlags -- need to be strict here, otherwise the previous modules cannot be garbage collected setupLoadFlags !ids !roots !allDeps !flags dfs = applyDependencies ids allDeps . selectEnabled <$> flags dfs where selectEnabled = if any (\((mcId,mcRoot),rest) -> isDirectoryMC mcId && isIndependentMc mcRoot rest) (breaks (zip ids roots)) then id else onlyUseEnabled where breaks :: [a] -> [(a,[a])] breaks [] = [] breaks (e:rest) = (e,rest) : map (\(x,ls) -> (x,e:ls)) (breaks rest) isIndependentMc root rest = not $ any (`isPrefixOf` root) (map snd rest) -- | Collects the compilation options and enabled extensions from Cabal's build info representation. -- This setup will be used when loading all packages in the project. See 'setupLoadFlags'. loadFlagsFromBuildInfo :: BuildInfo -> DynFlags -> IO DynFlags loadFlagsFromBuildInfo bi@BuildInfo{ cppOptions } df = do (df',unused,warnings) <- parseDynamicFlags df (map (L noSrcSpan) $ cppOptions) mapM_ putStrLn (map unLoc warnings ++ map (("Flag is not used: " ++) . unLoc) unused) return (setupLoadExtensions df') where setupLoadExtensions = foldl (.) id (map setExtensionFlag' $ catMaybes $ map translateExtension loadExtensions) loadExtensions = [PatternSynonyms | patternSynonymsNeeded] ++ [ExplicitNamespaces | explicitNamespacesNeeded] ++ [PackageImports | packageImportsNeeded] ++ [CPP | cppNeeded] ++ [MagicHash | magicHashNeeded] explicitNamespacesNeeded = not $ null $ map EnableExtension [ExplicitNamespaces, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators] `intersect` usedExtensions bi patternSynonymsNeeded = EnableExtension PatternSynonyms `elem` usedExtensions bi packageImportsNeeded = EnableExtension PackageImports `elem` usedExtensions bi cppNeeded = EnableExtension CPP `elem` usedExtensions bi magicHashNeeded = EnableExtension MagicHash `elem` usedExtensions bi -- | Collects the compilation options and enabled extensions from Cabal's build info representation -- for a single module. See 'compileInContext'. flagsFromBuildInfo :: BuildInfo -> DynFlags -> IO DynFlags -- the import pathes are already set globally flagsFromBuildInfo bi@BuildInfo{ options } df = do (df',unused,warnings) <- parseDynamicFlags df (map (L noSrcSpan) $ concatMap snd options) mapM_ putStrLn (map unLoc warnings ++ map (("Flag is not used: " ++) . unLoc) unused) return $ (flip lang_set (toGhcLang =<< defaultLanguage bi)) $ foldl (.) id (map (\case EnableExtension ext -> setEnabled True ext DisableExtension ext -> setEnabled False ext ) (usedExtensions bi)) $ foldr (.) id (map (setEnabled True) (languageDefault (defaultLanguage bi))) $ df' where toGhcLang Cabal.Haskell98 = Just GHC.Haskell98 toGhcLang Cabal.Haskell2010 = Just GHC.Haskell2010 toGhcLang _ = Nothing -- We don't put the default settings (ImplicitPrelude, MonomorphismRestriction) here -- because that overrides the opposite extensions (NoImplicitPrelude, NoMonomorphismRestriction) -- enabled in modules. languageDefault (Just Cabal.Haskell2010) = [ DatatypeContexts, DoAndIfThenElse, EmptyDataDecls, ForeignFunctionInterface , PatternGuards, RelaxedPolyRec, TraditionalRecordSyntax ] -- Haskell 98 is the default languageDefault _ = [ DatatypeContexts, NondecreasingIndentation, NPlusKPatterns, TraditionalRecordSyntax ] setEnabled enable ext = case translateExtension ext of Just e -> (if enable then setExtensionFlag' else unSetExtensionFlag') e Nothing -> id