{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , RankNTypes
           , FlexibleContexts
           , TypeApplications
           , ConstraintKinds
           , TypeFamilies
module Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.Predefined.ExtractBinding (extractBinding', ExtractBindingDomain, tryItOut) where

import qualified GHC
import qualified OccName as GHC (occNameString)
import SrcLoc (SrcSpan(..), RealSrcSpan(..))

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Reference
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data ()
import Data.Maybe

import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor

type ExtractBindingDomain dom = ( HasNameInfo dom, HasDefiningInfo dom, HasScopeInfo dom )

tryItOut :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
tryItOut mod sp name = tryRefactor (localRefactoring . flip extractBinding' name) mod sp

extractBinding' :: ExtractBindingDomain dom => RealSrcSpan -> String -> LocalRefactoring dom
extractBinding' sp name mod
  = if isValidBindingName name then extractBinding (nodesContaining sp) (nodesContaining sp) name mod
                               else refactError "The given name is not a valid for the extracted binding"

-- | Safely performs the transformation to introduce the local binding and replace the expression with the call.
-- Checks if the introduction of the name causes a name conflict.
extractBinding :: forall dom . ExtractBindingDomain dom 
               => Simple Traversal (Module dom) (ValueBind dom)
                   -> Simple Traversal (ValueBind dom) (Expr dom)
                   -> String -> LocalRefactoring dom
extractBinding selectDecl selectExpr name mod
  = let conflicting = any (isConflicting name) (mod ^? selectDecl & biplateRef :: [QualifiedName dom])
        exprRange = getRange $ head (mod ^? selectDecl & selectExpr)
        decl = last (mod ^? selectDecl)
     in if conflicting
           then refactError "The given name causes name conflict."
           else do (res, st) <- runStateT (selectDecl&selectExpr !~ extractThatBind name (head $ decl ^? actualContainingExpr exprRange) $ mod) Nothing
                   case st of Just def -> return $ evalState (selectDecl !~ addLocalBinding exprRange def $ res) False
                              Nothing -> refactError "There is no applicable expression to extract."

-- | Decides if a new name defined to be the given string will conflict with the given AST element
isConflicting :: ExtractBindingDomain dom => String -> QualifiedName dom -> Bool
isConflicting name used
  = semanticsDefining used
      && (GHC.occNameString . GHC.getOccName <$> semanticsName used) == Just name

-- Replaces the selected expression with a call and generates the called binding.
extractThatBind :: ExtractBindingDomain dom 
                => String -> Expr dom -> Expr dom -> StateT (Maybe (ValueBind dom)) (LocalRefactor dom) (Expr dom)
extractThatBind name cont e 
  = do ret <- get
       if (isJust ret) then return e 
          else case e of
            Paren {} | hasParameter -> exprInner !~ doExtract name cont $ e
                     | otherwise    -> doExtract name cont (fromJust $ e ^? exprInner)
            Var {} -> lift $ refactError "The selected expression is too simple to be extracted."
            el | isParenLikeExpr el && hasParameter -> mkParen <$> doExtract name cont e
               | otherwise -> doExtract name cont e
  where hasParameter = not (null (getExternalBinds cont e))

-- | Adds a local binding to the where clause of the enclosing binding
addLocalBinding :: SrcSpan -> ValueBind dom -> ValueBind dom -> State Bool (ValueBind dom)
-- this uses the state monad to only add the local binding to the first selected element
addLocalBinding exprRange local bind 
  = do done <- get
       if not done then do put True
                           return $ indentBody $ doAddBinding exprRange local bind
                   else return bind 
    doAddBinding _ local sb@(SimpleBind {}) = valBindLocals .- insertLocalBind local $ sb
    doAddBinding (RealSrcSpan rng) local fb@(FunctionBind {}) 
      = funBindMatches & annList & filtered (isInside rng) & matchBinds 
          .- insertLocalBind local $ fb
    doAddBinding _ _ _ = error "doAddBinding: invalid expression range"

    indentBody = (valBindRhs .- updIndent) . (funBindMatches & annList & matchLhs .- updIndent) . (funBindMatches & annList & matchRhs .- updIndent)

    updIndent :: SourceInfoTraversal elem => elem dom SrcTemplateStage -> elem dom SrcTemplateStage
    updIndent = setMinimalIndent 4

-- | Puts a value definition into a list of local binds
insertLocalBind :: ValueBind dom -> MaybeLocalBinds dom -> MaybeLocalBinds dom
insertLocalBind toInsert locals 
  | isAnnNothing locals = mkLocalBinds [mkLocalValBind toInsert]
  | otherwise = annJust & localBinds .- insertWhere (mkLocalValBind toInsert) (const True) isNothing $ locals

-- | All expressions that are bound stronger than function application.
isParenLikeExpr :: Expr dom -> Bool
isParenLikeExpr (If {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (Paren {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (List {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (ParArray {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (LeftSection {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (RightSection {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (RecCon {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (RecUpdate {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (Enum {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (ParArrayEnum {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (ListComp {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (ParArrayComp {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (BracketExpr {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (SpliceExpr {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr (QuasiQuoteExpr {}) = True
isParenLikeExpr _ = False

-- | Replaces the expression with the call and stores the binding of the call in its state
doExtract :: ExtractBindingDomain dom 
          => String -> Expr dom -> Expr dom -> StateT (Maybe (ValueBind dom)) (LocalRefactor dom) (Expr dom)
doExtract name cont e@(Lambda (AnnList bindings) inner)
  = do let params = getExternalBinds cont e
       put (Just (generateBind name (map mkVarPat params ++ bindings) inner))
       return (generateCall name params)
doExtract name cont e 
  = do let params = getExternalBinds cont e
       put (Just (generateBind name (map mkVarPat params) e))
       return (generateCall name params)

-- | Gets the values that have to be passed to the extracted definition
getExternalBinds :: ExtractBindingDomain dom => Expr dom -> Expr dom -> [Name dom]
getExternalBinds cont expr = map exprToName $ keepFirsts $ filter isApplicableName (expr ^? uniplateRef)
  where isApplicableName (getExprNameInfo -> Just nm) = inScopeForOriginal nm && notInScopeForExtracted nm
        isApplicableName _ = False

        getExprNameInfo :: ExtractBindingDomain dom => Expr dom -> Maybe GHC.Name
        getExprNameInfo expr = semanticsName =<< (listToMaybe $ expr ^? (exprName&simpleName &+& exprOperator&operatorName))

        -- | Creates the parameter value to pass the name (operators are passed in parentheses)
        exprToName :: Expr dom -> Name dom
        exprToName e | Just n <- e ^? exprName                     = n
                     | Just op <- e ^? exprOperator & operatorName = mkParenName op
                     | otherwise                                   = error "exprToName: name not found" 
        notInScopeForExtracted :: GHC.Name -> Bool
        notInScopeForExtracted n = not $ n `inScope` semanticsScope cont

        inScopeForOriginal :: GHC.Name -> Bool
        inScopeForOriginal n = n `inScope` semanticsScope expr

        keepFirsts (e:rest) = e : keepFirsts (filter (/= e) rest)
        keepFirsts [] = []

actualContainingExpr :: SrcSpan -> Simple Traversal (ValueBind dom) (Expr dom)
actualContainingExpr (RealSrcSpan rng) = accessRhs & accessExpr
  where accessRhs :: Simple Traversal (ValueBind dom) (Rhs dom)
        accessRhs = valBindRhs &+& funBindMatches & annList & filtered (isInside rng) & matchRhs
        accessExpr :: Simple Traversal (Rhs dom) (Expr dom)
        accessExpr = rhsExpr &+& rhsGuards & annList & filtered (isInside rng) & guardExpr
actualContainingExpr _ = error "actualContainingExpr: not a real range"

-- | Generates the expression that calls the local binding
generateCall :: String -> [Name dom] -> Expr dom
generateCall name args = foldl (\e a -> mkApp e (mkVar a)) (mkVar $ mkNormalName $ mkSimpleName name) args

-- | Generates the local binding for the selected expression
generateBind :: String -> [Pattern dom] -> Expr dom -> ValueBind dom
generateBind name [] e = mkSimpleBind (mkVarPat $ mkNormalName $ mkSimpleName name) (mkUnguardedRhs e) Nothing
generateBind name args e = mkFunctionBind [mkMatch (mkMatchLhs (mkNormalName $ mkSimpleName name) args) (mkUnguardedRhs e) Nothing]

isValidBindingName :: String -> Bool
isValidBindingName = nameValid Variable