{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables
           , LambdaCase
           , MultiWayIf
           , TypeApplications
           , ConstraintKinds
           , TypeFamilies
           , FlexibleContexts
           , ViewPatterns
           , TupleSections
module Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.Predefined.RenameDefinition (renameDefinition, renameDefinition', DomainRenameDefinition) where

import qualified GHC
import Name (OccName(..), NamedThing(..), occNameString)
import SrcLoc (RealSrcSpan)
import Id
import IdInfo
import Outputable
import Type
import TyCon
import DataCon

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Reference as Ref
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data ()
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace

import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor

type DomainRenameDefinition dom = ( HasNameInfo dom, HasScopeInfo dom, HasDefiningInfo dom
                                  , HasImplicitFieldsInfo dom, HasModuleInfo dom )

renameDefinition' :: forall dom . DomainRenameDefinition dom => RealSrcSpan -> String -> Refactoring dom
renameDefinition' sp str mod mods
  = case (getNodeContaining sp (snd mod) :: Maybe (QualifiedName dom)) >>= (fmap getName . semanticsName) of
      Just name -> do let sameNames = bindsWithSameName name (snd mod ^? biplateRef)
                      renameDefinition name sameNames str mod mods
        where bindsWithSameName :: GHC.Name -> [FieldWildcard dom] -> [GHC.Name]
              bindsWithSameName name wcs = catMaybes $ map ((lookup name) . semanticsImplicitFlds) wcs
      Nothing -> case getNodeContaining sp (snd mod) of
                   Just modName -> renameModule (any @[] (sp `isInside`) ((snd mod) ^? modImports&annList&importAs))
                                                (modName ^. moduleNameString) str mod mods
                   Nothing -> refactError "No name is selected"

renameModule :: forall dom . DomainRenameDefinition dom => Bool -> String -> String -> Refactoring dom
renameModule isAlias from to m mods
    | any (nameConflict to) (map snd $ m:mods) = refactError "Name conflict when renaming module"
    | isJust (validModuleName to) = refactError $ "The given name is not a valid module name: " ++ fromJust (validModuleName to)
    | otherwise = -- here it is important that the delete is the last, because rename
                  -- can still use the info about the deleted module
                  (if isAlias then id else (fmap (\ls -> map (alterChange from to) ls ++ [ModuleRemoved from])))
                    $ mapM (\(name,mod) -> ContentChanged . (name,) <$> localRefactoringRes id mod (replaceModuleNames =<< alterNormalNames mod)) (m:mods)
  where alterChange from to (ContentChanged (mod,res))
          | (mod ^. sfkModuleName) == from
          = ModuleCreated to res mod
        alterChange _ _ c = c

        replaceModuleNames :: LocalRefactoring dom
        replaceModuleNames = biplateRef @_ @(ModuleName dom) & filtered (\e -> (e ^. moduleNameString) == from) != mkModuleName to

        alterNormalNames :: LocalRefactoring dom
        alterNormalNames mod =
           biplateRef @_ @(QualifiedName dom) & filtered (\e -> concat (intersperse "." (e ^? qualifiers&annList&simpleNameStr)) == from)
             !- (\e -> mkQualifiedName (splitOn "." to) (e ^. unqualifiedName&simpleNameStr)) $ mod

        nameConflict :: String -> Module dom -> Bool
        nameConflict to mod
          = let modName = mod ^? modHead&annJust&mhName&moduleNameString
                imports = mod ^? modImports&annList
                importNames = map (\imp -> fromMaybe (imp ^. importModule) (imp ^? importAs&annJust&importRename) ^. moduleNameString) imports
             in modName == Just to || to `elem` importNames

renameDefinition :: DomainRenameDefinition dom => GHC.Name -> [GHC.Name] -> String -> Refactoring dom
renameDefinition toChangeOrig toChangeWith newName mod mods
    = do nameCls <- classifyName toChangeOrig
         (changedModules,defFound) <- runStateT (catMaybes <$> mapM (renameInAModule toChangeOrig toChangeWith newName) (mod:mods)) False
         if | isJust (nameValid nameCls newName) -> refactError $ "The new name is not valid: " ++ fromJust (nameValid nameCls newName)
            | not defFound -> refactError "The definition to rename was not found. Maybe it is in another package."
            | otherwise -> return $ map ContentChanged changedModules
    renameInAModule :: DomainRenameDefinition dom => GHC.Name -> [GHC.Name] -> String -> ModuleDom dom -> StateT Bool Refactor (Maybe (ModuleDom dom))
    renameInAModule toChangeOrig toChangeWith newName (name, mod)
      = mapStateT (localRefactoringRes (\f (a,s) -> (fmap (\(n,r) -> (n, f r)) a,s)) mod) $
          do origTT <- GHC.lookupName toChangeOrig
             let origId = case origTT of
                            Just (GHC.AnId id) -> Just id
                            _ -> Nothing
             (res, isChanged) <- runStateT (biplateRef !~ changeName toChangeOrig origId toChangeWith newName $ mod) False
             if isChanged then return $ Just (name, res)
                          else return Nothing

    changeName :: DomainRenameDefinition dom => GHC.Name -> Maybe Id -> [GHC.Name] -> String -> QualifiedName dom
                                                         -> StateT Bool (StateT Bool (LocalRefactor dom)) (QualifiedName dom)
    changeName toChangeOrig origId toChangeWith str name
      | maybe False (`elem` toChange) actualName
          && semanticsDefining name == False
          && any @[] (\n -> str == occNameString (getOccName n) && not (mergeableFields origId n))
                     (scopeUpToDef (map (map fst) $ semanticsScope name) ^? traversal & traversal & filtered (sameNamespace toChangeOrig))
      = refactError $ "The definition clashes with an existing one at: " ++ shortShowSpan (getRange name) -- name clash with an external definition
      | maybe False (`elem` toChange) actualName
      = do put True -- state that something is changed in the local state
           when (actualName == Just toChangeOrig)
             $ lift $ modify (|| semanticsDefining name) -- state that the definition is renamed in the global state
           return $ unqualifiedName .= mkNamePart str $ name -- found the changed name (or a name that have to be changed too)
      | let namesInScope = map (map fst) $ semanticsScope name
         in case semanticsName name of
              Just (getName -> exprName) -> str == occNameString (getOccName exprName)
                                              && sameNamespace toChangeOrig exprName
                                              && conflicts toChangeOrig exprName namesInScope
                                              && not (mergeableFields origId exprName)
              Nothing -> False -- ambiguous names
      = refactError $ "The definition clashes with an existing one: " ++ shortShowSpan (getRange name) -- local name clash
      | otherwise = return name -- not the changed name, leave as before
      where toChange = toChangeOrig : toChangeWith
            actualName = fmap getName (semanticsName name)
            scopeUpToDef sc = let (inside, outside) = span (null . (toChange `intersect`)) sc
                               in inside ++ take 1 outside
            mergeableFields (Just orig) conflict
              | isRecordSelector orig
              , RecSelData tc <- recordSelectorTyCon orig
              = let selectorsWithTypes = concatMap (\dc -> map (\fld -> (flSelector fld, dataConFieldType dc (flLabel fld))) (dataConFieldLabels dc))
                                                   (filter (\dc -> toChangeOrig `notElem` map flSelector (dataConFieldLabels dc)) (tyConDataCons tc))
                 in maybe False (`eqType` funResultTy (idType orig)) (lookup conflict selectorsWithTypes)
            mergeableFields _ _ = False

conflicts :: GHC.Name -> GHC.Name -> [[GHC.Name]] -> Bool
conflicts overwrites overwritten (scopeBlock : scope)
  | overwritten `elem` scopeBlock && overwrites `notElem` scopeBlock = False
  | overwrites `elem` scopeBlock = True
  | otherwise = conflicts overwrites overwritten scope
conflicts _ _ [] = False

sameNamespace :: GHC.Name -> GHC.Name -> Bool
sameNamespace n1 n2 = occNameSpace (getOccName n1) == occNameSpace (getOccName n2)