{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |Low-level rendering and parsing routines for raw Tor cells.
module Tor.DataFormat.TorCell(
         TorCell(..),       putTorCell,       getTorCell
       , DestroyReason(..), putDestroyReason, getDestroyReason
       , HandshakeType(..), putHandshakeType, getHandshakeType
       , TorCert(..),       putTorCert,       getTorCert
       , getCircuit
       , isPadding

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.ByteString(ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Typeable
import Data.X509
import Data.Word
import Tor.DataFormat.TorAddress

-- |A raw tor cell.
data TorCell = Padding
             | Create      Word32 ByteString
             | Created     Word32 ByteString
             | Relay       Word32 ByteString
             | Destroy     Word32 DestroyReason
             | CreateFast  Word32 ByteString
             | CreatedFast Word32 ByteString ByteString
             | NetInfo            Word32 TorAddress [TorAddress]
             | RelayEarly  Word32 ByteString
             | Create2     Word32 HandshakeType ByteString
             | Created2    Word32 ByteString
             | Versions
             | VPadding           ByteString
             | Certs              [TorCert]
             | AuthChallenge      ByteString [Word16]
             | Authenticate       ByteString
             | Authorize
 deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Given a tor cell, return the circuit it's associated with, if it is.
getCircuit :: TorCell -> Maybe Word32
getCircuit x =
  case x of
    Create      circId _   -> Just circId
    Created     circId _   -> Just circId
    Relay       circId _   -> Just circId
    Destroy     circId _   -> Just circId
    CreateFast  circId _   -> Just circId
    CreatedFast circId _ _ -> Just circId
    RelayEarly  circId _   -> Just circId
    Create2     circId _ _ -> Just circId
    Created2    circId _   -> Just circId
    _                      -> Nothing

-- |Return True iff this is a padding cell of some sort.
isPadding :: TorCell -> Bool
isPadding x =
  case x of
    Padding    -> True
    VPadding _ -> True
    _          -> False

-- |Parse a TorCell
getTorCell :: Get TorCell
getTorCell =
  do circuit <- getWord32be
     command <- getWord8
     case command of
       0   -> getStandardCell $ return Padding
       1   -> getStandardCell $
                Create circuit <$> getByteString (128 + 16 + 42)
       2   -> getStandardCell $
                Created circuit <$> getByteString (128 + 20)
       3   -> getStandardCell $ Relay circuit <$> getByteString 509
       4   -> getStandardCell $ Destroy circuit <$> getDestroyReason
       5   -> getStandardCell $ CreateFast circuit <$> getByteString 20
       6   -> getStandardCell $ CreatedFast circuit <$> getByteString 20
                                                    <*> getByteString 20
       8   -> getStandardCell $
                do tstamp   <- getWord32be
                   otherOR  <- getTorAddress
                   numAddrs <- getWord8
                   thisOR   <- replicateM (fromIntegral numAddrs) getTorAddress
                   return (NetInfo tstamp otherOR thisOR)
       9   -> getStandardCell $ RelayEarly circuit <$> getByteString 509
       10  -> getStandardCell $
                do htype <- getHandshakeType
                   hlen  <- getWord16be
                   hdata <- getByteString (fromIntegral hlen)
                   return (Create2 circuit htype hdata)
       11  -> getStandardCell $
                do hlen  <- getWord16be
                   hdata <- getByteString (fromIntegral hlen)
                   return (Created2 circuit hdata)
       7   -> fail "Should not be getting versions through this interface."
       128 -> getVariableLength "VPadding"      getVPadding
       129 -> getVariableLength "Certs"         getCerts
       130 -> getVariableLength "AuthChallenge" getAuthChallenge
       131 -> getVariableLength "Authenticate"  getAuthenticate
       132 -> getVariableLength "Authorize"     (\ _ -> return Authorize)
       _   -> fail "Improper Tor cell command."
  getStandardCell getter =
    do bstr <- getByteString 509 -- PAYLOAD_LEN
       case runGetOrFail getter (BSL.fromStrict bstr) of
         Left (_, _, err) -> fail err
         Right (_, _, x)  -> return x
  getVariableLength name getter =
    do len   <- getWord16be
       body  <- getByteString (fromIntegral len)
       case runGetOrFail (getter len) (BSL.fromStrict body) of
         Left  (_, _, s) -> fail ("Couldn't read " ++ name ++ " body: " ++ s)
         Right (_, _, x) -> return x
  getVPadding len = VPadding <$> getByteString (fromIntegral len)
  getAuthChallenge _ =
    do challenge <- getByteString 32
       n_methods <- getWord16be
       methods   <- replicateM (fromIntegral n_methods) getWord16be
       return (AuthChallenge challenge methods)
  getAuthenticate _ =
    do _ <- getWord16be -- AuthType
       l <- getWord16be
       s <- getByteString (fromIntegral l)
       return (Authenticate s)

-- |Render a TorCell
putTorCell :: TorCell -> Put
putTorCell Padding =
  putStandardCell $
     putWord32be 0 -- Circuit ID
putTorCell (Create circ bstr) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       circ
       putWord8          1
       putByteString bstr
putTorCell (Created circ bstr) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       circ
       putWord8          2
       putByteString bstr
putTorCell (Relay circ bstr) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       circ
       putWord8          3
       putByteString bstr
putTorCell (Destroy circ dreason) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       circ
       putWord8          4
       putDestroyReason  dreason
putTorCell (CreateFast circ keymat) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       circ
       putWord8          5
       putByteString keymat
putTorCell (CreatedFast circ keymat deriv) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       circ
       putWord8          6
       putByteString keymat
       putByteString deriv
putTorCell (NetInfo ttl oneside others) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       0
       putWord8          8
       putWord32be       ttl
       putTorAddress     oneside
       putWord8          (fromIntegral (length others))
       forM_ others putTorAddress
putTorCell (RelayEarly circ bstr) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       circ
       putWord8          9
       putByteString bstr
putTorCell (Create2 circ htype cdata) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       circ
       putWord8          10
       putHandshakeType  htype
       putWord16be       (fromIntegral (BS.length cdata))
       putByteString cdata
putTorCell (Created2 circ cdata) =
  putStandardCell $
    do putWord32be       circ
       putWord8          11
       putWord16be       (fromIntegral (BS.length cdata))
       putByteString cdata
putTorCell (VPadding bstr) =
  do putWord32be       0
     putWord8          128
     putWord16be       (fromIntegral (BS.length bstr))
     putByteString bstr
putTorCell (Certs cs) =
  do putWord32be       0
     putWord8          129
     putLenByteString $
       do putWord8          (fromIntegral (length cs))
          forM_ cs putTorCert
putTorCell (AuthChallenge challenge methods) =
  do putWord32be       0
     putWord8          130
     putLenByteString $
       do putByteString challenge
          putWord16be       (fromIntegral (length methods))
          forM_ methods putWord16be
putTorCell (Authenticate authent) =
  do putWord32be       0
     putWord8          131
     putLenByteString $
       do putWord16be       1
          putWord16be       (fromIntegral (BS.length authent))
          putByteString authent
putTorCell (Authorize) =
  do putWord32be       0
     putWord8          132
     putWord16be       0
putTorCell (Versions) =
  do putWord16be       0
     putWord8          7
     putWord16be       2
     putWord16be       4

putLenByteString :: Put -> Put
putLenByteString m =
  do let bstr = runPut m
     putWord16be (fromIntegral (BSL.length bstr))
     putLazyByteString bstr

putStandardCell :: Put -> Put
putStandardCell m =
  do let bstr = runPut m
         infstr = bstr `BSL.append` BSL.repeat 0
     putLazyByteString (BSL.take 514 infstr)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |A reason that a Circuit could or has been destroyed.
data DestroyReason = NoReason
                   | TorProtocolViolation
                   | InternalError
                   | RequestedDestroy
                   | NodeHibernating
                   | HitResourceLimit
                   | ConnectionFailed
                   | ORIdentityIssue
                   | ORConnectionClosed
                   | Finished
                   | CircuitConstructionTimeout
                   | CircuitDestroyed
                   | NoSuchService
                   | UnknownDestroyReason Word8
 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

instance Exception DestroyReason

-- |Parse a DestroyReason.
getDestroyReason :: Get DestroyReason
getDestroyReason =
  do b <- getWord8
     case b of
       0  -> return NoReason
       1  -> return TorProtocolViolation
       2  -> return InternalError
       3  -> return RequestedDestroy
       4  -> return NodeHibernating
       5  -> return HitResourceLimit
       6  -> return ConnectionFailed
       7  -> return ORIdentityIssue
       8  -> return ORConnectionClosed
       9  -> return Finished
       10 -> return CircuitConstructionTimeout
       11 -> return CircuitDestroyed
       12 -> return NoSuchService
       _  -> return (UnknownDestroyReason b)

-- |Render a DestroyReason
putDestroyReason :: DestroyReason -> Put
putDestroyReason NoReason                   = putWord8 0
putDestroyReason TorProtocolViolation       = putWord8 1
putDestroyReason InternalError              = putWord8 2
putDestroyReason RequestedDestroy           = putWord8 3
putDestroyReason NodeHibernating            = putWord8 4
putDestroyReason HitResourceLimit           = putWord8 5
putDestroyReason ConnectionFailed           = putWord8 6
putDestroyReason ORIdentityIssue            = putWord8 7
putDestroyReason ORConnectionClosed         = putWord8 8
putDestroyReason Finished                   = putWord8 9
putDestroyReason CircuitConstructionTimeout = putWord8 10
putDestroyReason CircuitDestroyed           = putWord8 11
putDestroyReason NoSuchService              = putWord8 12
putDestroyReason (UnknownDestroyReason x)   = putWord8 x

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |The two supported handshake types for Tor.
data HandshakeType = TAP | Reserved | NTor | Unknown Word16
 deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Parse a handshake identifier.
getHandshakeType :: Get HandshakeType
getHandshakeType =
  do t <- getWord16be
     case t of
       0x0000 -> return TAP
       0x0001 -> return Reserved
       0x0002 -> return NTor
       _      -> return (Unknown t)

-- |Render a handshake identifier.
putHandshakeType :: HandshakeType -> Put
putHandshakeType TAP         = putWord16be 0x0000
putHandshakeType Reserved    = putWord16be 0x0001
putHandshakeType NTor        = putWord16be 0x0002
putHandshakeType (Unknown x) = putWord16be x

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |The kinds of certificates used within the initial Tor handshake.
data TorCert = LinkKeyCert SignedCertificate
             | RSA1024Identity SignedCertificate
             | RSA1024Auth SignedCertificate
             | UnknownCertType Word8 ByteString
 deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Parse a certificate.
getTorCert :: Get TorCert
getTorCert =
  do t <- getWord8
     l <- getWord16be
     c <- getByteString (fromIntegral l)
     case t of
       1 -> return (maybeBuild LinkKeyCert         t c)
       2 -> return (maybeBuild RSA1024Identity     t c)
       3 -> return (maybeBuild RSA1024Auth t c)
       _ -> return (UnknownCertType t c)
  maybeBuild builder t bstr =
    case decodeSignedObject bstr of
      Left  _   -> UnknownCertType t bstr
      Right res -> builder res

-- |Render a certificate.
putTorCert :: TorCert -> Put
putTorCert tc =
  do let (t, bstr) = case tc of
                       LinkKeyCert sc        -> (1, encodeSignedObject sc)
                       RSA1024Identity sc    -> (2, encodeSignedObject sc)
                       RSA1024Auth sc        -> (3, encodeSignedObject sc)
                       UnknownCertType ct bs -> (ct, bs)
     putWord8          t
     putWord16be       (fromIntegral (BS.length bstr))
     putByteString bstr

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

getCerts :: Word16 -> Get TorCell
getCerts _ =
  do num   <- getWord8
     certs <- replicateM (fromIntegral num) getTorCert
     return (Certs certs)