{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {- | Module : Distribution.Gentoo.GHC Description : Find GHC-related breakages on Gentoo. Copyright : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic 2009 License : GPL-2 or later This module defines helper functions to find broken packages in GHC, or else find packages installed with older versions of GHC. -} module Distribution.Gentoo.GHC ( ghcVersion , ghcLoc , ghcLibDir , oldGhcPkgs , brokenPkgs , allInstalledPackages , unCPV ) where import Distribution.Gentoo.Util import Distribution.Gentoo.Packages -- Cabal imports import qualified Distribution.Simple.Utils as DSU import Distribution.Verbosity(silent) import Distribution.Package(PackageIdentifier, packageId) import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo(InstalledPackageInfo) import Distribution.Text(display) -- Other imports import Data.Char(isDigit) import Data.Either(partitionEithers) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import System.FilePath((), takeExtension, pathSeparator) import System.Directory( canonicalizePath , doesDirectoryExist , findExecutable) import Control.Monad import Output -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Common helper utils, etc. -- Get only the first line of output rawSysStdOutLine :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO String rawSysStdOutLine app = liftM (head . lines) . rawCommand app rawCommand :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO String rawCommand cmd args = do (out,_,_) <- DSU.rawSystemStdInOut silent -- verbosity cmd -- program loc args -- args #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,18,0) Nothing -- cabal-1.18+: new working dir Nothing -- cabal-1.18+: new environment #endif /* MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,18,0) */ Nothing -- input text and binary mode #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,1,0) DSU.IODataModeBinary #else False -- is output in binary mode #endif /* MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,1,0) */ #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(3,2,0) return (BL8.unpack out) #elif MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,1,0) case out of ~(DSU.IODataBinary bs) -> return (BL8.unpack bs) #else return out #endif /* MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,1,0) */ -- Get the first line of output from calling GHC with the given -- arguments. ghcRawOut :: [String] -> IO String ghcRawOut args = ghcLoc >>= flip rawSysStdOutLine args -- Cheat with using fromJust since we know that GHC must be in $PATH -- somewhere, probably /usr/bin. ghcLoc :: IO FilePath ghcLoc = liftM fromJust $ findExecutable "ghc" -- The version of GHC installed. ghcVersion :: IO String ghcVersion = liftM (dropWhile (not . isDigit)) $ ghcRawOut ["--version"] -- The directory where GHC has all its libraries, etc. ghcLibDir :: IO FilePath ghcLibDir = canonicalizePath =<< ghcRawOut ["--print-libdir"] ghcPkgRawOut :: [String] -> IO String ghcPkgRawOut args = ghcPkgLoc >>= flip rawCommand args -- Cheat with using fromJust since we know that ghc-pkg must be in $PATH -- somewhere, probably /usr/bin. ghcPkgLoc :: IO FilePath ghcPkgLoc = liftM fromJust $ findExecutable "ghc-pkg" data ConfSubdir = GHCConfs | GentooConfs subdirToDirname :: ConfSubdir -> FilePath subdirToDirname subdir = case subdir of GHCConfs -> "package.conf.d" GentooConfs -> "gentoo" -- Return the Gentoo .conf files found in this GHC libdir listConfFiles :: ConfSubdir -> IO [FilePath] listConfFiles subdir = do dir <- ghcLibDir let gDir = dir subdirToDirname subdir exists <- doesDirectoryExist gDir if exists then do conts <- getDirectoryContents' gDir return $ map (gDir ) $ filter isConf conts else return [] where isConf file = takeExtension file == ".conf" tryMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> Either a b tryMaybe f a = maybe (Left a) Right $ f a newtype CabalPV = CPV { unCPV :: String } -- serialized 'PackageIdentifier' deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) -- Unique (normal) or multiple (broken) mapping type ConfMap = Map.Map CabalPV [FilePath] pushConf :: ConfMap -> CabalPV -> FilePath -> ConfMap pushConf m k v = Map.insertWith (++) k [v] m -- Attempt to match the provided broken package to one of the -- installed packages. matchConf :: ConfMap -> CabalPV -> Either CabalPV [FilePath] matchConf = tryMaybe . flip Map.lookup -- Fold Gentoo .conf files from the current GHC version and -- create a Map foldConf :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> IO ConfMap foldConf v = foldM (addConf v) Map.empty -- cabal package text format -- "[InstalledPackageInfo {installedPackageId = Insta..." parse_as_cabal_package :: String -> Maybe CabalPV parse_as_cabal_package cont = case reads cont of [] -> Nothing -- ebuilds that have CABAL_CORE_LIB_GHC_PV set -- for this version of GHC will have a .conf -- file containing just [] [([],_)] -> Nothing rd -> Just $ CPV $ display $ cfNm rd where cfNm :: [([InstalledPackageInfo], String)] -> PackageIdentifier cfNm = packageId . head . fst . head -- ghc package text format -- "name: zlib-conduit\n -- version: 1.1.0\n -- id: zlib-condui..." parse_as_ghc_package :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe CabalPV parse_as_ghc_package cont = case (map BS.words . BS.lines) cont of ( [name_key, bn] : [ver_key, bv] : _) | name_key == BS.pack "name:" && ver_key == BS.pack "version:" -> Just $ CPV $ BS.unpack bn ++ "-" ++ BS.unpack bv _ -> Nothing -- Add this .conf file to the Map addConf :: Verbosity -> ConfMap -> FilePath -> IO ConfMap addConf v cmp conf = do cont <- BS.readFile conf case ( parse_as_ghc_package cont , parse_as_cabal_package (BS.unpack cont) ) of (Just dn, _) -> do vsay v $ unwords [conf, "resolved as ghc package:", show dn] return $ pushConf cmp dn conf (_, Just dn) -> do vsay v $ unwords [conf, "resolved as cabal package:", show dn] return $ pushConf cmp dn conf -- empty files are created for -- phony packages like CABAL_CORE_LIB_GHC_PV -- and binary-only packages. _ | BS.null cont -> return cmp _ -> do say v $ unwords [ "failed to parse" , show conf , ":" , show (BS.take 30 cont) ] return cmp checkPkgs :: Verbosity -> ([CabalPV], [FilePath]) -> IO ([Package],[CabalPV],[FilePath]) checkPkgs v (pns, gentoo_cnfs) = do files_to_pkgs <- resolveFiles gentoo_cnfs let (gentoo_files, pkgs) = unzip files_to_pkgs orphan_gentoo_files = gentoo_cnfs L.\\ gentoo_files vsay v $ unwords [ "checkPkgs: searching for gentoo .conf orphans" , show (length orphan_gentoo_files) , "of" , show (length gentoo_cnfs) ] return (pkgs, pns, orphan_gentoo_files) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Finding packages installed with other versions of GHC oldGhcPkgs :: Verbosity -> IO [Package] oldGhcPkgs v = do thisGhc <- ghcLibDir vsay v $ "oldGhcPkgs ghc lib: " ++ show thisGhc let thisGhc' = BS.pack thisGhc -- It would be nice to do this, but we can't assume -- some crazy user hasn't deleted one of these dirs -- libFronts' <- filterM doesDirectoryExist libFronts liftM notGHC $ checkLibDirs v thisGhc' libFronts -- Find packages installed by other versions of GHC in this possible -- library directory. checkLibDirs :: Verbosity -> BSFilePath -> [BSFilePath] -> IO [Package] checkLibDirs v thisGhc libDirs = do vsay v $ "checkLibDir ghc libs: " ++ show (thisGhc, libDirs) pkgsHaveContent (hasDirMatching wanted) where wanted dir = isValid dir && (not . isInvalid) dir isValid dir = any (`isGhcLibDir` dir) libDirs -- Invalid if it's this GHC isInvalid fp = fp == thisGhc || BS.isPrefixOf (thisGhc `BS.snoc` pathSeparator) fp -- A valid GHC library directory starting at libdir has a name of -- "ghc", then a hyphen and then a version number. isGhcLibDir :: BSFilePath -> BSFilePath -> Bool isGhcLibDir libdir dir = go ghcDirName where -- This is hacky because FilePath doesn't work on Bytestrings... libdir' = BS.snoc libdir pathSeparator ghcDirName = BS.pack "ghc" go dn = BS.isPrefixOf ghcDir dir -- Any possible version starts with a digit && isDigit (BS.index dir ghcDirLen) where ghcDir = flip BS.snoc '-' $ BS.append libdir' dn ghcDirLen = BS.length ghcDir -- The possible places GHC could have installed lib directories libFronts :: [BSFilePath] libFronts = map BS.pack $ do lib <- ["lib", "lib64"] return $ "/" "usr" lib -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Finding broken packages in this install of GHC. brokenPkgs :: Verbosity -> IO ([Package],[CabalPV],[FilePath]) brokenPkgs v = brokenConfs v >>= checkPkgs v -- .conf files from broken packages of this GHC version -- Returns two lists: -- '[CabalPV]' - list of broken cabal packages we could not resolve -- to Gentoo's .conf files -- '[FilePath]' - list of '.conf' files resolved from broken -- CabalPV reported by 'ghc-pkg check' brokenConfs :: Verbosity -> IO ([CabalPV], [FilePath]) brokenConfs v = do vsay v "brokenConfs: getting broken output from 'ghc-pkg'" ghc_pkg_brokens <- getBrokenGhcPkg vsay v $ unwords ["brokenConfs: resolving Cabal package names to gentoo equivalents." , show (length ghc_pkg_brokens) , "Cabal packages are broken:" , L.intercalate " " (map unCPV ghc_pkg_brokens) ] (orphan_broken, orphan_confs) <- getOrphanBroken vsay v $ unwords [ "brokenConfs: ghc .conf orphans:" , show (length orphan_broken) , "are orphan:" , L.intercalate " " (map unCPV orphan_broken) ] installed_but_not_registered <- getNotRegistered v vsay v $ unwords [ "brokenConfs: ghc .conf not registered:" , show (length installed_but_not_registered) , "are not registered:" , L.intercalate " " (map unCPV installed_but_not_registered) ] registered_twice <- getRegisteredTwice v vsay v $ unwords [ "brokenConfs: ghc .conf registered twice:" , show (length registered_twice) , "are registered twice:" , L.intercalate " " (map unCPV registered_twice) ] let all_broken = concat [ ghc_pkg_brokens , orphan_broken , installed_but_not_registered , registered_twice ] vsay v "brokenConfs: reading '*.conf' files" cnfs <- listConfFiles GentooConfs >>= foldConf v vsay v $ "brokenConfs: got " ++ show (Map.size cnfs) ++ " '*.conf' files" let (known_broken, orphans) = partitionEithers $ map (matchConf cnfs) all_broken return (known_broken, orphan_confs ++ L.concat orphans) -- Return the closure of all packages affected by breakage -- in format of ["name-version", ... ] getBrokenGhcPkg :: IO [CabalPV] getBrokenGhcPkg = liftM (map CPV . words) $ ghcPkgRawOut ["check", "--simple-output"] getOrphanBroken :: IO ([CabalPV], [FilePath]) getOrphanBroken = do -- Around Jan 2015 we have started to install -- all the .conf files in 'src_install()' phase. -- Here we pick orphan ones and notify user about it. registered_confs <- listConfFiles GHCConfs confs_to_pkgs <- resolveFiles registered_confs let (conf_files, _conf_pkgs) = unzip confs_to_pkgs orphan_conf_files = registered_confs L.\\ conf_files orphan_packages <- liftM catMaybes $ forM orphan_conf_files $ liftM parse_as_ghc_package . BS.readFile return (orphan_packages, orphan_conf_files) -- Return packages, that seem to have -- been installed via emerge (have gentoo/.conf entry), -- but are not registered in package.conf.d. -- Usually happens on manual cleaning or -- due to unregistration bugs in old eclass. getNotRegistered :: Verbosity -> IO [CabalPV] getNotRegistered v = do installed_confs <- listConfFiles GentooConfs >>= foldConf v registered_confs <- listConfFiles GHCConfs >>= foldConf v return $ Map.keys installed_confs L.\\ Map.keys registered_confs -- Return packages, that seem to have -- been installed more, than once. -- It usually happens this way: -- 1. user installs dev-lang/ghc-7.8.4-r0 (comes with bundled transformers-{abi}.conf) -- 2. user installs dev-haskell/transformers- (registered as transformers-{abi}.conf) -- 3. user upgrades up to dev-lang/ghc-7.8.4-r4 (comes with bundled transformers-{abi}.conf) -- this way we have single package registered twice: -- transformers-{abi}.conf -- transformers-{abi}.conf -- It's is easy to fix just by reinstalling transformers. getRegisteredTwice :: Verbosity -> IO [CabalPV] getRegisteredTwice v = do registered_confs <- listConfFiles GHCConfs >>= foldConf v let registered_twice = Map.filter (\fs -> length fs > 1) registered_confs return $ Map.keys registered_twice -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- allInstalledPackages :: IO [Package] allInstalledPackages = do libDir <- ghcLibDir let libDir' = BS.pack libDir liftM notGHC $ pkgsHaveContent $ hasDirMatching (==libDir')