Cabal-Version: 2.2 name: haskell2020 version: license: BSD-3-Clause license-file: LICENSE maintainer: synopsis: Haskell 2020[draft] Standard Library category: Haskell2020, Prelude description: This package provides an implementation of library modules to be defined by the future Haskell2020 Library Report. . __NOTE__: The Haskell2020 Library Report has not yet been released and therefore this implementation is merely a technical preview and subject to change. . == Changes relative to Haskell2010 . * [Remove Show/Eq superclasses of Num]( * [Remove Num superclass of Bits]( * [Add Bits instance for Bool]( * Add 'Monad' instance for @(->)@ and 'Either'; add 'Functor' instance for @(,)@ * [Export Word from Prelude]( * [Functor-Applicative-Monad proposal (AMP)]( * [Monad of no return/>> proposal (MRP)]( * [MonadFail proposal (MFP)]( source-repository head type: git location: Library default-language: Haskell2010 other-extensions: BangPatterns NoImplicitPrelude Safe Trustworthy build-depends: , array ^>= , base ^>= -- this hack adds a dependency on ghc-prim for Haddock. The GHC -- build system doesn't seem to track transitive dependencies when -- running Haddock, and if we don't do this then Haddock can't -- find the docs for things defined in ghc-prim. -- build-depends: ghc-prim >= 0.3.1 && < 0.4 -- haskell2010 is a "hidden" package exposed: False -- The modules below are listed in the order they occur in the -- "Haskell 2010 Language Report" table of contents. exposed-modules: -- chapter 9 "Standard Prelude" -- Prelude -- Part II "The Haskell 2010 Libraries" -- -- -- chapter [13..23] Control.Applicative Control.Monad Data.Array Data.Bits Data.Char Data.Complex Data.Int Data.Ix Data.List Data.Maybe Data.Ratio Data.Word -- FFI modules, chapter [24..37] Foreign Foreign.C Foreign.C.Error Foreign.C.String Foreign.C.Types Foreign.ForeignPtr Foreign.Marshal Foreign.Marshal.Alloc Foreign.Marshal.Array Foreign.Marshal.Error Foreign.Marshal.Utils Foreign.Ptr Foreign.StablePtr Foreign.Storable -- chapter [38..42] Numeric System.Environment System.Exit System.IO System.IO.Error ghc-options: -Wall