{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, MultiParamTypeClasses
  , FunctionalDependencies, Rank2Types
  , FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances
  , TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Database
-- Copyright   :  Daan Leijen (c) 1999, daan@cs.uu.nl
--                HWT Group (c) 2003, haskelldb-users@lists.sourceforge.net
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  haskelldb-users@lists.sourceforge.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Defines standard database operations and the
-- primitive hooks that a particular database binding
-- must provide.
module Database.HaskellDB.Database ( 
                -- * Operators
		-- * Type declarations
		, Database(..)
		, GetRec(..), GetInstances(..)
                , GetValue
		-- * Function declarations
		, query
		, insert, delete, update, insertQuery
		, tables, describe, transaction
		, createDB, createTable, dropDB, dropTable
		) where

import Database.HaskellDB.FieldType
import Database.HaskellDB.PrimQuery
import Database.HaskellDB.Optimize (optimize, optimizeCriteria)
import Database.HaskellDB.Query	
import Database.HaskellDB.BoundedString
import Database.HaskellDB.BoundedList
import Database.HaskellDB.HDBRec

import System.Time
import Control.Monad

infix 9 !.

-- | The (!.) operator selects over returned records from
--   the database (= rows)
--   Non-overloaded version of '!'. For backwards compatibility.
(!.) :: Select f r a => r -> f -> a
row !. attr = row ! attr

data Database
	= Database  
	  { dbQuery  :: forall er vr. GetRec er vr => 
	     -> Rel er
	     -> IO [Record vr]
  	  , dbInsert :: TableName -> Assoc -> IO ()
	  , dbInsertQuery :: TableName -> PrimQuery -> IO ()
  	  , dbDelete :: TableName 
                     -> [PrimExpr] -- Conditions which must all be true for a
                                   -- row to be deleted.
                     -> IO ()
  	  , dbUpdate :: TableName 
                     -> [PrimExpr] -- Conditions which must all be true for a row
                                   --   to be updated.
                     -> Assoc -- New values for some fields.
                     -> IO ()
	  , dbTables :: IO [TableName]
	  , dbDescribe :: TableName -> IO [(Attribute,FieldDesc)]
	  , dbTransaction :: forall a. IO a -> IO a
	  , dbCreateDB :: String -> IO ()
	  , dbCreateTable :: TableName -> [(Attribute,FieldDesc)] -> IO ()
	  , dbDropDB :: String -> IO ()
	  , dbDropTable :: TableName -> IO ()

-- Creating result records

-- | Functions for getting values of a given type. Database drivers
--   need to implement these functions and pass this record to 'getRec'
--   when getting query results.
--   All these functions should return 'Nothing' if the value is NULL.
data GetInstances s = 
    GetInstances {
		 -- | Get a 'String' value.
		 getString       :: s -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
		 -- | Get an 'Int' value.
	       , getInt          :: s -> String -> IO (Maybe Int)
		 -- | Get an 'Integer' value.
	       , getInteger      :: s -> String -> IO (Maybe Integer)
		 -- | Get a 'Double' value. 
	       , getDouble       :: s -> String -> IO (Maybe Double)
		 -- | Get a 'Bool' value.
	       , getBool :: s -> String -> IO (Maybe Bool)
		 -- | Get a 'CalendarTime' value.
	       , getCalendarTime :: s -> String -> IO (Maybe CalendarTime)

class GetRec er vr | er -> vr, vr -> er where
    -- | Create a result record.
    getRec :: GetInstances s  -- ^ Driver functions for getting values
			      --   of different types.
	   -> Rel er -- ^ Phantom argument to the the return type right
	   -> Scheme       -- ^ Fields to get.
	   -> s            -- ^ Driver-specific result data 
	                   --   (for example a Statement object)
           -> IO (Record vr)        -- ^ Result record.

instance GetRec RecNil RecNil where
    -- NOTE: we accept extra fields, since the hacks in Optimize could add fields that we don't want
    getRec _ _ _ _ = return emptyRecord

instance (GetValue a, GetRec er vr)
    => GetRec (RecCons f (Expr a) er) (RecCons f a vr) where
    getRec _ _ [] _ = fail $ "Wanted non-empty record, but scheme is empty"
    getRec vfs c (f:fs) stmt = 
	x <- getValue vfs stmt f
	r <- getRec vfs (recTailType c) fs stmt
	return (RecCons x . r)

recTailType :: Rel (RecCons f (Expr a) er) -> Rel er
recTailType _ = undefined

class GetValue a where
    getValue :: GetInstances s -> s -> String -> IO a

-- these are silly, there's probably a cleaner way to do this,
-- but instance GetValue (Maybe a) => GetValue a doesn't work
-- Maybe we could do it the other way around.
instance GetValue String where getValue = getNonNull
instance GetValue Int where getValue = getNonNull
instance GetValue Integer where getValue = getNonNull
instance GetValue Double where getValue = getNonNull
instance GetValue Bool where getValue = getNonNull
instance GetValue CalendarTime where getValue = getNonNull
instance Size n => GetValue (BoundedString n) where getValue = getNonNull

instance GetValue (Maybe String) where getValue = getString
instance GetValue (Maybe Int) where getValue = getInt
instance GetValue (Maybe Integer) where getValue = getInteger
instance GetValue (Maybe Double) where getValue = getDouble
instance GetValue (Maybe Bool) where getValue = getBool
instance GetValue (Maybe CalendarTime) where getValue = getCalendarTime
instance Size n => GetValue (Maybe (BoundedString n)) where 
    getValue fs s f = liftM (liftM trunc) (getValue fs s f)

-- | Get a non-NULL value. Fails if the value is NULL.
getNonNull :: GetValue (Maybe a) => GetInstances s -> s -> String -> IO a
getNonNull fs s f = 
	m <- getValue fs s f
	case m of
	       Nothing -> fail $ "Got NULL value from non-NULL field " ++ f
	       Just v -> return v

-- Database operations

-- | performs a query on a database
query :: GetRec er vr => Database -> Query (Rel er) -> IO [Record vr]
query db q = dbQuery db (optimize primQuery) rel
    where (primQuery,rel) = runQueryRel q
-- | Inserts values from a query into a table
insertQuery :: ShowRecRow r => Database -> Table r -> Query (Rel r) -> IO ()
insertQuery db (Table name assoc) q
	= dbInsertQuery db name (optimize (runQuery q))

-- | Inserts a record into a table
insert :: (ToPrimExprs r, ShowRecRow r, InsertRec r er) => Database -> Table er -> Record r -> IO ()
insert db (Table name assoc) newrec
      = dbInsert db name (zip (attrs assoc) (exprs newrec))
        attrs   = map (\(attr,AttrExpr name) -> name)

-- | deletes a bunch of records	  
delete :: ShowRecRow r =>
        Database -- ^ The database
       -> Table r -- ^ The table to delete records from
       -> (Rel r -> Expr Bool) -- ^ Predicate used to select records to delete
       -> IO ()
delete db (Table name assoc) criteria = dbDelete db name cs
	  (Expr primExpr)  = criteria rel
          cs               = optimizeCriteria [substAttr assoc primExpr]
	  rel		   = Rel 0 (map fst assoc)
-- | Updates records
update :: (ShowLabels s, ToPrimExprs s) =>
        Database             -- ^ The database
       -> Table r              -- ^ The table to update
       -> (Rel r -> Expr Bool) -- ^ Predicate used to select records to update
       -> (Rel r -> Record s)  -- ^ Function used to modify selected records
       -> IO ()
update db (Table name assoc) criteria assignFun = dbUpdate db name cs newassoc
	  (Expr primExpr)= criteria rel
          cs = optimizeCriteria [substAttr assoc primExpr]
	  newassoc	= zip (map subst (labels assigns))
	  		      (exprs assigns)
	  subst label	= case (lookup label assoc) of
	  		    (Just (AttrExpr name)) -> name
	  		    (Nothing)		   -> error ("Database.update: attribute '" 
	  		    				     ++ label ++ "' is not in database '" ++ name ++ "'")
	  assigns	= assignFun rel
	  rel		= Rel 0 (map fst assoc)
-- | List all tables in the database
tables :: Database  -- ^ Database
       -> IO [TableName]  -- ^ Names of all tables in the database
tables = dbTables

-- | List all columns in a table, along with their types
describe :: Database  -- ^ Database
	 -> TableName       -- ^ Name of the tables whose columns are to be listed
	 -> IO [(Attribute,FieldDesc)] -- ^ Name and type info for each column
describe = dbDescribe

-- | Performs some database action in a transaction. If no exception is thrown,
--   the changes are committed. 
transaction :: Database -- ^ Database
	    -> IO a -- ^ Action to run
	    -> IO a 
transaction = dbTransaction

-- Functions that edit the database layout
-- | Is not very useful. You need to be root to use it. 
--   We suggest you solve this in another way
createDB :: Database -- ^ Database
	 -> String -- ^ Name of database to create 
	 -> IO ()
createDB = dbCreateDB

createTable :: Database -- ^ Database
	    -> TableName -- ^ Name of table to create 
	    -> [(Attribute,FieldDesc)] -- ^ The fields of the table
	    -> IO ()
createTable = dbCreateTable

dropDB :: Database -- ^ Database
       -> String -- ^ Name of database to drop
       -> IO ()
dropDB = dbDropDB

dropTable :: Database -- ^ Database
	  -> TableName -- ^ Name of table to drop
	  -> IO ()
dropTable = dbDropTable