# Description This package was created in the context of the [GRACeFUL project](https://www.graceful-project.eu/). The haskelzinc library defines an interface to the MiniZinc constraint proramming language. It provides * a Haskell abstract syntax tree for the MiniZinc language, with which one can represent MiniZinc models in Haskell * a human-friendly DSL for building MiniZinc model representations * a pretty printer to print the representation of a MiniZinc model in MiniZinc * a parser that returns a representation of the solutions obtained by running the MiniZinc model * a set of functions useful for building a custom FlatZinc solutions parser. . An additional module gives the possibility to directly get the solutions of a MiniZinc finite domain model. Option for interactive interface is provided, as well as choice between two solvers: the G12/FD built-in solver of FlatZinc and choco3. # Requirements * GHC 7.10.3 or 8 * MiniZinc 2.0 or 2.1 ## Optional To use choco solver, also required: - JDK 8+ - The following jar files (can be also found in the `choco/` directory of [the haskelzinc repo](https://github.com/GRACeFUL-project/haskelzinc)) - choco_solver (with dependencies) [http://choco-solver.org/Download?q=releases] - choco_parser [https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/org/choco-solver/choco-parsers/3.3.3/] - ANTLR >4.5.2 java runtime binaries [http://www.antlr.org/download.html] # Installation This library is [available](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/haskelzinc) on hackage. Use `cabal install`. # Configuration 1. Create a file `HZconf/conf.txt` in the same directory level where you want to run your code. 2. Fill in the corresponding paths by adding the equal sign (=) and the correct path. * MINIZINC_DIR: the directory where mzn2fzn and flatzinc executables are located * CHOCO_PARSER: the path of the choco parser java library * CHOCO_SOLVER: the path of the choco solver java library * ANTLR: the path of the antlr java library . > Example: > MINIZINC_DIR = path/to/dir # Not yet supported * MiniZinc enumerated types * Set constraints with the choco solver