{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

  Module:    HaskHOL.Core.Kernel.Terms
  Copyright: (c) The University of Kansas 2013

  Maintainer:  ecaustin@ittc.ku.edu
  Stability:   unstable
  Portability: unknown

  This module exports a safe view of HOL terms for HaskHOL.  It also defines
  the primitive functions related to terms.  For clarity, these functions have
  been seperated based on their influential system: HOL Light, Stateless HOL,
  and HOL2P.

  Note that, per the stateless approach, any stateful, but still primitive,
  functions related to terms have been relocated to the "HaskHOL.Core.State"
module HaskHOL.Core.Kernel.Terms
    ( -- * A View of HOL Terms
       -- ** A Quick Note on View Patterns
        -- $ViewPatterns
       -- ** A High-Level Overview of HOL Terms
        -- $HOLTerms
    , HOLTermView(..)
    , ConstTag
    , HOLTermEnv
      -- * HOL Light Term Primitives
       -- ** Alpha-Equivalence of Terms
    , alphaOrder -- :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Ordering
    , aConv      -- :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Bool
       -- ** Predicates, Constructors, and Destructors for Basic Terms
    , isVar     -- :: HOLTerm -> Bool
    , isConst   -- :: HOLTerm -> Bool
    , isAbs     -- :: HOLTerm -> Bool
    , isComb    -- :: HOLTerm -> Bool
    , mkVar     -- :: String -> HOLType -> HOLTerm
    , mkAbs     -- :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Either String HOLTerm
    , mkComb    -- :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Either String HOLTerm
    , destVar   -- :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (String, HOLType)
    , destConst -- :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (String, HOLType)
    , destComb  -- :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLTerm, HOLTerm)
    , destAbs   -- :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLTerm, HOLTerm)
       -- ** Term and Type Variable Extractors
    , frees           -- :: HOLTerm -> [HOLTerm]
    , catFrees        -- :: [HOLTerm] -> [HOLTerm]
    , freesIn         -- :: [HOLTerm] -> HOLTerm -> Bool
    , varFreeIn       -- :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Bool
    , typeVarsInTerm  -- :: HOLTerm -> [HOLType]
    , typeVarsInTerms -- :: [HOLTerm] -> [HOLType]
       -- ** Term Substitution and Instantiation
    , varSubst      -- :: HOLTermEnv -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm
    , Inst
    , inst          -- :: Inst a b => [(a, b)] -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm
    , instFull      -- :: SubstTrip -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm
    , instConst     -- :: TypeSubst a b => HOLTerm -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe HOLTerm
    , instConstFull -- :: HOLTerm -> SubstTrip -> Maybe HOLTerm
       -- ** Commonly Used Terms and Functions
    , tmEq     -- :: HOLType -> HOLTerm
    , isEq     -- :: HOLTerm -> Bool
    , primMkEq -- :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Maybe HOLTerm
    , destEq   -- :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLTerm, HOLTerm)
    , variant  -- :: [HOLTerm] -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm
    , variants -- :: [HOLTerm] -> [HOLTerm] -> [HOLTerm]
      -- * Stateless HOL Term Primitives
       -- ** Constructors for Constant Tags
    , newPrimConst -- :: String -> HOLType -> HOLTerm
       -- ** Type Operator Variable Extractors
    , typeOpVarsInTerm  -- :: HOLTerm -> [TypeOp]
    , typeOpVarsInTerms -- :: [HOLTerm] -> [TypeOp]
      -- * HOL2P Term Primitives
       -- ** Predicates, Constructors, and Destructors for Term-Level Types
    , isTyAbs    -- :: HOLTerm -> Bool
    , isTyComb   -- :: HOLTerm -> Bool
    , mkTyAbs    -- :: HOLType -> HOLTerm -> Either String HOLTerm
    , mkTyComb   -- :: HOLTerm -> HOLType -> Either String HOLTerm
    , destTyAbs  -- :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLType, HOLTerm)
    , destTyComb -- :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLTerm, HOLType)
    ) where

import HaskHOL.Core.Lib
import HaskHOL.Core.Kernel.Prims
import HaskHOL.Core.Kernel.Types

   HOL Light Term Primitives
   Note that the following primitives are in HaskHOL.Core.State as per 
   Stateless HOL:
   constants, getConstType, newConstant, mkConst, mkEq
-- | Provides an ordering for two terms modulo alpha-equivalence
alphaOrder :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Ordering
alphaOrder = orda []
  where orda :: HOLTermEnv -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Ordering
        orda env tm1 tm2
            | tm1 == tm2 && all (uncurry (==)) env = EQ
            | otherwise =
                case (tm1, tm2) of
                  (VarIn{}, VarIn{}) -> ordav env tm1 tm2
                  (ConstIn{}, ConstIn{}) -> tm1 `aorder` tm2
                  (CombIn s1 t1, CombIn s2 t2) ->
                      case orda env s1 s2 of
                        EQ -> orda env t1 t2
                        res -> res
                  (AbsIn x1@(VarIn _ ty1) t1, AbsIn x2@(VarIn _ ty2) t2) ->
                      case tyAlphaOrder ty1 ty2 of
                        EQ -> orda ((x1, x2):env) t1 t2
                        res -> res
                  (AbsIn{}, AbsIn{}) -> compare tm1 tm2
                  (TyAbsIn tv1@(TyVarIn True _) tb1, 
                   TyAbsIn tv2@(TyVarIn True _) tb2) ->
                      orda env tb1 $ inst [(tv2, tv1)] tb2
                  (TyAbsIn{}, TyAbsIn{}) -> compare tm1 tm2
                  (TyCombIn t1 ty1, TyCombIn t2 ty2) ->
                      case orda env t1 t2 of
                        EQ -> tyAlphaOrder ty1 ty2
                        res -> res
                  (ConstIn{}, _) -> LT
                  (_, ConstIn{}) -> GT
                  (VarIn{}, _) -> LT
                  (_, VarIn{}) -> GT
                  (CombIn{}, _) -> LT
                  (_, CombIn{}) -> GT
                  (AbsIn{}, _) -> LT
                  (_, AbsIn{}) -> GT
                  (TyAbsIn{}, _) -> LT
                  (_, TyAbsIn{}) -> GT

        ordav :: HOLTermEnv -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Ordering
        ordav [] x1 x2 = x1 `aorder` x2
        ordav ((t1, t2):oenv) x1 x2
            | x1 == t1 = if x2 == x2 then EQ else LT
            | otherwise = if x2 == t2 then GT else ordav oenv x1 x2

        aorder :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Ordering
        aorder tm1@(VarIn s1 ty1) tm2@(VarIn s2 ty2)
            | s1 == s2 = tyAlphaOrder ty1 ty2
            | otherwise = compare tm1 tm2
        aorder tm1@(ConstIn s1 ty1 d1) tm2@(ConstIn s2 ty2 d2)
            | s1 == s2 && d1 == d2 = tyAlphaOrder ty1 ty2
            | otherwise = compare tm1 tm2
        aorder tm1 tm2 = compare tm1 tm2

-- | Tests if two terms are alpha-equivalent
aConv :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Bool
aConv tm1 tm2 = alphaOrder tm1 tm2 == EQ

-- | Predicate for term variables.
isVar :: HOLTerm -> Bool
isVar VarIn{} = True
isVar _ = False

-- | Predicate for term constants.
isConst :: HOLTerm -> Bool
isConst ConstIn{} = True
isConst _ = False

-- | Predicate for term abstractions.
isAbs :: HOLTerm -> Bool
isAbs AbsIn{} = True
isAbs _ = False

-- | Predicate for term combinations.
isComb :: HOLTerm -> Bool
isComb CombIn{} = True
isComb _ = False

-- | Constructs a term variable of a given name and type.
mkVar :: String -> HOLType -> HOLTerm
mkVar = VarIn

  Constructs a term abstraction of a given bound term and body term.  Fails with
  'Left' if the bound term is not a variable.
mkAbs :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Either String HOLTerm
mkAbs bv@VarIn{} bod = Right $ AbsIn bv bod
mkAbs _ _ = Left "mkAbs"

  Constructs a combination of two given terms.  Fails with 'Left' in the
  following cases:

  * The first term does not have a function type.

  * The types of the two terms does not agree.
mkComb :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Either String HOLTerm
mkComb f a = 
    case typeOf f of
      (TyAppIn (TyPrim "fun" _) (ty:_)) -> 
          if typeOf a `tyAConv` ty then Right $ CombIn f a
          else Left "mkComb: argument type mismatch."
      _ -> Left "mkComb: argument not of function type."

  Destructs a term variable, returning its name and type.  Fails with 'Nothing'
  if the provided term is not a variable.
destVar :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (String, HOLType)
destVar (VarIn s ty) = Just (s, ty)
destVar _ = Nothing

  Destructs a term constant, returning its name and type.  Note that no constant
  tag information is returned.  Fails with 'Nothing' if the provided term is
  not a constant.
destConst :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (String, HOLType)
destConst (ConstIn s ty _) = Just (s, ty)
destConst _ = Nothing

  Destructs a term combination, returning its function and argument terms.  
  Fails with 'Nothing' if the provided term is not a combination.
destComb :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLTerm, HOLTerm)
destComb (CombIn f x) = Just (f, x)
destComb _ = Nothing

  Destructs a term abstraction, returning its bound term and body term. Fails
  with 'Nothing' if the provided term is not an abstraction.
destAbs :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLTerm, HOLTerm)
destAbs (AbsIn v b) = Just (v, b)
destAbs _ = Nothing

-- | Returns a list of all free, term variables in a term.
frees :: HOLTerm -> [HOLTerm]
frees tm@VarIn{} = [tm]
frees ConstIn{} = []
frees (AbsIn bv bod) = frees bod \\ [bv]
frees (CombIn s t) = frees s `union` frees t
frees (TyAbsIn _ tm) = frees tm
frees (TyCombIn tm _) = frees tm

-- | Returns a list of all free, term variables in a list of terms.
catFrees :: [HOLTerm] -> [HOLTerm]
catFrees = foldr (union . frees) []

-- | Checks a list of term variables to see if they are all free in a give term.
freesIn :: [HOLTerm] -> HOLTerm -> Bool
freesIn acc tm@VarIn{} = tm `elem` acc
freesIn _ ConstIn{} = True
freesIn acc (AbsIn bv bod) = freesIn (bv:acc) bod
freesIn acc (CombIn s t) = freesIn acc s && freesIn acc t
freesIn acc (TyAbsIn _ t) = freesIn acc t
freesIn acc (TyCombIn t _) = freesIn acc t

-- | Checks if a variable or constant term is free in a given term.
varFreeIn :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Bool
varFreeIn v (AbsIn bv bod) = v /= bv && varFreeIn v bod
varFreeIn v (CombIn s t) = varFreeIn v s || varFreeIn v t
varFreeIn v (TyAbsIn _ t) = varFreeIn v t
varFreeIn v (TyCombIn t _) = varFreeIn v t
varFreeIn v tm = v == tm

  Returns a list of all free, type variables in a term, not including 
  type operator variables.
typeVarsInTerm :: HOLTerm -> [HOLType]
typeVarsInTerm (VarIn _ ty) = tyVars ty
typeVarsInTerm (ConstIn _ ty _) = tyVars ty
typeVarsInTerm (CombIn s t) = typeVarsInTerm s `union` typeVarsInTerm t
typeVarsInTerm (AbsIn bv t) = typeVarsInTerm bv `union` typeVarsInTerm t
typeVarsInTerm (TyAbsIn tv tm) = typeVarsInTerm tm \\ [tv]
typeVarsInTerm (TyCombIn tm ty) = typeVarsInTerm tm `union` tyVars ty

  Returns a list of all free, type variables in a list of terms, not including
  type operator variables.
typeVarsInTerms :: [HOLTerm] -> [HOLType]
typeVarsInTerms =
    foldr (\ tm tvs -> typeVarsInTerm tm `union` tvs) []

  Performs a basic term substitution using a substitution environment containing
  pairs consisting of a term variable and a term to be substituted for that 
  variable.  Note that the order of elements in a substitution pair follows the
  convention of most Haskell libraries, rather than the traditional HOL 
  * The second element is substituted for the first, i.e. the substitution pair
    @(A, \\ x.x)@ indicates that the lambda term @\\x.x@ should be substituted 
    for the term variable @A@.
varSubst :: HOLTermEnv -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm
varSubst [] term = term
varSubst theta term =
    varSubstRec (filter validPair theta) term
  where validPair :: (HOLTerm, HOLTerm) -> Bool
        validPair (VarIn _ ty, t) = ty `tyAConv` typeOf t
        validPair _ = False

        varSubstRec :: HOLTermEnv -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm
        varSubstRec env tm@VarIn{} = lookupd tm env tm
        varSubstRec _ tm@ConstIn{} = tm
        varSubstRec env (CombIn s t) =
              CombIn (varSubstRec env s) $ varSubstRec env t
        varSubstRec env tm@(AbsIn v s) =
            let env' = filter (\ (x, _) -> x /= v) env in
              if null env' then tm
              else let s' = varSubstRec env' s in
                     if s' == s then tm
                     else if any (\ (x, t) -> varFreeIn v t && 
                                              varFreeIn x s) env'
                          then let v' = variant [s'] v in
                                 AbsIn v' $ varSubstRec ((v, v'):env') s
                          else AbsIn v $ varSubstRec env' s
        varSubstRec env (TyAbsIn tv t) = TyAbsIn tv $ varSubstRec env t
        varSubstRec env (TyCombIn t ty) = TyCombIn (varSubstRec env t) ty

  The @Inst@ class provides the framework for type instantiation in HaskHOL.
  Note that in the simplest cases, instantiation is simply a type substitution
  for the types of term variables and constants.  Therefore, instantiation is 
  constrained by the 'TypeSubst' class.

  The move to a polymorphic type system further complicates things as types can
  now be bound at the term level, requiring renaming for type instantiation.
  Since we have three different possible substitution environment types, we have
  three different possible instantiation environment types and, therefore, three
  different ways to handle renaming:

  * For @(x::'HOLTerm', r::'HOLTerm')@ substitution pairs we rename in the case 
    where a type abstraction binds a type variable present in @r@ and @x@ is
    present in the body of the type abstraction.

  * For @(_::'TypeOp', _::'TypeOp')@ substitution pairs we can safely ignore 
    renaming as our logic does not permit the binding of type operator 

  * For @(x::'TypeOp', r::'HOLTerm')@ substitution pairs we rename in the case 
    where a type abstraction binds a type variable present in @r@ and @x@ is 
    present in the body of the type abstraction.

  Just as we did for the 'TypeSubst' class, we hide the internals of @Inst@ to
  prevent unsound re-definition.  The correct functions to call for
  type instantiation are 'inst' and 'instFull'.
class TypeSubst a b => Inst a b where
      Handles the specific case of instantiating a type abstraction term.  This
      method is not exposed to the user.  Call the 'inst' or 'instFull' function
    instTyAbs :: HOLTermEnv -> [(a, b)] -> HOLTerm -> Either HOLTerm HOLTerm

instance Inst HOLType HOLType where
    instTyAbs env tyenv tm@(TyAbsIn tv t) = 
        let tyenv' = filter (\ (x, _) -> x /= tv) tyenv in
          if null tyenv' then Right tm
          else if any (\ (x, r) -> tv `elem` tyVars r && 
                                     x `elem` typeVarsInTerm t) tyenv'
               -- avoid capture by renaming type variable
               then let tvt = typeVarsInTerm t
                        tvpatts = map fst tyenv'
                        tvrepls = catTyVars . mapMaybe (`lookup` tyenv') $
                                    tvt `intersect` tvpatts
                        tv' = variantTyVar ((tvt \\ tvpatts) `union` tvrepls) tv in
                      liftM (TyAbsIn tv') $ instRec env ((tv, tv'):tyenv') t
               else liftM (TyAbsIn tv) $ instRec env tyenv' t
    instTyAbs _ _ tm = Right tm

instance Inst TypeOp TypeOp where
    instTyAbs env tyenv (TyAbsIn tv t) = 
        liftM (TyAbsIn tv) $ instRec env tyenv t
    instTyAbs _ _ tm = Right tm

instance Inst TypeOp HOLType where
    instTyAbs env tyenv (TyAbsIn tv t) =
        if any (\ (x, ty) -> tv `elem` tyVars ty && 
                             x `elem` typeOpVarsInTerm t) tyenv
        -- avoid capture by renaming type variable
        then let tvbs = typeOpVarsInTerm t
                 tvpatts = map fst tyenv
                 tvrepls = catTyVars . mapMaybe (`lookup` tyenv) $
                             tvbs `intersect` tvpatts
                 tv' = variantTyVar tvrepls tv in
               liftM (TyAbsIn tv') . instRec env tyenv $ inst [(tv, tv')] t
        else liftM (TyAbsIn tv) $ instRec env tyenv t
    instTyAbs _ _ tm = Right tm

  Type instantiation for terms.  Accepts the same types of substitution
  environments as discussed in the documentation for the 'TypeSubst' class, 
  with invalid substitution pairs being pruned internally by 'typeSubst' as 

  For more information on why the 'Inst' class constraint is necessary and how 
  renaming of bound types is performed, see that classes documentation.
inst :: Inst a b => [(a, b)] -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm
inst [] tm = tm
inst theta tm = 
    case instRec [] theta tm of
      Right res -> res
      Left _ -> tm

-- Used internally by inst and instTyAbs both.  Not exposed to the user.
instRec :: Inst a b => HOLTermEnv -> [(a, b)] -> HOLTerm -> 
                       Either HOLTerm HOLTerm
instRec env tyenv tm@(VarIn n ty) =
    let ty' = typeSubst tyenv ty
        tm' = VarIn n ty' in
      if lookupd tm' env tm == tm then Right tm' 
      else Left tm' -- Clash
instRec _ tyenv (ConstIn c ty tag) =
    let ty' = typeSubst tyenv ty in
      Right $ ConstIn c ty' tag
instRec env tyenv (CombIn f x) =
    return CombIn <*> instRec env tyenv f <*> instRec env tyenv x
instRec env tyenv (AbsIn y@(VarIn _ ty) t) =
    do y' <- instRec [] tyenv y
       case instRec ((y', y):env) tyenv t of
         Right t' -> Right $ AbsIn y' t'
         e@(Left w') -> 
             if w' /= y' then e
             else do ifrees <- mapM (instRec [] tyenv) $ frees t
                     case variant ifrees y' of
                       VarIn x _ -> 
                           let z = VarIn x ty in
                             instRec env tyenv . AbsIn z $ varSubst [(y, z)] t
                       _ -> e
instRec env tyenv tm@TyAbsIn{} = instTyAbs env tyenv tm
instRec env tyenv (TyCombIn tm ty) =
    do tm' <- instRec env tyenv tm
       return . TyCombIn tm' $ typeSubst tyenv ty
instRec _ _ _ = Left undefined

  A version of 'inst' that accepts a triplet of type substitution environments.
instFull :: SubstTrip -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm
instFull (tyenv, tyOps, opOps) = inst opOps . inst tyOps . inst tyenv

  A simplified version of 'inst' that works only for term constants.  Fails with
  'Nothing' if the provided term is not a constant.  Used internally by 
  'mkConst' to guarantee that only constants are constructed.
instConst :: TypeSubst a b => HOLTerm -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe HOLTerm
instConst (ConstIn name uty tag) tyenv = 
    Just $ ConstIn name (typeSubst tyenv uty) tag
instConst _ _ = Nothing

  A version of 'instConst' that accepts a triplet of type substitition 
instConstFull :: HOLTerm -> SubstTrip -> Maybe HOLTerm
instConstFull (ConstIn name uty tag) tyenv = 
    Just $ ConstIn name (typeSubstFull tyenv uty) tag
instConstFull _ _ = Nothing

-- | Constructs an instance of the HOL equality constant, @=@, for a given type.
tmEq :: HOLType -> HOLTerm
tmEq ty = 
  ConstIn "=" (TyAppIn tyOpFun [ty, TyAppIn tyOpFun [ty, tyBool]]) Prim

-- | Predicate for equations, i.e. terms of the form @l = r@.
isEq :: HOLTerm -> Bool
isEq (CombIn (CombIn (ConstIn "=" _ Prim) _) _) = True
isEq _ = False

  Constructs an equation term given the left and right hand side arguments.  
  Fails with 'Left' if the types of the terms are not alpha-equivalent.
primMkEq :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> Either String HOLTerm
primMkEq l r
    | typeOf l `tyAConv` typeOf r =
        Right $ CombIn (CombIn (tmEq $ typeOf l) l) r
    | otherwise = Left "primMkEq"

  Destructs an equation term, returning the left and right hand side arguments.
  Fails with 'Nothing' if the term is not an equation, i.e. of the form @l = r@.
destEq :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLTerm, HOLTerm)
destEq (CombIn (CombIn (ConstIn "=" _ Prim) l) r) =
    Just (l, r)
destEq _ = Nothing

  Renames a term variable to avoid sharing a name with any of a given list of
  term variables.  Rreturns the original term if it's not a term variable.
variant :: [HOLTerm] -> HOLTerm -> HOLTerm
variant avoid v@(VarIn s ty)
    | any (varFreeIn v) avoid = variant avoid $ VarIn (s++"'") ty
    | otherwise = v
variant _ tm = tm

  Renames a list of term variables to avoid sharing a name with any of a given
  list of term variables.  As each term variable is processed it is added to
  the list of avoids such that the resultant list of term variables are all
  uniquely named.
variants :: [HOLTerm] -> [HOLTerm] -> [HOLTerm]
variants _ [] = []
variants avoid (v:vs) = 
    let vh = variant avoid v in
      vh : variants (vh:avoid) vs

   Stateless HOL Term Primitives

  Constructs a primitive constant given a name and type.  Note that primitive
  constants are tagged with a @Prim@ 'ConstTag' indicating that they have no
newPrimConst :: String -> HOLType -> HOLTerm
newPrimConst name ty = ConstIn name ty Prim

-- | Returns the list of all type operator variables in a term.
typeOpVarsInTerm :: HOLTerm -> [TypeOp]
typeOpVarsInTerm (VarIn _ ty) = typeOpVars ty
typeOpVarsInTerm (ConstIn _ ty _) = typeOpVars ty
typeOpVarsInTerm (CombIn s t) = typeOpVarsInTerm s `union` typeOpVarsInTerm t
typeOpVarsInTerm (AbsIn bv t) = typeOpVarsInTerm bv `union` typeOpVarsInTerm t
typeOpVarsInTerm (TyAbsIn _ tm) = typeOpVarsInTerm tm
typeOpVarsInTerm (TyCombIn tm ty) = typeOpVarsInTerm tm `union` typeOpVars ty

-- | Returns the list of all type operator variables in a list of terms.
typeOpVarsInTerms :: [HOLTerm] -> [TypeOp]
typeOpVarsInTerms =
    foldr (\ tm topvs -> typeOpVarsInTerm tm `union` topvs) []

   HOL2P Term Primitives
-- | Predicate for type abstraction terms.
isTyAbs :: HOLTerm -> Bool
isTyAbs TyAbsIn{} = True
isTyAbs _ = False

-- | Predicate for type combination terms.
isTyComb :: HOLTerm -> Bool
isTyComb TyCombIn{} = True
isTyComb _ = False

  Constructs a type abstraction term given a bound type and a body term.  Fails
  with 'Left' in the following cases:

  * The bound type is not a small type variable.

  * The bound type variable occurs in the type of a free variable in the body 
mkTyAbs :: HOLType -> HOLTerm -> Either String HOLTerm
mkTyAbs tv@(TyVarIn True s) bod
    | not . any (\ x -> tv `elem` tyVars (typeOf x)) $ frees bod =
        Right $ TyAbsIn tv bod
    | otherwise = 
        Left $ "mkTyAbs: tyvar " ++ s ++ " occurs in type of free variable in body term."
mkTyAbs _ _ = Left "mkTyAbs: first argument not a small type variable."

  Constructs a type combination term given a body term and a type argument to 
  apply.  Fails with 'Left' in the following cases:

  * The type argument is not a small type.

  * The type of the body term is not a universal type.
mkTyComb :: HOLTerm -> HOLType -> Either String HOLTerm
mkTyComb tm ty
    | isSmall ty =
        case typeOf tm of
          UTypeIn{} -> Right $ TyCombIn tm ty
          _ -> Left "mkTyComb: term must have universal type."
    | otherwise =
        Left "mkTyComb: type argument not small."

  Destructs a type abstraction, returning its bound type and body term.  Fails
  with 'Nothing' if the provided term is not a type abstraction.
destTyAbs :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLType, HOLTerm)
destTyAbs (TyAbsIn tv bod) = Just (tv, bod)
destTyAbs _ = Nothing

  Destructs a type combination, returning its body term and type argument.
  Fails with 'Nothing' if the provided term is not a type combination.
destTyComb :: HOLTerm -> Maybe (HOLTerm, HOLType)
destTyComb (TyCombIn tm ty) = Just (tm, ty)
destTyComb _ = Nothing

-- Documentation copied from HaskHOL.Core.Prims

  The primitive data types of HaskHOL are implemented using view patterns in
  order to simulate private data types:

  * Internal constructors are hidden to prevent manual construction of terms.

  * View constructors (those of 'HOLTypeView', 'HOLTermView', and 'HOLThmView')
    are exposed to enable pattern matching. 

  * View patterns, as defined by instances of the 'view' function from the 
    @Viewable@ class, provide a conversion between the two sets of constructors.

  The following data types combined provide the definition of HOL terms in 

  Corresponding with the 'HOLType' data type, 'HOLTerm' follows closely from
  the definition of terms in HOL Light.  Again, the appropriate modifications
  have been made to facilitate a stateless and polymorphic term language.

  Most notably this includes:
  (1) The introduction of tags for constants to carry information formerly
      contained in the state.

  2.  Additional constructors have been added to 'HOLTerm' to facilitate
      term-level, type abstractions and applications.