{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, TemplateHaskell, ViewPatterns #-}

  Module:    HaskHOL.Core.State
  Copyright: (c) The University of Kansas 2013

  Maintainer:  ecaustin@ittc.ku.edu
  Stability:   unstable
  Portability: unknown

  This module exports the stateful layer of HaskHOL.  It consists of:

  * Stateful type primitives not found in "HaskHOL.Core.Types".

  * Stateful term primitives not found in "HaskHOL.Core.Terms".

  * Stateful theory extension primitives not found in "HaskHOL.Core.Kernel".

  * A very primitive debugging system.
module HaskHOL.Core.State
    ( -- * Stateful Type Primitives
      types            -- :: HOL cls thry [(String, TypeOp)]
    , getTypeArityCtxt -- :: HOLContext thry -> String -> Maybe Int
    , getTypeArity     -- :: String -> HOL cls thry Int
    , newType          -- :: String -> Int -> HOL Theory thry ()
    , mkType           -- :: String -> [HOLType] -> HOL cls thry HOLType
    , mkFunTy          -- :: HOLType -> HOLType -> HOL cls thry HOLType
    -- * Stateful Term Primitives
    , constants    -- :: HOL cls thry [(String, HOLTerm)]
    , getConstType -- :: String -> HOL cls thry HOLType
    , newConstant  -- :: String -> HOLType -> HOL Theory thry ()
    , mkConst      -- :: TypeSubst l r => 
                   --    String -> [(l, r)] -> HOL cls thry HOLTerm
    , mkConstFull  -- :: String -> SubstTrip -> HOL cls thry HOLTerm
    , mkEq         -- :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> HOL cls thry HOLTerm
    -- * Stateful Theory Extension Primitives
    , axioms                 -- :: HOL cls thry [(String, HOLThm)]
    , getAxiom               -- :: String -> HOL cls thry HOLThm
    , newAxiom               -- :: String -> HOLTerm -> HOL Theory thry HOLThm
    , definitions            -- :: HOL cls thry [HOLThm]
    , newBasicDefinition     -- :: HOLTerm -> HOL Theory thry HOLThm
    , newBasicTypeDefinition -- :: String -> String -> String -> HOLThm -> 
                             --    HOL Theory thry (HOLThm, HOLThm)
    -- * Primitive Debugging System
    , FlagDebug(..)
    , warn         -- :: Bool -> String -> HOL cls thry ()
    , printDebugLn -- :: String -> HOL cls thry a -> HOL cls thry a
    , printDebug   -- :: String -> HOL cls thry a -> HOL cls thry a
      -- * Monad Re-Export
    , module HaskHOL.Core.State.Monad
    ) where

import HaskHOL.Core.Lib
import HaskHOL.Core.Kernel
import HaskHOL.Core.State.Monad

-- New flags and extensions
-- | Flag states whether or not to print debug statements.
newFlag "FlagDebug" True

newExtension "TypeConstants" 
  [| [("bool", tyOpBool), ("fun", tyOpFun)] :: [(String, TypeOp)] |]

newExtension "TermConstants" [| [("=", tmEq tyA)] :: [(String, HOLTerm)] |]

newExtension "TheAxioms" [| [] :: [(String, HOLThm)] |]

  Extensible state type for term definitions introduced via 
newExtension "TheCoreDefinitions" [| [] :: [HOLThm] |]

-- Stateful HOL Light Type Primitives
  Retrieves the list of type constants from the current working theory.  The
  list contains pairs of strings recognized by the parser and the associated
  type operator value, i.e. 

  > ("bool", tyOpBool)
types :: HOL cls thry [(String, TypeOp)]
types =
    do (TypeConstants tys) <- getExt
       return tys

-- needed for parser
  Retrieves the arity of a given type constant.  Fails with 'Nothing' if the
  provided type constant name is not defined in the provided context.

  Note that this function takes a 'HOLContext' argument such that it can be
  used outside of 'HOL' computations; for example, in the parser.
getTypeArityCtxt :: HOLContext thry -> String -> Maybe Int
getTypeArityCtxt ctx name =
    let (TypeConstants tys) = getExtCtxt ctx in
      do tyOp <- lookup name tys
         return . snd $ destTypeOp tyOp

  A version of 'getTypeArityCtxt' that operates over the current working theory
  of a 'HOL' computation.  Throws a 'HOLException' if the provided type constant
  name is not defined.
getTypeArity :: String -> HOL cls thry Int
getTypeArity name =
    do ctxt <- get
       liftMaybe ("getTypeArity: type " ++ name ++ " has not been defined.") $
         getTypeArityCtxt ctxt name

  Primitive type constant construction function.  Used by newType and 
  newBasicTypeDefinition.  Not exposed to the user.
newType' :: String -> TypeOp -> HOL Theory thry ()
newType' name tyop =
    do failWhen (can getTypeArity name) $
         "newType: type " ++ name ++ " has already been declared."
       modifyExt $ \ (TypeConstants consts) -> 
                       TypeConstants $ (name, tyop) : consts

  Constructs a new primitve type constant of a given name and arity.  Also adds
  this new type to the current working theory.  Throws a 'HOLException' when a 
  type of the same name has already been declared.
newType :: String -> Int -> HOL Theory thry ()
newType name arity = 
    newType' name $ newPrimTypeOp name arity

  Constructs a type application given an operator name and a list of argument
  types.  If the provided name is not a currently defined type constant then
  this function defaults it to a type operator variable.  Throws a 
  'HOLException' in the following cases:

  * A type operator's arity disagrees with the length of the argument list.

  * A type operator is applied to zero arguments.
mkType :: String -> [HOLType] -> HOL cls thry HOLType
mkType name args =
    do (TypeConstants consts) <- getExt
       case lookup name consts of
         Just tyOp -> liftEither "mkType: type constructor application failed" $
                        tyApp tyOp args
         Nothing -> 
           {- This seemed to be the easiest way to supress superfluous warnings
              when parsing type operators. -}
           do name' <- case name of
                         '_':x -> return x
                         _ -> printDebugLn 
                                ("warning - mkType: type " ++ name ++ " has " ++
                                 "not been defined.  Defaulting to type " ++ 
                                 "operator variable.") $ 
                                return name
              failWhen (return $ null args)
                "mkType: type operator applied to zero args."
              liftEither "mkType: type operator variable application failed" $ 
                tyApp (mkTypeOpVar name') args

  Constructs a function type safely using 'mkType'.  Should never fail provided
  that the initial value for type constants has not been modified.
mkFunTy :: HOLType -> HOLType -> HOL cls thry HOLType
mkFunTy ty1 ty2 = mkType "fun" [ty1, ty2]

-- State for Constants
  Retrieves the list of term constants from the current working theory.  The
  list contains pairs of strings recognized by the parser and the associated
  term constant value, i.e. 

  > ("=", tmEq tyA)
constants :: HOL cls thry [(String, HOLTerm)]
constants =
    do (TermConstants consts) <- getExt
       return consts

  Retrieves the type of a given term constant.  Throws a 'HOLException' if the
  provided term constant name is not defined.
getConstType :: String -> HOL cls thry HOLType
getConstType name =
    do (TermConstants consts) <- getExt
       tm <- liftMaybe "getConstType: not a constant name" $
               lookup name consts
       return $! typeOf tm

  Primitive term constant construction function.  Used by newConstant,
  newBasicDefinition, and newBasicTypeDefinition.
newConstant' :: String -> HOLTerm -> HOL Theory thry ()
newConstant' name c =
    do failWhen (can getConstType name) $
         "newConstant: constant " ++ name ++ " has already been declared."
       modifyExt $ \ (TermConstants consts) -> 
                       TermConstants $ (name, c) : consts

  Constructs a new primitive term constant of a given name and type.  Also adds
  this new term to the current working theory.  Throws a 'HOLException' when a
  term of the same name has already been declared.
newConstant :: String -> HOLType -> HOL Theory thry ()
newConstant name ty =
    newConstant' name $ newPrimConst name ty

  Constructs a specific instance of a term constant when provided with its name
  and a type substition environment.  Throws a 'HOLException' in the 
  following cases:

  * The instantiation as performed by 'instConst' fails.

  * The provided name is not a currently defined constant.
mkConst :: TypeSubst l r => String -> [(l, r)] -> HOL cls thry HOLTerm
mkConst name tyenv =
    do (TermConstants consts) <- getExt
       tm <- liftMaybe "mkConst: not a constant name" $ 
               lookup name consts
       liftMaybe "mkConst: instantiation failed" $ 
         instConst tm tyenv

  A version of 'mkConst' that accepts a triplet of type substitition 
  environments.  Frequently used with the 'typeMatch' function.
mkConstFull :: String -> SubstTrip -> HOL cls thry HOLTerm
mkConstFull name pat =
    do (TermConstants consts) <- getExt
       tm <- liftMaybe "mkConstFull: not a constant name" $
               lookup name consts
       liftMaybe "mkConstFull: instantiation failed" $ 
         instConstFull tm pat
  Safely creates an equality between two terms using 'mkConst' using the type of
  the left hand side argument to perform the required instantiation.  Throws a
  'HOLException' in the case when the types of the two terms do not agree.
mkEq :: HOLTerm -> HOLTerm -> HOL cls thry HOLTerm
mkEq l r =
    let ty = typeOf l in
      do eq <- mkConst "=" [(tyA, ty)]
         liftEither "mkEq" $
           liftM1 mkComb (mkComb eq l) r

-- State for Axioms	

  Retrieves the list of axioms from the current working theory.  The list
  contains pairs of string names and the axioms.  This names exists such that
  compile time operations have a tag with which they can use to extract axioms 
  from saved theories.  See 'extractAxiom' for more details.
axioms :: HOL cls thry [(String, HOLThm)]
axioms =	
    do (TheAxioms thms) <- getExt
       return thms

  Retrieves a specific axiom by name.  Throws a 'HOLException' if there is no
  axiom with the provided name in the current working theory.
getAxiom :: String -> HOL cls thry HOLThm
getAxiom lbl =
    do (TheAxioms thms) <- getExt
       liftMaybe "getAxiom: axiom name not found" $
         lookup lbl thms

  Constructs a new axiom of a given name and conclusion term.  Also adds this
  new axiom to the current working theory.  Throws a 'HOLException' in the 
  following cases:

  * The provided term is not a proposition.

  * An axiom with the provided name has already been declared.
newAxiom :: String -> HOLTerm -> HOL Theory thry HOLThm
newAxiom name tm
    | typeOf tm /= tyBool = fail "newAxiom: Not a proposition."
    | otherwise =
        do failWhen (can getAxiom name) $ "newAxiom: axiom with name " ++ 
             name ++ " has already been declared."
           let th = axiomThm tm 
           modifyExt $ \ (TheAxioms axs) -> TheAxioms $ (name, th) : axs
           return th

-- State for Definitions
  Retrieves the list of definitions from the current working theory.  See
  'newBasicDefinition' for more details.
definitions :: HOL cls thry [HOLThm]
definitions =
    do (TheCoreDefinitions defs) <- getExt
       return defs

  Introduces a definition of the form @c = t@ into the current working theory.
  Throws a 'HOLException' when the definitional term is ill-formed.  See
  'newDefinedConst' for more details.
newBasicDefinition :: HOLTerm -> HOL Theory thry HOLThm
newBasicDefinition tm =
    do (c@(view -> Const name _ _), dth) <- liftEither "newBasicDefinition" $
                                              newDefinedConst tm
       newConstant' name c
       modifyExt $ \ (TheCoreDefinitions defs) -> 
                       TheCoreDefinitions $ dth : defs
       return dth

  Introduces a new type constant, and two associated term constants, into the 
  current working theory that is defined as an inhabited subset of an existing 
  type constant.  Takes the following arguments:
  *  The name of the new type constant.

  *  The name of the new term constant that will be used to construct the type.

  *  The name of the new term constant that will be used to desctruct the type.

  *  A theorem that proves that the defining predicate has at least one
     satisfying value.

  Throws a 'HOLException' in the following cases:

  *  A term constant of either of the provided names has already been defined.

  *  A type constant of the provided name has already been defined.

  See 'newDefinedTypeOp' for more details.
newBasicTypeDefinition :: String -> String -> String -> HOLThm -> 
                          HOL Theory thry (HOLThm, HOLThm)
newBasicTypeDefinition tyname absname repname dth =
  do failWhen (return or <*> mapM (can getConstType) [absname, repname]) $
       "newBasicTypeDefinition: Constant(s) " ++ absname ++ ", " ++ repname ++
         " already in use."
     (atyop, a, r, dth1, dth2) <- liftEither "newBasicTypeDefinition" $
                                    newDefinedTypeOp tyname absname repname dth
     failWhen (canNot (newType' tyname) atyop) $
       "newBasicTypeDefinition: Type " ++ tyname ++ " already defined."
     newConstant' absname a
     newConstant' repname r
     return (dth1, dth2)

-- Primitive Debugging Functions
  Prints the provided string, with a new line, when the given boolean value is
warn :: Bool -> String -> HOL cls thry ()
warn flag str = when flag $ putStrLnHOL str

  Prints the provided string, with a new line, when debugging is turned on, then
  returns the given 'HOL' computation.  A version of 'trace' for the 'HOL' monad
  that is referentially transparent.
printDebugLn :: String -> HOL cls thry a -> HOL cls thry a
printDebugLn = printDebugBase putStrLnHOL

-- | A version of printDebug that does not print a new line.
printDebug :: String -> HOL cls thry a -> HOL cls thry a
printDebug = printDebugBase putStrHOL

-- Abstracted out for future flexibility.  Not exported.
printDebugBase :: (String -> HOL cls thry ()) -> String -> HOL cls thry a -> 
                  HOL cls thry a
printDebugBase fn str x =
    do debug <- getBenignFlag FlagDebug
       if debug
          then fn str >> x
          else x

deriveLiftMany [ ''TypeConstants, ''TermConstants
               , ''TheAxioms, ''TheCoreDefinitions ]