haskoin- Implementation of the Bitcoin protocol.

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




This module defines various utility functions used across the Network.Haskoin modules.


ByteString helpers

toStrictBS :: ByteString -> ByteStringSource

Transforms a lazy bytestring into a strict bytestring

toLazyBS :: ByteString -> ByteStringSource

Transforms a strict bytestring into a lazy bytestring

stringToBS :: String -> ByteStringSource

Transforms a string into a strict bytestring

bsToString :: ByteString -> StringSource

Transform a strict bytestring to a string

bsToInteger :: ByteString -> IntegerSource

Decode a big endian Integer from a bytestring

integerToBS :: Integer -> ByteStringSource

Encode an Integer to a bytestring as big endian

bsToHex :: ByteString -> StringSource

Encode a bytestring to a base16 (HEX) representation

hexToBS :: String -> Maybe ByteStringSource

Decode a base16 (HEX) string from a bytestring. This function can fail if the string contains invalid HEX characters

Data.Binary helpers

encode' :: Binary a => a -> ByteStringSource

Strict version of Data.Binary.encode

decode' :: Binary a => ByteString -> aSource

Strict version of Data.Binary.decode

runPut' :: Put -> ByteStringSource

Strict version of Data.Binary.runPut

runGet' :: Binary a => Get a -> ByteString -> aSource

Strict version of Data.Binary.runGet

decodeOrFail' :: Binary a => ByteString -> Either (ByteString, ByteOffset, String) (ByteString, ByteOffset, a)Source

Strict version of Data.Binary.decodeOrFail

runGetOrFail' :: Binary a => Get a -> ByteString -> Either (ByteString, ByteOffset, String) (ByteString, ByteOffset, a)Source

Strict version of Data.Binary.runGetOrFail



:: Binary a 
=> ByteString

The bytestring to decode

-> b

Default value to return when decoding fails

-> (a -> b)

Function to apply when decoding succeeds

-> b

Final result

Try to decode a Data.Binary value. If decoding succeeds, apply the function to the result. Otherwise, return the default value.



:: Binary a 
=> Get a

The Get monad to run

-> ByteString

The bytestring to decode

-> b

Default value to return when decoding fails

-> (a -> b)

Function to apply when decoding succeeds

-> b

Final result

Try to run a Data.Binary.Get monad. If decoding succeeds, apply a function to the result. Otherwise, return the default value.

decodeToEither :: Binary a => ByteString -> Either String aSource

Decode a Data.Binary value into the Either monad. A Right value is returned with the result upon success. Otherwise a Left value with the error message is returned.

decodeToMaybe :: Binary a => ByteString -> Maybe aSource

Decode a Data.Binary value into the Maybe monad. A Just value is returned with the result upon success. Otherwise, Nothing is returned.

isolate :: Binary a => Int -> Get a -> Get aSource

Isolate a Data.Binary.Get monad for the next Int bytes. Only the next Int bytes of the input bytestring will be available for the Get monad to consume. This function will fail if the Get monad fails or some of the input is not consumed.

Maybe and Either monad helpers

isLeft :: Either a b -> BoolSource

Returns True if the Either value is Left

isRight :: Either a b -> BoolSource

Returns True if the Either value is Right

fromRight :: Either a b -> bSource

Extract the Right value from an Either value. Fails if the value is Left

fromLeft :: Either a b -> aSource

Extract the Left value from an Either value. Fails if the value is Right

eitherToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe bSource

Transforms an Either value into a Maybe value. Right is mapped to Just and Left is mapped to Nothing. The value inside Left is lost.

maybeToEither :: b -> Maybe a -> Either b aSource

Transforms a Maybe value into an Either value. Just is mapped to Right and Nothing is mapped to Left. You also pass in an error value in case Left is returned.

liftEither :: Monad m => Either b a -> EitherT b m aSource

Lift a Either computation into the EitherT monad

liftMaybe :: Monad m => b -> Maybe a -> EitherT b m aSource

Lift a Maybe computation into the EitherT monad

Various helpers



:: Int

The index of the element to change

-> [a]

The list of elements

-> (a -> a)

The function to apply

-> [a]

The result with one element changed

Applies a function to only one element of a list defined by it's index. If the index is out of the bounds of the list, the original list is returned.



:: [a]

The input list

-> [b]

The list to serve as a template

-> (a -> b -> Bool)

The comparison function

-> [Maybe a]

Results of the template matching

Use the list [b] as a template and try to match the elements of [a] against it. For each element of [b] return the (first) matching element of [a], or Nothing. Output list has same size as [b] and contains results in same order. Elements of [a] can only appear once.

fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> aSource

Returns the first value of a triple.

snd3 :: (a, b, c) -> bSource

Returns the second value of a triple.

lst3 :: (a, b, c) -> cSource

Returns the last value of a triple.