module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Merkle 
( calcTreeHeight
, calcTreeWidth
, buildMerkleRoot
, calcHash
, buildPartialMerkle
, extractMatches
) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS 

import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.BigWord
import Network.Haskoin.Util
import Network.Haskoin.Constants

type MerkleRoot        = Word256
type FlagBits          = [Bool]
type PartialMerkleTree = [Word256]

-- | Computes the height of a merkle tree.
calcTreeHeight :: Int -- ^ Number of transactions (leaf nodes).
               -> Int -- ^ Height of the merkle tree.
calcTreeHeight ntx = ceiling $ log (fromIntegral ntx :: Double) / log 2

-- | Computes the width of a merkle tree at a specific height. The transactions
-- are at height 0.
calcTreeWidth :: Int -- ^ Number of transactions (leaf nodes).
              -> Int -- ^ Height at which we want to compute the width.
              -> Int -- ^ Width of the merkle tree.
calcTreeWidth ntx h = (ntx + (1 `shiftL` h) - 1) `shiftR` h

-- | Computes the root of a merkle tree from a list of leaf node hashes.
buildMerkleRoot :: [TxHash]   -- ^ List of transaction hashes (leaf nodes).
                -> MerkleRoot -- ^ Root of the merkle tree.
buildMerkleRoot txs = calcHash (calcTreeHeight $ length txs) 0 txs

hash2 :: Word256 -> Word256 -> Word256
hash2 a b = doubleHash256 $ encode' a `BS.append` encode' b

-- | Computes the hash of a specific node in a merkle tree.
calcHash :: Int       -- ^ Height of the node in the merkle tree.
         -> Int       -- ^ Position of the node (0 for the leftmost node).
         -> [TxHash]  -- ^ Transaction hashes of the merkle tree (leaf nodes).
         -> Word256   -- ^ Hash of the node at the specified position.
calcHash height pos txs
    | height < 0 || pos < 0 = error "calcHash: Invalid parameters"
    | height == 0 = fromIntegral $ txs !! pos
    | otherwise = hash2 left right
    left = calcHash (height-1) (pos*2) txs
    right | pos*2+1 < calcTreeWidth (length txs) (height-1) = 
                calcHash (height-1) (pos*2+1) txs
          | otherwise = left

-- | Build a partial merkle tree.
    :: [(TxHash,Bool)] 
    -- ^ List of transactions hashes forming the leaves of the merkle tree
    -- and a bool indicating if that transaction should be included in the 
    -- partial merkle tree.
    -> (FlagBits, PartialMerkleTree) 
    -- ^ Flag bits (used to parse the partial merkle tree) and the 
    -- partial merkle tree.
buildPartialMerkle hs = traverseAndBuild (calcTreeHeight $ length hs) 0 hs

traverseAndBuild :: Int -> Int -> [(TxHash,Bool)] 
                 -> (FlagBits, PartialMerkleTree)
traverseAndBuild height pos txs
    | height < 0 || pos < 0 = error "traverseAndBuild: Invalid parameters"
    | height == 0 || not match = ([match],[calcHash height pos t])
    | otherwise = (match : lb ++ rb, lh ++ rh)
    t = map fst txs
    s = pos `shiftL` height
    e = min (length txs) $ (pos+1) `shiftL` height
    match = or $ map snd $ take (e-s) $ drop s txs
    (lb,lh) = traverseAndBuild (height-1) (pos*2) txs
    (rb,rh) | (pos*2+1) < calcTreeWidth (length txs) (height-1)
                = traverseAndBuild (height-1) (pos*2+1) txs
            | otherwise = ([],[])

traverseAndExtract :: Int -> Int -> Int -> FlagBits -> PartialMerkleTree
                   -> Maybe (MerkleRoot, [TxHash], Int, Int)
traverseAndExtract height pos ntx flags hashes
    | length flags == 0        = Nothing
    | height == 0 || not match = leafResult
    | isNothing leftM          = Nothing
    | (pos*2+1) >= calcTreeWidth ntx (height-1) = 
        Just (hash2 lh lh, lm, lcf+1, lch)
    | isNothing rightM         = Nothing
    | otherwise = 
        Just (hash2 lh rh, lm ++ rm, lcf+rcf+1, lch+rch)
        | null hashes = Nothing
        | otherwise = Just 
            (h,if height == 0 && match then [fromIntegral h] else [],1,1)
    (match:fs) = flags
    (h:_)     = hashes
    leftM  = traverseAndExtract (height-1) (pos*2) ntx fs hashes
    (lh,lm,lcf,lch) = fromJust leftM
    rightM = traverseAndExtract (height-1) (pos*2+1) ntx 
                (drop lcf fs) (drop lch hashes)
    (rh,rm,rcf,rch) = fromJust rightM

-- | Extracts the matching hashes from a partial merkle tree. This will return
-- the list of transaction hashes that have been included (set to True) in
-- a call to 'buildPartialMerkle'.
extractMatches :: FlagBits -- ^ Flag bits (produced by buildPartialMerkle).
               -> PartialMerkleTree -- ^ Partial merkle tree.
               -> Int -- ^ Number of transaction at height 0 (leaf nodes).
               -> Either String (MerkleRoot, [TxHash])
               -- ^ Merkle root and the list of matching transaction hashes.
extractMatches flags hashes ntx
    | ntx == 0 = Left $
        "extractMatches: number of transactions can not be 0"
    | ntx > maxBlockSize `div` 60 = Left $
        "extractMatches: number of transactions excessively high"
    | length hashes > ntx = Left $
        "extractMatches: More hashes provided than the number of transactions"
    | length flags < length hashes = Left $
        "extractMatches: At least one bit per node and one bit per hash"
    | isNothing resM = Left $
        "extractMatches: traverseAndExtract failed"
    | (nBitsUsed+7) `div` 8 /= (length flags+7) `div` 8 = Left $
        "extractMatches: All bits were not consumed"
    | nHashUsed /= length hashes = Left $
        "extractMatches: All hashes were not consumed: " ++ (show nHashUsed)
    | otherwise = return (merkleRoot, matches)
    resM = traverseAndExtract (calcTreeHeight ntx) 0 ntx flags hashes
    (merkleRoot, matches, nBitsUsed, nHashUsed) = fromJust resM