{-| Module : Network.Haskoin.Test.Keys Copyright : No rights reserved License : UNLICENSE Maintainer : jprupp@protonmail.ch Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX -} module Network.Haskoin.Test.Keys where import Data.Bits (clearBit) import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Word (Word32) import Network.Haskoin.Crypto import Network.Haskoin.Keys.Common import Network.Haskoin.Keys.Extended import Network.Haskoin.Test.Crypto import Test.QuickCheck -- | Arbitrary private key with arbitrary compressed flag. arbitrarySecKeyI :: Gen SecKeyI arbitrarySecKeyI = wrapSecKey <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- | Arbitrary keypair, both either compressed or not. arbitraryKeyPair :: Gen (SecKeyI, PubKeyI) arbitraryKeyPair = do k <- arbitrarySecKeyI return (k, derivePubKeyI k) -- | Arbitrary extended private key. arbitraryXPrvKey :: Gen XPrvKey arbitraryXPrvKey = XPrvKey <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitraryHash256 <*> arbitrary -- | Arbitrary extended public key with its corresponding private key. arbitraryXPubKey :: Gen (XPrvKey, XPubKey) arbitraryXPubKey = (\k -> (k, deriveXPubKey k)) <$> arbitraryXPrvKey {- Custom derivations -} -- | Arbitrary derivation index with last bit unset. genIndex :: Gen Word32 genIndex = (`clearBit` 31) <$> arbitrary -- | Arbitrary BIP-32 path index. Can be hardened or not. arbitraryBip32PathIndex :: Gen Bip32PathIndex arbitraryBip32PathIndex = oneof [ Bip32SoftIndex <$> genIndex , Bip32HardIndex <$> genIndex ] -- | Arbitrary BIP-32 derivation path composed of only hardened derivations. arbitraryHardPath :: Gen HardPath arbitraryHardPath = foldl' (:|) Deriv <$> listOf genIndex -- | Arbitrary BIP-32 derivation path composed of only non-hardened derivations. arbitrarySoftPath :: Gen SoftPath arbitrarySoftPath = foldl' (:/) Deriv <$> listOf genIndex -- | Arbitrary derivation path composed of hardened and non-hardened derivations. arbitraryDerivPath :: Gen DerivPath arbitraryDerivPath = concatBip32Segments <$> listOf arbitraryBip32PathIndex -- | Arbitrary parsed derivation path. Can contain 'ParsedPrv', 'ParsedPub' or -- 'ParsedEmpty' elements. arbitraryParsedPath :: Gen ParsedPath arbitraryParsedPath = oneof [ ParsedPrv <$> arbitraryDerivPath , ParsedPub <$> arbitraryDerivPath , ParsedEmpty <$> arbitraryDerivPath ] -- | Arbitrary message hash, private key, nonce and corresponding signature. The -- signature is generated with a random message, random private key and a random -- nonce. arbitrarySignature :: Gen (Hash256, SecKey, Sig) arbitrarySignature = do m <- arbitraryHash256 key <- arbitrary let sig = signHash key m return (m, key, sig)