module Haskoin.UtilSpec ( spec, customCerealID, readTestFile, ) where import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Aeson.Encoding (encodingToLazyByteString) import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, parseMaybe) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Either (fromLeft, fromRight, isLeft, isRight) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.List (permutations) import Data.Map.Strict (singleton) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Serialize as S import Haskoin.Util import Haskoin.Util.Arbitrary import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck spec :: Spec spec = describe "utility functions" $ do prop "bsToInteger . integerToBS" getPutInteger prop "decodeHex . encodeHex" $ forAll arbitraryBS fromToHex prop "compare updateIndex with Data.Sequence" testUpdateIndex prop "matchTemplate" testMatchTemplate prop "testing matchTemplate with two lists" testMatchTemplateLen prop "test eitherToMaybe" testEitherToMaybe prop "test maybeToEither" testMaybeToEither {- Various utilities -} getPutInteger :: Integer -> Bool getPutInteger i = bsToInteger (integerToBS $ abs i) == abs i fromToHex :: BS.ByteString -> Bool fromToHex bs = decodeHex (encodeHex bs) == Just bs testUpdateIndex :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Bool testUpdateIndex xs v i = updateIndex i xs (const v) == toList (Seq.update i v $ Seq.fromList xs) testMatchTemplate :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool testMatchTemplate as i = catMaybes res == bs where res = matchTemplate as bs (==) idx = if null as then 0 else i `mod` length as bs = permutations as !! idx testMatchTemplateLen :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool testMatchTemplateLen as bs = length bs == length res where res = matchTemplate as bs (==) testEitherToMaybe :: Either String Int -> Bool testEitherToMaybe (Right v) = eitherToMaybe (Right v) == Just v testEitherToMaybe e = isNothing (eitherToMaybe e) testMaybeToEither :: Maybe Int -> String -> Bool testMaybeToEither (Just v) str = maybeToEither str (Just v) == Right v testMaybeToEither m str = maybeToEither str m == Left str {-- Test Utilities --} customCerealID :: Eq a => Get a -> Putter a -> a -> Bool customCerealID g p a = runGet g (runPut (p a)) == Right a readTestFile :: A.FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO a readTestFile fp = A.eitherDecodeFileStrict ("data/" <> fp) >>= either (error . message) return where message aesonErr = "Could not read test file " <> fp <> ": " <> aesonErr