-- | ECDSA Signatures
module Network.Haskoin.Crypto.ECDSA
( SecretT
, Signature(..)
, withSource
, getEntropy
, signMsg
, verifySig
, genPrvKey
, isCanonicalHalfOrder
, decodeDerSig
, decodeStrictSig
) where

import Numeric (showHex)

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf)
import Control.Monad (when, unless, guard)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S
    ( StateT
    , evalStateT
    , get, put

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Binary (Binary, get, put)
import Data.Binary.Put (putByteString, putByteString)
import Data.Binary.Get (getWord8, lookAhead, getByteString)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import System.Entropy (getEntropy)

import qualified Crypto.Secp256k1 as EC

import Network.Haskoin.Constants
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Hash
import Network.Haskoin.Crypto.Keys

-- | Internal state of the 'SecretT' monad
type SecretState m = (WorkingState, Int -> m ByteString)

-- | StateT monad stack tracking the internal state of HMAC DRBG
-- pseudo random number generator using SHA-256. The 'SecretT' monad is
-- run with the 'withSource' function by providing it a source of entropy.
type SecretT m = S.StateT (SecretState m) m

-- | Run a 'SecretT' monad by providing it a source of entropy. You can
-- use 'getEntropy' or provide your own entropy source function.
withSource :: Monad m => (Int -> m ByteString) -> SecretT m a -> m a
withSource f m = do
    seed  <- f 32 -- Read 256 bits from the random source
    nonce <- f 16 -- Read 128 bits from the random source
    let ws = hmacDRBGNew seed nonce haskoinUserAgent
    S.evalStateT m (ws,f)

-- | Generate a new random 'EC.SecKey' value from the 'SecretT' monad. This
-- will invoke the HMAC DRBG routine. Of the internal entropy pool of the HMAC
-- DRBG was stretched too much, this function will reseed it.
nextSecret :: Monad m => SecretT m EC.SecKey
nextSecret = do
    (ws, f) <- S.get
    let (ws', randM) = hmacDRBGGen ws 32 haskoinUserAgent
    case randM of
        (Just rand) -> do
            S.put (ws', f)
            case EC.secKey rand of
                Just key -> return key
                Nothing  -> nextSecret
        Nothing -> do
            seed <- lift $ f 32 -- Read 256 bits to re-seed the PRNG
            let ws0 = hmacDRBGRsd ws' seed haskoinUserAgent
            S.put (ws0, f)

-- | Produce a new 'PrvKey' randomly from the 'SecretT' monad.
genPrvKey :: Monad m => SecretT m PrvKey
genPrvKey = makePrvKey <$> nextSecret

-- | Data type representing an ECDSA signature.
newtype Signature = Signature { getSignature :: EC.Sig }
    deriving (Read, Show, Eq)

instance NFData Signature where
    rnf (Signature s) = s `seq` ()

hashToMsg :: Hash256 -> EC.Msg
hashToMsg =
    fromMaybe e . EC.msg . getHash256
    e = error "Could not convert 32-byte hash to secp256k1 message"

-- <http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf Section 4.1.3>
-- | Sign a message
signMsg :: Hash256 -> PrvKey -> Signature
signMsg h d = Signature $ EC.signMsg (prvKeySecKey d) (hashToMsg h)

-- | Verify an ECDSA signature
verifySig :: Hash256 -> Signature -> PubKey -> Bool
verifySig h s q =
    EC.verifySig p g m
    (g, _) = EC.normalizeSig $ getSignature s
    m = hashToMsg h
    p = pubKeyPoint q

instance Binary Signature where
    get = do
        l <- lookAhead $ do
            t <- getWord8
            -- 0x30 is DER sequence type
            unless (t == 0x30) $ fail $
                "Bad DER identifier byte 0x" ++ showHex t ". Expecting 0x30"
            l <- getWord8
            when (l == 0x00) $ fail "Indeterminate form unsupported"
            when (l >= 0x80) $ fail "Multi-octect length not supported"
            return $ fromIntegral l
        bs <- getByteString $ l + 2
        case decodeDerSig bs of
            Just s  -> return s
            Nothing -> fail "Invalid signature"

    put (Signature s) = putByteString $ EC.exportSig s

isCanonicalHalfOrder :: Signature -> Bool
isCanonicalHalfOrder = not . snd . EC.normalizeSig . getSignature

decodeDerSig :: ByteString -> Maybe Signature
decodeDerSig bs = Signature <$> EC.laxImportSig bs

decodeStrictSig :: ByteString -> Maybe Signature
decodeStrictSig bs = do
    g <- EC.importSig bs
    let compact = EC.exportCompactSig g
    -- <http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf Section 4.1.4>
    -- (r and s can not be zero)
    guard $ EC.getCompactSigR compact /= 0
    guard $ EC.getCompactSigS compact /= 0
    return $ Signature g