# Haskoin Store Full blockchain index & store featuring: - Bitcoin Cash (BCH) & Bitcoin SegWit (BTC) support. - Address balance, transaction, and UTXO index. - Mempool support (SPV). - XPub balance, transaction, and UTXO support. - Persistent storage using RocksDB. - RESTful endpoints for blockchain data. - Concurrent non-blocking transactional design. - JSON and Protocol Buffers serialization support. ## Install * Get [Stack](https://haskell-lang.org/get-started). * Get [Nix](https://nixos.org/nix/). * Clone this repository `git clone https://github.com/haskoin/haskoin-store`. * From the root of this repository run `stack --nix build --copy-bins`. * File will usually be installed in `~/.local/bin/haskoin-store`. ## API Documentation * [Swagger API Documentation](https://btc.haskoin.com/).