{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Haskoin.Store.Logic ( ImportException (..) , initBest , getOldMempool , revertBlock , importBlock , newMempoolTx , deleteTx ) where import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, unless, void, when, zipWithM_) import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..)) import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLogger, logDebugS, logErrorS, logWarnS) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as B.Short import Data.Either (rights) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as I import Data.List (nub, sort) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing) import Data.Serialize (encode) import Data.String (fromString) import Data.String.Conversions (cs) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Word (Word32, Word64) import Haskoin (Address, Block (..), BlockHash, BlockHeader (..), BlockNode (..), Network (..), OutPoint (..), Tx (..), TxHash, TxIn (..), TxOut (..), addrToString, blockHashToHex, genesisBlock, genesisNode, headerHash, isGenesis, nullOutPoint, scriptToAddressBS, txHash, txHashToHex) import Haskoin.Store.Common (Balance (..), BlockData (..), BlockRef (..), BlockTx (..), Prev (..), Spender (..), StoreInput (..), StoreOutput (..), StoreRead (..), StoreWrite (..), Transaction (..), TxData (..), UnixTime, Unspent (..), confirmed, fromTransaction, isCoinbase, nullBalance, scriptToStringAddr, sortTxs, toTransaction, transactionData) import Network.Haskoin.Block.Headers (computeSubsidy) import UnliftIO (Exception) data ImportException = PrevBlockNotBest !Text | TxOrphan !Text | UnconfirmedCoinbase !Text | BestBlockUnknown | BestBlockNotFound !Text | BlockNotBest !Text | TxNotFound !Text | OutputSpent !Text | CannotDeleteNonRBF !Text | TxInvalidOp !Text | TxDeleted !Text | TxDoubleSpend !Text | AlreadyUnspent !Text | TxConfirmed !Text | OutputOutOfRange !Text | BalanceNotFound !Text | InsufficientBalance !Text | InsufficientZeroBalance !Text | InsufficientOutputs !Text | InsufficientFunds !Text | DuplicatePrevOutput !Text deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Exception) initBest :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => m () initBest = do net <- getNetwork m <- getBestBlock when (isNothing m) (void (importBlock (genesisBlock net) (genesisNode net))) getOldMempool :: StoreRead m => UnixTime -> m [TxHash] getOldMempool now = map blockTxHash . filter ((< now - 3600 * 72) . memRefTime . blockTxBlock) <$> getMempool newMempoolTx :: (StoreRead m, StoreWrite m, MonadLogger m, MonadError ImportException m) => Tx -> UnixTime -> m (Maybe [TxHash]) -- ^ deleted transactions or nothing if already imported newMempoolTx tx w = getTxData (txHash tx) >>= \case Just x | not (txDataDeleted x) -> do $(logDebugS) "BlockStore" $ "Transaction already in store: " <> txHashToHex (txHash tx) return Nothing _ -> Just <$> importTx (MemRef w) w tx revertBlock :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => BlockHash -> m [TxHash] revertBlock bh = do bd <- getBestBlock >>= \case Nothing -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" "Best block unknown" throwError BestBlockUnknown Just h -> getBlock h >>= \case Nothing -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" "Best block not found" throwError (BestBlockNotFound (blockHashToHex h)) Just b | h == bh -> return b | otherwise -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Cannot delete block that is not head: " <> blockHashToHex h throwError (BlockNotBest (blockHashToHex bh)) txs <- mapM (fmap transactionData . getImportTx) (blockDataTxs bd) ths <- nub . concat <$> mapM (deleteTx False False . txHash . snd) (reverse (sortTxs txs)) setBest (prevBlock (blockDataHeader bd)) insertBlock bd {blockDataMainChain = False} return ths importBlock :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => Block -> BlockNode -> m [TxHash] -- ^ deleted transactions importBlock b n = do mp <- filter (`elem` bths) . map blockTxHash <$> getMempool getBestBlock >>= \case Nothing | isGenesis n -> return () | otherwise -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Cannot import non-genesis block at this point: " <> blockHashToHex (headerHash (blockHeader b)) throwError BestBlockUnknown Just h | prevBlock (blockHeader b) == h -> return () | otherwise -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Block does not build on head: " <> blockHashToHex (headerHash (blockHeader b)) throwError $ PrevBlockNotBest (blockHashToHex (prevBlock (nodeHeader n))) net <- getNetwork let subsidy = computeSubsidy net (nodeHeight n) insertBlock BlockData { blockDataHeight = nodeHeight n , blockDataMainChain = True , blockDataWork = nodeWork n , blockDataHeader = nodeHeader n , blockDataSize = fromIntegral (B.length (encode b)) , blockDataTxs = map txHash (blockTxns b) , blockDataWeight = fromIntegral w , blockDataSubsidy = subsidy , blockDataFees = cb_out_val - subsidy , blockDataOutputs = ts_out_val } bs <- getBlocksAtHeight (nodeHeight n) setBlocksAtHeight (nub (headerHash (nodeHeader n) : bs)) (nodeHeight n) setBest (headerHash (nodeHeader n)) ths <- nub . concat <$> mapM (uncurry (import_or_confirm mp)) (sortTxs (blockTxns b)) return ths where bths = map txHash (blockTxns b) import_or_confirm mp x tx = if txHash tx `elem` mp then getTxData (txHash tx) >>= \case Just td -> confirmTx td (br x) tx >> return [] Nothing -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Cannot get data for mempool tx: " <> txHashToHex (txHash tx) throwError $ TxNotFound (txHashToHex (txHash tx)) else importTx (br x) (fromIntegral (blockTimestamp (nodeHeader n))) tx cb_out_val = sum (map outValue (txOut (head (blockTxns b)))) ts_out_val = sum (map (sum . map outValue . txOut) (tail (blockTxns b))) br pos = BlockRef {blockRefHeight = nodeHeight n, blockRefPos = pos} w = let s = B.length (encode b { blockTxns = map (\t -> t {txWitness = []}) (blockTxns b) }) x = B.length (encode b) in s * 3 + x importTx :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => BlockRef -> Word64 -- ^ unix time -> Tx -> m [TxHash] -- ^ deleted transactions importTx br tt tx = do unless (confirmed br) $ $(logDebugS) "BlockStore" $ "Importing transaction " <> txHashToHex (txHash tx) when (length (nub (map prevOutput (txIn tx))) < length (txIn tx)) $ do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Transaction spends same output twice: " <> txHashToHex (txHash tx) throwError (DuplicatePrevOutput (txHashToHex (txHash tx))) when (iscb && not (confirmed br)) $ do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Coinbase cannot be imported into mempool: " <> txHashToHex (txHash tx) throwError (UnconfirmedCoinbase (txHashToHex (txHash tx))) us' <- if iscb then return [] else forM (txIn tx) $ \TxIn {prevOutput = op} -> uns op let us = map fst us' ths = nub (concatMap snd us') when (not (confirmed br) && sum (map unspentAmount us) < sum (map outValue (txOut tx))) $ do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Insufficient funds for tx: " <> txHashToHex (txHash tx) throwError (InsufficientFunds (txHashToHex th)) rbf <- isRBF br tx commit rbf us return ths where commit rbf us = do zipWithM_ (spendOutput br (txHash tx)) [0 ..] us zipWithM_ (\i o -> newOutput br (OutPoint (txHash tx) i) o) [0 ..] (txOut tx) let t = Transaction { transactionBlock = br , transactionVersion = txVersion tx , transactionLockTime = txLockTime tx , transactionInputs = if iscb then zipWith mkcb (txIn tx) ws else zipWith3 mkin us (txIn tx) ws , transactionOutputs = map mkout (txOut tx) , transactionDeleted = False , transactionRBF = rbf , transactionTime = tt } let (d, _) = fromTransaction t insertTx d updateAddressCounts (txAddresses t) (+ 1) unless (confirmed br) $ insertIntoMempool (txHash tx) (memRefTime br) uns op = getUnspent op >>= \case Just u -> return (u, []) Nothing -> do $(logWarnS) "BlockStore" $ "Unspent output not found: " <> txHashToHex (outPointHash op) <> " " <> fromString (show (outPointIndex op)) getSpender op >>= \case Nothing -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Output not found: " <> txHashToHex (outPointHash op) <> " " <> fromString (show (outPointIndex op)) $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Orphan tx: " <> txHashToHex (txHash tx) throwError (TxOrphan (txHashToHex (txHash tx))) Just Spender {spenderHash = s} -> do $(logWarnS) "BlockStore" $ "Deleting transaction " <> txHashToHex s <> " because it conflicts with " <> txHashToHex (txHash tx) ths <- deleteTx True True s getUnspent op >>= \case Nothing -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Cannot unspend output: " <> txHashToHex (outPointHash op) <> " " <> fromString (show (outPointIndex op)) throwError (OutputSpent (cs (show op))) Just u -> return (u, ths) th = txHash tx iscb = all (== nullOutPoint) (map prevOutput (txIn tx)) ws = map Just (txWitness tx) <> repeat Nothing mkcb ip w = StoreCoinbase { inputPoint = prevOutput ip , inputSequence = txInSequence ip , inputSigScript = scriptInput ip , inputWitness = w } mkin u ip w = let script = B.Short.fromShort (unspentScript u) in StoreInput { inputPoint = prevOutput ip , inputSequence = txInSequence ip , inputSigScript = scriptInput ip , inputPkScript = script , inputAmount = unspentAmount u , inputWitness = w } mkout o = StoreOutput { outputAmount = outValue o , outputScript = scriptOutput o , outputSpender = Nothing } confirmTx :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => TxData -> BlockRef -> Tx -> m () confirmTx t br tx = do forM_ (txDataPrevs t) $ \p -> case scriptToAddressBS (prevScript p) of Left _ -> return () Right a -> do deleteAddrTx a BlockTx {blockTxBlock = txDataBlock t, blockTxHash = txHash tx} insertAddrTx a BlockTx {blockTxBlock = br, blockTxHash = txHash tx} forM_ (zip [0 ..] (txOut tx)) $ \(n, o) -> do let op = OutPoint (txHash tx) n s <- getSpender (OutPoint (txHash tx) n) when (isNothing s) $ do deleteUnspent op net <- getNetwork insertUnspent Unspent { unspentBlock = br , unspentPoint = op , unspentAmount = outValue o , unspentScript = B.Short.toShort (scriptOutput o) , unspentAddress = scriptToStringAddr net (scriptOutput o) } case scriptToAddressBS (scriptOutput o) of Left _ -> return () Right a -> do deleteAddrTx a BlockTx {blockTxBlock = txDataBlock t, blockTxHash = txHash tx} insertAddrTx a BlockTx {blockTxBlock = br, blockTxHash = txHash tx} when (isNothing s) $ do net <- getNetwork deleteAddrUnspent a Unspent { unspentBlock = txDataBlock t , unspentPoint = op , unspentAmount = outValue o , unspentScript = B.Short.toShort (scriptOutput o) , unspentAddress = scriptToStringAddr net (scriptOutput o) } insertAddrUnspent a Unspent { unspentBlock = br , unspentPoint = op , unspentAmount = outValue o , unspentScript = B.Short.toShort (scriptOutput o) , unspentAddress = scriptToStringAddr net (scriptOutput o) } reduceBalance False False a (outValue o) increaseBalance True False a (outValue o) insertTx t {txDataBlock = br} deleteFromMempool (txHash tx) deleteFromMempool :: (Monad m, StoreRead m, StoreWrite m) => TxHash -> m () deleteFromMempool th = do mp <- getMempool setMempool $ filter ((/= th) . blockTxHash) mp insertIntoMempool :: (Monad m, StoreRead m, StoreWrite m) => TxHash -> UnixTime -> m () insertIntoMempool th unixtime = do mp <- getMempool setMempool . reverse . sort $ BlockTx {blockTxBlock = MemRef unixtime, blockTxHash = th} : mp deleteTx :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => Bool -- ^ only delete transaction if unconfirmed -> Bool -- ^ do RBF check before deleting transaction -> TxHash -> m [TxHash] -- ^ deleted transactions deleteTx memonly rbfcheck txhash = do getTxData txhash >>= \case Nothing -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Cannot find tx to delete: " <> txHashToHex txhash throwError (TxNotFound (txHashToHex txhash)) Just t | txDataDeleted t -> do $(logWarnS) "BlockStore" $ "Already deleted tx: " <> txHashToHex txhash return [] | memonly && confirmed (txDataBlock t) -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Will not delete confirmed tx: " <> txHashToHex txhash throwError (TxConfirmed (txHashToHex txhash)) | rbfcheck -> isRBF (txDataBlock t) (txData t) >>= \case True -> go t False -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Delete non-RBF transaction attempted: " <> txHashToHex txhash throwError $ CannotDeleteNonRBF (txHashToHex txhash) | otherwise -> go t where go t = do $(logWarnS) "BlockStore" $ "Deleting transaction: " <> txHashToHex txhash ss <- nub . map spenderHash . I.elems <$> getSpenders txhash ths <- fmap concat $ forM ss $ \s -> do $(logWarnS) "BlockStore" $ "Deleting descendant " <> txHashToHex s <> " to delete parent " <> txHashToHex txhash deleteTx True rbfcheck s forM_ (take (length (txOut (txData t))) [0 ..]) $ \n -> delOutput (OutPoint txhash n) let ps = filter (/= nullOutPoint) (map prevOutput (txIn (txData t))) mapM_ unspendOutput ps unless (confirmed (txDataBlock t)) $ deleteFromMempool txhash insertTx t {txDataDeleted = True} updateAddressCounts (txDataAddresses t) (subtract 1) return $ nub (txhash : ths) isRBF :: (StoreRead m, MonadLogger m, MonadError ImportException m) => BlockRef -> Tx -> m Bool isRBF br tx = getNetwork >>= \net -> if getReplaceByFee net then go else return False where go | all (== nullOutPoint) (map prevOutput (txIn tx)) = return False | any ((< 0xffffffff - 1) . txInSequence) (txIn tx) = return True | confirmed br = return False | otherwise = let hs = nub $ map (outPointHash . prevOutput) (txIn tx) ck [] = return False ck (h:hs') = getTxData h >>= \case Nothing -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Transaction not found: " <> txHashToHex h throwError (TxNotFound (txHashToHex h)) Just t | confirmed (txDataBlock t) -> ck hs' | txDataRBF t -> return True | otherwise -> ck hs' in ck hs newOutput :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m ) => BlockRef -> OutPoint -> TxOut -> m () newOutput br op to = do net <- getNetwork insertUnspent (u net) case scriptToAddressBS (scriptOutput to) of Left _ -> return () Right a -> do insertAddrUnspent a (u net) insertAddrTx a BlockTx {blockTxHash = outPointHash op, blockTxBlock = br} increaseBalance (confirmed br) True a (outValue to) where u net = Unspent { unspentBlock = br , unspentAmount = outValue to , unspentScript = B.Short.toShort (scriptOutput to) , unspentPoint = op , unspentAddress = scriptToStringAddr net (scriptOutput to) } delOutput :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => OutPoint -> m () delOutput op = do net <- getNetwork t <- getImportTx (outPointHash op) u <- getTxOutput (outPointIndex op) t deleteUnspent op case scriptToAddressBS (outputScript u) of Left _ -> return () Right a -> do deleteAddrUnspent a Unspent { unspentScript = B.Short.toShort (outputScript u) , unspentBlock = transactionBlock t , unspentPoint = op , unspentAmount = outputAmount u , unspentAddress = scriptToStringAddr net (outputScript u) } deleteAddrTx a BlockTx { blockTxHash = outPointHash op , blockTxBlock = transactionBlock t } reduceBalance (confirmed (transactionBlock t)) True a (outputAmount u) getImportTx :: (StoreRead m, MonadLogger m, MonadError ImportException m) => TxHash -> m Transaction getImportTx th = getTxData th >>= \case Nothing -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Tx not found: " <> txHashToHex th throwError $ TxNotFound (txHashToHex th) Just d | txDataDeleted d -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Tx deleted: " <> txHashToHex th throwError $ TxDeleted (txHashToHex th) | otherwise -> do sm <- getSpenders th return $ toTransaction d sm getTxOutput :: (MonadLogger m, MonadError ImportException m) => Word32 -> Transaction -> m StoreOutput getTxOutput i tx = do unless (fromIntegral i < length (transactionOutputs tx)) $ do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Output out of range: " <> txHashToHex (txHash (transactionData tx)) <> " " <> fromString (show i) throwError . OutputOutOfRange . cs $ show OutPoint { outPointHash = txHash (transactionData tx) , outPointIndex = i } return $ transactionOutputs tx !! fromIntegral i spendOutput :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => BlockRef -> TxHash -> Word32 -> Unspent -> m () spendOutput br th ix u = do insertSpender (unspentPoint u) Spender {spenderHash = th, spenderIndex = ix} case scriptToAddressBS (B.Short.fromShort (unspentScript u)) of Left _ -> return () Right a -> do reduceBalance (confirmed (unspentBlock u)) False a (unspentAmount u) deleteAddrUnspent a u insertAddrTx a BlockTx {blockTxHash = th, blockTxBlock = br} deleteUnspent (unspentPoint u) unspendOutput :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => OutPoint -> m () unspendOutput op = do t <- getImportTx (outPointHash op) o <- getTxOutput (outPointIndex op) t s <- case outputSpender o of Nothing -> do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Output already unspent: " <> txHashToHex (outPointHash op) <> " " <> fromString (show (outPointIndex op)) throwError (AlreadyUnspent (cs (show op))) Just s -> return s x <- getImportTx (spenderHash s) deleteSpender op net <- getNetwork let u = Unspent { unspentAmount = outputAmount o , unspentBlock = transactionBlock t , unspentScript = B.Short.toShort (outputScript o) , unspentPoint = op , unspentAddress = scriptToStringAddr net (outputScript o) } insertUnspent u case scriptToAddressBS (outputScript o) of Left _ -> return () Right a -> do insertAddrUnspent a u deleteAddrTx a BlockTx { blockTxHash = spenderHash s , blockTxBlock = transactionBlock x } increaseBalance (confirmed (unspentBlock u)) False a (outputAmount o) reduceBalance :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m , MonadError ImportException m ) => Bool -- ^ spend or delete confirmed output -> Bool -- ^ reduce total received -> Address -> Word64 -> m () reduceBalance c t a v = do net <- getNetwork b <- getBalance a if nullBalance b then do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Address balance not found: " <> addrText net a throwError (BalanceNotFound (addrText net a)) else do when (v > amnt b) $ do $(logErrorS) "BlockStore" $ "Insufficient " <> conf <> " balance: " <> addrText net a <> " (needs: " <> cs (show v) <> ", has: " <> cs (show (amnt b)) <> ")" throwError $ if c then InsufficientBalance (addrText net a) else InsufficientZeroBalance (addrText net a) setBalance b { balanceAmount = balanceAmount b - if c then v else 0 , balanceZero = balanceZero b - if c then 0 else v , balanceUnspentCount = balanceUnspentCount b - 1 , balanceTotalReceived = balanceTotalReceived b - if t then v else 0 } where amnt = if c then balanceAmount else balanceZero conf = if c then "confirmed" else "unconfirmed" increaseBalance :: ( StoreRead m , StoreWrite m , MonadLogger m ) => Bool -- ^ add confirmed output -> Bool -- ^ increase total received -> Address -> Word64 -> m () increaseBalance c t a v = do b <- getBalance a setBalance b { balanceAmount = balanceAmount b + if c then v else 0 , balanceZero = balanceZero b + if c then 0 else v , balanceUnspentCount = balanceUnspentCount b + 1 , balanceTotalReceived = balanceTotalReceived b + if t then v else 0 } updateAddressCounts :: (StoreWrite m, StoreRead m, Monad m, MonadError ImportException m) => [Address] -> (Word64 -> Word64) -> m () updateAddressCounts as f = forM_ as $ \a -> do b <- do net <- getNetwork b <- getBalance a if nullBalance b then throwError (BalanceNotFound (addrText net a)) else return b setBalance b {balanceTxCount = f (balanceTxCount b)} txAddresses :: Transaction -> [Address] txAddresses t = nub . rights $ map (scriptToAddressBS . inputPkScript) (filter (not . isCoinbase) (transactionInputs t)) <> map (scriptToAddressBS . outputScript) (transactionOutputs t) txDataAddresses :: TxData -> [Address] txDataAddresses t = nub . rights $ map (scriptToAddressBS . prevScript) (I.elems (txDataPrevs t)) <> map (scriptToAddressBS . scriptOutput) (txOut (txData t)) addrText :: Network -> Address -> Text addrText net a = fromMaybe "???" $ addrToString net a