{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-} module Haskoin.Store.Web ( -- * Web WebConfig (..) , Except (..) , WebLimits (..) , WebTimeouts (..) , runWeb ) where import Conduit (ConduitT, await, concatMapMC, dropC, dropWhileC, mapC, runConduit, sinkList, takeC, takeWhileC, yield, (.|)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.)) import Control.Monad (forM_, forever, unless, when, (<=<)) import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLoggerIO, logDebugS, logErrorS, logWarnS) import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, asks, local, runReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (liftWith, restoreT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT) import Data.Aeson (Encoding, ToJSON (..), Value) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (Config (..), defConfig, encodePretty') import Data.Aeson.Encoding (encodingToLazyByteString, list) import Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToLazyText) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 import Data.ByteString.Builder (lazyByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Bytes.Get import Data.Bytes.Put import Data.Bytes.Serial import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Default (Default (..)) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.List (nub) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe, maybeToList) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.String (fromString) import Data.String.Conversions (cs) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime) import Data.Time.Clock.System (getSystemTime, systemSeconds, systemToUTCTime) import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy as V import Data.Word (Word32, Word64) import Database.RocksDB (Property (..), getProperty) import Haskoin.Address import qualified Haskoin.Block as H import Haskoin.Constants import Haskoin.Keys import Haskoin.Network import Haskoin.Node (Chain, OnlinePeer (..), PeerManager, chainGetAncestor, chainGetBest, getPeers, sendMessage) import Haskoin.Store.BlockStore import Haskoin.Store.Cache import Haskoin.Store.Common import Haskoin.Store.Data import Haskoin.Store.Database.Reader import Haskoin.Store.Manager import Haskoin.Store.Stats import Haskoin.Store.WebCommon import Haskoin.Transaction import Haskoin.Util import NQE (Inbox, receive, withSubscription) import Network.HTTP.Types (Status (..), requestEntityTooLarge413, status400, status404, status409, status413, status500, status503, statusIsClientError, statusIsServerError, statusIsSuccessful) import Network.Wai (Middleware, Request (..), Response, getRequestBodyChunk, responseLBS, responseStatus) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (defaultSettings, setHost, setPort) import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestSizeLimit import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO) import qualified System.Metrics as Metrics import qualified System.Metrics.Gauge as Metrics (Gauge) import qualified System.Metrics.Gauge as Metrics.Gauge import UnliftIO (MonadIO, MonadUnliftIO, TVar, askRunInIO, atomically, bracket, bracket_, handleAny, liftIO, modifyTVar, newTVarIO, readTVarIO, timeout, withAsync, withRunInIO, writeTVar) import UnliftIO.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Web.Scotty.Internal.Types (ActionT) import qualified Web.Scotty.Trans as S type WebT m = ActionT Except (ReaderT WebState m) data WebLimits = WebLimits { maxLimitCount :: !Word32 , maxLimitFull :: !Word32 , maxLimitOffset :: !Word32 , maxLimitDefault :: !Word32 , maxLimitGap :: !Word32 , maxLimitInitialGap :: !Word32 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Default WebLimits where def = WebLimits { maxLimitCount = 200000 , maxLimitFull = 5000 , maxLimitOffset = 50000 , maxLimitDefault = 100 , maxLimitGap = 32 , maxLimitInitialGap = 20 } data WebConfig = WebConfig { webHost :: !String , webPort :: !Int , webStore :: !Store , webMaxDiff :: !Int , webMaxPending :: !Int , webMaxLimits :: !WebLimits , webTimeouts :: !WebTimeouts , webVersion :: !String , webNoMempool :: !Bool , webStats :: !(Maybe Metrics.Store) , webPriceGet :: !Int } data WebState = WebState { webConfig :: !WebConfig , webTicker :: !(TVar (HashMap Text BinfoTicker)) , webMetrics :: !(Maybe WebMetrics) } data WebMetrics = WebMetrics { everyStat :: !StatDist , blockStat :: !StatDist , rawBlockStat :: !StatDist , txStat :: !StatDist , txsBlockStat :: !StatDist , txAfterStat :: !StatDist , postTxStat :: !StatDist , mempoolStat :: !StatDist , addrTxStat :: !StatDist , addrTxFullStat :: !StatDist , addrBalanceStat :: !StatDist , addrUnspentStat :: !StatDist , xPubStat :: !StatDist , xPubTxStat :: !StatDist , xPubTxFullStat :: !StatDist , xPubUnspentStat :: !StatDist , multiaddrStat :: !StatDist , rawaddrStat :: !StatDist , balanceStat :: !StatDist , unspentStat :: !StatDist , rawtxStat :: !StatDist , historyStat :: !StatDist , peerStat :: !StatDist , healthStat :: !StatDist , dbStatsStat :: !StatDist , eventsConnected :: !Metrics.Gauge , statKey :: !(V.Key (TVar (Maybe (WebMetrics -> StatDist)))) , itemsKey :: !(V.Key (TVar Int)) } createMetrics :: MonadIO m => Metrics.Store -> m WebMetrics createMetrics s = liftIO $ do everyStat <- d "all" blockStat <- d "block" rawBlockStat <- d "block_raw" txStat <- d "tx" txsBlockStat <- d "txs_block" txAfterStat <- d "tx_after" postTxStat <- d "tx_post" mempoolStat <- d "mempool" addrBalanceStat <- d "addr_balance" addrTxStat <- d "addr_tx" addrTxFullStat <- d "addr_tx_full" addrUnspentStat <- d "addr_unspent" xPubStat <- d "xpub_balance" xPubTxStat <- d "xpub_tx" xPubTxFullStat <- d "xpub_tx_full" xPubUnspentStat <- d "xpub_unspent" rawaddrStat <- d "rawaddr" multiaddrStat <- d "multiaddr" balanceStat <- d "balance" rawtxStat <- d "rawtx" historyStat <- d "history" unspentStat <- d "unspent" peerStat <- d "peer" healthStat <- d "health" dbStatsStat <- d "dbstats" eventsConnected <- g "events.connected" statKey <- V.newKey itemsKey <- V.newKey return WebMetrics{..} where d x = createStatDist ("web." <> x) s g x = Metrics.createGauge ("web." <> x) s withGaugeIncrease :: MonadUnliftIO m => (WebMetrics -> Metrics.Gauge) -> WebT m a -> WebT m a withGaugeIncrease gf go = lift (asks webMetrics) >>= \case Nothing -> go Just m -> do s <- liftWith $ \run -> bracket_ (start m) (end m) (run go) restoreT $ return s where start m = liftIO $ Metrics.Gauge.inc (gf m) end m = liftIO $ Metrics.Gauge.dec (gf m) setMetrics :: MonadUnliftIO m => (WebMetrics -> StatDist) -> Int -> WebT m () setMetrics df i = asks webMetrics >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just m -> do req <- S.request let stat_var = fromMaybe e $ V.lookup (statKey m) (vault req) item_var = fromMaybe e $ V.lookup (itemsKey m) (vault req) atomically $ do writeTVar stat_var (Just df) writeTVar item_var i where e = error "the ways of the warrior are yet to be mastered" data WebTimeouts = WebTimeouts { txTimeout :: !Word64 , blockTimeout :: !Word64 } deriving (Eq, Show) data SerialAs = SerialAsBinary | SerialAsJSON | SerialAsPrettyJSON deriving (Eq, Show) instance Default WebTimeouts where def = WebTimeouts {txTimeout = 300, blockTimeout = 7200} instance (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => StoreReadBase (ReaderT WebState m) where getNetwork = runInWebReader getNetwork getBestBlock = runInWebReader getBestBlock getBlocksAtHeight height = runInWebReader (getBlocksAtHeight height) getBlock bh = runInWebReader (getBlock bh) getTxData th = runInWebReader (getTxData th) getSpender op = runInWebReader (getSpender op) getUnspent op = runInWebReader (getUnspent op) getBalance a = runInWebReader (getBalance a) getMempool = runInWebReader getMempool instance (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => StoreReadExtra (ReaderT WebState m) where getMaxGap = runInWebReader getMaxGap getInitialGap = runInWebReader getInitialGap getBalances as = runInWebReader (getBalances as) getAddressesTxs as = runInWebReader . getAddressesTxs as getAddressesUnspents as = runInWebReader . getAddressesUnspents as xPubBals = runInWebReader . xPubBals xPubSummary xpub = runInWebReader . xPubSummary xpub xPubUnspents xpub xbals = runInWebReader . xPubUnspents xpub xbals xPubTxs xpub xbals = runInWebReader . xPubTxs xpub xbals xPubTxCount xpub = runInWebReader . xPubTxCount xpub getNumTxData = runInWebReader . getNumTxData instance (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => StoreReadBase (WebT m) where getNetwork = lift getNetwork getBestBlock = lift getBestBlock getBlocksAtHeight = lift . getBlocksAtHeight getBlock = lift . getBlock getTxData = lift . getTxData getSpender = lift . getSpender getUnspent = lift . getUnspent getBalance = lift . getBalance getMempool = lift getMempool instance (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => StoreReadExtra (WebT m) where getBalances = lift . getBalances getAddressesTxs as = lift . getAddressesTxs as getAddressesUnspents as = lift . getAddressesUnspents as xPubBals = lift . xPubBals xPubSummary xpub = lift . xPubSummary xpub xPubUnspents xpub xbals = lift . xPubUnspents xpub xbals xPubTxs xpub xbals = lift . xPubTxs xpub xbals xPubTxCount xpub = lift . xPubTxCount xpub getMaxGap = lift getMaxGap getInitialGap = lift getInitialGap getNumTxData = lift . getNumTxData ------------------- -- Path Handlers -- ------------------- runWeb :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebConfig -> m () runWeb cfg@WebConfig{ webHost = host , webPort = port , webStore = store' , webStats = stats , webPriceGet = pget } = do ticker <- newTVarIO HashMap.empty metrics <- mapM createMetrics stats let st = WebState { webConfig = cfg , webTicker = ticker , webMetrics = metrics } net = storeNetwork store' withAsync (price net pget ticker) $ \_ -> do reqLogger <- logIt metrics runner <- askRunInIO S.scottyOptsT opts (runner . (`runReaderT` st)) $ do S.middleware reqLogger S.middleware reqSizeLimit S.defaultHandler defHandler handlePaths S.notFound $ raise_ ThingNotFound where opts = def {S.settings = settings defaultSettings} settings = setPort port . setHost (fromString host) getRates :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Network -> Text -> [Word64] -> m [BinfoRate] getRates net currency times = do handleAny err $ do r <- liftIO $ Wreq.asJSON =<< Wreq.postWith opts url body return $ r ^. Wreq.responseBody where err _ = do $(logErrorS) "Web" "Could not get historic prices" return [] body = toJSON times base = Wreq.defaults & Wreq.param "base" .~ [T.toUpper (T.pack (getNetworkName net))] opts = base & Wreq.param "quote" .~ [currency] url = "https://api.blockchain.info/price/index-series" price :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Network -> Int -> TVar (HashMap Text BinfoTicker) -> m () price net pget v = forM_ code go where code | net == btc = Just "btc" | net == bch = Just "bch" | otherwise = Nothing go s = forever $ do let err e = $(logErrorS) "Price" $ cs (show e) url = "https://api.blockchain.info/ticker" <> "?" <> "base" <> "=" <> s handleAny err $ do r <- liftIO $ Wreq.asJSON =<< Wreq.get url atomically . writeTVar v $ r ^. Wreq.responseBody threadDelay pget raise_ :: MonadIO m => Except -> WebT m a raise_ err = lift (asks webMetrics) >>= \case Nothing -> S.raise err Just metrics -> do let status = errStatus err if | statusIsClientError status -> liftIO $ addClientError (everyStat metrics) | statusIsServerError status -> liftIO $ addServerError (everyStat metrics) | otherwise -> return () S.raise err raise :: MonadIO m => (WebMetrics -> StatDist) -> Except -> WebT m a raise metric err = lift (asks webMetrics) >>= \case Nothing -> S.raise err Just metrics -> do let status = errStatus err if | statusIsClientError status -> liftIO $ do addClientError (everyStat metrics) addClientError (metric metrics) | statusIsServerError status -> liftIO $ do addServerError (everyStat metrics) addServerError (metric metrics) | otherwise -> return () S.raise err errStatus :: Except -> Status errStatus ThingNotFound = status404 errStatus BadRequest = status400 errStatus UserError{} = status400 errStatus StringError{} = status400 errStatus ServerError = status500 errStatus TxIndexConflict{} = status409 errStatus ServerTimeout = status500 errStatus RequestTooLarge = status413 defHandler :: Monad m => Except -> WebT m () defHandler e = do setHeaders S.status $ errStatus e S.json e handlePaths :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => S.ScottyT Except (ReaderT WebState m) () handlePaths = do -- Block Paths pathCompact (GetBlock <$> paramLazy <*> paramDef) scottyBlock blockDataToEncoding blockDataToJSON pathCompact (GetBlocks <$> param <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyBlocks) (\n -> list (blockDataToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list blockDataToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetBlockRaw <$> paramLazy) scottyBlockRaw (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetBlockBest <$> paramDef) scottyBlockBest blockDataToEncoding blockDataToJSON pathCompact (GetBlockBestRaw & return) scottyBlockBestRaw (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetBlockLatest <$> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyBlockLatest) (\n -> list (blockDataToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list blockDataToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetBlockHeight <$> paramLazy <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyBlockHeight) (\n -> list (blockDataToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list blockDataToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetBlockHeights <$> param <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyBlockHeights) (\n -> list (blockDataToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list blockDataToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetBlockHeightRaw <$> paramLazy) scottyBlockHeightRaw (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetBlockTime <$> paramLazy <*> paramDef) scottyBlockTime blockDataToEncoding blockDataToJSON pathCompact (GetBlockTimeRaw <$> paramLazy) scottyBlockTimeRaw (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetBlockMTP <$> paramLazy <*> paramDef) scottyBlockMTP blockDataToEncoding blockDataToJSON pathCompact (GetBlockMTPRaw <$> paramLazy) scottyBlockMTPRaw (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) -- Transaction Paths pathCompact (GetTx <$> paramLazy) scottyTx transactionToEncoding transactionToJSON pathCompact (GetTxs <$> param) (fmap SerialList . scottyTxs) (\n -> list (transactionToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list transactionToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetTxRaw <$> paramLazy) scottyTxRaw (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetTxsRaw <$> param) scottyTxsRaw (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetTxsBlock <$> paramLazy) (fmap SerialList . scottyTxsBlock) (\n -> list (transactionToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list transactionToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetTxsBlockRaw <$> paramLazy) scottyTxsBlockRaw (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetTxAfter <$> paramLazy <*> paramLazy) scottyTxAfter (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (PostTx <$> parseBody) scottyPostTx (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetMempool <$> paramOptional <*> parseOffset) (fmap SerialList . scottyMempool) (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) -- Address Paths pathCompact (GetAddrTxs <$> paramLazy <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrTxs) (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetAddrsTxs <$> param <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrsTxs) (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetAddrTxsFull <$> paramLazy <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrTxsFull) (\n -> list (transactionToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list transactionToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetAddrsTxsFull <$> param <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrsTxsFull) (\n -> list (transactionToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list transactionToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetAddrBalance <$> paramLazy) scottyAddrBalance balanceToEncoding balanceToJSON pathCompact (GetAddrsBalance <$> param) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrsBalance) (\n -> list (balanceToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list balanceToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetAddrUnspent <$> paramLazy <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrUnspent) (\n -> list (unspentToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list unspentToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetAddrsUnspent <$> param <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrsUnspent) (\n -> list (unspentToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list unspentToJSON n . getSerialList) -- XPubs pathCompact (GetXPub <$> paramLazy <*> paramDef <*> paramDef) scottyXPub (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetXPubTxs <$> paramLazy <*> paramDef <*> parseLimits <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyXPubTxs) (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetXPubTxsFull <$> paramLazy <*> paramDef <*> parseLimits <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyXPubTxsFull) (\n -> list (transactionToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list transactionToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetXPubBalances <$> paramLazy <*> paramDef <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyXPubBalances) (\n -> list (xPubBalToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list xPubBalToJSON n . getSerialList) pathCompact (GetXPubUnspent <$> paramLazy <*> paramDef <*> parseLimits <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyXPubUnspent) (\n -> list (xPubUnspentToEncoding n) . getSerialList) (\n -> json_list xPubUnspentToJSON n . getSerialList) -- Network pathCompact (GetPeers & return) (fmap SerialList . scottyPeers) (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) pathCompact (GetHealth & return) scottyHealth (const toEncoding) (const toJSON) S.get "/events" scottyEvents S.get "/dbstats" scottyDbStats -- Blockchain.info S.post "/blockchain/multiaddr" scottyMultiAddr S.get "/blockchain/multiaddr" scottyMultiAddr S.get "/blockchain/balance" scottyShortBal S.post "/blockchain/balance" scottyShortBal S.get "/blockchain/rawaddr/:addr" scottyRawAddr S.get "/blockchain/address/:addr" scottyRawAddr S.get "/blockchain/xpub/:addr" scottyRawAddr S.post "/blockchain/unspent" scottyBinfoUnspent S.get "/blockchain/unspent" scottyBinfoUnspent S.get "/blockchain/rawtx/:txid" scottyBinfoTx S.get "/blockchain/rawblock/:block" scottyBinfoBlock S.get "/blockchain/latestblock" scottyBinfoLatest S.get "/blockchain/unconfirmed-transactions" scottyBinfoMempool S.get "/blockchain/block-height/:height" scottyBinfoBlockHeight S.get "/blockchain/blocks/:milliseconds" scottyBinfoBlocksDay S.get "/blockchain/export-history" scottyBinfoHistory S.post "/blockchain/export-history" scottyBinfoHistory S.get "/blockchain/q/addresstohash/:addr" scottyBinfoAddrToHash S.get "/blockchain/q/addrpubkey/:pubkey" scottyBinfoAddrPubkey S.get "/blockchain/q/hashpubkey/:pubkey" scottyBinfoHashPubkey S.get "/blockchain/q/getblockcount" scottyBinfoGetBlockCount S.get "/blockchain/q/latesthash" scottyBinfoLatestHash S.get "/blockchain/q/bcperblock" scottyBinfoSubsidy S.get "/blockchain/q/txtotalbtcoutput/:txid" scottyBinfoTotalOut S.get "/blockchain/q/txtotalbtcinput/:txid" scottyBinfoTotalInput S.get "/blockchain/q/txfee/:txid" scottyBinfoTxFees S.get "/blockchain/q/txresult/:txid/:addr" scottyBinfoTxResult S.get "/blockchain/q/getreceivedbyaddress/:addr" scottyBinfoReceived S.get "/blockchain/q/addressbalance/:addr" scottyBinfoAddrBalance S.get "/blockchain/q/addressfirstseen/:addr" scottyFirstSeen where json_list f net = toJSONList . map (f net) pathCompact :: (ApiResource a b, MonadIO m) => WebT m a -> (a -> WebT m b) -> (Network -> b -> Encoding) -> (Network -> b -> Value) -> S.ScottyT Except (ReaderT WebState m) () pathCompact parser action encJson encValue = pathCommon parser action encJson encValue False pathCommon :: (ApiResource a b, MonadIO m) => WebT m a -> (a -> WebT m b) -> (Network -> b -> Encoding) -> (Network -> b -> Value) -> Bool -> S.ScottyT Except (ReaderT WebState m) () pathCommon parser action encJson encValue pretty = S.addroute (resourceMethod proxy) (capturePath proxy) $ do setHeaders proto <- setupContentType pretty net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) apiRes <- parser res <- action apiRes S.raw $ protoSerial proto (encJson net) (encValue net) res where toProxy :: WebT m a -> Proxy a toProxy = const Proxy proxy = toProxy parser streamEncoding :: Monad m => Encoding -> WebT m () streamEncoding e = do S.setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json; charset=utf-8" S.raw (encodingToLazyByteString e) protoSerial :: Serial a => SerialAs -> (a -> Encoding) -> (a -> Value) -> a -> L.ByteString protoSerial SerialAsBinary _ _ = runPutL . serialize protoSerial SerialAsJSON f _ = encodingToLazyByteString . f protoSerial SerialAsPrettyJSON _ g = encodePretty' defConfig {confTrailingNewline = True} . g setHeaders :: (Monad m, S.ScottyError e) => ActionT e m () setHeaders = S.setHeader "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*" waiExcept :: Status -> Except -> Response waiExcept s e = responseLBS s hs e' where hs = [ ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") , ("Content-Type", "application/json") ] e' = A.encode e setupJSON :: Monad m => Bool -> ActionT Except m SerialAs setupJSON pretty = do S.setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" p <- S.param "pretty" `S.rescue` const (return pretty) return $ if p then SerialAsPrettyJSON else SerialAsJSON setupBinary :: Monad m => ActionT Except m SerialAs setupBinary = do S.setHeader "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream" return SerialAsBinary setupContentType :: Monad m => Bool -> ActionT Except m SerialAs setupContentType pretty = do accept <- S.header "accept" maybe (setupJSON pretty) setType accept where setType "application/octet-stream" = setupBinary setType _ = setupJSON pretty -- GET Block / GET Blocks -- scottyBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlock -> WebT m BlockData scottyBlock (GetBlock h (NoTx noTx)) = do setMetrics blockStat 1 getBlock h >>= maybe (raise blockStat ThingNotFound) (return . pruneTx noTx) getBlocks :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => [H.BlockHash] -> Bool -> WebT m [BlockData] getBlocks hs notx = (pruneTx notx <$>) . catMaybes <$> mapM getBlock (nub hs) scottyBlocks :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlocks -> WebT m [BlockData] scottyBlocks (GetBlocks hs (NoTx notx)) = do setMetrics blockStat (length hs) getBlocks hs notx pruneTx :: Bool -> BlockData -> BlockData pruneTx False b = b pruneTx True b = b {blockDataTxs = take 1 (blockDataTxs b)} -- GET BlockRaw -- scottyBlockRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockRaw -> WebT m (RawResult H.Block) scottyBlockRaw (GetBlockRaw h) = do setMetrics rawBlockStat 1 RawResult <$> getRawBlock h getRawBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => H.BlockHash -> WebT m H.Block getRawBlock h = do b <- getBlock h >>= maybe (raise rawBlockStat ThingNotFound) return lift (toRawBlock b) toRawBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m, StoreReadBase m) => BlockData -> m H.Block toRawBlock b = do let ths = blockDataTxs b txs <- mapM f ths return H.Block {H.blockHeader = blockDataHeader b, H.blockTxns = txs} where f x = withRunInIO $ \run -> unsafeInterleaveIO . run $ getTransaction x >>= \case Nothing -> undefined Just t -> return $ transactionData t -- GET BlockBest / BlockBestRaw -- scottyBlockBest :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockBest -> WebT m BlockData scottyBlockBest (GetBlockBest (NoTx notx)) = do setMetrics blockStat 1 getBestBlock >>= \case Nothing -> raise blockStat ThingNotFound Just bb -> getBlock bb >>= \case Nothing -> raise blockStat ThingNotFound Just b -> return $ pruneTx notx b scottyBlockBestRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockBestRaw -> WebT m (RawResult H.Block) scottyBlockBestRaw _ = do setMetrics rawBlockStat 1 bb <- getBestBlock RawResult <$> maybe (raise rawBlockStat ThingNotFound) getRawBlock bb -- GET BlockLatest -- scottyBlockLatest :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockLatest -> WebT m [BlockData] scottyBlockLatest (GetBlockLatest (NoTx noTx)) = do setMetrics blockStat 100 getBestBlock >>= maybe (raise blockStat ThingNotFound) (go [] <=< getBlock) where go acc Nothing = return $ reverse acc go acc (Just b) | blockDataHeight b <= 0 = return $ reverse acc | length acc == 99 = return . reverse $ pruneTx noTx b : acc | otherwise = do let prev = H.prevBlock (blockDataHeader b) go (pruneTx noTx b : acc) =<< getBlock prev -- GET BlockHeight / BlockHeights / BlockHeightRaw -- scottyBlockHeight :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockHeight -> WebT m [BlockData] scottyBlockHeight (GetBlockHeight h (NoTx notx)) = do setMetrics blockStat 1 (`getBlocks` notx) =<< getBlocksAtHeight (fromIntegral h) scottyBlockHeights :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockHeights -> WebT m [BlockData] scottyBlockHeights (GetBlockHeights (HeightsParam heights) (NoTx notx)) = do setMetrics blockStat (length heights) bhs <- concat <$> mapM getBlocksAtHeight (fromIntegral <$> heights) getBlocks bhs notx scottyBlockHeightRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockHeightRaw -> WebT m (RawResultList H.Block) scottyBlockHeightRaw (GetBlockHeightRaw h) = do setMetrics rawBlockStat 1 RawResultList <$> (mapM getRawBlock =<< getBlocksAtHeight (fromIntegral h)) -- GET BlockTime / BlockTimeRaw -- scottyBlockTime :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockTime -> WebT m BlockData scottyBlockTime (GetBlockTime (TimeParam t) (NoTx notx)) = do setMetrics blockStat 1 ch <- lift $ asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) m <- blockAtOrBefore ch t maybe (raise blockStat ThingNotFound) (return . pruneTx notx) m scottyBlockMTP :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockMTP -> WebT m BlockData scottyBlockMTP (GetBlockMTP (TimeParam t) (NoTx noTx)) = do setMetrics blockStat 1 ch <- lift $ asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) m <- blockAtOrAfterMTP ch t maybe (raise blockStat ThingNotFound) (return . pruneTx noTx) m scottyBlockTimeRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockTimeRaw -> WebT m (RawResult H.Block) scottyBlockTimeRaw (GetBlockTimeRaw (TimeParam t)) = do setMetrics rawBlockStat 1 ch <- lift $ asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) m <- blockAtOrBefore ch t b <- maybe (raise rawBlockStat ThingNotFound) return m RawResult <$> lift (toRawBlock b) scottyBlockMTPRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockMTPRaw -> WebT m (RawResult H.Block) scottyBlockMTPRaw (GetBlockMTPRaw (TimeParam t)) = do setMetrics rawBlockStat 1 ch <- lift $ asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) m <- blockAtOrAfterMTP ch t b <- maybe (raise rawBlockStat ThingNotFound) return m RawResult <$> lift (toRawBlock b) -- GET Transactions -- scottyTx :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetTx -> WebT m Transaction scottyTx (GetTx txid) = do setMetrics txStat 1 maybe (raise txStat ThingNotFound) return =<< getTransaction txid scottyTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetTxs -> WebT m [Transaction] scottyTxs (GetTxs txids) = do setMetrics txStat (length txids) catMaybes <$> mapM f (nub txids) where f x = lift $ withRunInIO $ \run -> unsafeInterleaveIO . run $ getTransaction x scottyTxRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetTxRaw -> WebT m (RawResult Tx) scottyTxRaw (GetTxRaw txid) = do setMetrics txStat 1 tx <- maybe (raise txStat ThingNotFound) return =<< getTransaction txid return $ RawResult $ transactionData tx scottyTxsRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetTxsRaw -> WebT m (RawResultList Tx) scottyTxsRaw (GetTxsRaw txids) = do setMetrics txStat (length txids) txs <- catMaybes <$> mapM f (nub txids) return $ RawResultList $ transactionData <$> txs where f x = lift $ withRunInIO $ \run -> unsafeInterleaveIO . run $ getTransaction x getTxsBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => H.BlockHash -> WebT m [Transaction] getTxsBlock h = do b <- maybe (raise txsBlockStat ThingNotFound) return =<< getBlock h mapM f (blockDataTxs b) where f x = lift $ withRunInIO $ \run -> unsafeInterleaveIO . run $ getTransaction x >>= \case Nothing -> undefined Just t -> return t scottyTxsBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetTxsBlock -> WebT m [Transaction] scottyTxsBlock (GetTxsBlock h) = setMetrics txsBlockStat 1 >> getTxsBlock h scottyTxsBlockRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetTxsBlockRaw -> WebT m (RawResultList Tx) scottyTxsBlockRaw (GetTxsBlockRaw h) = do setMetrics txsBlockStat 1 RawResultList . fmap transactionData <$> getTxsBlock h -- GET TransactionAfterHeight -- scottyTxAfter :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetTxAfter -> WebT m (GenericResult (Maybe Bool)) scottyTxAfter (GetTxAfter txid height) = do setMetrics txAfterStat 1 GenericResult <$> cbAfterHeight (fromIntegral height) txid -- | Check if any of the ancestors of this transaction is a coinbase after the -- specified height. Returns 'Nothing' if answer cannot be computed before -- hitting limits. cbAfterHeight :: (MonadIO m, StoreReadBase m) => H.BlockHeight -> TxHash -> m (Maybe Bool) cbAfterHeight height txid = inputs (10000 :: Int) HashSet.empty HashSet.empty [txid] where inputs 0 _ _ [] = return Nothing inputs i is ns [] = let is' = HashSet.union is ns ns' = HashSet.empty ts = HashSet.toList (HashSet.difference ns is) in case ts of [] -> return (Just False) _ -> inputs i is' ns' ts inputs i is ns (t:ts) = getTransaction t >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just tx | height_check tx -> if cb_check tx then return (Just True) else let ns' = HashSet.union (ins tx) ns in inputs (i - 1) is ns' ts | otherwise -> inputs (i - 1) is ns ts cb_check = any isCoinbase . transactionInputs ins = HashSet.fromList . map (outPointHash . inputPoint) . transactionInputs height_check tx = case transactionBlock tx of BlockRef h _ -> h > height _ -> True -- POST Transaction -- scottyPostTx :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => PostTx -> WebT m TxId scottyPostTx (PostTx tx) = do setMetrics postTxStat 1 lift (asks webConfig) >>= \cfg -> lift (publishTx cfg tx) >>= \case Right () -> return $ TxId (txHash tx) Left e@(PubReject _) -> raise postTxStat $ UserError $ show e _ -> raise postTxStat ServerError -- | Publish a new transaction to the network. publishTx :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> Tx -> m (Either PubExcept ()) publishTx cfg tx = withSubscription pub $ \s -> getTransaction (txHash tx) >>= \case Just _ -> return $ Right () Nothing -> go s where pub = storePublisher (webStore cfg) mgr = storeManager (webStore cfg) net = storeNetwork (webStore cfg) go s = getPeers mgr >>= \case [] -> return $ Left PubNoPeers OnlinePeer {onlinePeerMailbox = p}:_ -> do MTx tx `sendMessage` p let v = if getSegWit net then InvWitnessTx else InvTx sendMessage (MGetData (GetData [InvVector v (getTxHash (txHash tx))])) p f p s t = 5 * 1000 * 1000 f p s | webNoMempool cfg = return $ Right () | otherwise = liftIO (timeout t (g p s)) >>= \case Nothing -> return $ Left PubTimeout Just (Left e) -> return $ Left e Just (Right ()) -> return $ Right () g p s = receive s >>= \case StoreTxReject p' h' c _ | p == p' && h' == txHash tx -> return . Left $ PubReject c StorePeerDisconnected p' | p == p' -> return $ Left PubPeerDisconnected StoreMempoolNew h' | h' == txHash tx -> return $ Right () _ -> g p s -- GET Mempool / Events -- scottyMempool :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetMempool -> WebT m [TxHash] scottyMempool (GetMempool limitM (OffsetParam o)) = do setMetrics mempoolStat 1 wl <- lift $ asks (webMaxLimits . webConfig) let wl' = wl { maxLimitCount = 0 } l = Limits (validateLimit wl' False limitM) (fromIntegral o) Nothing map snd . applyLimits l <$> getMempool scottyEvents :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyEvents = withGaugeIncrease eventsConnected $ do setHeaders proto <- setupContentType False pub <- lift $ asks (storePublisher . webStore . webConfig) S.stream $ \io flush' -> withSubscription pub $ \sub -> forever $ flush' >> receiveEvent sub >>= maybe (return ()) (io . serial proto) where serial proto e = lazyByteString $ protoSerial proto toEncoding toJSON e <> newLine proto newLine SerialAsBinary = mempty newLine SerialAsJSON = "\n" newLine SerialAsPrettyJSON = mempty receiveEvent :: Inbox StoreEvent -> IO (Maybe Event) receiveEvent sub = do se <- receive sub return $ case se of StoreBestBlock b -> Just (EventBlock b) StoreMempoolNew t -> Just (EventTx t) _ -> Nothing -- GET Address Transactions -- scottyAddrTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrTxs -> WebT m [TxRef] scottyAddrTxs (GetAddrTxs addr pLimits) = do setMetrics addrTxStat 1 getAddressTxs addr =<< paramToLimits False pLimits scottyAddrsTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrsTxs -> WebT m [TxRef] scottyAddrsTxs (GetAddrsTxs addrs pLimits) = do setMetrics addrTxStat (length addrs) getAddressesTxs addrs =<< paramToLimits False pLimits scottyAddrTxsFull :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrTxsFull -> WebT m [Transaction] scottyAddrTxsFull (GetAddrTxsFull addr pLimits) = do setMetrics addrTxFullStat 1 txs <- getAddressTxs addr =<< paramToLimits True pLimits catMaybes <$> mapM (getTransaction . txRefHash) txs scottyAddrsTxsFull :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrsTxsFull -> WebT m [Transaction] scottyAddrsTxsFull (GetAddrsTxsFull addrs pLimits) = do setMetrics addrTxFullStat (length addrs) txs <- getAddressesTxs addrs =<< paramToLimits True pLimits catMaybes <$> mapM (getTransaction . txRefHash) txs scottyAddrBalance :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrBalance -> WebT m Balance scottyAddrBalance (GetAddrBalance addr) = do setMetrics addrBalanceStat 1 getDefaultBalance addr scottyAddrsBalance :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrsBalance -> WebT m [Balance] scottyAddrsBalance (GetAddrsBalance addrs) = do setMetrics addrBalanceStat (length addrs) getBalances addrs scottyAddrUnspent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrUnspent -> WebT m [Unspent] scottyAddrUnspent (GetAddrUnspent addr pLimits) = do setMetrics addrUnspentStat 1 getAddressUnspents addr =<< paramToLimits False pLimits scottyAddrsUnspent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrsUnspent -> WebT m [Unspent] scottyAddrsUnspent (GetAddrsUnspent addrs pLimits) = do setMetrics addrUnspentStat (length addrs) getAddressesUnspents addrs =<< paramToLimits False pLimits -- GET XPubs -- scottyXPub :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPub -> WebT m XPubSummary scottyXPub (GetXPub xpub deriv (NoCache noCache)) = do setMetrics xPubStat 1 let xspec = XPubSpec xpub deriv xbals <- xPubBals xspec lift . runNoCache noCache $ xPubSummary xspec xbals getXPubTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => XPubKey -> DeriveType -> LimitsParam -> Bool -> WebT m [TxRef] getXPubTxs xpub deriv plimits nocache = do limits <- paramToLimits False plimits let xspec = XPubSpec xpub deriv xbals <- xPubBals xspec lift . runNoCache nocache $ xPubTxs xspec xbals limits scottyXPubTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPubTxs -> WebT m [TxRef] scottyXPubTxs (GetXPubTxs xpub deriv plimits (NoCache nocache)) = do setMetrics xPubTxStat 1 getXPubTxs xpub deriv plimits nocache scottyXPubTxsFull :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPubTxsFull -> WebT m [Transaction] scottyXPubTxsFull (GetXPubTxsFull xpub deriv plimits (NoCache nocache)) = do setMetrics xPubTxFullStat 1 refs <- getXPubTxs xpub deriv plimits nocache txs <- lift . runNoCache nocache $ mapM (getTransaction . txRefHash) refs return $ catMaybes txs scottyXPubBalances :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPubBalances -> WebT m [XPubBal] scottyXPubBalances (GetXPubBalances xpub deriv (NoCache noCache)) = do setMetrics xPubStat 1 filter f <$> lift (runNoCache noCache (xPubBals spec)) where spec = XPubSpec xpub deriv f = not . nullBalance . xPubBal scottyXPubUnspent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPubUnspent -> WebT m [XPubUnspent] scottyXPubUnspent (GetXPubUnspent xpub deriv pLimits (NoCache noCache)) = do setMetrics xPubUnspentStat 1 limits <- paramToLimits False pLimits let xspec = XPubSpec xpub deriv xbals <- xPubBals xspec lift . runNoCache noCache $ xPubUnspents xspec xbals limits --------------------------------------- -- Blockchain.info API Compatibility -- --------------------------------------- netBinfoSymbol :: Network -> BinfoSymbol netBinfoSymbol net | net == btc = BinfoSymbol{ getBinfoSymbolCode = "BTC" , getBinfoSymbolString = "BTC" , getBinfoSymbolName = "Bitcoin" , getBinfoSymbolConversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000 , getBinfoSymbolAfter = True , getBinfoSymbolLocal = False } | net == bch = BinfoSymbol{ getBinfoSymbolCode = "BCH" , getBinfoSymbolString = "BCH" , getBinfoSymbolName = "Bitcoin Cash" , getBinfoSymbolConversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000 , getBinfoSymbolAfter = True , getBinfoSymbolLocal = False } | otherwise = BinfoSymbol{ getBinfoSymbolCode = "XTS" , getBinfoSymbolString = "ยค" , getBinfoSymbolName = "Test" , getBinfoSymbolConversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000 , getBinfoSymbolAfter = False , getBinfoSymbolLocal = False } binfoTickerToSymbol :: Text -> BinfoTicker -> BinfoSymbol binfoTickerToSymbol code BinfoTicker{..} = BinfoSymbol{ getBinfoSymbolCode = code , getBinfoSymbolString = binfoTickerSymbol , getBinfoSymbolName = name , getBinfoSymbolConversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000 / binfoTicker15m -- sat/usd , getBinfoSymbolAfter = False , getBinfoSymbolLocal = True } where name = case code of "EUR" -> "Euro" "USD" -> "U.S. dollar" "GBP" -> "British pound" x -> x getBinfoAddrsParam :: MonadIO m => (WebMetrics -> StatDist) -> Text -> WebT m (HashSet BinfoAddr) getBinfoAddrsParam metric name = do net <- lift (asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig)) p <- S.param (cs name) `S.rescue` const (return "") if T.null p then return HashSet.empty else case parseBinfoAddr net p of Nothing -> raise metric (UserError "invalid active address") Just xs -> return $ HashSet.fromList xs getBinfoActive :: MonadIO m => (WebMetrics -> StatDist) -> WebT m (HashMap XPubKey XPubSpec, HashSet Address) getBinfoActive metric = do active <- getBinfoAddrsParam metric "active" p2sh <- getBinfoAddrsParam metric "activeP2SH" bech32 <- getBinfoAddrsParam metric "activeBech32" let xspec d b = (\x -> (x, XPubSpec x d)) <$> xpub b xspecs = HashMap.fromList $ concat [ mapMaybe (xspec DeriveNormal) (HashSet.toList active) , mapMaybe (xspec DeriveP2SH) (HashSet.toList p2sh) , mapMaybe (xspec DeriveP2WPKH) (HashSet.toList bech32) ] addrs = HashSet.fromList . mapMaybe addr $ HashSet.toList active return (xspecs, addrs) where addr (BinfoAddr a) = Just a addr (BinfoXpub _) = Nothing xpub (BinfoXpub x) = Just x xpub (BinfoAddr _) = Nothing getNumTxId :: MonadIO m => WebT m Bool getNumTxId = fmap not $ S.param "txidindex" `S.rescue` const (return False) getChainHeight :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m H.BlockHeight getChainHeight = do ch <- lift $ asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) H.nodeHeight <$> chainGetBest ch scottyBinfoUnspent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoUnspent = getBinfoActive unspentStat >>= \(xspecs, addrs) -> getNumTxId >>= \numtxid -> get_limit >>= \limit -> get_min_conf >>= \min_conf -> do let len = HashSet.size addrs + HashMap.size xspecs setMetrics unspentStat len net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) height <- getChainHeight let mn BinfoUnspent{..} = min_conf > getBinfoUnspentConfirmations xspecs' = HashSet.fromList $ HashMap.elems xspecs bus <- lift . runConduit $ getBinfoUnspents numtxid height xspecs' addrs .| (dropWhileC mn >> takeC limit .| sinkList) setHeaders streamEncoding (binfoUnspentsToEncoding net (BinfoUnspents bus)) where get_limit = fmap (min 1000) $ S.param "limit" `S.rescue` const (return 250) get_min_conf = S.param "confirmations" `S.rescue` const (return 0) getBinfoUnspents :: (StoreReadExtra m, MonadIO m) => Bool -> H.BlockHeight -> HashSet XPubSpec -> HashSet Address -> ConduitT () BinfoUnspent m () getBinfoUnspents numtxid height xspecs addrs = do cs' <- conduits joinDescStreams cs' .| mapC (uncurry binfo) where binfo Unspent{..} xp = let conf = case unspentBlock of MemRef{} -> 0 BlockRef h _ -> height - h + 1 hash = outPointHash unspentPoint idx = outPointIndex unspentPoint val = unspentAmount script = unspentScript txi = encodeBinfoTxId numtxid hash in BinfoUnspent { getBinfoUnspentHash = hash , getBinfoUnspentOutputIndex = idx , getBinfoUnspentScript = script , getBinfoUnspentValue = val , getBinfoUnspentConfirmations = fromIntegral conf , getBinfoUnspentTxIndex = txi , getBinfoUnspentXPub = xp } conduits = (<>) <$> xconduits <*> pure acounduits xconduits = lift $ do let f x (XPubUnspent u p) = let path = toSoft (listToPath p) xp = BinfoXPubPath (xPubSpecKey x) <$> path in (u, xp) g x = do bs <- xPubBals x return $ streamThings (xPubUnspents x bs) Nothing def{limit = 250} .| mapC (f x) mapM g (HashSet.toList xspecs) acounduits = let f u = (u, Nothing) g a = streamThings (getAddressUnspents a) Nothing def{limit = 250} .| mapC f in map g (HashSet.toList addrs) getBinfoTxs :: (StoreReadExtra m, MonadIO m) => HashMap Address (Maybe BinfoXPubPath) -- address book -> HashSet XPubSpec -- show xpubs -> HashSet Address -- show addrs -> HashSet Address -- balance addresses -> BinfoFilter -> Bool -- numtxid -> Bool -- prune outputs -> Int64 -- starting balance -> ConduitT () BinfoTx m () getBinfoTxs abook sxspecs saddrs baddrs bfilter numtxid prune bal = do cs' <- conduits joinDescStreams cs' .| go bal where sxspecs_ls = HashSet.toList sxspecs saddrs_ls = HashSet.toList saddrs conduits = (<>) <$> mapM xpub_c sxspecs_ls <*> pure (map addr_c saddrs_ls) xpub_c x = lift $ do bs <- xPubBals x return $ streamThings (xPubTxs x bs) (Just txRefHash) def{limit = 50} addr_c a = streamThings (getAddressTxs a) (Just txRefHash) def{limit = 50} binfo_tx b = toBinfoTx numtxid abook prune b compute_bal_change BinfoTx{..} = let ins = mapMaybe getBinfoTxInputPrevOut getBinfoTxInputs out = getBinfoTxOutputs f b BinfoTxOutput{..} = let val = fromIntegral getBinfoTxOutputValue in case getBinfoTxOutputAddress of Nothing -> 0 Just a | a `HashSet.member` baddrs -> if b then val else negate val | otherwise -> 0 in sum $ map (f False) ins <> map (f True) out go b = await >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just (TxRef _ t) -> lift (getTransaction t) >>= \case Nothing -> go b Just x -> do let a = binfo_tx b x b' = b - compute_bal_change a c = isJust (getBinfoTxBlockHeight a) Just (d, _) = getBinfoTxResultBal a r = d + fromIntegral (getBinfoTxFee a) case bfilter of BinfoFilterAll -> yield a >> go b' BinfoFilterSent | 0 > r -> yield a >> go b' | otherwise -> go b' BinfoFilterReceived | r > 0 -> yield a >> go b' | otherwise -> go b' BinfoFilterMoved | r == 0 -> yield a >> go b' | otherwise -> go b' BinfoFilterConfirmed | c -> yield a >> go b' | otherwise -> go b' BinfoFilterMempool | c -> return () | otherwise -> yield a >> go b' getCashAddr :: Monad m => WebT m Bool getCashAddr = S.param "cashaddr" `S.rescue` const (return False) getAddress :: (Monad m, MonadUnliftIO m) => TL.Text -> WebT m Address getAddress param' = do txt <- S.param param' net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) case textToAddr net txt of Nothing -> raise rawaddrStat ThingNotFound Just a -> return a getBinfoAddr :: Monad m => TL.Text -> WebT m BinfoAddr getBinfoAddr param' = do txt <- S.param param' net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) let x = BinfoAddr <$> textToAddr net txt <|> BinfoXpub <$> xPubImport net txt maybe S.next return x scottyBinfoHistory :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoHistory = getBinfoActive historyStat >>= \(xspecs, addrs) -> get_dates >>= \(startM, endM) -> do setMetrics historyStat (HashSet.size addrs + HashMap.size xspecs) (code, price') <- getPrice xpubs <- mapM (\x -> (,) x <$> xPubBals x) (HashMap.elems xspecs) let xaddrs = HashSet.fromList $ concatMap (map get_addr . snd) xpubs aaddrs = xaddrs <> addrs cur = binfoTicker15m price' cs' = conduits xpubs addrs endM txs <- lift . runConduit $ joinDescStreams cs' .| takeWhileC (is_newer startM) .| concatMapMC get_transaction .| sinkList let times = map transactionTime txs net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) rates <- map binfoRatePrice <$> lift (getRates net code times) let hs = zipWith (convert cur aaddrs) txs (rates <> repeat 0.0) setHeaders streamEncoding $ toEncoding hs where is_newer (Just BlockData{..}) TxRef{txRefBlock = BlockRef{..}} = blockRefHeight >= blockDataHeight is_newer _ _ = True get_addr = balanceAddress . xPubBal get_transaction TxRef{txRefHash = h} = getTransaction h convert cur addrs tx rate = let ins = transactionInputs tx outs = transactionOutputs tx fins = filter (input_addr addrs) ins fouts = filter (output_addr addrs) outs vin = fromIntegral . sum $ map inputAmount fins vout = fromIntegral . sum $ map outputAmount fouts v = vout - vin t = transactionTime tx h = txHash $ transactionData tx in toBinfoHistory v t rate cur h input_addr addrs' StoreInput{inputAddress = Just a} = a `HashSet.member` addrs' input_addr _ _ = False output_addr addrs' StoreOutput{outputAddr = Just a} = a `HashSet.member` addrs' output_addr _ _ = False get_dates = do BinfoDate start <- S.param "start" BinfoDate end' <- S.param "end" let end = end' + 24 * 60 * 60 ch <- lift $ asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) startM <- blockAtOrAfter ch start endM <- blockAtOrBefore ch end return (startM, endM) conduits xpubs addrs endM = map (uncurry (xpub_c endM)) xpubs <> map (addr_c endM) (HashSet.toList addrs) addr_c endM a = streamThings (getAddressTxs a) (Just txRefHash) def{ limit = 50 , start = AtBlock . blockDataHeight <$> endM } xpub_c endM x bs = streamThings (xPubTxs x bs) (Just txRefHash) def{ limit = 50 , start = AtBlock . blockDataHeight <$> endM } getPrice :: MonadIO m => WebT m (Text, BinfoTicker) getPrice = do code <- T.toUpper <$> S.param "currency" `S.rescue` const (return "USD") ticker <- lift $ asks webTicker prices <- readTVarIO ticker case HashMap.lookup code prices of Nothing -> return (code, def) Just p -> return (code, p) getSymbol :: MonadIO m => WebT m BinfoSymbol getSymbol = uncurry binfoTickerToSymbol <$> getPrice scottyBinfoBlocksDay :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoBlocksDay = do setMetrics blockStat 144 t <- min h . (`div` 1000) <$> S.param "milliseconds" ch <- lift $ asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) m <- blockAtOrBefore ch t bs <- go (d t) m streamEncoding $ toEncoding $ map toBinfoBlockInfo bs where h = fromIntegral (maxBound :: H.Timestamp) d = subtract (24 * 3600) go _ Nothing = return [] go t (Just b) | H.blockTimestamp (blockDataHeader b) <= fromIntegral t = return [] | otherwise = do b' <- getBlock (H.prevBlock (blockDataHeader b)) (b :) <$> go t b' scottyMultiAddr :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyMultiAddr = do setMetrics multiaddrStat 1 (addrs', _, saddrs, sxpubs, xspecs) <- get_addrs numtxid <- getNumTxId cashaddr <- getCashAddr local' <- getSymbol offset <- getBinfoOffset multiaddrStat n <- getBinfoCount "n" prune <- get_prune fltr <- get_filter xbals <- get_xbals xspecs xtxns <- get_xpub_tx_count xbals xspecs let sxbals = subset sxpubs xbals xabals = compute_xabals xbals addrs = addrs' `HashSet.difference` HashMap.keysSet xabals abals <- get_abals addrs let sxspecs = compute_sxspecs sxpubs xspecs sxabals = compute_xabals sxbals sabals = subset saddrs abals sallbals = sabals <> sxabals sbal = compute_bal sallbals allbals = abals <> xabals abook = compute_abook addrs xbals sxaddrs = compute_xaddrs sxbals salladdrs = saddrs <> sxaddrs bal = compute_bal allbals let ibal = fromIntegral sbal ftxs <- lift . runConduit $ getBinfoTxs abook sxspecs saddrs salladdrs fltr numtxid prune ibal .| (dropC offset >> takeC n .| sinkList) best <- get_best_block peers <- get_peers net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) let baddrs = toBinfoAddrs sabals sxbals xtxns abaddrs = toBinfoAddrs abals xbals xtxns recv = sum $ map getBinfoAddrReceived abaddrs sent' = sum $ map getBinfoAddrSent abaddrs txn = fromIntegral $ length ftxs wallet = BinfoWallet { getBinfoWalletBalance = bal , getBinfoWalletTxCount = txn , getBinfoWalletFilteredCount = txn , getBinfoWalletTotalReceived = recv , getBinfoWalletTotalSent = sent' } coin = netBinfoSymbol net block = BinfoBlockInfo { getBinfoBlockInfoHash = H.headerHash (blockDataHeader best) , getBinfoBlockInfoHeight = blockDataHeight best , getBinfoBlockInfoTime = H.blockTimestamp (blockDataHeader best) , getBinfoBlockInfoIndex = blockDataHeight best } info = BinfoInfo { getBinfoConnected = peers , getBinfoConversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000 , getBinfoLocal = local' , getBinfoBTC = coin , getBinfoLatestBlock = block } setHeaders streamEncoding $ binfoMultiAddrToEncoding net BinfoMultiAddr { getBinfoMultiAddrAddresses = baddrs , getBinfoMultiAddrWallet = wallet , getBinfoMultiAddrTxs = ftxs , getBinfoMultiAddrInfo = info , getBinfoMultiAddrRecommendFee = True , getBinfoMultiAddrCashAddr = cashaddr } where get_xpub_tx_count xbals = let f (k, s) = case HashMap.lookup k xbals of Nothing -> return (k, 0) Just bs -> do n <- xPubTxCount s bs return (k, fromIntegral n) in fmap HashMap.fromList . mapM f . HashMap.toList get_filter = S.param "filter" `S.rescue` const (return BinfoFilterAll) get_best_block = getBestBlock >>= \case Nothing -> raise multiaddrStat ThingNotFound Just bh -> getBlock bh >>= \case Nothing -> raise multiaddrStat ThingNotFound Just b -> return b get_prune = fmap not $ S.param "no_compact" `S.rescue` const (return False) subset ks = HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `HashSet.member` ks) compute_sxspecs sxpubs = HashSet.fromList . HashMap.elems . subset sxpubs addr (BinfoAddr a) = Just a addr (BinfoXpub _) = Nothing xpub (BinfoXpub x) = Just x xpub (BinfoAddr _) = Nothing get_addrs = do (xspecs, addrs) <- getBinfoActive multiaddrStat sh <- getBinfoAddrsParam multiaddrStat "onlyShow" let xpubs = HashMap.keysSet xspecs actives = HashSet.map BinfoAddr addrs <> HashSet.map BinfoXpub xpubs sh' = if HashSet.null sh then actives else sh saddrs = HashSet.fromList . mapMaybe addr $ HashSet.toList sh' sxpubs = HashSet.fromList . mapMaybe xpub $ HashSet.toList sh' return (addrs, xpubs, saddrs, sxpubs, xspecs) get_xbals = let f = not . nullBalance . xPubBal g = HashMap.fromList . map (second (filter f)) h (k, s) = (,) k <$> xPubBals s in fmap g . mapM h . HashMap.toList get_abals = let f b = (balanceAddress b, b) g = HashMap.fromList . map f in fmap g . getBalances . HashSet.toList get_peers = do ps <- lift $ getPeersInformation =<< asks (storeManager . webStore . webConfig) return (fromIntegral (length ps)) compute_xabals = let f b = (balanceAddress (xPubBal b), xPubBal b) in HashMap.fromList . concatMap (map f) . HashMap.elems compute_bal = let f b = balanceAmount b + balanceZero b in sum . map f . HashMap.elems compute_abook addrs xbals = let f k XPubBal{..} = let a = balanceAddress xPubBal e = error "lions and tigers and bears" s = toSoft (listToPath xPubBalPath) m = fromMaybe e s in (a, Just (BinfoXPubPath k m)) g k = map (f k) amap = HashMap.map (const Nothing) $ HashSet.toMap addrs xmap = HashMap.fromList . concatMap (uncurry g) $ HashMap.toList xbals in amap <> xmap compute_xaddrs = let f = map (balanceAddress . xPubBal) in HashSet.fromList . concatMap f . HashMap.elems getBinfoCount :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => TL.Text -> WebT m Int getBinfoCount str = do d <- lift (asks (maxLimitDefault . webMaxLimits . webConfig)) x <- lift (asks (maxLimitFull . webMaxLimits . webConfig)) i <- min x <$> (S.param str `S.rescue` const (return d)) return (fromIntegral i :: Int) getBinfoOffset :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => (WebMetrics -> StatDist) -> WebT m Int getBinfoOffset stat = do x <- lift (asks (maxLimitOffset . webMaxLimits . webConfig)) o <- S.param "offset" `S.rescue` const (return 0) when (o > x) $ raise stat $ UserError $ "offset exceeded: " <> show o <> " > " <> show x return (fromIntegral o :: Int) scottyRawAddr :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyRawAddr = setMetrics rawaddrStat 1 >> getBinfoAddr "addr" >>= \case BinfoAddr addr -> do_addr addr BinfoXpub xpub -> do_xpub xpub where do_xpub xpub = do numtxid <- getNumTxId derive <- S.param "derive" `S.rescue` const (return DeriveNormal) let xspec = XPubSpec xpub derive n <- getBinfoCount "limit" off <- getBinfoOffset rawaddrStat xbals <- xPubBals xspec net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) summary <- xPubSummary xspec xbals let abook = compute_abook xpub xbals xspecs = HashSet.singleton xspec saddrs = HashSet.empty baddrs = HashMap.keysSet abook bfilter = BinfoFilterAll amnt = xPubSummaryConfirmed summary + xPubSummaryZero summary txs <- lift . runConduit $ getBinfoTxs abook xspecs saddrs baddrs bfilter numtxid False (fromIntegral amnt) .| (dropC off >> takeC n .| sinkList) let ra = BinfoRawAddr { binfoRawAddr = BinfoXpub xpub , binfoRawBalance = amnt , binfoRawTxCount = fromIntegral $ length txs , binfoRawUnredeemed = xPubUnspentCount summary , binfoRawReceived = xPubSummaryReceived summary , binfoRawSent = fromIntegral (xPubSummaryReceived summary) - fromIntegral amnt , binfoRawTxs = txs } setHeaders streamEncoding $ binfoRawAddrToEncoding net ra compute_abook xpub xbals = let f XPubBal{..} = let a = balanceAddress xPubBal e = error "black hole swallows all your code" s = toSoft (listToPath xPubBalPath) m = fromMaybe e s in (a, Just (BinfoXPubPath xpub m)) in HashMap.fromList $ map f xbals do_addr addr = do numtxid <- getNumTxId n <- getBinfoCount "limit" off <- getBinfoOffset rawaddrStat bal <- fromMaybe (zeroBalance addr) <$> getBalance addr net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) let abook = HashMap.singleton addr Nothing xspecs = HashSet.empty saddrs = HashSet.singleton addr bfilter = BinfoFilterAll amnt = balanceAmount bal + balanceZero bal txs <- lift . runConduit $ getBinfoTxs abook xspecs saddrs saddrs bfilter numtxid False (fromIntegral amnt) .| (dropC off >> takeC n .| sinkList) let ra = BinfoRawAddr { binfoRawAddr = BinfoAddr addr , binfoRawBalance = amnt , binfoRawTxCount = balanceTxCount bal , binfoRawUnredeemed = balanceUnspentCount bal , binfoRawReceived = balanceTotalReceived bal , binfoRawSent = fromIntegral (balanceTotalReceived bal) - fromIntegral amnt , binfoRawTxs = txs } setHeaders streamEncoding $ binfoRawAddrToEncoding net ra scottyBinfoReceived :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoReceived = do setMetrics addrBalanceStat 1 a <- getAddress "addr" b <- fromMaybe (zeroBalance a) <$> getBalance a setHeaders S.text . cs . show $ balanceTotalReceived b scottyBinfoAddrBalance :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoAddrBalance = do setMetrics addrBalanceStat 1 a <- getAddress "addr" b <- fromMaybe (zeroBalance a) <$> getBalance a setHeaders S.text . cs . show $ balanceAmount b + balanceZero b scottyFirstSeen :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyFirstSeen = do a <- getAddress "addr" ch <- lift $ asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) bb <- chainGetBest ch let top = H.nodeHeight bb bot = 0 i <- go ch bb a bot top setHeaders S.text . cs $ show i where go ch bb a bot top = do let mid = bot + (top - bot) `div` 2 n = top - bot < 2 x <- hasone a bot y <- hasone a mid z <- hasone a top if | x -> getblocktime ch bb bot | n -> getblocktime ch bb top | y -> go ch bb a bot mid | z -> go ch bb a mid top | otherwise -> return 0 getblocktime ch bb h = H.blockTimestamp . H.nodeHeader . fromJust <$> chainGetAncestor h bb ch hasone a h = do let l = Limits 1 0 (Just (AtBlock h)) not . null <$> getAddressTxs a l scottyShortBal :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyShortBal = do (xspecs, addrs) <- getBinfoActive balanceStat cashaddr <- getCashAddr setMetrics balanceStat (HashSet.size addrs + HashMap.size xspecs) net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) abals <- catMaybes <$> mapM (get_addr_balance net cashaddr) (HashSet.toList addrs) xbals <- mapM (get_xspec_balance net) (HashMap.elems xspecs) let res = HashMap.fromList (abals <> xbals) setHeaders streamEncoding $ toEncoding res where to_short_bal Balance{..} = BinfoShortBal { binfoShortBalFinal = balanceAmount + balanceZero, binfoShortBalTxCount = balanceTxCount, binfoShortBalReceived = balanceTotalReceived } get_addr_balance net cashaddr a = let net' = if | cashaddr -> net | net == bch -> btc | net == bchTest -> btcTest | otherwise -> net in case addrToText net' a of Nothing -> return Nothing Just a' -> getBalance a >>= \case Nothing -> return $ Just (a', to_short_bal (zeroBalance a)) Just b -> return $ Just (a', to_short_bal b) is_ext XPubBal{xPubBalPath = 0:_} = True is_ext _ = False get_xspec_balance net xpub = do xbals <- xPubBals xpub xts <- xPubTxCount xpub xbals let val = sum $ map (balanceAmount . xPubBal) xbals zro = sum $ map (balanceZero . xPubBal) xbals exs = filter is_ext xbals rcv = sum $ map (balanceTotalReceived . xPubBal) exs sbl = BinfoShortBal { binfoShortBalFinal = val + zro, binfoShortBalTxCount = fromIntegral xts, binfoShortBalReceived = rcv } return (xPubExport net (xPubSpecKey xpub), sbl) getBinfoHex :: Monad m => WebT m Bool getBinfoHex = (== ("hex" :: Text)) <$> S.param "format" `S.rescue` const (return "json") scottyBinfoBlockHeight :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoBlockHeight = getNumTxId >>= \numtxid -> S.param "height" >>= \height -> setMetrics rawBlockStat 1 >> getBlocksAtHeight height >>= \block_hashes -> do block_headers <- catMaybes <$> mapM getBlock block_hashes next_block_hashes <- getBlocksAtHeight (height + 1) next_block_headers <- catMaybes <$> mapM getBlock next_block_hashes binfo_blocks <- mapM (get_binfo_blocks numtxid next_block_headers) block_headers setHeaders net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) streamEncoding $ binfoBlocksToEncoding net binfo_blocks where get_tx th = withRunInIO $ \run -> unsafeInterleaveIO $ run $ fromJust <$> getTransaction th get_binfo_blocks numtxid next_block_headers block_header = do let my_hash = H.headerHash (blockDataHeader block_header) get_prev = H.prevBlock . blockDataHeader get_hash = H.headerHash . blockDataHeader txs <- lift $ mapM get_tx (blockDataTxs block_header) let next_blocks = map get_hash $ filter ((== my_hash) . get_prev) next_block_headers let binfo_txs = map (toBinfoTxSimple numtxid) txs binfo_block = toBinfoBlock block_header binfo_txs next_blocks return binfo_block scottyBinfoLatest :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoLatest = do numtxid <- getNumTxId setMetrics blockStat 1 best <- get_best_block let binfoTxIndices = map (encodeBinfoTxId numtxid) (blockDataTxs best) binfoHeaderHash = H.headerHash (blockDataHeader best) binfoHeaderTime = H.blockTimestamp (blockDataHeader best) binfoHeaderIndex = binfoHeaderTime binfoHeaderHeight = blockDataHeight best streamEncoding $ toEncoding BinfoHeader{..} where get_best_block = getBestBlock >>= \case Nothing -> raise blockStat ThingNotFound Just bh -> getBlock bh >>= \case Nothing -> raise blockStat ThingNotFound Just b -> return b scottyBinfoBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoBlock = getNumTxId >>= \numtxid -> getBinfoHex >>= \hex -> setMetrics rawBlockStat 1 >> S.param "block" >>= \case BinfoBlockHash bh -> go numtxid hex bh BinfoBlockIndex i -> getBlocksAtHeight i >>= \case [] -> raise rawBlockStat ThingNotFound bh:_ -> go numtxid hex bh where get_tx th = withRunInIO $ \run -> unsafeInterleaveIO $ run $ fromJust <$> getTransaction th go numtxid hex bh = getBlock bh >>= \case Nothing -> raise rawBlockStat ThingNotFound Just b -> do txs <- lift $ mapM get_tx (blockDataTxs b) let my_hash = H.headerHash (blockDataHeader b) get_prev = H.prevBlock . blockDataHeader get_hash = H.headerHash . blockDataHeader nxt_headers <- fmap catMaybes $ mapM getBlock =<< getBlocksAtHeight (blockDataHeight b + 1) let nxt = map get_hash $ filter ((== my_hash) . get_prev) nxt_headers if hex then do let x = H.Block (blockDataHeader b) (map transactionData txs) setHeaders S.text . encodeHexLazy . runPutL $ serialize x else do let btxs = map (toBinfoTxSimple numtxid) txs y = toBinfoBlock b btxs nxt setHeaders net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) streamEncoding $ binfoBlockToEncoding net y getBinfoTx :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadUnliftIO m) => BinfoTxId -> WebT m (Either Except Transaction) getBinfoTx txid = do tx <- case txid of BinfoTxIdHash h -> maybeToList <$> getTransaction h BinfoTxIdIndex i -> getNumTransaction i case tx of [t] -> return $ Right t [] -> return $ Left ThingNotFound ts -> let tids = map (txHash . transactionData) ts in return $ Left (TxIndexConflict tids) scottyBinfoTx :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoTx = do numtxid <- getNumTxId hex <- getBinfoHex txid <- S.param "txid" setMetrics rawtxStat 1 tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise rawtxStat e if hex then hx tx else js numtxid tx where js numtxid t = do net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) setHeaders streamEncoding $ binfoTxToEncoding net $ toBinfoTxSimple numtxid t hx t = do setHeaders S.text . encodeHexLazy . runPutL . serialize $ transactionData t scottyBinfoTotalOut :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoTotalOut = do txid <- S.param "txid" setMetrics rawtxStat 1 tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise_ e S.text . cs . show . (/ (100 * 1000 * 1000 :: Double)) . fromIntegral . sum . map outputAmount $ transactionOutputs tx scottyBinfoTxFees :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoTxFees = do txid <- S.param "txid" setMetrics rawtxStat 1 tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise_ e let i = sum . map inputAmount . filter is_input $ transactionInputs tx o = sum . map outputAmount $ transactionOutputs tx S.text . cs . show $ fromIntegral (i - o) / (100 * 1000 * 1000 :: Double) where is_input StoreInput{} = True is_input StoreCoinbase{} = False scottyBinfoTxResult :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoTxResult = do txid <- S.param "txid" addr <- getAddress "addr" setMetrics rawtxStat 1 tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise_ e let i = toInteger . sum . map inputAmount . filter (is_input addr) $ transactionInputs tx o = toInteger . sum . map outputAmount . filter (is_output addr) $ transactionOutputs tx S.text . cs . show $ o - i where is_input addr StoreInput{inputAddress = Just a} = a == addr is_input _ _ = False is_output addr StoreOutput{outputAddr = Just a} = a == addr is_output _ _ = False scottyBinfoTotalInput :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoTotalInput = do txid <- S.param "txid" setMetrics rawtxStat 1 tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise_ e S.text . cs . show . (/ (100 * 1000 * 1000 :: Double)) . fromIntegral . sum . map inputAmount . filter is_input $ transactionInputs tx where is_input StoreInput{} = True is_input StoreCoinbase{} = False scottyBinfoMempool :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoMempool = do setMetrics mempoolStat 1 numtxid <- getNumTxId offset <- getBinfoOffset mempoolStat n <- getBinfoCount "limit" mempool <- getMempool let txids = map snd $ take n $ drop offset mempool txs <- catMaybes <$> mapM getTransaction txids net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) setHeaders let mem = BinfoMempool $ map (toBinfoTxSimple numtxid) txs streamEncoding $ binfoMempoolToEncoding net mem scottyBinfoGetBlockCount :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoGetBlockCount = do ch <- asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) bn <- chainGetBest ch setHeaders S.text . cs . show $ H.nodeHeight bn scottyBinfoLatestHash :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoLatestHash = do ch <- asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) bn <- chainGetBest ch setHeaders S.text . TL.fromStrict . H.blockHashToHex . H.headerHash $ H.nodeHeader bn scottyBinfoSubsidy :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoSubsidy = do ch <- asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) net <- asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) bn <- chainGetBest ch setHeaders S.text . cs . show . (/ (100 * 1000 * 1000 :: Double)) . fromIntegral $ H.computeSubsidy net (H.nodeHeight bn + 1) scottyBinfoAddrToHash :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoAddrToHash = getAddress "addr" >>= \addr -> do setHeaders S.text . encodeHexLazy . runPutL . serialize $ getAddrHash160 addr scottyBinfoAddrPubkey :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoAddrPubkey = do pubkey <- pubKeyAddr . fromString <$> S.param "pubkey" net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) setHeaders case addrToText net pubkey of Nothing -> raise rawaddrStat ThingNotFound Just a -> S.text $ TL.fromStrict a scottyBinfoHashPubkey :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyBinfoHashPubkey = do addr <- pubKeyAddr . fromString <$> S.param "pubkey" setHeaders S.text . encodeHexLazy . runPutL . serialize $ getAddrHash160 addr -- GET Network Information -- scottyPeers :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetPeers -> WebT m [PeerInformation] scottyPeers _ = do setMetrics peerStat 1 lift $ getPeersInformation =<< asks (storeManager . webStore . webConfig) -- | Obtain information about connected peers from peer manager process. getPeersInformation :: MonadLoggerIO m => PeerManager -> m [PeerInformation] getPeersInformation mgr = mapMaybe toInfo <$> getPeers mgr where toInfo op = do ver <- onlinePeerVersion op let as = onlinePeerAddress op ua = getVarString $ userAgent ver vs = version ver sv = services ver rl = relay ver return PeerInformation { peerUserAgent = ua , peerAddress = show as , peerVersion = vs , peerServices = sv , peerRelay = rl } scottyHealth :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetHealth -> WebT m HealthCheck scottyHealth _ = do setMetrics healthStat 1 h <- lift $ asks webConfig >>= healthCheck unless (isOK h) $ S.status status503 return h blockHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> m BlockHealth blockHealthCheck cfg = do let ch = storeChain $ webStore cfg blockHealthMaxDiff = fromIntegral $ webMaxDiff cfg blockHealthHeaders <- H.nodeHeight <$> chainGetBest ch blockHealthBlocks <- maybe 0 blockDataHeight <$> runMaybeT (MaybeT getBestBlock >>= MaybeT . getBlock) return BlockHealth {..} lastBlockHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, StoreReadBase m) => Chain -> WebTimeouts -> m TimeHealth lastBlockHealthCheck ch tos = do n <- fromIntegral . systemSeconds <$> liftIO getSystemTime t <- fromIntegral . H.blockTimestamp . H.nodeHeader <$> chainGetBest ch let timeHealthAge = n - t timeHealthMax = fromIntegral $ blockTimeout tos return TimeHealth {..} lastTxHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> m TimeHealth lastTxHealthCheck WebConfig {..} = do n <- fromIntegral . systemSeconds <$> liftIO getSystemTime b <- fromIntegral . H.blockTimestamp . H.nodeHeader <$> chainGetBest ch t <- getMempool >>= \case t:_ -> let x = fromIntegral $ fst t in return $ max x b [] -> return b let timeHealthAge = n - t timeHealthMax = fromIntegral to return TimeHealth {..} where ch = storeChain webStore to = if webNoMempool then blockTimeout webTimeouts else txTimeout webTimeouts pendingTxsHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> m MaxHealth pendingTxsHealthCheck cfg = do let maxHealthMax = fromIntegral $ webMaxPending cfg maxHealthNum <- fromIntegral <$> blockStorePendingTxs (storeBlock (webStore cfg)) return MaxHealth {..} peerHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, StoreReadBase m) => PeerManager -> m CountHealth peerHealthCheck mgr = do let countHealthMin = 1 countHealthNum <- fromIntegral . length <$> getPeers mgr return CountHealth {..} healthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> m HealthCheck healthCheck cfg@WebConfig {..} = do healthBlocks <- blockHealthCheck cfg healthLastBlock <- lastBlockHealthCheck (storeChain webStore) webTimeouts healthLastTx <- lastTxHealthCheck cfg healthPendingTxs <- pendingTxsHealthCheck cfg healthPeers <- peerHealthCheck (storeManager webStore) let healthNetwork = getNetworkName (storeNetwork webStore) healthVersion = webVersion hc = HealthCheck {..} unless (isOK hc) $ do let t = toStrict $ encodeToLazyText hc $(logErrorS) "Web" $ "Health check failed: " <> t return hc scottyDbStats :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebT m () scottyDbStats = do setMetrics dbStatsStat 1 setHeaders db <- lift $ asks (databaseHandle . storeDB . webStore . webConfig) statsM <- lift (getProperty db Stats) S.text $ maybe "Could not get stats" cs statsM ----------------------- -- Parameter Parsing -- ----------------------- -- | Returns @Nothing@ if the parameter is not supplied. Raises an exception on -- parse failure. paramOptional :: (Param a, MonadIO m) => WebT m (Maybe a) paramOptional = go Proxy where go :: (Param a, MonadIO m) => Proxy a -> WebT m (Maybe a) go proxy = do net <- lift $ asks (storeNetwork . webStore . webConfig) tsM :: Maybe [Text] <- p `S.rescue` const (return Nothing) case tsM of Nothing -> return Nothing -- Parameter was not supplied Just ts -> maybe (raise_ err) (return . Just) $ parseParam net ts where l = proxyLabel proxy p = Just <$> S.param (cs l) err = UserError $ "Unable to parse param " <> cs l -- | Raises an exception if the parameter is not supplied param :: (Param a, MonadIO m) => WebT m a param = go Proxy where go :: (Param a, MonadIO m) => Proxy a -> WebT m a go proxy = do resM <- paramOptional case resM of Just res -> return res _ -> raise_ . UserError $ "The param " <> cs (proxyLabel proxy) <> " was not defined" -- | Returns the default value of a parameter if it is not supplied. Raises an -- exception on parse failure. paramDef :: (Default a, Param a, MonadIO m) => WebT m a paramDef = fromMaybe def <$> paramOptional -- | Does not raise exceptions. Will call @Scotty.next@ if the parameter is -- not supplied or if parsing fails. paramLazy :: (Param a, MonadIO m) => WebT m a paramLazy = do resM <- paramOptional `S.rescue` const (return Nothing) maybe S.next return resM parseBody :: (MonadIO m, Serial a) => WebT m a parseBody = do b <- L.toStrict <$> S.body case hex b <> bin b of Left _ -> raise_ $ UserError "Failed to parse request body" Right x -> return x where bin = runGetS deserialize hex b = case B16.decodeBase16 $ C.filter (not . isSpace) b of Right x -> bin x Left s -> Left (T.unpack s) parseOffset :: MonadIO m => WebT m OffsetParam parseOffset = do res@(OffsetParam o) <- paramDef limits <- lift $ asks (webMaxLimits . webConfig) when (maxLimitOffset limits > 0 && fromIntegral o > maxLimitOffset limits) $ raise_ . UserError $ "offset exceeded: " <> show o <> " > " <> show (maxLimitOffset limits) return res parseStart :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Maybe StartParam -> WebT m (Maybe Start) parseStart Nothing = return Nothing parseStart (Just s) = runMaybeT $ case s of StartParamHash {startParamHash = h} -> start_tx h <|> start_block h StartParamHeight {startParamHeight = h} -> start_height h StartParamTime {startParamTime = q} -> start_time q where start_height h = return $ AtBlock $ fromIntegral h start_block h = do b <- MaybeT $ getBlock (H.BlockHash h) return $ AtBlock (blockDataHeight b) start_tx h = do _ <- MaybeT $ getTxData (TxHash h) return $ AtTx (TxHash h) start_time q = do ch <- lift $ asks (storeChain . webStore . webConfig) b <- MaybeT $ blockAtOrBefore ch q let g = blockDataHeight b return $ AtBlock g parseLimits :: MonadIO m => WebT m LimitsParam parseLimits = LimitsParam <$> paramOptional <*> parseOffset <*> paramOptional paramToLimits :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Bool -> LimitsParam -> WebT m Limits paramToLimits full (LimitsParam limitM o startM) = do wl <- lift $ asks (webMaxLimits . webConfig) Limits (validateLimit wl full limitM) (fromIntegral o) <$> parseStart startM validateLimit :: WebLimits -> Bool -> Maybe LimitParam -> Word32 validateLimit wl full limitM = f m $ maybe d (fromIntegral . getLimitParam) limitM where m | full && maxLimitFull wl > 0 = maxLimitFull wl | otherwise = maxLimitCount wl d = maxLimitDefault wl f a 0 = a f 0 b = b f a b = min a b --------------- -- Utilities -- --------------- runInWebReader :: MonadIO m => CacheT (DatabaseReaderT m) a -> ReaderT WebState m a runInWebReader f = do bdb <- asks (storeDB . webStore . webConfig) mc <- asks (storeCache . webStore . webConfig) lift $ runReaderT (withCache mc f) bdb runNoCache :: MonadIO m => Bool -> ReaderT WebState m a -> ReaderT WebState m a runNoCache False f = f runNoCache True f = local g f where g s = s { webConfig = h (webConfig s) } h c = c { webStore = i (webStore c) } i s = s { storeCache = Nothing } logIt :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Maybe WebMetrics -> m Middleware logIt metrics = do runner <- askRunInIO return $ \app req respond -> do var <- newTVarIO B.empty req' <- let rb = req_body var (getRequestBodyChunk req) rq = req{requestBody = rb} in case metrics of Nothing -> return rq Just m -> do stat_var <- newTVarIO Nothing item_var <- newTVarIO 0 let vt = V.insert (statKey m) stat_var $ V.insert (itemsKey m) item_var $ vault rq return rq{vault = vt} bracket start (end var runner req') $ \_ -> app req' $ \res -> do b <- readTVarIO var let s = responseStatus res msg = fmtReq b req' <> ": " <> fmtStatus s if statusIsSuccessful s then runner $ $(logDebugS) "Web" msg else runner $ $(logErrorS) "Web" msg respond res where start = systemToUTCTime <$> getSystemTime req_body var old_body = do b <- old_body unless (B.null b) . atomically $ modifyTVar var (<> b) return b add_stat d i s = do addStatQuery s addStatTime s d addStatItems s (fromIntegral i) end var runner req t1 = do t2 <- systemToUTCTime <$> getSystemTime let diff = round $ diffUTCTime t2 t1 * 1000 case metrics of Nothing -> return () Just m -> do let m_stat_var = V.lookup (statKey m) (vault req) m_item_var = V.lookup (itemsKey m) (vault req) i <- case m_item_var of Nothing -> return 0 Just item_var -> readTVarIO item_var add_stat diff i (everyStat m) case m_stat_var of Nothing -> return () Just stat_var -> readTVarIO stat_var >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just f -> add_stat diff i (f m) when (diff > 10000) $ do b <- readTVarIO var runner $ $(logWarnS) "Web" $ "Slow [" <> cs (show diff) <> " ms]: " <> fmtReq b req reqSizeLimit :: Middleware reqSizeLimit = requestSizeLimitMiddleware lim where max_len _req = return (Just (256 * 1024)) lim = setOnLengthExceeded too_big $ setMaxLengthForRequest max_len defaultRequestSizeLimitSettings too_big _ = \_app _req send -> send $ waiExcept requestEntityTooLarge413 RequestTooLarge fmtReq :: ByteString -> Request -> Text fmtReq bs req = let m = requestMethod req v = httpVersion req p = rawPathInfo req q = rawQueryString req txt = case T.decodeUtf8' bs of Left _ -> " {invalid utf8}" Right "" -> "" Right t -> " [" <> t <> "]" in T.decodeUtf8 (m <> " " <> p <> q <> " " <> cs (show v)) <> txt fmtStatus :: Status -> Text fmtStatus s = cs (show (statusCode s)) <> " " <> cs (statusMessage s)