{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} import Conduit import Control.Arrow import Control.Exception () import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Aeson as A import Data.Bits import Data.ByteString.Builder import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C import Data.Char import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Serialize as Serialize import Data.String.Conversions import Data.Version import Database.RocksDB as R import Haskoin import Haskoin.Node import Haskoin.Store import Network.HTTP.Types import NQE import Options.Applicative import Paths_haskoin_store as P import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO.Unsafe import Text.Read (readMaybe) import UnliftIO import Web.Scotty.Trans as S data Config = Config { configDir :: !FilePath , configPort :: !Int , configNetwork :: !Network , configDiscover :: !Bool , configPeers :: ![(Host, Maybe Port)] , configVersion :: !Bool } defPort :: Int defPort = 3000 defNetwork :: Network defNetwork = btc instance Parsable BlockHash where parseParam = maybe (Left "could not decode block hash") Right . hexToBlockHash . cs instance Parsable TxHash where parseParam = maybe (Left "could not decode tx hash") Right . hexToTxHash . cs data Except = ThingNotFound | ServerError | BadRequest | UserError String | StringError String deriving (Show, Eq) instance Exception Except instance ScottyError Except where stringError = StringError showError = cs . show instance ToJSON Except where toJSON ThingNotFound = object ["error" .= String "not found"] toJSON BadRequest = object ["error" .= String "bad request"] toJSON ServerError = object ["error" .= String "you made me kill a unicorn"] toJSON (StringError _) = object ["error" .= String "you made me kill a unicorn"] toJSON (UserError s) = object ["error" .= s] data JsonEvent = JsonEventTx TxHash | JsonEventBlock BlockHash deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON JsonEvent where toJSON (JsonEventTx tx_hash) = object ["type" .= String "tx", "id" .= tx_hash] toJSON (JsonEventBlock block_hash) = object ["type" .= String "block", "id" .= block_hash] netNames :: String netNames = intercalate "|" (map getNetworkName allNets) config :: Parser Config config = do configDir <- option str $ metavar "DIR" <> long "dir" <> short 'd' <> help "Data directory" <> showDefault <> value myDirectory configPort <- option auto $ metavar "INT" <> long "listen" <> short 'l' <> help "Listening port" <> showDefault <> value defPort configNetwork <- option (eitherReader networkReader) $ metavar netNames <> long "net" <> short 'n' <> help "Network to connect to" <> showDefault <> value defNetwork configDiscover <- switch $ long "auto" <> short 'a' <> help "Peer discovery" configPeers <- many . option (eitherReader peerReader) $ metavar "HOST" <> long "peer" <> short 'p' <> help "Network peer (as many as required)" configVersion <- switch $ long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Show version" return Config {..} networkReader :: String -> Either String Network networkReader s | s == getNetworkName btc = Right btc | s == getNetworkName btcTest = Right btcTest | s == getNetworkName btcRegTest = Right btcRegTest | s == getNetworkName bch = Right bch | s == getNetworkName bchTest = Right bchTest | s == getNetworkName bchRegTest = Right bchRegTest | otherwise = Left "Network name invalid" peerReader :: String -> Either String (Host, Maybe Port) peerReader s = do let (host, p) = span (/= ':') s when (null host) (Left "Peer name or address not defined") port <- case p of [] -> return Nothing ':':p' -> case readMaybe p' of Nothing -> Left "Peer port number cannot be read" Just n -> return (Just n) _ -> Left "Peer information could not be parsed" return (host, port) defHandler :: Monad m => Except -> ActionT Except m () defHandler ServerError = S.json ServerError defHandler ThingNotFound = status status404 >> S.json ThingNotFound defHandler BadRequest = status status400 >> S.json BadRequest defHandler (UserError s) = status status400 >> S.json (UserError s) defHandler e = status status400 >> S.json e maybeJSON :: (Monad m, ToJSON a) => Maybe a -> ActionT Except m () maybeJSON Nothing = raise ThingNotFound maybeJSON (Just x) = S.json x myDirectory :: FilePath myDirectory = unsafePerformIO $ getAppUserDataDirectory "haskoin-store" {-# NOINLINE myDirectory #-} main :: IO () main = runStderrLoggingT $ do conf <- liftIO (execParser opts) when (configVersion conf) . liftIO $ do putStrLn $ showVersion P.version exitSuccess when (null (configPeers conf) && not (configDiscover conf)) . liftIO $ die "ERROR: Specify peers to connect or enable peer discovery." let net = configNetwork conf let wdir = configDir conf getNetworkName net liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True wdir db <- open (wdir "db") R.defaultOptions { createIfMissing = True , compression = SnappyCompression , maxOpenFiles = -1 , writeBufferSize = 2 `shift` 30 } withPublisher $ \pub -> withStore (scfg conf db pub) $ \st -> runWeb conf st db pub where scfg conf db pub = StoreConfig { storeConfMaxPeers = 20 , storeConfInitPeers = map (second (fromMaybe (getDefaultPort (configNetwork conf)))) (configPeers conf) , storeConfDiscover = configDiscover conf , storeConfDB = db , storeConfNetwork = configNetwork conf , storeConfListen = (`sendSTM` pub) . Event } opts = info (helper <*> config) $ fullDesc <> progDesc "Blockchain store and API" <> Options.Applicative.header ("haskoin-store version " <> showVersion P.version) runWeb :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Config -> Store -> DB -> Publisher StoreEvent -> m () runWeb conf st db pub = do l <- askLoggerIO scottyT (configPort conf) (runner l) $ do defaultHandler defHandler S.get "/block/best" $ do res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> runMaybeT $ do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) bh <- MaybeT $ getBestBlock d MaybeT $ getBlock d bh maybeJSON res S.get "/block/:block" $ do block <- param "block" res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) getBlock d block maybeJSON res S.get "/block/height/:height" $ do height <- param "height" res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) bs <- getBlocksAtHeight d height catMaybes <$> mapM (getBlock d) bs S.json res S.get "/block/heights" $ do heights <- param "heights" res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) bs <- mapM (getBlocksAtHeight d) (nub heights) mapM (fmap catMaybes . mapM (getBlock d)) bs S.json res S.get "/blocks" $ do blocks <- param "blocks" res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) mapM (getBlock d) (blocks :: [BlockHash]) S.json res S.get "/mempool" $ do setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" stream $ \io flush' -> withSnapshot db $ \s -> runResourceT . runConduit $ getMempool (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) .| mapC snd .| jsonListConduit toEncoding .| streamConduit io >> liftIO flush' S.get "/transaction/:txid" $ do txid <- param "txid" res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) getTransaction d txid let f = transactionToJSON net maybeJSON $ fmap f res S.get "/transaction/:txid/hex" $ do txid <- param "txid" res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) getTransaction d txid case res of Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just x -> text . cs . encodeHex $ Serialize.encode (transactionData x) S.get "/transaction/:txid/after/:height" $ do txid <- param "txid" height <- param "height" res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) cbAfterHeight d height txid S.json $ object ["result" .= res] S.get "/transactions" $ do txids <- param "txids" res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) catMaybes <$> mapM (getTransaction d) (nub txids) S.json $ map (transactionToJSON net) res S.get "/transactions/hex" $ do txids <- param "txids" res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) catMaybes <$> mapM (getTransaction d) (nub txids) S.json $ map (encodeHex . Serialize.encode . transactionData) res S.get "/address/:address/transactions" $ do address <- parse_address setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" stream $ \io flush' -> withSnapshot db $ \s -> runResourceT . runConduit $ getAddressTxs (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) address .| jsonListConduit (addressTxToEncoding net) .| streamConduit io >> liftIO flush' S.get "/address/transactions" $ do addresses <- parse_addresses setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" stream $ \io flush' -> withSnapshot db $ \s -> runResourceT . runConduit $ mergeSourcesBy (compare `on` addressTxBlock) (map (getAddressTxs ( db , defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s})) addresses) .| jsonListConduit (addressTxToEncoding net) .| streamConduit io >> liftIO flush' S.get "/address/:address/unspent" $ do address <- parse_address setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" stream $ \io flush' -> withSnapshot db $ \s -> runResourceT . runConduit $ getAddressUnspents (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) address .| jsonListConduit (unspentToEncoding net) .| streamConduit io >> liftIO flush' S.get "/address/unspent" $ do addresses <- parse_addresses setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" stream $ \io flush' -> withSnapshot db $ \s -> runResourceT . runConduit $ mergeSourcesBy (compare `on` unspentBlock) (map (getAddressUnspents ( db , defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s})) addresses) .| jsonListConduit (unspentToEncoding net) .| streamConduit io >> liftIO flush' S.get "/address/:address/balance" $ do address <- parse_address res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) getBalance d address >>= \case Just b -> return b Nothing -> return Balance { balanceAddress = address , balanceAmount = 0 , balanceCount = 0 , balanceZero = 0 } S.json $ balanceToJSON net res S.get "/address/balances" $ do addresses <- parse_addresses res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) f a Nothing = Balance { balanceAddress = a , balanceAmount = 0 , balanceCount = 0 , balanceZero = 0 } f _ (Just b) = b mapM (\a -> f a <$> getBalance d a) addresses S.json $ map (balanceToJSON net) res S.get "/xpub/:xpub/balances" $ do xpub <- parse_xpub res <- withSnapshot db $ \s -> do let d = (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) runResourceT $ xpubBals d xpub S.json $ map (xPubBalToJSON net) res S.get "/xpub/:xpub/transactions" $ do xpub <- parse_xpub setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" stream $ \io flush' -> withSnapshot db $ \s -> runResourceT . runConduit $ xpubTxs (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) xpub .| jsonListConduit (xPubTxToEncoding net) .| streamConduit io >> liftIO flush' S.get "/xpub/:xpub/unspent" $ do xpub <- parse_xpub setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" stream $ \io flush' -> withSnapshot db $ \s -> runResourceT . runConduit $ xpubUnspent (db, defaultReadOptions {useSnapshot = Just s}) xpub .| jsonListConduit (xPubUnspentToEncoding net) .| streamConduit io >> liftIO flush' S.post "/transactions" $ do hex_tx <- C.filter (not . isSpace) <$> body bin_tx <- case decodeHex (cs hex_tx) of Nothing -> do status status400 S.json (UserError "decode hex fail") finish Just x -> return x tx <- case Serialize.decode bin_tx of Left _ -> do status status400 S.json (UserError "decode tx within hex fail") finish Right x -> return x lift (publishTx (storeManager st) tx) >>= \case True -> S.json $ object ["sent" .= True] False -> S.json $ object ["sent" .= False] S.get "/dbstats" $ getProperty db Stats >>= text . cs . fromJust S.get "/events" $ do setHeader "Content-Type" "application/x-json-stream" stream $ \io flush' -> withSubscription pub $ \sub -> forever $ flush' >> receive sub >>= \case StoreBestBlock block_hash -> do let bs = A.encode (JsonEventBlock block_hash) <> "\n" io (lazyByteString bs) StoreMempoolNew tx_hash -> do let bs = A.encode (JsonEventTx tx_hash) <> "\n" io (lazyByteString bs) _ -> return () S.get "/peers" $ getPeersInformation (storeManager st) >>= S.json notFound $ raise ThingNotFound where parse_address = do address <- param "address" case stringToAddr net address of Nothing -> next Just a -> return a parse_addresses = do addresses <- param "addresses" let as = mapMaybe (stringToAddr net) addresses unless (length as == length addresses) next return as parse_xpub = do t <- param "xpub" case xPubImport net t of Nothing -> next Just x -> return x net = configNetwork conf runner f l = do u <- askUnliftIO unliftIO u (runLoggingT l f) jsonListConduit :: Monad m => (a -> Encoding) -> ConduitT a Builder m () jsonListConduit f = yield "[" >> mapC (fromEncoding . f) .| intersperseC "," >> yield "]" streamConduit :: MonadIO m => (i -> IO ()) -> ConduitT i o m () streamConduit io = mapM_C (liftIO . io)