{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-} module Haskoin.Store.Web ( -- * Web WebConfig (..), Except (..), WebLimits (..), runWeb, ) where import Conduit ( ConduitT, await, concatMapC, concatMapMC, dropC, dropWhileC, headC, mapC, runConduit, sinkList, takeC, takeWhileC, yield, (.|), ) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.)) import Control.Monad ( forM_, forever, unless, void, when, (<=<), ) import Control.Monad.Logger ( MonadLoggerIO, logDebugS, logErrorS, ) import Control.Monad.Reader ( MonadReader, ReaderT, asks, local, runReaderT, ) import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( liftWith, restoreT, ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe ( MaybeT (..), runMaybeT, ) import Data.Aeson ( Encoding, ToJSON (..), Value, ) import Data.Aeson qualified as A import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty ( Config (..), defConfig, encodePretty', ) import Data.Aeson.Encoding ( encodingToLazyByteString, list, ) import Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToLazyText) import Data.Base16.Types (assertBase16) import Data.ByteString.Base16 (decodeBase16, isBase16) import Data.ByteString.Builder (lazyByteString) import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as L import Data.Bytes.Get import Data.Bytes.Put import Data.Bytes.Serial import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Default (Default (..)) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.List (nub) import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe, maybeToList, ) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.Serialize (decode) import Data.String (fromString) import Data.String.Conversions (cs) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) import Data.Word (Word32, Word64) import Database.RocksDB ( Property (..), getProperty, ) import Haskoin.Address import Haskoin.Block qualified as H import Haskoin.Crypto.Keys import Haskoin.Network import Haskoin.Node ( Chain, OnlinePeer (..), PeerMgr, chainGetAncestor, chainGetBest, getPeers, sendMessage, ) import Haskoin.Script import Haskoin.Store.BlockStore import Haskoin.Store.Cache import Haskoin.Store.Common import Haskoin.Store.Data import Haskoin.Store.Database.Reader import Haskoin.Store.Manager import Haskoin.Store.WebCommon import Haskoin.Transaction import Haskoin.Util import NQE ( Inbox, receive, withSubscription, ) import Network.HTTP.Types ( Status (..), status400, status404, status409, status413, status500, status503, statusIsClientError, statusIsServerError, statusIsSuccessful, ) import Network.Wai ( Middleware, Request (..), responseStatus, ) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp ( defaultSettings, setHost, setPort, ) import Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets (websocketsOr) import Network.WebSockets ( acceptRequest, defaultConnectionOptions, pendingRequest, rejectRequestWith, requestPath, sendTextData, ) import Network.WebSockets qualified as WebSockets import Network.Wreq qualified as Wreq import Network.Wreq.Session as Wreq (Session) import Network.Wreq.Session qualified as Wreq.Session import System.Metrics.StatsD import UnliftIO ( MonadIO, MonadUnliftIO, TVar, askRunInIO, async, atomically, bracket, bracket_, handleAny, liftIO, newTVarIO, readTVarIO, withAsync, writeTVar, ) import UnliftIO.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Web.Scotty.Trans qualified as S type ScottyT m = S.ScottyT (ReaderT WebState m) type ActionT m = S.ActionT (ReaderT WebState m) data WebLimits = WebLimits { maxItemCount :: !Word32, maxFullItemCount :: !Word32, maxOffset :: !Word32, defItemCount :: !Word32, xpubGap :: !Word32, xpubGapInit :: !Word32, txTimeout :: !Word64, blockTimeout :: !Word64 } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Default WebLimits where def = WebLimits { maxItemCount = 200000, maxFullItemCount = 5000, maxOffset = 50000, defItemCount = 100, xpubGap = 32, xpubGapInit = 20, txTimeout = 3600 `div` 2, blockTimeout = 4 * 3600 } data WebConfig = WebConfig { host :: !String, port :: !Int, store :: !Store, maxLaggingBlocks :: !Int, maxPendingTxs :: !Int, minPeers :: !Int, limits :: !WebLimits, version :: !String, noMempool :: !Bool, stats :: !(Maybe Stats), tickerRefresh :: !Int, tickerURL :: !String, priceHistoryURL :: !String, noSlow :: !Bool, noBlockchainInfo :: !Bool, healthCheckInterval :: !Int } data WebState = WebState { config :: !WebConfig, ticker :: !(TVar (HashMap Text BinfoTicker)), metrics :: !(Maybe WebMetrics), session :: !Wreq.Session, health :: !(TVar HealthCheck) } data WebMetrics = WebMetrics { -- Addresses addressTx :: !StatTiming, addressTxFull :: !StatTiming, addressBalance :: !StatTiming, addressUnspent :: !StatTiming, xpub :: !StatTiming, xpubDelete :: !StatTiming, xpubTxFull :: !StatTiming, xpubTx :: !StatTiming, xpubBalance :: !StatTiming, xpubUnspent :: !StatTiming, -- Transactions tx :: !StatTiming, txRaw :: !StatTiming, txAfter :: !StatTiming, txBlock :: !StatTiming, txBlockRaw :: !StatTiming, txPost :: !StatTiming, mempool :: !StatTiming, -- Blocks block :: !StatTiming, blockRaw :: !StatTiming, -- Blockchain binfoMultiaddr :: !StatTiming, binfoBalance :: !StatTiming, binfoAddressRaw :: !StatTiming, binfoUnspent :: !StatTiming, binfoTxRaw :: !StatTiming, binfoBlock :: !StatTiming, binfoBlockHeight :: !StatTiming, binfoBlockLatest :: !StatTiming, binfoBlockRaw :: !StatTiming, binfoMempool :: !StatTiming, binfoExportHistory :: !StatTiming, -- Blockchain /q endpoints binfoQaddresstohash :: !StatTiming, binfoQhashtoaddress :: !StatTiming, binfoQaddrpubkey :: !StatTiming, binfoQpubkeyaddr :: !StatTiming, binfoQhashpubkey :: !StatTiming, binfoQgetblockcount :: !StatTiming, binfoQlatesthash :: !StatTiming, binfoQbcperblock :: !StatTiming, binfoQtxtotalbtcoutput :: !StatTiming, binfoQtxtotalbtcinput :: !StatTiming, binfoQtxfee :: !StatTiming, binfoQtxresult :: !StatTiming, binfoQgetreceivedbyaddress :: !StatTiming, binfoQgetsentbyaddress :: !StatTiming, binfoQaddressbalance :: !StatTiming, binfoQaddressfirstseen :: !StatTiming, -- Errors serverErrors :: StatCounter, clientErrors :: StatCounter, -- Others health :: !StatTiming, peers :: !StatTiming, db :: !StatTiming, events :: !StatGauge } createMetrics :: (MonadIO m) => Stats -> m WebMetrics createMetrics s = liftIO $ do -- Addresses addressTx <- d "address_transactions" addressTxFull <- d "address_transactions_full" addressBalance <- d "address_balance" addressUnspent <- d "address_unspent" xpub <- d "xpub" xpubDelete <- d "xpub_delete" xpubTxFull <- d "xpub_transactions_full" xpubTx <- d "xpub_transactions" xpubBalance <- d "xpub_balances" xpubUnspent <- d "xpub_unspent" -- Transactions tx <- d "transaction" txRaw <- d "transaction_raw" txAfter <- d "transaction_after" txPost <- d "transaction_post" txBlock <- d "transactions_block" txBlockRaw <- d "transactions_block_raw" mempool <- d "mempool" -- Blocks block <- d "block" blockRaw <- d "block_raw" -- Blockchain binfoMultiaddr <- d "blockchain_multiaddr" binfoBalance <- d "blockchain_balance" binfoAddressRaw <- d "blockchain_rawaddr" binfoUnspent <- d "blockchain_unspent" binfoTxRaw <- d "blockchain_rawtx" binfoBlock <- d "blockchain_blocks" binfoBlockHeight <- d "blockchain_block_height" binfoBlockLatest <- d "blockchain_latestblock" binfoBlockRaw <- d "blockchain_rawblock" binfoMempool <- d "blockchain_mempool" binfoExportHistory <- d "blockchain_export_history" -- Blockchain /q endpoints binfoQaddresstohash <- d "blockchain_q_addresstohash" binfoQhashtoaddress <- d "blockchain_q_hashtoaddress" binfoQaddrpubkey <- d "blockckhain_q_addrpubkey" binfoQpubkeyaddr <- d "blockchain_q_pubkeyaddr" binfoQhashpubkey <- d "blockchain_q_hashpubkey" binfoQgetblockcount <- d "blockchain_q_getblockcount" binfoQlatesthash <- d "blockchain_q_latesthash" binfoQbcperblock <- d "blockchain_q_bcperblock" binfoQtxtotalbtcoutput <- d "blockchain_q_txtotalbtcoutput" binfoQtxtotalbtcinput <- d "blockchain_q_txtotalbtcinput" binfoQtxfee <- d "blockchain_q_txfee" binfoQtxresult <- d "blockchain_q_txresult" binfoQgetreceivedbyaddress <- d "blockchain_q_getreceivedbyaddress" binfoQgetsentbyaddress <- d "blockchain_q_getsentbyaddress" binfoQaddressbalance <- d "blockchain_q_addressbalance" binfoQaddressfirstseen <- d "blockchain_q_addressfirstseen" -- Errors serverErrors <- c "server_errors" clientErrors <- c "client_errors" -- Others health <- d "health" peers <- d "peers" db <- d "dbstats" events <- g "events_connected" return WebMetrics {..} where d x = newStatTiming s ("web." <> x) 10 g x = newStatGauge s ("web." <> x) 0 c x = newStatCounter s ("web." <> x) 10 withGaugeIO :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => StatGauge -> m a -> m a withGaugeIO g = bracket_ (incrementGauge g 1) (decrementGauge g 1) withGaugeIncrease :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => (WebMetrics -> StatGauge) -> ActionT m a -> ActionT m a withGaugeIncrease gf go = askl (.metrics) >>= \case Nothing -> go Just m -> do s <- liftWith $ \run -> withGaugeIO (gf m) (run go) restoreT $ return s withMetrics :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => (WebMetrics -> StatTiming) -> ActionT m a -> ActionT m a withMetrics df go = askl (.metrics) >>= \case Nothing -> go Just m -> restoreT . return =<< liftWith (\run -> bracket time (stop m) (const (run go))) where time = round . (* 1000) <$> liftIO getPOSIXTime stop m t1 = do t2 <- time let ms = t2 - t1 liftIO $ addTiming (df m) ms data SerialAs = SerialAsBinary | SerialAsJSON | SerialAsPrettyJSON deriving (Eq, Show) instance (MonadUnliftIO m) => StoreReadBase (ReaderT WebState m) where getCtx = runInWebReader getCtx getNetwork = runInWebReader getNetwork getBestBlock = runInWebReader getBestBlock getBlocksAtHeight height = runInWebReader (getBlocksAtHeight height) getBlock bh = runInWebReader (getBlock bh) getTxData th = runInWebReader (getTxData th) getSpender op = runInWebReader (getSpender op) getUnspent op = runInWebReader (getUnspent op) getBalance a = runInWebReader (getBalance a) getMempool = runInWebReader getMempool instance (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => StoreReadExtra (ReaderT WebState m) where getMaxGap = runInWebReader getMaxGap getInitialGap = runInWebReader getInitialGap getBalances as = runInWebReader (getBalances as) getAddressesTxs as = runInWebReader . getAddressesTxs as getAddressTxs a = runInWebReader . getAddressTxs a getAddressUnspents a = runInWebReader . getAddressUnspents a getAddressesUnspents as = runInWebReader . getAddressesUnspents as xPubBals = runInWebReader . xPubBals xPubUnspents xpub xbals = runInWebReader . xPubUnspents xpub xbals xPubTxs xpub xbals = runInWebReader . xPubTxs xpub xbals xPubTxCount xpub = runInWebReader . xPubTxCount xpub getNumTxData = runInWebReader . getNumTxData instance (MonadUnliftIO m) => StoreReadBase (ActionT m) where getCtx = lift getCtx getNetwork = lift getNetwork getBestBlock = lift getBestBlock getBlocksAtHeight = lift . getBlocksAtHeight getBlock = lift . getBlock getTxData = lift . getTxData getSpender = lift . getSpender getUnspent = lift . getUnspent getBalance = lift . getBalance getMempool = lift getMempool instance (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => StoreReadExtra (ActionT m) where getBalances = lift . getBalances getAddressesTxs as = lift . getAddressesTxs as getAddressTxs a = lift . getAddressTxs a getAddressUnspents a = lift . getAddressUnspents a getAddressesUnspents as = lift . getAddressesUnspents as xPubBals = lift . xPubBals xPubUnspents xpub xbals = lift . xPubUnspents xpub xbals xPubTxs xpub xbals = lift . xPubTxs xpub xbals xPubTxCount xpub = lift . xPubTxCount xpub getMaxGap = lift getMaxGap getInitialGap = lift getInitialGap getNumTxData = lift . getNumTxData ------------------- -- Path Handlers -- ------------------- runWeb :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebConfig -> m () runWeb config = do ticker <- newTVarIO HashMap.empty metrics <- mapM createMetrics config.stats session <- liftIO Wreq.Session.newAPISession health <- runHealthCheck >>= newTVarIO let state = WebState {..} withAsync (priceUpdater session ticker) $ \_a1 -> withAsync (healthCheckLoop health) $ \_a2 -> do logger <- logIt runner <- askRunInIO S.scottyOptsT opts (runner . flip runReaderT state) $ do S.middleware $ webSocketEvents state S.middleware logger handlePaths config S.notFound $ raise ThingNotFound where priceUpdater session = unless (config.noSlow || config.noBlockchainInfo) . price config.store.net session config.tickerURL config.tickerRefresh runHealthCheck = runReaderT (healthCheck config) config.store.db healthCheckLoop v = forever $ do threadDelay (config.healthCheckInterval * 1000 * 1000) runHealthCheck >>= atomically . writeTVar v opts = def {S.settings = settings defaultSettings} settings = setPort config.port . setHost (fromString config.host) getRates :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Network -> Wreq.Session -> String -> Text -> [Word64] -> m [BinfoRate] getRates net session url currency times = do handleAny err $ do r <- liftIO $ Wreq.asJSON =<< Wreq.Session.postWith opts session url body return $ r ^. Wreq.responseBody where err _ = do $(logErrorS) "Web" "Could not get historic prices" return [] body = toJSON times base = Wreq.defaults & Wreq.param "base" .~ [T.toUpper $ T.pack net.name] opts = base & Wreq.param "quote" .~ [currency] price :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Network -> Wreq.Session -> String -> Int -> TVar (HashMap Text BinfoTicker) -> m () price net session url pget v = forM_ purl $ \u -> forever $ do let err e = $(logErrorS) "Price" $ cs (show e) handleAny err $ do r <- liftIO $ Wreq.asJSON =<< Wreq.Session.get session u atomically . writeTVar v $ r ^. Wreq.responseBody threadDelay pget where purl = case code of Nothing -> Nothing Just x -> Just (url <> "?base=" <> x) where code | net == btc = Just "btc" | net == bch = Just "bch" | otherwise = Nothing raise :: (MonadIO m) => Except -> ActionT m a raise e = do askl (.metrics) >>= mapM_ \m -> do liftIO $ mapM_ (`incrementCounter` 1) $ if | statusIsClientError (errStatus e) -> Just m.clientErrors | statusIsServerError (errStatus e) -> Just m.serverErrors | otherwise -> Nothing setHeaders S.status $ errStatus e S.json e S.finish errStatus :: Except -> Status errStatus ThingNotFound = status404 errStatus BadRequest = status400 errStatus UserError {} = status400 errStatus StringError {} = status400 errStatus ServerError = status500 errStatus TxIndexConflict {} = status409 errStatus ServerTimeout = status500 errStatus RequestTooLarge = status413 handlePaths :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => WebConfig -> S.ScottyT (ReaderT WebState m) () handlePaths cfg = do -- Block Paths pathCompact (GetBlockBest <$> paramDef) scottyBlockBest (marshalEncoding net) (marshalValue net) pathCompact (GetBlockHeight <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyBlockHeight) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetBlockTime <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef) scottyBlockTime (marshalEncoding net) (marshalValue net) pathCompact (GetBlockMTP <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef) scottyBlockMTP (marshalEncoding net) (marshalValue net) pathCompact (GetBlock <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef) scottyBlock (marshalEncoding net) (marshalValue net) pathCompact (GetTx <$> paramCapture) scottyTx (marshalEncoding net) (marshalValue net) pathCompact (GetTxRaw <$> paramCapture) scottyTxRaw toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (PostTx <$> parseBody) scottyPostTx toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetMempool <$> paramOptional <*> parseOffset) (fmap SerialList . scottyMempool) toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetAddrTxs <$> paramCapture <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrTxs) toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetAddrBalance <$> paramCapture) scottyAddrBalance (marshalEncoding net) (marshalValue net) pathCompact (GetAddrUnspent <$> paramCapture <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrUnspent) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetPeers & return) (fmap SerialList . scottyPeers) toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetHealth & return) scottyHealth toEncoding toJSON S.get "/events" scottyEvents S.get "/dbstats" scottyDbStats unless cfg.noSlow $ do pathCompact (GetBlocks <$> paramRequired <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyBlocks) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetBlockRaw <$> paramCapture) scottyBlockRaw toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetBlockBestRaw & return) scottyBlockBestRaw toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetBlockLatest <$> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyBlockLatest) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetBlockHeights <$> paramRequired <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyBlockHeights) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetBlockHeightRaw <$> paramCapture) scottyBlockHeightRaw toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetBlockTimeRaw <$> paramCapture) scottyBlockTimeRaw toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetBlockMTPRaw <$> paramCapture) scottyBlockMTPRaw toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetTxs <$> paramRequired) (fmap SerialList . scottyTxs) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetTxsRaw <$> paramRequired) scottyTxsRaw toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetTxsBlock <$> paramCapture) (fmap SerialList . scottyTxsBlock) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetTxsBlockRaw <$> paramCapture) scottyTxsBlockRaw toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetTxAfter <$> paramCapture <*> paramCapture) scottyTxAfter toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetAddrsTxs <$> paramRequired <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrsTxs) toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetAddrTxsFull <$> paramCapture <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrTxsFull) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetAddrsTxsFull <$> paramRequired <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrsTxsFull) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetAddrsBalance <$> paramRequired) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrsBalance) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetAddrsUnspent <$> paramRequired <*> parseLimits) (fmap SerialList . scottyAddrsUnspent) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetXPub <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef <*> paramDef) scottyXPub toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetXPubTxs <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef <*> parseLimits <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyXPubTxs) toEncoding toJSON pathCompact (GetXPubTxsFull <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef <*> parseLimits <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyXPubTxsFull) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetXPubBalances <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyXPubBalances) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (GetXPubUnspent <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef <*> parseLimits <*> paramDef) (fmap SerialList . scottyXPubUnspent) (list (marshalEncoding net) . (.get)) (json_list (marshalValue net) . (.get)) pathCompact (DelCachedXPub <$> paramCapture <*> paramDef) scottyDelXPub toEncoding toJSON unless cfg.noBlockchainInfo $ do S.post "/blockchain/multiaddr" scottyMultiAddr S.get "/blockchain/multiaddr" scottyMultiAddr S.get "/blockchain/balance" scottyShortBal S.post "/blockchain/balance" scottyShortBal S.get "/blockchain/rawaddr/:addr" scottyRawAddr S.get "/blockchain/address/:addr" scottyRawAddr S.get "/blockchain/xpub/:addr" scottyRawAddr S.post "/blockchain/unspent" scottyBinfoUnspent S.get "/blockchain/unspent" scottyBinfoUnspent S.get "/blockchain/rawtx/:txid" scottyBinfoTx S.get "/blockchain/rawblock/:block" scottyBinfoBlock S.get "/blockchain/latestblock" scottyBinfoLatest S.get "/blockchain/unconfirmed-transactions" scottyBinfoMempool S.get "/blockchain/block-height/:height" scottyBinfoBlockHeight S.get "/blockchain/blocks/:milliseconds" scottyBinfoBlocksDay S.get "/blockchain/export-history" scottyBinfoHistory S.post "/blockchain/export-history" scottyBinfoHistory S.get "/blockchain/q/addresstohash/:addr" scottyBinfoAddrToHash S.get "/blockchain/q/hashtoaddress/:hash" scottyBinfoHashToAddr S.get "/blockchain/q/addrpubkey/:pubkey" scottyBinfoAddrPubkey S.get "/blockchain/q/pubkeyaddr/:addr" scottyBinfoPubKeyAddr S.get "/blockchain/q/hashpubkey/:pubkey" scottyBinfoHashPubkey S.get "/blockchain/q/getblockcount" scottyBinfoGetBlockCount S.get "/blockchain/q/latesthash" scottyBinfoLatestHash S.get "/blockchain/q/bcperblock" scottyBinfoSubsidy S.get "/blockchain/q/txtotalbtcoutput/:txid" scottyBinfoTotalOut S.get "/blockchain/q/txtotalbtcinput/:txid" scottyBinfoTotalInput S.get "/blockchain/q/txfee/:txid" scottyBinfoTxFees S.get "/blockchain/q/txresult/:txid/:addr" scottyBinfoTxResult S.get "/blockchain/q/getreceivedbyaddress/:addr" scottyBinfoReceived S.get "/blockchain/q/getsentbyaddress/:addr" scottyBinfoSent S.get "/blockchain/q/addressbalance/:addr" scottyBinfoAddrBalance S.get "/blockchain/q/addressfirstseen/:addr" scottyFirstSeen where json_list f = toJSONList . map f net = cfg.store.net pathCompact :: (ApiResource a b, MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m a -> (a -> ActionT m b) -> (b -> Encoding) -> (b -> Value) -> S.ScottyT (ReaderT WebState m) () pathCompact parser action encJson encValue = pathCommon parser action encJson encValue False pathCommon :: (ApiResource a b, MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m a -> (a -> ActionT m b) -> (b -> Encoding) -> (b -> Value) -> Bool -> ScottyT m () pathCommon parser action encJson encValue pretty = S.addroute (resourceMethod proxy) (capturePath proxy) $ do setHeaders proto <- setupContentType pretty apiRes <- parser res <- action apiRes S.raw $ protoSerial proto encJson encValue res where toProxy :: ActionT m a -> Proxy a toProxy = const Proxy proxy = toProxy parser streamEncoding :: (MonadIO m) => Encoding -> ActionT m () streamEncoding e = do S.setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json; charset=utf-8" S.raw (encodingToLazyByteString e) protoSerial :: (Serial a) => SerialAs -> (a -> Encoding) -> (a -> Value) -> a -> L.ByteString protoSerial SerialAsBinary _ _ = runPutL . serialize protoSerial SerialAsJSON f _ = encodingToLazyByteString . f protoSerial SerialAsPrettyJSON _ g = encodePretty' defConfig {confTrailingNewline = True} . g setHeaders :: (MonadIO m) => S.ActionT m () setHeaders = S.setHeader "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*" setupJSON :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => Bool -> S.ActionT m SerialAs setupJSON pretty = do S.setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" p <- param "pretty" `rescue` return pretty return $ if p then SerialAsPrettyJSON else SerialAsJSON setupBinary :: (MonadIO m) => S.ActionT m SerialAs setupBinary = do S.setHeader "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream" return SerialAsBinary setupContentType :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => Bool -> S.ActionT m SerialAs setupContentType pretty = do accept <- S.header "accept" maybe (setupJSON pretty) setType accept where setType "application/octet-stream" = setupBinary setType _ = setupJSON pretty -- GET Block / GET Blocks -- scottyBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetBlock -> ActionT m BlockData scottyBlock (GetBlock h (NoTx noTx)) = withMetrics (.block) $ do getBlock h >>= \case Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just b -> do return $ pruneTx noTx b getBlocks :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => [H.BlockHash] -> Bool -> ActionT m [BlockData] getBlocks hs notx = (pruneTx notx <$>) . catMaybes <$> mapM getBlock (nub hs) scottyBlocks :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetBlocks -> ActionT m [BlockData] scottyBlocks (GetBlocks hs (NoTx notx)) = withMetrics (.block) $ getBlocks hs notx pruneTx :: Bool -> BlockData -> BlockData pruneTx False b = b pruneTx True BlockData {..} = BlockData {txs = take 1 txs, ..} -- GET BlockRaw -- scottyBlockRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetBlockRaw -> ActionT m (RawResult H.Block) scottyBlockRaw (GetBlockRaw h) = withMetrics (.blockRaw) $ RawResult <$> getRawBlock h getRawBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => H.BlockHash -> ActionT m H.Block getRawBlock h = getBlock h >>= maybe (raise ThingNotFound) return >>= lift . toRawBlock toRawBlock :: (StoreReadBase m) => BlockData -> m H.Block toRawBlock b = do txs <- map transactionData . catMaybes <$> mapM getTransaction b.txs return H.Block {header = b.header, txs} -- GET BlockBest / BlockBestRaw -- scottyBlockBest :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetBlockBest -> ActionT m BlockData scottyBlockBest (GetBlockBest (NoTx notx)) = withMetrics (.block) $ maybe (raise ThingNotFound) (return . pruneTx notx) <=< runMaybeT $ MaybeT getBestBlock >>= MaybeT . getBlock scottyBlockBestRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetBlockBestRaw -> ActionT m (RawResult H.Block) scottyBlockBestRaw _ = withMetrics (.blockRaw) $ maybe (raise ThingNotFound) (return . RawResult) <=< runMaybeT $ MaybeT getBestBlock >>= lift . getRawBlock -- GET BlockLatest -- scottyBlockLatest :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetBlockLatest -> ActionT m [BlockData] scottyBlockLatest (GetBlockLatest (NoTx noTx)) = withMetrics (.block) $ getBestBlock >>= maybe (raise ThingNotFound) (go [] <=< getBlock) where go acc Nothing = return $ reverse acc go acc (Just b) | b.height <= 0 = return $ reverse acc | length acc == 99 = return . reverse $ pruneTx noTx b : acc | otherwise = go (pruneTx noTx b : acc) =<< getBlock b.header.prev -- GET BlockHeight / BlockHeights / BlockHeightRaw -- scottyBlockHeight :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetBlockHeight -> ActionT m [BlockData] scottyBlockHeight (GetBlockHeight h (NoTx notx)) = withMetrics (.block) $ getBlocksAtHeight (fromIntegral h) >>= (`getBlocks` notx) scottyBlockHeights :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetBlockHeights -> ActionT m [BlockData] scottyBlockHeights (GetBlockHeights (HeightsParam heights) (NoTx notx)) = withMetrics (.block) $ mapM (getBlocksAtHeight . fromIntegral) heights >>= (`getBlocks` notx) . concat scottyBlockHeightRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetBlockHeightRaw -> ActionT m (RawResultList H.Block) scottyBlockHeightRaw (GetBlockHeightRaw h) = withMetrics (.blockRaw) $ fmap RawResultList $ mapM getRawBlock =<< getBlocksAtHeight (fromIntegral h) -- GET BlockTime / BlockTimeRaw -- scottyBlockTime :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockTime -> ActionT m BlockData scottyBlockTime (GetBlockTime (TimeParam t) (NoTx notx)) = withMetrics (.block) $ do ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) blockAtOrBefore ch t >>= \case Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just b -> return $ pruneTx notx b scottyBlockMTP :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockMTP -> ActionT m BlockData scottyBlockMTP (GetBlockMTP (TimeParam t) (NoTx notx)) = withMetrics (.block) $ do ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) blockAtOrAfterMTP ch t >>= \case Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just b -> return $ pruneTx notx b scottyBlockTimeRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockTimeRaw -> ActionT m (RawResult H.Block) scottyBlockTimeRaw (GetBlockTimeRaw (TimeParam t)) = withMetrics (.blockRaw) $ do ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) blockAtOrBefore ch t >>= \case Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just b -> RawResult <$> lift (toRawBlock b) scottyBlockMTPRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetBlockMTPRaw -> ActionT m (RawResult H.Block) scottyBlockMTPRaw (GetBlockMTPRaw (TimeParam t)) = withMetrics (.blockRaw) $ do ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) blockAtOrAfterMTP ch t >>= \case Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just b -> RawResult <$> lift (toRawBlock b) -- GET Transactions -- scottyTx :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetTx -> ActionT m Transaction scottyTx (GetTx txid) = withMetrics (.tx) $ getTransaction txid >>= maybe (raise ThingNotFound) return scottyTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetTxs -> ActionT m [Transaction] scottyTxs (GetTxs txids) = withMetrics (.tx) $ catMaybes <$> mapM getTransaction (nub txids) scottyTxRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetTxRaw -> ActionT m (RawResult Tx) scottyTxRaw (GetTxRaw txid) = withMetrics (.txRaw) $ getTransaction txid >>= \case Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just tx -> return $ RawResult (transactionData tx) scottyTxsRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetTxsRaw -> ActionT m (RawResultList Tx) scottyTxsRaw (GetTxsRaw txids) = withMetrics (.txRaw) $ RawResultList . map transactionData . catMaybes <$> mapM getTransaction (nub txids) getTxsBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => H.BlockHash -> ActionT m [Transaction] getTxsBlock h = getBlock h >>= \case Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just b -> catMaybes <$> mapM getTransaction b.txs scottyTxsBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetTxsBlock -> ActionT m [Transaction] scottyTxsBlock (GetTxsBlock h) = withMetrics (.txBlock) $ getTxsBlock h scottyTxsBlockRaw :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetTxsBlockRaw -> ActionT m (RawResultList Tx) scottyTxsBlockRaw (GetTxsBlockRaw h) = withMetrics (.txBlockRaw) $ RawResultList . map transactionData <$> getTxsBlock h -- GET TransactionAfterHeight -- scottyTxAfter :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetTxAfter -> ActionT m (GenericResult (Maybe Bool)) scottyTxAfter (GetTxAfter txid height) = withMetrics (.txAfter) $ GenericResult . fst <$> cbAfterHeight (fromIntegral height) txid -- | Check if any of the ancestors of this transaction is a coinbase after the -- specified height. Returns 'Nothing' if answer cannot be computed before -- hitting limits. cbAfterHeight :: (StoreReadBase m) => H.BlockHeight -> TxHash -> m (Maybe Bool, Int) cbAfterHeight height txid = inputs n HashSet.empty HashSet.empty [txid] where n = 10000 inputs 0 _ _ [] = return (Nothing, 10000) inputs i is ns [] = let is' = HashSet.union is ns ns' = HashSet.empty ts = HashSet.toList (HashSet.difference ns is) in case ts of [] -> return (Just False, n - i) _ -> inputs i is' ns' ts inputs i is ns (t : ts) = getTransaction t >>= \case Nothing -> return (Nothing, n - i) Just tx | height_check tx -> if cb_check tx then return (Just True, n - i + 1) else let ns' = HashSet.union (ins tx) ns in inputs (i - 1) is ns' ts | otherwise -> inputs (i - 1) is ns ts cb_check = any isCoinbase . (.inputs) ins = HashSet.fromList . map (.outpoint.hash) . (.inputs) height_check tx = case tx.block of BlockRef h _ -> h > height MemRef _ -> True -- POST Transaction -- scottyPostTx :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => PostTx -> ActionT m TxId scottyPostTx (PostTx tx) = withMetrics (.txPost) $ do cfg <- askl (.config) lift (publishTx cfg tx) return (TxId (txHash tx)) -- | Send transaction to all connected peers. publishTx :: (MonadUnliftIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> Tx -> m () publishTx cfg tx = do ps <- getPeers cfg.store.peerMgr let c = max 1 (length ps `div` 2) forM_ (take c ps) $ \p -> do sendMessage (MTx tx) p.mailbox void . async $ do threadDelay (5 * 1000 * 1000) let v = if cfg.store.net.segWit then InvWitnessTx else InvTx g = MGetData (GetData [InvVector v (txHash tx).get]) sendMessage g p.mailbox -- GET Mempool / Events -- scottyMempool :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetMempool -> ActionT m [TxHash] scottyMempool (GetMempool limitM (OffsetParam o)) = withMetrics (.mempool) $ do WebLimits {..} <- askl (.config.limits) let wl' = WebLimits {maxItemCount = 0, ..} l = Limits (validateLimit wl' False limitM) (fromIntegral o) Nothing map snd . applyLimits l <$> getMempool webSocketEvents :: WebState -> Middleware webSocketEvents s = websocketsOr defaultConnectionOptions (wrap . events) where pub = s.config.store.pub gauge = (.events) <$> s.metrics wrap f = case gauge of Nothing -> f Just g -> withGaugeIO g f events pending = withSubscription pub $ \sub -> do let path = requestPath $ pendingRequest pending if path == "/events" then do conn <- acceptRequest pending forever $ receiveEvent sub >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just event -> sendTextData conn (A.encode event) else rejectRequestWith pending WebSockets.defaultRejectRequest { WebSockets.rejectBody = L.toStrict $ A.encode ThingNotFound, WebSockets.rejectCode = 404, WebSockets.rejectMessage = "Not Found", WebSockets.rejectHeaders = [("Content-Type", "application/json")] } scottyEvents :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyEvents = withGaugeIncrease (.events) $ do setHeaders proto <- setupContentType False pub <- askl (.config.store.pub) S.stream $ \io flush' -> withSubscription pub $ \sub -> forever $ do flush' receiveEvent sub >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just msg -> io (serial proto msg) where serial proto e = lazyByteString $ protoSerial proto toEncoding toJSON e <> newLine proto newLine SerialAsBinary = mempty newLine SerialAsJSON = "\n" newLine SerialAsPrettyJSON = mempty receiveEvent :: Inbox StoreEvent -> IO (Maybe Event) receiveEvent sub = go <$> receive sub where go = \case StoreBestBlock b -> Just (EventBlock b) StoreMempoolNew t -> Just (EventTx t) StoreMempoolDelete t -> Just (EventTx t) _ -> Nothing -- GET Address Transactions -- scottyAddrTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrTxs -> ActionT m [TxRef] scottyAddrTxs (GetAddrTxs addr pLimits) = withMetrics (.addressTx) $ getAddressTxs addr =<< paramToLimits False pLimits scottyAddrsTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrsTxs -> ActionT m [TxRef] scottyAddrsTxs (GetAddrsTxs addrs pLimits) = withMetrics (.addressTx) $ getAddressesTxs addrs =<< paramToLimits False pLimits scottyAddrTxsFull :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrTxsFull -> ActionT m [Transaction] scottyAddrTxsFull (GetAddrTxsFull addr pLimits) = withMetrics (.addressTxFull) $ do txs <- getAddressTxs addr =<< paramToLimits True pLimits catMaybes <$> mapM (getTransaction . (.txid)) txs scottyAddrsTxsFull :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrsTxsFull -> ActionT m [Transaction] scottyAddrsTxsFull (GetAddrsTxsFull addrs pLimits) = withMetrics (.addressTxFull) $ do txs <- getAddressesTxs addrs =<< paramToLimits True pLimits catMaybes <$> mapM (getTransaction . (.txid)) txs scottyAddrBalance :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetAddrBalance -> ActionT m Balance scottyAddrBalance (GetAddrBalance addr) = withMetrics (.addressBalance) $ getDefaultBalance addr scottyAddrsBalance :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrsBalance -> ActionT m [Balance] scottyAddrsBalance (GetAddrsBalance addrs) = withMetrics (.addressBalance) $ getBalances addrs scottyAddrUnspent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrUnspent -> ActionT m [Unspent] scottyAddrUnspent (GetAddrUnspent addr pLimits) = withMetrics (.addressUnspent) $ getAddressUnspents addr =<< paramToLimits False pLimits scottyAddrsUnspent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetAddrsUnspent -> ActionT m [Unspent] scottyAddrsUnspent (GetAddrsUnspent addrs pLimits) = withMetrics (.addressUnspent) $ getAddressesUnspents addrs =<< paramToLimits False pLimits -- GET XPubs -- scottyXPub :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPub -> ActionT m XPubSummary scottyXPub (GetXPub xpub deriv (NoCache noCache)) = withMetrics (.xpub) $ let xs = XPubSpec xpub deriv in xPubSummary xs <$> lift (runNoCache noCache $ xPubBals xs) scottyDelXPub :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => DelCachedXPub -> ActionT m (GenericResult Bool) scottyDelXPub (DelCachedXPub xpub deriv) = withMetrics (.xpubDelete) $ do c <- askl (.config.store.cache) n <- lift (withCache c $ cacheDelXPubs [XPubSpec xpub deriv]) return $ GenericResult (n > 0) getXPubTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => XPubKey -> DeriveType -> LimitsParam -> Bool -> ActionT m [TxRef] getXPubTxs xpub deriv plimits nocache = do limits <- paramToLimits False plimits let xs = XPubSpec xpub deriv xbals <- xPubBals xs lift $ runNoCache nocache $ xPubTxs xs xbals limits scottyXPubTxs :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPubTxs -> ActionT m [TxRef] scottyXPubTxs (GetXPubTxs xpub deriv plimits (NoCache nocache)) = withMetrics (.xpubTx) $ getXPubTxs xpub deriv plimits nocache scottyXPubTxsFull :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPubTxsFull -> ActionT m [Transaction] scottyXPubTxsFull (GetXPubTxsFull xpub deriv plimits (NoCache nocache)) = withMetrics (.xpubTxFull) $ fmap catMaybes $ lift . runNoCache nocache . mapM (getTransaction . (.txid)) =<< getXPubTxs xpub deriv plimits nocache scottyXPubBalances :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPubBalances -> ActionT m [XPubBal] scottyXPubBalances (GetXPubBalances xpub deriv (NoCache noCache)) = withMetrics (.xpubBalance) $ lift $ runNoCache noCache $ xPubBals (XPubSpec xpub deriv) scottyXPubUnspent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetXPubUnspent -> ActionT m [XPubUnspent] scottyXPubUnspent (GetXPubUnspent xpub deriv pLimits (NoCache noCache)) = withMetrics (.xpubUnspent) $ do limits <- paramToLimits False pLimits let xspec = XPubSpec xpub deriv xbals <- xPubBals xspec lift $ runNoCache noCache $ xPubUnspents xspec xbals limits --------------------------------------- -- Blockchain.info API Compatibility -- --------------------------------------- netBinfoSymbol :: Network -> BinfoSymbol netBinfoSymbol net | net == btc = BinfoSymbol { code = "BTC", symbol = "BTC", name = "Bitcoin", conversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000, after = True, local = False } | net == bch = BinfoSymbol { code = "BCH", symbol = "BCH", name = "Bitcoin Cash", conversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000, after = True, local = False } | otherwise = BinfoSymbol { code = "XTS", symbol = "ยค", name = "Test", conversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000, after = False, local = False } binfoTickerToSymbol :: Text -> BinfoTicker -> BinfoSymbol binfoTickerToSymbol code t = BinfoSymbol { code, symbol = t.symbol, name, conversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000 / t.fifteen, -- sat/usd after = False, local = True } where name = case code of "EUR" -> "Euro" "USD" -> "U.S. dollar" "GBP" -> "British pound" x -> x getBinfoAddrsParam :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => Text -> ActionT m (HashSet BinfoAddr) getBinfoAddrsParam name = do net <- askl (.config.store.net) ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) p <- param (TL.fromStrict name) `rescue` return "" if T.null p then return HashSet.empty else case parseBinfoAddr net ctx p of Nothing -> raise (UserError "invalid address") Just xs -> return $ HashSet.fromList xs getBinfoActive :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m (HashSet XPubSpec, HashSet Address) getBinfoActive = do active <- getBinfoAddrsParam "active" p2sh <- getBinfoAddrsParam "activeP2SH" bech32 <- getBinfoAddrsParam "activeBech32" let xspec d b = (`XPubSpec` d) <$> xpub b xspecs = HashSet.fromList $ concat [ mapMaybe (xspec DeriveNormal) (HashSet.toList active), mapMaybe (xspec DeriveP2SH) (HashSet.toList p2sh), mapMaybe (xspec DeriveP2WPKH) (HashSet.toList bech32) ] addrs = HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe addr $ HashSet.toList active return (xspecs, addrs) where addr (BinfoAddr a) = Just a addr (BinfoXpub _) = Nothing xpub (BinfoXpub x) = Just x xpub (BinfoAddr _) = Nothing getNumTxId :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m Bool getNumTxId = fmap not $ param "txidindex" `rescue` return False getChainHeight :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m H.BlockHeight getChainHeight = fmap (.height) $ chainGetBest =<< askl (.config.store.chain) scottyBinfoUnspent :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoUnspent = withMetrics (.binfoUnspent) $ do (xspecs, addrs) <- getBinfoActive numtxid <- getNumTxId limit <- get_limit min_conf <- get_min_conf net <- askl (.config.store.net) ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) height <- getChainHeight let mn u = min_conf > u.confirmations xbals <- lift $ getXBals xspecs bus <- lift . runConduit $ getBinfoUnspents numtxid height xbals xspecs addrs .| (dropWhileC mn >> takeC limit .| sinkList) setHeaders streamEncoding (marshalEncoding (net, ctx) (BinfoUnspents bus)) where get_limit = fmap (min 1000) $ param "limit" `rescue` return 250 get_min_conf = param "confirmations" `rescue` return 0 getBinfoUnspents :: (StoreReadExtra m, MonadIO m) => Bool -> H.BlockHeight -> HashMap XPubSpec [XPubBal] -> HashSet XPubSpec -> HashSet Address -> ConduitT () BinfoUnspent m () getBinfoUnspents numtxid height xbals xspecs addrs = do cs' <- conduits joinDescStreams cs' .| mapC (uncurry binfo) where binfo u xp = let conf = case u.block of MemRef _ -> 0 BlockRef h _ -> height - h + 1 in BinfoUnspent { txid = u.outpoint.hash, index = u.outpoint.index, script = u.script, value = u.value, confirmations = fromIntegral conf, txidx = encodeBinfoTxId numtxid u.outpoint.hash, xpub = xp } conduits = (<>) <$> xconduits <*> pure acounduits xconduits = lift $ do let f x (XPubUnspent u p) = let path = toSoft (listToPath p) xp = BinfoXPubPath x.key <$> path in (u, xp) g x = do let h = xPubUnspents x (xBals x xbals) l = let Limits {..} = def in Limits {limit = 16, ..} return $ streamThings h Nothing l .| mapC (f x) mapM g (HashSet.toList xspecs) acounduits = let f u = (u, Nothing) h = getAddressUnspents l = let Limits {..} = def in Limits {limit = 16, ..} g a = streamThings (h a) Nothing l .| mapC f in map g (HashSet.toList addrs) getXBals :: (StoreReadExtra m) => HashSet XPubSpec -> m (HashMap XPubSpec [XPubBal]) getXBals = fmap HashMap.fromList . mapM f . HashSet.toList where f x = (x,) . filter (not . nullBalance . (.balance)) <$> xPubBals x xBals :: XPubSpec -> HashMap XPubSpec [XPubBal] -> [XPubBal] xBals = HashMap.findWithDefault [] getBinfoTxs :: (StoreReadExtra m, MonadIO m) => HashMap XPubSpec [XPubBal] -> -- xpub balances HashMap Address (Maybe BinfoXPubPath) -> -- address book HashSet XPubSpec -> -- show xpubs HashSet Address -> -- show addrs HashSet Address -> -- balance addresses BinfoFilter -> Bool -> -- numtxid Bool -> -- prune outputs Int64 -> -- starting balance ConduitT () BinfoTx m () getBinfoTxs xbals abook sxspecs saddrs baddrs bfilter numtxid prune bal = do cs' <- conduits joinDescStreams cs' .| go bal where sxspecs_ls = HashSet.toList sxspecs saddrs_ls = HashSet.toList saddrs conduits = (<>) <$> mapM xpub_c sxspecs_ls <*> pure (map addr_c saddrs_ls) xpub_c x = do let f = xPubTxs x (xBals x xbals) l = Limits {limit = 16, offset = 0, start = Nothing} lift . return $ streamThings f (Just (.txid)) l addr_c a = do let l = Limits {limit = 16, offset = 0, start = Nothing} streamThings (getAddressTxs a) (Just (.txid)) l binfo_tx = toBinfoTx numtxid abook prune compute_bal_change t = let ins = map (.output) t.inputs out = t.outputs f b BinfoTxOutput {..} = let val = fromIntegral value in case address of Nothing -> 0 Just a | a `HashSet.member` baddrs -> if b then val else negate val | otherwise -> 0 in sum $ map (f False) ins <> map (f True) out go b = await >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just (TxRef _ t) -> lift (getTransaction t) >>= \case Nothing -> go b Just x -> do let a = binfo_tx b x b' = b - compute_bal_change a c = isJust a.blockHeight d = fst (fromJust a.balance) r = d + fromIntegral a.fee case bfilter of BinfoFilterAll -> yield a >> go b' BinfoFilterSent | 0 > r -> yield a >> go b' | otherwise -> go b' BinfoFilterReceived | r > 0 -> yield a >> go b' | otherwise -> go b' BinfoFilterMoved | r == 0 -> yield a >> go b' | otherwise -> go b' BinfoFilterConfirmed | c -> yield a >> go b' | otherwise -> go b' BinfoFilterMempool | c -> return () | otherwise -> yield a >> go b' getCashAddr :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m Bool getCashAddr = param "cashaddr" `rescue` return False getAddress :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => Text -> ActionT m Address getAddress txt = do net <- askl (.config.store.net) case textToAddr net txt of Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just a -> return a getBinfoAddr :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => TL.Text -> ActionT m BinfoAddr getBinfoAddr param' = do txt <- S.captureParam param' net <- askl (.config.store.net) ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) let addr = BinfoAddr <$> textToAddr net txt xpub = BinfoXpub <$> xPubImport net ctx txt maybe S.next return (addr <|> xpub) scottyBinfoHistory :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoHistory = withMetrics (.binfoExportHistory) $ do (xspecs, addrs) <- getBinfoActive (startM, endM) <- get_dates (code, price') <- getPrice xbals <- getXBals xspecs let xaddrs = HashSet.fromList $ concatMap (map get_addr) (HashMap.elems xbals) aaddrs = xaddrs <> addrs cur = price'.fifteen cs' = conduits (HashMap.toList xbals) addrs endM txs <- lift $ runConduit $ joinDescStreams cs' .| takeWhileC (is_newer startM) .| concatMapMC get_transaction .| sinkList let times = map (\Transaction {..} -> timestamp) txs net <- askl (.config.store.net) url <- askl (.config.priceHistoryURL) session <- askl (.session) rates <- map (.price) <$> lift (getRates net session url code times) let hs = zipWith (convert cur aaddrs) txs (rates <> repeat 0.0) setHeaders streamEncoding $ toEncoding hs where is_newer (Just BlockData {height = bh}) TxRef {block = BlockRef {height = th}} = bh <= th is_newer Nothing TxRef {} = True is_newer _ _ = undefined get_addr = (.balance.address) get_transaction TxRef {txid = h} = getTransaction h convert cur addrs tx rate = let ins = tx.inputs outs = tx.outputs fins = filter (input_addr addrs) ins fouts = filter (output_addr addrs) outs vin = fromIntegral . sum $ map (.value) fins vout = fromIntegral . sum $ map (.value) fouts fee = tx.fee v = vout - vin t = tx.timestamp h = txHash $ transactionData tx in toBinfoHistory v t rate cur fee h input_addr addrs' StoreInput {address = Just a} = a `HashSet.member` addrs' input_addr _ _ = False output_addr addrs' StoreOutput {address = Just a} = a `HashSet.member` addrs' output_addr _ _ = False get_dates = do BinfoDate start <- param "start" BinfoDate end' <- param "end" let end = end' + 24 * 60 * 60 ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) startM <- blockAtOrAfter ch start endM <- blockAtOrBefore ch end return (startM, endM) conduits xpubs addrs endM = map (uncurry (xpub_c endM)) xpubs <> map (addr_c endM) (HashSet.toList addrs) lim endM = Limits { limit = 16, offset = 0, start = AtBlock . (.height) <$> endM } addr_c endM a = streamThings (getAddressTxs a) (Just (.txid)) (lim endM) xpub_c endM x bs = streamThings (xPubTxs x bs) (Just (.txid)) (lim endM) getPrice :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m (Text, BinfoTicker) getPrice = do code <- T.toUpper <$> param "currency" `rescue` return "USD" ticker <- askl (.ticker) prices <- readTVarIO ticker case HashMap.lookup code prices of Nothing -> return (code, def) Just p -> return (code, p) getSymbol :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m BinfoSymbol getSymbol = uncurry binfoTickerToSymbol <$> getPrice scottyBinfoBlocksDay :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoBlocksDay = withMetrics (.binfoBlock) $ do t <- min h . (`div` 1000) <$> S.captureParam "milliseconds" ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) m <- blockAtOrBefore ch t bs <- go (d t) m streamEncoding $ toEncoding $ map toBinfoBlockInfo bs where h = fromIntegral (maxBound :: H.Timestamp) d = subtract (24 * 3600) go _ Nothing = return [] go t (Just b) | b.header.timestamp <= fromIntegral t = return [] | otherwise = do b' <- getBlock b.header.prev (b :) <$> go t b' scottyMultiAddr :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyMultiAddr = withMetrics (.binfoMultiaddr) $ do (addrs', _, saddrs, sxpubs, xspecs) <- get_addrs numtxid <- getNumTxId cashaddr <- getCashAddr local' <- getSymbol offset <- getBinfoOffset n <- getBinfoCount "n" prune <- get_prune fltr <- get_filter xbals <- getXBals xspecs xtxns <- get_xpub_tx_count xbals xspecs let sxbals = only_show_xbals sxpubs xbals xabals = compute_xabals xbals addrs = addrs' `HashSet.difference` HashMap.keysSet xabals abals <- get_abals addrs let sxspecs = only_show_xspecs sxpubs xspecs sxabals = compute_xabals sxbals sabals = only_show_abals saddrs abals sallbals = sabals <> sxabals sbal = compute_bal sallbals allbals = abals <> xabals abook = compute_abook addrs xbals sxaddrs = compute_xaddrs sxbals salladdrs = saddrs <> sxaddrs bal = compute_bal allbals ibal = fromIntegral sbal ftxs <- lift . runConduit $ getBinfoTxs xbals abook sxspecs saddrs salladdrs fltr numtxid prune ibal .| (dropC offset >> takeC n .| sinkList) net <- askl (.config.store.net) ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) best <- get_best_block peers <- get_peers let baddrs = toBinfoAddrs sabals sxbals xtxns abaddrs = toBinfoAddrs abals xbals xtxns recv = sum $ map (.received) abaddrs sent' = sum $ map (.sent) abaddrs txn = fromIntegral $ length ftxs wallet = BinfoWallet { balance = bal, txs = txn, filtered = txn, received = recv, sent = sent' } coin = netBinfoSymbol net let block = BinfoBlockInfo { hash = H.headerHash best.header, height = best.height, timestamp = best.header.timestamp, index = best.height } let info = BinfoInfo { connected = peers, conversion = 100 * 1000 * 1000, fiat = local', crypto = coin, head = block } let multiaddr = BinfoMultiAddr { addresses = baddrs, wallet = wallet, txs = ftxs, info = info, recommendFee = True, cashAddr = cashaddr } setHeaders streamEncoding $ marshalEncoding (net, ctx) multiaddr where get_xpub_tx_count xbals = fmap HashMap.fromList . mapM ( \x -> (x,) . fromIntegral <$> xPubTxCount x (xBals x xbals) ) . HashSet.toList get_filter = param "filter" `rescue` return BinfoFilterAll get_best_block = getBestBlock >>= \case Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just bh -> getBlock bh >>= \case Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just b -> return b get_prune = fmap not $ param "no_compact" `rescue` return False only_show_xbals sxpubs = HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k.key `HashSet.member` sxpubs) only_show_xspecs sxpubs = HashSet.filter (\k -> k.key `HashSet.member` sxpubs) only_show_abals saddrs = HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `HashSet.member` saddrs) addr (BinfoAddr a) = Just a addr (BinfoXpub _) = Nothing xpub (BinfoXpub x) = Just x xpub (BinfoAddr _) = Nothing get_addrs = do (xspecs, addrs) <- getBinfoActive sh <- getBinfoAddrsParam "onlyShow" let xpubs = HashSet.map (.key) xspecs actives = HashSet.map BinfoAddr addrs <> HashSet.map BinfoXpub xpubs sh' = if HashSet.null sh then actives else sh saddrs = HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe addr $ HashSet.toList sh' sxpubs = HashSet.fromList $ mapMaybe xpub $ HashSet.toList sh' return (addrs, xpubs, saddrs, sxpubs, xspecs) get_abals = let f b = (b.address, b) g = HashMap.fromList . map f in fmap g . getBalances . HashSet.toList get_peers = do ps <- lift $ getPeersInformation =<< asks (.config.store.peerMgr) return (fromIntegral (length ps)) compute_xabals = let f b = (b.balance.address, b.balance) in HashMap.fromList . concatMap (map f) . HashMap.elems compute_bal = let f b = b.confirmed + b.unconfirmed in sum . map f . HashMap.elems compute_abook addrs xbals = let f xs xb = let a = xb.balance.address e = error "lions and tigers and bears" s = toSoft (listToPath xb.path) in (a, Just (BinfoXPubPath xs.key (fromMaybe e s))) amap = HashMap.map (const Nothing) $ HashSet.toMap addrs xmap = HashMap.fromList . concatMap (uncurry (map . f)) $ HashMap.toList xbals in amap <> xmap compute_xaddrs = let f = map (.balance.address) in HashSet.fromList . concatMap f . HashMap.elems getBinfoCount :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => TL.Text -> ActionT m Int getBinfoCount str = do d <- askl (.config.limits.defItemCount) x <- askl (.config.limits.maxFullItemCount) i <- min x <$> (param str `rescue` return d) return (fromIntegral i :: Int) getBinfoOffset :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m Int getBinfoOffset = do x <- askl (.config.limits.maxOffset) o <- param "offset" `rescue` return 0 when (o > x) $ raise $ UserError $ "offset exceeded: " <> show o <> " > " <> show x return (fromIntegral o :: Int) scottyRawAddr :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyRawAddr = withMetrics (.binfoAddressRaw) $ getBinfoAddr "addr" >>= \case BinfoAddr addr -> do_addr addr BinfoXpub xpub -> do_xpub xpub where do_xpub xpub = do numtxid <- getNumTxId derive <- param "derive" `rescue` return DeriveNormal let xspec = XPubSpec xpub derive n <- getBinfoCount "limit" off <- getBinfoOffset xbals <- getXBals $ HashSet.singleton xspec net <- askl (.config.store.net) let summary = xPubSummary xspec (xBals xspec xbals) abook = compute_abook xpub (xBals xspec xbals) xspecs = HashSet.singleton xspec saddrs = HashSet.empty baddrs = HashMap.keysSet abook bfilter = BinfoFilterAll amnt = summary.confirmed + summary.unconfirmed txs <- lift $ runConduit $ getBinfoTxs xbals abook xspecs saddrs baddrs bfilter numtxid False (fromIntegral amnt) .| (dropC off >> takeC n .| sinkList) let ra = BinfoRawAddr { address = BinfoXpub xpub, balance = amnt, ntx = fromIntegral $ length txs, utxo = summary.utxo, received = summary.received, sent = fromIntegral summary.received - fromIntegral amnt, txs = txs } setHeaders ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) streamEncoding $ marshalEncoding (net, ctx) ra compute_abook xpub xbals = let f xb = let a = xb.balance.address e = error "black hole swallows all your code" s = toSoft $ listToPath xb.path m = fromMaybe e s in (a, Just (BinfoXPubPath xpub m)) in HashMap.fromList $ map f xbals do_addr addr = do numtxid <- getNumTxId n <- getBinfoCount "limit" off <- getBinfoOffset bal <- fromMaybe (zeroBalance addr) <$> getBalance addr net <- askl (.config.store.net) let abook = HashMap.singleton addr Nothing xspecs = HashSet.empty saddrs = HashSet.singleton addr bfilter = BinfoFilterAll balance = bal.confirmed + bal.unconfirmed txs <- lift . runConduit $ getBinfoTxs HashMap.empty abook xspecs saddrs saddrs bfilter numtxid False (fromIntegral balance) .| (dropC off >> takeC n .| sinkList) let ra = BinfoRawAddr { address = BinfoAddr addr, balance, ntx = bal.txs, utxo = bal.utxo, received = bal.received, sent = fromIntegral bal.received - fromIntegral balance, txs } setHeaders ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) streamEncoding $ marshalEncoding (net, ctx) ra scottyBinfoReceived :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoReceived = withMetrics (.binfoQgetreceivedbyaddress) $ do a <- getAddress =<< S.captureParam "addr" b <- fromMaybe (zeroBalance a) <$> getBalance a setHeaders S.text $ cs $ show b.received scottyBinfoSent :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoSent = withMetrics (.binfoQgetsentbyaddress) $ do a <- getAddress =<< S.captureParam "addr" b <- fromMaybe (zeroBalance a) <$> getBalance a setHeaders S.text $ cs $ show $ b.received - b.confirmed - b.unconfirmed scottyBinfoAddrBalance :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoAddrBalance = withMetrics (.binfoQaddressbalance) $ do a <- getAddress =<< S.captureParam "addr" b <- fromMaybe (zeroBalance a) <$> getBalance a setHeaders S.text $ cs $ show $ b.confirmed + b.unconfirmed scottyFirstSeen :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyFirstSeen = withMetrics (.binfoQaddressfirstseen) $ do a <- getAddress =<< S.captureParam "addr" ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) bb <- chainGetBest ch let top = bb.height bot = 0 i <- go ch bb a bot top setHeaders S.text $ cs $ show i where go ch bb a bot top = do let mid = bot + (top - bot) `div` 2 n = top - bot < 2 x <- hasone a bot y <- hasone a mid z <- hasone a top if | x -> getblocktime ch bb bot | n -> getblocktime ch bb top | y -> go ch bb a bot mid | z -> go ch bb a mid top | otherwise -> return 0 getblocktime ch bb h = chainGetAncestor h bb ch >>= \case Just b -> return b.header.timestamp Nothing -> do lift . $(logErrorS) "Web" $ "Could not get ancestor at height " <> cs (show h) <> " for block " <> H.blockHashToHex (H.headerHash bb.header) error "Block ancestor retreival error" hasone a h = do let l = Limits 1 0 (Just (AtBlock h)) not . null <$> getAddressTxs a l scottyShortBal :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyShortBal = withMetrics (.binfoBalance) $ do (xspecs, addrs) <- getBinfoActive cashaddr <- getCashAddr net <- askl (.config.store.net) abals <- catMaybes <$> mapM (getabal net cashaddr) (HashSet.toList addrs) xbals <- mapM (getxbal net) (HashSet.toList xspecs) let res = HashMap.fromList (abals <> xbals) setHeaders streamEncoding $ toEncoding res where shorten bal = BinfoShortBal { final = bal.confirmed + bal.unconfirmed, ntx = bal.txs, received = bal.received } getabal net cashaddr a = let net' = if | cashaddr -> net | net == bch -> btc | net == bchTest -> btcTest | net == bchTest4 -> btcTest | otherwise -> net in case addrToText net' a of Nothing -> return Nothing Just a' -> getBalance a >>= \case Nothing -> return $ Just (a', shorten (zeroBalance a)) Just b -> return $ Just (a', shorten b) getxbal net xpub = do xbals <- xPubBals xpub ntx <- fromIntegral <$> xPubTxCount xpub xbals let val = sum $ map (.balance.confirmed) xbals zro = sum $ map (.balance.unconfirmed) xbals exs = [x | x@XPubBal {path = 0 : _} <- xbals] final = val + zro received = sum $ map (.balance.received) exs sbl = BinfoShortBal {final, ntx, received} ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) return (xPubExport net ctx xpub.key, sbl) getBinfoHex :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m Bool getBinfoHex = (== ("hex" :: Text)) <$> param "format" `rescue` return "json" scottyBinfoBlockHeight :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoBlockHeight = withMetrics (.binfoBlockHeight) $ do numtxid <- getNumTxId height <- S.captureParam "height" bs <- fmap catMaybes $ getBlocksAtHeight height >>= mapM getBlock ns <- fmap catMaybes $ getBlocksAtHeight (height + 1) >>= mapM getBlock is <- mapM (get_binfo_blocks numtxid ns) bs setHeaders net <- askl (.config.store.net) ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) streamEncoding $ marshalEncoding (net, ctx) is where get_binfo_blocks numtxid ns b = do txs <- catMaybes <$> mapM getTransaction b.txs let h x = H.headerHash x.header nbs = [h n | n <- ns, n.header.prev == h b] bts = map (toBinfoTxSimple numtxid) txs return $ toBinfoBlock b bts nbs scottyBinfoLatest :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoLatest = withMetrics (.binfoBlockLatest) $ do numtxid <- getNumTxId mb <- runMaybeT $ MaybeT getBestBlock >>= MaybeT . getBlock b <- maybe (raise ThingNotFound) return mb streamEncoding $ toEncoding BinfoHeader { hash = H.headerHash b.header, timestamp = b.header.timestamp, index = b.height, height = b.height, txids = map (encodeBinfoTxId numtxid) b.txs } scottyBinfoBlock :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoBlock = withMetrics (.binfoBlockRaw) $ do numtxid <- getNumTxId hex <- getBinfoHex S.captureParam "block" >>= \case BinfoBlockHash bh -> go numtxid hex bh BinfoBlockIndex i -> getBlocksAtHeight i >>= \case [] -> raise ThingNotFound bh : _ -> go numtxid hex bh where go numtxid hex bh = do b <- maybe (raise ThingNotFound) return =<< getBlock bh txs <- catMaybes <$> mapM getTransaction b.txs nhs <- fmap catMaybes $ getBlocksAtHeight (b.height + 1) >>= mapM getBlock let h x = H.headerHash x.header nxt = [h n | n <- nhs, n.header.prev == h b] if hex then do let x = H.Block b.header (map transactionData txs) setHeaders S.text . encodeHexLazy . runPutL $ serialize x else do let bts = map (toBinfoTxSimple numtxid) txs y = toBinfoBlock b bts nxt setHeaders net <- askl (.config.store.net) ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) streamEncoding $ marshalEncoding (net, ctx) y getBinfoTx :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadUnliftIO m) => BinfoTxId -> ActionT m (Either Except Transaction) getBinfoTx txid = do tx <- case txid of BinfoTxIdHash h -> maybeToList <$> getTransaction h BinfoTxIdIndex i -> getNumTransaction i case tx of [t] -> return $ Right t [] -> return $ Left ThingNotFound ts -> let tids = map (txHash . transactionData) ts in return $ Left (TxIndexConflict tids) scottyBinfoTx :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoTx = withMetrics (.binfoTxRaw) $ do numtxid <- getNumTxId hex <- getBinfoHex txid <- S.captureParam "txid" tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise e if hex then hx tx else js numtxid tx where js numtxid t = do net <- askl (.config.store.net) ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) setHeaders streamEncoding $ marshalEncoding (net, ctx) $ toBinfoTxSimple numtxid t hx t = do setHeaders S.text . encodeHexLazy . runPutL . serialize $ transactionData t scottyBinfoTotalOut :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoTotalOut = withMetrics (.binfoQtxtotalbtcoutput) $ do txid <- S.captureParam "txid" tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise e S.text $ cs $ show $ sum $ map (.value) tx.outputs scottyBinfoTxFees :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoTxFees = withMetrics (.binfoQtxfee) $ do txid <- S.captureParam "txid" tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise e let i = sum $ map (.value) $ filter f tx.inputs o = sum $ map (.value) tx.outputs S.text . cs . show $ i - o where f StoreInput {} = True f StoreCoinbase {} = False scottyBinfoTxResult :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoTxResult = withMetrics (.binfoQtxresult) $ do txid <- S.captureParam "txid" addr <- getAddress =<< S.captureParam "addr" tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise e let i = toInteger $ sum $ map (.value) $ filter (f addr) tx.inputs o = toInteger $ sum $ map (.value) $ filter (g addr) tx.outputs S.text $ cs $ show $ o - i where f addr StoreInput {address = Just a} = a == addr f _ _ = False g addr StoreOutput {address = Just a} = a == addr g _ _ = False scottyBinfoTotalInput :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoTotalInput = withMetrics (.binfoQtxtotalbtcinput) $ do txid <- S.captureParam "txid" tx <- getBinfoTx txid >>= \case Right t -> return t Left e -> raise e S.text $ cs $ show $ sum $ map (.value) $ filter f $ tx.inputs where f StoreInput {} = True f StoreCoinbase {} = False scottyBinfoMempool :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoMempool = withMetrics (.binfoMempool) $ do numtxid <- getNumTxId offset <- getBinfoOffset n <- getBinfoCount "limit" mempool <- getMempool let txids = map snd $ take n $ drop offset mempool txs <- catMaybes <$> mapM getTransaction txids net <- askl (.config.store.net) setHeaders let mem = BinfoMempool $ map (toBinfoTxSimple numtxid) txs ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) streamEncoding $ marshalEncoding (net, ctx) mem scottyBinfoGetBlockCount :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoGetBlockCount = withMetrics (.binfoQgetblockcount) $ do ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) bn <- chainGetBest ch setHeaders S.text $ TL.pack $ show bn.height scottyBinfoLatestHash :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoLatestHash = withMetrics (.binfoQlatesthash) $ do ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) bn <- chainGetBest ch setHeaders S.text $ TL.fromStrict $ H.blockHashToHex $ H.headerHash bn.header scottyBinfoSubsidy :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoSubsidy = withMetrics (.binfoQbcperblock) $ do ch <- askl (.config.store.chain) net <- askl (.config.store.net) bn <- chainGetBest ch setHeaders S.text $ cs $ show $ (/ (100 * 1000 * 1000 :: Double)) $ fromIntegral $ H.computeSubsidy net (bn.height + 1) scottyBinfoAddrToHash :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoAddrToHash = withMetrics (.binfoQaddresstohash) $ do addr <- getAddress =<< S.captureParam "addr" setHeaders S.text $ encodeHexLazy $ runPutL $ serialize addr.hash160 scottyBinfoHashToAddr :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoHashToAddr = withMetrics (.binfoQhashtoaddress) $ do bs <- maybe S.next return . decodeHex =<< S.captureParam "hash" net <- askl (.config.store.net) hash <- either (const S.next) return $ decode bs addr <- maybe S.next return $ addrToText net $ PubKeyAddress hash setHeaders S.text $ TL.fromStrict addr scottyBinfoAddrPubkey :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoAddrPubkey = withMetrics (.binfoQaddrpubkey) $ do hex <- S.captureParam "pubkey" ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) pubkey <- maybe S.next (return . pubKeyAddr ctx) $ eitherToMaybe . unmarshal ctx =<< decodeHex hex net <- askl (.config.store.net) setHeaders case addrToText net pubkey of Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just a -> S.text $ TL.fromStrict a scottyBinfoPubKeyAddr :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoPubKeyAddr = withMetrics (.binfoQpubkeyaddr) $ do addr <- getAddress =<< S.captureParam "addr" mi <- strm addr i <- case mi of Nothing -> raise ThingNotFound Just i -> return i pk <- case extr addr i of Left e -> raise $ UserError e Right t -> return t setHeaders S.text $ encodeHexLazy $ L.fromStrict pk where strm addr = do runConduit $ do let l = Limits {limit = 8, offset = 0, start = Nothing} streamThings (getAddressTxs addr) (Just (.txid)) l .| concatMapMC (getTransaction . (.txid)) .| concatMapC (filter (inp addr) . (.inputs)) .| headC inp addr StoreInput {address = Just a} = a == addr inp _ _ = False extr addr StoreInput {script, pkscript, witness} = do Script sig <- decode script Script pks <- decode pkscript case addr of PubKeyAddress {} -> case sig of [OP_PUSHDATA _ _, OP_PUSHDATA pub _] -> Right pub [OP_PUSHDATA _ _] -> case pks of [OP_PUSHDATA pub _, OP_CHECKSIG] -> Right pub _ -> Left "Could not parse scriptPubKey" _ -> Left "Could not parse scriptSig" WitnessPubKeyAddress {} -> case witness of [_, pub] -> return pub _ -> Left "Could not parse scriptPubKey" _ -> Left "Address does not have public key" extr _ _ = Left "Incorrect input type" scottyBinfoHashPubkey :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyBinfoHashPubkey = withMetrics (.binfoQhashpubkey) $ do ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) pkm <- fmap (eitherToMaybe . unmarshal ctx <=< decodeHex) (S.captureParam "pubkey") addr <- case pkm of Nothing -> raise $ UserError "Could not decode public key" Just pk -> return $ pubKeyAddr ctx pk setHeaders S.text $ encodeHexLazy $ runPutL $ serialize addr.hash160 -- GET Network Information -- scottyPeers :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => GetPeers -> ActionT m [PeerInfo] scottyPeers _ = withMetrics (.peers) $ do lift . getPeersInformation =<< askl (.config.store.peerMgr) -- | Obtain information about connected peers from peer manager process. getPeersInformation :: (MonadLoggerIO m) => PeerMgr -> m [PeerInfo] getPeersInformation mgr = mapMaybe toInfo <$> getPeers mgr where toInfo op = do ver <- op.version return PeerInfo { userAgent = ver.userAgent.get, address = show op.address, version = ver.version, services = ver.services, relay = ver.relay } scottyHealth :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => GetHealth -> ActionT m HealthCheck scottyHealth _ = withMetrics (.health) $ do h <- askl (.health) >>= readTVarIO unless (isOK h) $ S.status status503 return h blockHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> m BlockHealth blockHealthCheck cfg = do let ch = cfg.store.chain headers <- (.height) <$> chainGetBest ch blocks <- maybe 0 (.height) <$> runMaybeT (MaybeT getBestBlock >>= MaybeT . getBlock) return BlockHealth { headers, blocks, max = fromIntegral cfg.maxLaggingBlocks } lastBlockHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, StoreReadBase m) => Chain -> WebLimits -> m TimeHealth lastBlockHealthCheck ch WebLimits {blockTimeout} = do n <- round <$> liftIO getPOSIXTime t <- fromIntegral . (.header.timestamp) <$> chainGetBest ch return TimeHealth { age = n - t, max = fromIntegral blockTimeout } lastTxHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> m TimeHealth lastTxHealthCheck WebConfig {noMempool, store = store', limits} = do n <- round <$> liftIO getPOSIXTime b <- fromIntegral . (.header.timestamp) <$> chainGetBest ch t <- getMempool >>= \case t : _ -> let x = fromIntegral $ fst t in return $ max x b [] -> return b return TimeHealth { age = n - t, max = fromIntegral to } where ch = store'.chain to = if noMempool then limits.blockTimeout else limits.txTimeout pendingTxsHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> m MaxHealth pendingTxsHealthCheck cfg = do n <- blockStorePendingTxs cfg.store.block return MaxHealth { max = fromIntegral cfg.maxPendingTxs, count = fromIntegral n } peerHealthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> m CountHealth peerHealthCheck cfg = do count <- fromIntegral . length <$> getPeers cfg.store.peerMgr return CountHealth {min = fromIntegral cfg.minPeers, count} healthCheck :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m, StoreReadBase m) => WebConfig -> m HealthCheck healthCheck cfg = do blocks <- blockHealthCheck cfg lastBlock <- lastBlockHealthCheck cfg.store.chain cfg.limits lastTx <- lastTxHealthCheck cfg pendingTxs <- pendingTxsHealthCheck cfg peers <- peerHealthCheck cfg time <- round <$> liftIO getPOSIXTime let check = HealthCheck { network = cfg.store.net.name, version = cfg.version, .. } unless (isOK check) $ do let t = toStrict $ encodeToLazyText check $(logErrorS) "Web" $ "Health check failed: " <> t return check scottyDbStats :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () scottyDbStats = withMetrics (.db) $ do setHeaders db <- askl (.config.store.db.db) statsM <- lift (getProperty db Stats) S.text $ maybe "Could not get stats" cs statsM ----------------------- -- Parameter Parsing -- ----------------------- -- | Returns @Nothing@ if the parameter is not supplied. Raises an exception on -- parse failure. paramOptional :: forall a m. (Param a, MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m (Maybe a) paramOptional = do net <- askl (.config.store.net) ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) fmap Just (param label) `rescue` return Nothing >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing -- Parameter was not supplied Just ts -> maybe (raise err) (return . Just) (parseParam net ctx ts) where label = TL.fromStrict (proxyLabel (Proxy :: Proxy a)) err = UserError $ "Unable to parse param " <> TL.unpack label -- | Raises an exception if the parameter is not supplied paramRequired :: forall a m. (Param a, MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m a paramRequired = maybe (raise err) return =<< paramOptional where label = T.unpack (proxyLabel (Proxy :: Proxy a)) err = UserError $ "Param " <> label <> " not defined" -- | Returns the default value of a parameter if it is not supplied. Raises an -- exception on parse failure. paramDef :: (Default a, Param a, MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m a paramDef = fromMaybe def <$> paramOptional -- | Does not raise exceptions. Will call @Scotty.next@ if the parameter is -- not supplied or if parsing fails. paramCapture :: forall a m. (Param a, MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m a paramCapture = do net <- askl (.config.store.net) ctx <- askl (.config.store.ctx) p <- S.captureParam label `rescue` S.next maybe S.next return (parseParam net ctx p) where label = TL.fromStrict (proxyLabel (Proxy :: Proxy a)) parseBody :: (MonadIO m, Serial a) => ActionT m a parseBody = do b <- L.toStrict <$> S.body case hex b <> bin b of Left _ -> raise $ UserError "Failed to parse request body" Right x -> return x where bin = runGetS deserialize hex b = let ns = C.filter (not . isSpace) b in if isBase16 ns then bin . decodeBase16 $ assertBase16 ns else Left "Invalid hex input" parseOffset :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m OffsetParam parseOffset = do res@(OffsetParam o) <- paramDef limits <- askl (.config.limits) when (limits.maxOffset > 0 && fromIntegral o > limits.maxOffset) $ raise . UserError $ "offset exceeded: " <> show o <> " > " <> show limits.maxOffset return res parseStart :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Maybe StartParam -> ActionT m (Maybe Start) parseStart Nothing = return Nothing parseStart (Just s) = runMaybeT $ case s of StartParamHash {hash = h} -> start_tx h <|> start_block h StartParamHeight {height = h} -> start_height h StartParamTime {time = q} -> start_time q where start_height h = return $ AtBlock $ fromIntegral h start_block h = do b <- MaybeT $ getBlock (H.BlockHash h) return $ AtBlock b.height start_tx h = do _ <- MaybeT $ getTxData (TxHash h) return $ AtTx (TxHash h) start_time q = do ch <- lift $ askl (.config.store.chain) b <- MaybeT $ blockAtOrBefore ch q return $ AtBlock b.height parseLimits :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m LimitsParam parseLimits = LimitsParam <$> paramOptional <*> parseOffset <*> paramOptional paramToLimits :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => Bool -> LimitsParam -> ActionT m Limits paramToLimits full (LimitsParam limitM o startM) = do wl <- askl (.config.limits) Limits (validateLimit wl full limitM) (fromIntegral o) <$> parseStart startM validateLimit :: WebLimits -> Bool -> Maybe LimitParam -> Word32 validateLimit wl full limitM = f m $ maybe d (fromIntegral . (.get)) limitM where m | full && wl.maxFullItemCount > 0 = wl.maxFullItemCount | otherwise = wl.maxItemCount d = wl.defItemCount f a 0 = a f 0 b = b f a b = min a b --------------- -- Utilities -- --------------- runInWebReader :: (MonadIO m) => CacheT (DatabaseReaderT m) a -> ReaderT WebState m a runInWebReader f = do bdb <- asks (.config.store.db) mc <- asks (.config.store.cache) lift $ runReaderT (withCache mc f) bdb runNoCache :: (MonadIO m) => Bool -> ReaderT WebState m a -> ReaderT WebState m a runNoCache False = id runNoCache True = local $ \s -> s {config = s.config {store = s.config.store {cache = Nothing}}} logIt :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => m Middleware logIt = do runner <- askRunInIO return $ \app req respond -> app req $ \res -> do let s = responseStatus res msg = fmtReq req <> ": " <> fmtStatus s if statusIsSuccessful s then runner $ $(logDebugS) "Web" msg else runner $ $(logErrorS) "Web" msg respond res fmtReq :: Request -> Text fmtReq req = let m = requestMethod req v = httpVersion req p = rawPathInfo req q = rawQueryString req in T.decodeUtf8 (m <> " " <> p <> q <> " " <> cs (show v)) fmtStatus :: Status -> Text fmtStatus s = cs (show (statusCode s)) <> " " <> cs (statusMessage s) rescue :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => S.ActionT m a -> S.ActionT m a -> S.ActionT m a x `rescue` y = x `S.rescue` \S.StatusError {} -> y param :: (MonadUnliftIO m, S.Parsable a) => TL.Text -> S.ActionT m a param t = S.queryParam t `rescue` S.formParam t askl :: (MonadTrans t, MonadReader r m) => (r -> a) -> t m a askl f = lift (asks f)