{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Types ( AccountName -- JSON Types , JsonAccount(..) , JsonAddr(..) , JsonCoin(..) , JsonTx(..) -- Request Types , WalletRequest(..) , ListRequest(..) , NewAccount(..) , SetAccountGap(..) , OfflineTxData(..) , CoinSignData(..) , TxAction(..) , AddressLabel(..) , NodeAction(..) , AccountType(..) , AddressType(..) , addrTypeIndex , TxType(..) , TxConfidence(..) , AddressInfo(..) , BalanceInfo(..) -- Response Types , WalletResponse(..) , TxCompleteRes(..) , ListResult(..) , RescanRes(..) , JsonSyncBlock(..) , JsonBlock(..) , Notif(..) -- Helper Types , WalletException(..) , BTCNode(..) -- *Helpers , splitSelect , splitUpdate , splitDelete , splitInsertMany_ , join2 , limitOffset ) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..)) import Control.Exception (Exception) import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, mzero, when) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, Value (..), decodeStrict', encode, object, parseJSON, toJSON, withObject, (.!=), (.:), (.:?), (.=)) import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON) import Data.Aeson.Types (Options (..), SumEncoding (..), defaultOptions, defaultTaggedObject) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.List.Split (chunksOf) import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Data.String.Conversions (cs) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time (UTCTime) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word32, Word64) import Database.Esqueleto (Entity (..), SqlBackend, SqlExpr, SqlPersistT, SqlQuery, limit, offset, select, update, val, (||.)) import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E (Value, delete) import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Sql (SqlSelect) import qualified Database.Persist as P (PersistEntity, PersistEntityBackend, insertMany_) import Database.Persist.Class (PersistField, fromPersistValue, toPersistValue) import Database.Persist.Sql (PersistFieldSql, SqlType (..), sqlType) import Database.Persist.Types (PersistValue (..)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Network.Haskoin.Block import Network.Haskoin.Crypto import Network.Haskoin.Node import Network.Haskoin.Node.HeaderTree import Network.Haskoin.Script import Network.Haskoin.Transaction import Network.Haskoin.Util import Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Database type AccountName = Text -- TODO: Add NFData instances for all those types {- Request Types -} data TxType = TxIncoming | TxOutgoing | TxSelf deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance NFData TxType where rnf x = x `seq` () $(deriveJSON (dropSumLabels 2 0 "") ''TxType) data TxConfidence = TxOffline | TxDead | TxPending | TxBuilding deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance NFData TxConfidence where rnf x = x `seq` () $(deriveJSON (dropSumLabels 2 0 "") ''TxConfidence) data AddressInfo = AddressInfo { addressInfoAddress :: !Address , addressInfoValue :: !(Maybe Word64) , addressInfoIsLocal :: !Bool } deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic) instance Binary AddressInfo $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 11) ''AddressInfo) instance NFData AddressInfo where rnf AddressInfo{..} = rnf addressInfoAddress `seq` rnf addressInfoValue `seq` rnf addressInfoIsLocal data BalanceInfo = BalanceInfo { balanceInfoInBalance :: !Word64 , balanceInfoOutBalance :: !Word64 , balanceInfoCoins :: !Int , balanceInfoSpentCoins :: !Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 11) ''BalanceInfo) instance NFData BalanceInfo where rnf BalanceInfo{..} = rnf balanceInfoInBalance `seq` rnf balanceInfoOutBalance `seq` rnf balanceInfoCoins `seq` rnf balanceInfoSpentCoins data AccountType = AccountRegular | AccountMultisig { accountTypeRequiredSigs :: !Int , accountTypeTotalKeys :: !Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance NFData AccountType where rnf t = case t of AccountRegular -> () AccountMultisig m n -> rnf m `seq` rnf n instance ToJSON AccountType where toJSON accType = case accType of AccountRegular -> object [ "type" .= String "regular" ] AccountMultisig m n -> object [ "type" .= String "multisig" , "requiredsigs" .= m , "totalkeys" .= n ] instance FromJSON AccountType where parseJSON = withObject "AccountType" $ \o -> o .: "type" >>= \t -> case (t :: Text) of "regular" -> return AccountRegular "multisig" -> AccountMultisig <$> o .: "requiredsigs" <*> o .: "totalkeys" _ -> mzero data NewAccount = NewAccount { newAccountName :: !AccountName , newAccountType :: !AccountType , newAccountMnemonic :: !(Maybe Text) , newAccountMaster :: !(Maybe XPrvKey) , newAccountDeriv :: !(Maybe HardPath) , newAccountKeys :: ![XPubKey] , newAccountReadOnly :: !Bool } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 10) ''NewAccount) data SetAccountGap = SetAccountGap { getAccountGap :: !Word32 } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 10) ''SetAccountGap) data ListRequest = ListRequest { listOffset :: !Word32 , listLimit :: !Word32 , listReverse :: !Bool } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 4) ''ListRequest) data CoinSignData = CoinSignData { coinSignOutPoint :: !OutPoint , coinSignScriptOutput :: !ScriptOutput , coinSignDeriv :: !SoftPath } deriving (Eq, Show) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 8) ''CoinSignData) data OfflineTxData = OfflineTxData { offlineTxDataTx :: !Tx , offlineTxDataCoinData :: ![CoinSignData] } $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 13) ''OfflineTxData) data TxAction = CreateTx { accTxActionRecipients :: ![(Address, Word64)] , accTxActionFee :: !Word64 , accTxActionMinConf :: !Word32 , accTxActionRcptFee :: !Bool , accTxActionSign :: !Bool } | ImportTx { accTxActionTx :: !Tx } | SignTx { accTxActionHash :: !TxHash } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON TxAction where toJSON (CreateTx recipients fee minConf rcptFee sign) = object $ [ "type" .= ("createtx" :: Text) , "recipients" .= recipients , "fee" .= fee , "minconf" .= minConf , "sign" .= sign ] ++ [ "rcptfee" .= True | rcptFee ] toJSON (ImportTx tx) = object [ "type" .= ("importtx" :: Text) , "tx" .= tx ] toJSON (SignTx txid) = object [ "type" .= ("signtx" :: Text) , "hash" .= txid ] instance FromJSON TxAction where parseJSON = withObject "TxAction" $ \o -> do t <- o .: "type" case (t :: Text) of "createtx" -> do recipients <- o .: "recipients" fee <- o .: "fee" minConf <- o .: "minconf" sign <- o .: "sign" rcptFee <- o .:? "rcptfee" .!= False return (CreateTx recipients fee minConf rcptFee sign) "importtx" -> do tx <- o .: "tx" return (ImportTx tx) "signtx" -> do txid <- o .: "hash" return (SignTx txid) _ -> mzero data AddressLabel = AddressLabel { addressLabelLabel :: !Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 12) ''AddressLabel) data NodeAction = NodeActionRescan { nodeActionTimestamp :: !(Maybe Word32) } | NodeActionStatus deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance ToJSON NodeAction where toJSON na = case na of NodeActionRescan tM -> object $ ("type" .= String "rescan") : (("timestamp" .=) <$> maybeToList tM) NodeActionStatus -> object [ "type" .= String "status" ] instance FromJSON NodeAction where parseJSON = withObject "NodeAction" $ \o -> do String t <- o .: "type" case t of "rescan" -> NodeActionRescan <$> o .:? "timestamp" "status" -> return NodeActionStatus _ -> mzero data AddressType = AddressInternal | AddressExternal deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropSumLabels 7 0 "") ''AddressType) instance NFData AddressType where rnf x = x `seq` () addrTypeIndex :: AddressType -> KeyIndex addrTypeIndex AddressExternal = 0 addrTypeIndex AddressInternal = 1 data WalletRequest = GetAccountsR !ListRequest | PostAccountsR !NewAccount | PostAccountRenameR !AccountName !AccountName | GetAccountR !AccountName | PostAccountKeysR !AccountName ![XPubKey] | PostAccountGapR !AccountName !SetAccountGap | GetAddressesR !AccountName !AddressType !Word32 !Bool !ListRequest | GetAddressesUnusedR !AccountName !AddressType !ListRequest | GetAddressR !AccountName !KeyIndex !AddressType !Word32 !Bool | PutAddressR !AccountName !KeyIndex !AddressType !AddressLabel | PostAddressesR !AccountName !KeyIndex !AddressType | GetTxsR !AccountName !ListRequest | GetAddrTxsR !AccountName !KeyIndex !AddressType !ListRequest | PostTxsR !AccountName !(Maybe XPrvKey) !TxAction | GetTxR !AccountName !TxHash | GetOfflineTxR !AccountName !TxHash | PostOfflineTxR !AccountName !(Maybe XPrvKey) !Tx ![CoinSignData] | GetBalanceR !AccountName !Word32 !Bool | PostNodeR !NodeAction | DeleteTxIdR !TxHash | GetSyncR !AccountName !BlockHash !ListRequest | GetSyncHeightR !AccountName !BlockHeight !ListRequest | GetPendingR !AccountName !ListRequest | GetDeadR !AccountName !ListRequest -- TODO: Set omitEmptyContents on aeson-0.9 $(deriveJSON defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = map toLower . init , sumEncoding = defaultTaggedObject { tagFieldName = "method" , contentsFieldName = "request" } } ''WalletRequest ) {- JSON Types -} data JsonAccount = JsonAccount { jsonAccountName :: !Text , jsonAccountType :: !AccountType , jsonAccountMaster :: !(Maybe XPrvKey) , jsonAccountMnemonic :: !(Maybe Text) , jsonAccountDerivation :: !(Maybe HardPath) , jsonAccountKeys :: ![XPubKey] , jsonAccountGap :: !Word32 , jsonAccountCreated :: !UTCTime } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 11) ''JsonAccount) data JsonAddr = JsonAddr { jsonAddrAddress :: !Address , jsonAddrIndex :: !KeyIndex , jsonAddrType :: !AddressType , jsonAddrLabel :: !Text , jsonAddrRedeem :: !(Maybe ScriptOutput) , jsonAddrKey :: !(Maybe PubKeyC) , jsonAddrCreated :: !UTCTime -- Optional Balance , jsonAddrBalance :: !(Maybe BalanceInfo) } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 8) ''JsonAddr) data JsonTx = JsonTx { jsonTxHash :: !TxHash , jsonTxNosigHash :: !TxHash , jsonTxType :: !TxType , jsonTxInValue :: !Word64 , jsonTxOutValue :: !Word64 , jsonTxValue :: !Int64 , jsonTxInputs :: ![AddressInfo] , jsonTxOutputs :: ![AddressInfo] , jsonTxChange :: ![AddressInfo] , jsonTxTx :: !Tx , jsonTxIsCoinbase :: !Bool , jsonTxConfidence :: !TxConfidence , jsonTxConfirmedBy :: !(Maybe BlockHash) , jsonTxConfirmedHeight :: !(Maybe Word32) , jsonTxConfirmedDate :: !(Maybe Word32) , jsonTxCreated :: !UTCTime , jsonTxAccount :: !AccountName -- Optional confirmation , jsonTxConfirmations :: !(Maybe Word32) , jsonTxBestBlock :: !(Maybe BlockHash) , jsonTxBestBlockHeight :: !(Maybe BlockHeight) } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 6) ''JsonTx) data JsonCoin = JsonCoin { jsonCoinHash :: !TxHash , jsonCoinPos :: !Word32 , jsonCoinValue :: !Word64 , jsonCoinScript :: !ScriptOutput , jsonCoinCreated :: !UTCTime -- Optional Tx , jsonCoinTx :: !(Maybe JsonTx) -- Optional Address , jsonCoinAddress :: !(Maybe JsonAddr) -- Optional spender , jsonCoinSpendingTx :: !(Maybe JsonTx) } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 8) ''JsonCoin) {- Response Types -} data TxCompleteRes = TxCompleteRes { txCompleteTx :: !Tx , txCompleteComplete :: !Bool } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 10) ''TxCompleteRes) data ListResult a = ListResult { listResultItems :: ![a] , listResultTotal :: !Word32 } $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 10) ''ListResult) data RescanRes = RescanRes { rescanTimestamp :: !Word32 } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 6) ''RescanRes) data WalletResponse a = ResponseError { responseError :: !Text } | ResponseValid { responseResult :: !(Maybe a) } deriving (Eq, Show) $(deriveJSON (dropSumLabels 8 8 "status") ''WalletResponse) data JsonSyncBlock = JsonSyncBlock { jsonSyncBlockHash :: !BlockHash , jsonSyncBlockHeight :: !BlockHeight , jsonSyncBlockPrev :: !BlockHash , jsonSyncBlockTxs :: ![JsonTx] } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 13) ''JsonSyncBlock) data JsonBlock = JsonBlock { jsonBlockHash :: !BlockHash , jsonBlockHeight :: !BlockHeight , jsonBlockPrev :: !BlockHash } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 9) ''JsonBlock) data Notif = NotifBlock !JsonBlock | NotifTx !JsonTx deriving (Eq, Show, Read) $(deriveJSON (dropSumLabels 5 5 "type") ''Notif) {- Helper Types -} data WalletException = WalletException !String deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable) instance Exception WalletException data BTCNode = BTCNode { btcNodeHost :: !String, btcNodePort :: !Int } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) $(deriveJSON (dropFieldLabel 7) ''BTCNode) {- Persistent Instances -} instance PersistField XPrvKey where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . xPrvExport fromPersistValue (PersistText txt) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent XPrvKey" $ xPrvImport $ cs txt fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent XPrvKey" $ xPrvImport bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent XPrvKey" instance PersistFieldSql XPrvKey where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField [XPubKey] where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . encode fromPersistValue (PersistText txt) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent XPubKey" $ decodeStrict' $ cs txt fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent XPubKey" $ decodeStrict' bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent XPubKey" instance PersistFieldSql [XPubKey] where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField DerivPath where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . pathToStr fromPersistValue (PersistText txt) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent DerivPath" . fmap getParsedPath . parsePath . cs $ txt fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent DerivPath" . fmap getParsedPath . parsePath . cs $ bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent DerivPath" instance PersistFieldSql DerivPath where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField HardPath where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . pathToStr fromPersistValue (PersistText txt) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent HardPath" $ parseHard $ cs txt fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent HardPath" $ parseHard $ cs bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent HardPath" instance PersistFieldSql HardPath where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField SoftPath where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . pathToStr fromPersistValue (PersistText txt) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent SoftPath" $ parseSoft $ cs txt fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent SoftPath" $ parseSoft $ cs bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent SoftPath" instance PersistFieldSql SoftPath where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField AccountType where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . encode fromPersistValue (PersistText txt) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent AccountType" $ decodeStrict' $ cs txt fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent AccountType" $ decodeStrict' bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent AccountType" instance PersistFieldSql AccountType where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField AddressType where toPersistValue ts = PersistBool $ case ts of AddressExternal -> True AddressInternal -> False fromPersistValue (PersistBool b) = return $ if b then AddressExternal else AddressInternal fromPersistValue (PersistInt64 i) = return $ case i of 0 -> AddressInternal _ -> AddressExternal fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent AddressType" instance PersistFieldSql AddressType where sqlType _ = SqlBool instance PersistField TxType where toPersistValue ts = PersistText $ case ts of TxIncoming -> "incoming" TxOutgoing -> "outgoing" TxSelf -> "self" fromPersistValue (PersistText txt) = case txt of "incoming" -> return TxIncoming "outgoing" -> return TxOutgoing "self" -> return TxSelf _ -> Left "Invalid Persistent TxType" fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = case bs of "incoming" -> return TxIncoming "outgoing" -> return TxOutgoing "self" -> return TxSelf _ -> Left "Invalid Persistent TxType" fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent TxType" instance PersistFieldSql TxType where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField Address where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . addrToBase58 fromPersistValue (PersistText a) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent Address" $ base58ToAddr $ cs a fromPersistValue (PersistByteString a) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent Address" $ base58ToAddr a fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent Address" instance PersistFieldSql Address where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField BloomFilter where toPersistValue = PersistByteString . encode' fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent BloomFilter" $ decodeToMaybe bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent BloomFilter" instance PersistFieldSql BloomFilter where sqlType _ = SqlBlob instance PersistField BlockHash where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . blockHashToHex fromPersistValue (PersistText h) = maybeToEither "Could not decode BlockHash" $ hexToBlockHash $ cs h fromPersistValue (PersistByteString h) = maybeToEither "Could not decode BlockHash" $ hexToBlockHash h fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent BlockHash" instance PersistFieldSql BlockHash where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField TxHash where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . txHashToHex fromPersistValue (PersistText h) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent TxHash" $ hexToTxHash $ cs h fromPersistValue (PersistByteString h) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent TxHash" $ hexToTxHash h fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent TxHash" instance PersistFieldSql TxHash where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField TxConfidence where toPersistValue tc = PersistText $ case tc of TxOffline -> "offline" TxDead -> "dead" TxPending -> "pending" TxBuilding -> "building" fromPersistValue (PersistText txt) = case txt of "offline" -> return TxOffline "dead" -> return TxDead "pending" -> return TxPending "building" -> return TxBuilding _ -> Left "Invalid Persistent TxConfidence" fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = case bs of "offline" -> return TxOffline "dead" -> return TxDead "pending" -> return TxPending "building" -> return TxBuilding _ -> Left "Invalid Persistent TxConfidence" fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent TxConfidence" instance PersistFieldSql TxConfidence where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField Tx where toPersistValue = PersistByteString . encode' fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent Tx" $ decodeToMaybe bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent Tx" instance PersistFieldSql Tx where sqlType _ = SqlOther "MEDIUMBLOB" instance PersistField PubKeyC where toPersistValue = PersistText . cs . encodeHex . encode' fromPersistValue (PersistText txt) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent PubKeyC" $ decodeToMaybe =<< decodeHex (cs txt) fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent PubKeyC" $ decodeToMaybe =<< decodeHex bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent PubKeyC" instance PersistFieldSql PubKeyC where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField ScriptOutput where toPersistValue = PersistByteString . encodeOutputBS fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent ScriptOutput" $ eitherToMaybe $ decodeOutputBS bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent ScriptOutput" instance PersistFieldSql ScriptOutput where sqlType _ = SqlBlob instance PersistField [AddressInfo] where toPersistValue = PersistByteString . encode' fromPersistValue (PersistByteString bs) = maybeToEither "Invalid Persistent AddressInfo" $ decodeToMaybe bs fromPersistValue _ = Left "Invalid Persistent AddressInfo" instance PersistFieldSql [AddressInfo] where sqlType _ = SqlOther "MEDIUMBLOB" {- Helpers -} -- Join AND expressions with OR conditions in a binary way join2 :: [SqlExpr (E.Value Bool)] -> SqlExpr (E.Value Bool) join2 xs = case xs of [] -> val False [x] -> x _ -> let (ls,rs) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs in join2 ls ||. join2 rs splitSelect :: (SqlSelect a r, MonadIO m) => [t] -> ([t] -> SqlQuery a) -> SqlPersistT m [r] splitSelect ts queryF = fmap concat $ forM vals $ select . queryF where vals = chunksOf paramLimit ts splitUpdate :: ( MonadIO m , P.PersistEntity val , P.PersistEntityBackend val ~ SqlBackend ) => [t] -> ([t] -> SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlQuery ()) -> SqlPersistT m () splitUpdate ts updateF = forM_ vals $ update . updateF where vals = chunksOf paramLimit ts splitDelete :: MonadIO m => [t] -> ([t] -> SqlQuery ()) -> SqlPersistT m () splitDelete ts deleteF = forM_ vals $ E.delete . deleteF where vals = chunksOf paramLimit ts splitInsertMany_ :: ( MonadIO m , P.PersistEntity val , P.PersistEntityBackend val ~ SqlBackend ) => [val] -> SqlPersistT m () splitInsertMany_ = mapM_ P.insertMany_ . chunksOf paramLimit limitOffset :: Word32 -> Word32 -> SqlQuery () limitOffset l o = do when (l > 0) $ limit $ fromIntegral l when (o > 0) $ offset $ fromIntegral o