{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Units (tests) where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMChan import Control.Exception (Exception, handleJust) import Control.Monad (guard) import Control.Monad.Logger (NoLoggingT) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (ByteString, pack) import Data.List (sort) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust) import Data.String.Conversions (cs) import Data.Word (Word32, Word64) import Database.Persist (Entity (..), entityVal, getBy) import Database.Persist.Sqlite (SqlPersistT, runMigrationSilent, runSqlite) import Network.Haskoin.Block import Network.Haskoin.Crypto import Network.Haskoin.Node.HeaderTree import Network.Haskoin.Script import Network.Haskoin.Transaction import Network.Haskoin.Wallet.Internals import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertBool, assertEqual, assertFailure) type App = SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) -- TODO: Add tests for accounts with no private key tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "Account tests" [ testCase "Fail create account with wrong keys" $ assertException (WalletException "Invalid account keys") ( newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "fail-this" , newAccountType = AccountRegular -- This key does not correspond to the one below , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K33Ezpb81k5upGyhrVcwgqNzHRHnQ2kGBPHkJ3sLPjGwj4LML1kr1bLfguJiY21XrYfVrL1CGurfVoMKSPwRdmzt1LwBtVyR" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } ) , testCase "Creating two accounts with the same data should fail" $ assertException (WalletException "Account already exists") $ do _ <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "main" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "main" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } , testCase "Invalid multisig parameters (0 of 1)" $ assertException (WalletException "Invalid account type") $ newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "multisig-0-of-1" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 0 1 , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } , testCase "Invalid multisig parameters (2 of 1)" $ assertException (WalletException "Invalid account type") $ newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "multisig-2-of-1" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 2 1 , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } , testCase "Invalid multisig parameters (15 of 16)" $ assertException (WalletException "Invalid account type") $ newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "multisig-15-of-16" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 15 16 , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } , testCase "To many multisig keys (3 keys for 1 of 2)" $ assertException (WalletException "Invalid account keys") $ newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "multisig-1-of-2-with-3" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 1 2 , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = [ "xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB" , "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFEPH5Aon6F7edspeu1v6a1Nw5qJgk1aX5XYg1ktBL9Azra2CKaAJ2bHXEXkeKHE3eFaCJktFiA5tSMDQDs6bi83maQtdYby" , "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtDszBWpawpg4KbNWL9qD4VdRwjd1L5cmcS8nXHWXpg9WL1Xc9Yh7HbQBwWDw37YJfc4AF3YEpvAHEBPBFQPFkUcFHnopw8" ] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } , testCase "Calling addAccountKeys with an empty key list should fail" $ assertException (WalletException "Invalid account keys") $ do res <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "multisig-1-of-2-plus-empty" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 1 2 , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } addAccountKeys (fst res) [] , testCase "Calling addAccountKeys on a non-multisig account should fail" $ assertException (WalletException "The account is already complete") $ do res <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "regular-plus-more" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } addAccountKeys (fst res) ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcFEPH5Aon6F7edspeu1v6a1Nw5qJgk1aX5XYg1ktBL9Azra2CKaAJ2bHXEXkeKHE3eFaCJktFiA5tSMDQDs6bi83maQtdYby"] , testCase "Adding keys to a complete multisig account should fail" $ assertException (WalletException "The account is already complete") $ do res <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "regular-plus-more" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 1 2 , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = [ "xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB" , "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFEPH5Aon6F7edspeu1v6a1Nw5qJgk1aX5XYg1ktBL9Azra2CKaAJ2bHXEXkeKHE3eFaCJktFiA5tSMDQDs6bi83maQtdYby" ] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } addAccountKeys (fst res) ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtDszBWpawpg4KbNWL9qD4VdRwjd1L5cmcS8nXHWXpg9WL1Xc9Yh7HbQBwWDw37YJfc4AF3YEpvAHEBPBFQPFkUcFHnopw8"] , testCase "Getting a non-existing account should fail" $ assertException (WalletException "Account inexistent does not exist") $ getAccount "inexistent" ] , testGroup "Address tests" [ testCase "Decreasing the address gap should fail" $ assertException (WalletException "The gap of an account can only be increased") $ do res <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "reduce-gap" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } accE' <- setAccountGap (fst res) 15 setAccountGap accE' 14 , testCase "Setting a label on a hidden address key should fail" $ assertException (WalletException "Invalid address index 10") $ do res <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "label-hidden" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } setAddrLabel (fst res) 10 AddressExternal "Gym membership" , testCase "Setting a label on an invalid address key should fail" $ assertException (WalletException "Invalid address index 20") $ do res <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "label-invalid" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountMaster = Just "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4a5123LatJaWPdyMvCG4Phpb79kLUXNF3Y9U537QUeKzUjkrdoZVVse747ZnNNUGryPZXEoMFjkuUKyWpEMcg7jbxYECE2b" , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } setAddrLabel (fst res) 20 AddressExternal "Gym membership" , testCase "Requesting an address prvkey on a read-only account should fail" $ assertException (WalletException "Could not get private key") $ do res <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "label-invalid" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountDeriv = Nothing , newAccountKeys = ["xpub661MyMwAqRbcH49U84sbFSXEwforKeyukvkBuY9x2ruDvLUccaRf2SeUL1f6StQke7sCuvott5CjzFqw6aA49g2NSjaARBkQdHE18zjC5hB"] , newAccountMnemonic = Nothing , newAccountReadOnly = False } addressPrvKey (fst res) Nothing 2 AddressExternal ] , testGroup "Wallet tests" [ testCase "Verify address derivations" $ runUnit testDerivations , testCase "Verify balances" $ runUnit testBalances , testCase "Verify balances in conflict" $ runUnit testConflictBalances , testCase "Offline transactions" $ runUnit testOffline , testCase "Kill an offline tx by spending its coins" $ runUnit testKillOffline , testCase "Offline transaction exceptions" testOfflineExceptions , testCase "Multisig test 1" $ runUnit testImportMultisig , testCase "Kill Tx" $ runUnit testKillTx , testCase "Delete Tx" $ runUnit testDeleteTx , testCase "Delete Unsigned Tx" $ runUnit testDeleteUnsignedTx , testCase "Notifications" $ runUnit testNotification ] ] assertException :: (Exception e, Eq e) => e -> App a -> Assertion assertException ex action = handleJust matchEx (const $ return ()) $ do runUnit action assertFailure $ "Expecting exception: " ++ show ex where matchEx = guard . (== ex) runUnit :: App a -> Assertion runUnit action = do _ <- runSqlite ":memory:" $ do _ <- runMigrationSilent migrateWallet initWallet 0.0001 action return () ms :: Mnemonic ms = "mass coast dance birth online various renew alert crunch middle absurd health" tid1 :: TxHash tid1 = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001" z :: Hash256 z = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" fakeNode :: NodeBlock -- ^ Parent -> [TxHash] -- ^ Transactions -> Word32 -- ^ Chain -> Word32 -- ^ Nonce -> NodeBlock fakeNode parent tids chain nonce = nodeBlock parent chain header where header = BlockHeader { blockVersion = blockVersion $ nodeHeader parent , prevBlock = nodeHash parent , merkleRoot = if null tids then z else buildMerkleRoot tids , blockTimestamp = nodeTimestamp parent + 600 , blockBits = blockBits $ nodeHeader parent , bhNonce = nonce } -- -- Creates fake testing blocks -- fakeNode :: Word32 -> BlockHash -> NodeBlock -- fakeNode i h = BlockHeaderNode -- { blockHeaderNodeHash = headerHash header -- , blockHeaderNodeHeader = BlockHeader 1 z1 z2 0 0 0 -- , blockHeaderNodeHeight = i -- , blockHeaderNodeWork = 0 -- , blockHeaderNodeMedianTimes = [] -- , blockHeaderNodeMinWork = 0 -- } -- where -- z1 = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" -- z2 = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" fakeTx :: [(TxHash, Word32)] -> [(BS.ByteString, Word64)] -> Tx fakeTx xs ys = Tx 1 txi txo 0 where txi = map (\(h,p) -> TxIn (OutPoint h p) (BS.pack [1]) maxBound) xs f = encodeOutputBS . PayPKHash . fromJust . base58ToAddr txo = map (\(a,v) -> TxOut v $ f a ) ys testDerivations :: App () testDerivations = do accE <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } unusedAddresses accE AddressExternal (ListRequest 0 0 False) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Generated external addresses do not match" [ "1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe" , "1NrcKe9UNtxjjgMSLdhBYaEgrQWQFnvJXX" , "123XgHRNxkprjec72EpxBFPytPim21u9Kc" , "16AuD3mAQMzsUHkMGfkQQapG6jhHmV3Rys" , "1AjF1GhsxyXCN5doPGLjSztDcuLbfYMkqw" , "1LPUYEjUd1u9dgjM3RqnoYj7Zt4j4dmZYA" , "1Kzyb5Fpj2VmMoCNWxLNMYeMSu5ocS7u7e" , "131L3UXV6WakXpyXvmqzqNkHwWJzWExR9i" , "19FWGTZERHzMePTqKoR8nB9y6w7S5u9yGr" , "135dwGc8JG2dmhy79onerHKdqoqibHShRJ" ] . map (addrToBase58 . walletAddrAddress) . fst unusedAddresses accE AddressInternal (ListRequest 0 0 False) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Generated internal addresses do not match" [ "1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm" , "1JVocGcqZvQFbfpeQUY92iL9ARLsAP4DjW" , "15yaPowqF2g9B3xbdyXaPygV9bfXFjYj2X" , "187xp9nQTsCa7QJLHYSMyaM1Mf5u2knJYY" , "1QDQwk4d4zVWH3TnUHMCvDvvrTqFSaA3hr" , "17ATGqWhkXYLxPdynWrFjnJBvD3EYxqC5A" , "1EHgPV5DEs3GwUSaRQD7hd2m5MkR4hdByb" , "1EvUYGoC7p7GC8BtYTz4RX2ERxjUsT3zLz" , "15857PJZQxUH8Jgomv83mYqJqDsVEUZwz1" , "18L5fQjr5yXdqqnK98v2UQi1WHAXfYHr7L" ] . map (addrToBase58 . walletAddrAddress) . fst assertBalance :: AccountId -> Word32 -> Word64 -> App () assertBalance ai conf b = do bal <- accountBalance ai conf False liftIO $ assertEqual ("Balance is not " ++ show b) b bal assertBalanceOffline :: AccountId -> Word32 -> Word64 -> App () assertBalanceOffline ai conf b = do bal <- accountBalance ai conf True liftIO $ assertEqual ("Balance is not " ++ show b) b bal assertAddress :: Entity Account -> Word32 -- Confirmations -> Word32 -- Address Index -> AddressType -> [(KeyIndex, BalanceInfo)] -> App () assertAddress acc conf addr addrtype b = do b' <- addressBalances acc addr addr addrtype conf False liftIO $ assertEqual "Address Balance incorrect" b b' assertAddressOffline :: Entity Account -> Word32 -- Confirmations -> Word32 -- Address Index -> AddressType -> [(KeyIndex, BalanceInfo)] -> App () assertAddressOffline acc conf addr addrtype b = do b' <- addressBalances acc addr addr addrtype conf True liftIO $ assertEqual "Address Balance incorrect" b b' assertImportTx :: AccountId -> Int -> TxConfidence -> Tx -> App () assertImportTx ai as conf tx = do tx' <- testTx <$> importNetTx tx Nothing liftIO $ assertEqual "Transaction import failed" ([(ai, conf)], as) tx' assertImportTxOffline :: AccountId -> Int -> TxConfidence -> Tx -> App () assertImportTxOffline ai as conf tx = do tx' <- testTx <$> importTx tx Nothing ai liftIO $ assertEqual "Transaction import failed" ([(ai, conf)], as) tx' assertTxConfidence :: AccountId -> TxHash -> TxConfidence -> App () assertTxConfidence ai txh conf = do txM <- getBy $ UniqueAccTx ai txh case txM of Just tx -> do let conf' = walletTxConfidence $ entityVal tx liftIO $ assertEqual "Transaction confidence wrong" conf' conf Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure "Transaction not found" testBalances :: App () testBalances = do accE@(Entity ai _) <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } let fundingTx = fakeTx [ (tid1, 0) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 10000000) , ("1NrcKe9UNtxjjgMSLdhBYaEgrQWQFnvJXX", 20000000) ] let tx1 = fakeTx [ (txHash fundingTx, 0) , (txHash fundingTx, 1) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 30000000) ] -- external tx2 = fakeTx [ (txHash fundingTx, 0) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 5000000) -- external , ("1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm", 5000000) -- change ] assertBalance ai 0 0 -- Import funding transaction twice. This operation should be idempotent assertImportTx ai 2 TxPending fundingTx assertImportTx ai 0 TxPending fundingTx spendableCoins ai 0 (const . const []) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "0-conf spendable coins is not 2" 2 . length spendableCoins ai 1 (const . const []) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "1-conf spendable coins is not 0" 0 . length assertBalance ai 0 30000000 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 0 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddress accE 1 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertImportTx ai 0 TxPending tx1 assertBalance ai 0 0 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 20000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddress accE 1 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- We re-import tx1. This operation has to be idempotent with respect to -- balances. assertImportTx ai 0 TxPending tx1 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 20000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddress accE 1 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- Importing tx2 twice. This operation has to be idempotent. assertImportTx ai 1 TxDead tx2 assertImportTx ai 0 TxDead tx2 assertBalance ai 0 0 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 20000000 1 1)] -- Confirm the funding transaction at height 1 let block1 = fakeNode genesisBlock [txHash fundingTx] 0 1 importMerkles (BestChain [block1]) [[txHash fundingTx]] Nothing assertBalance ai 0 0 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertBalance ai 2 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 20000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 1 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 20000000 1 1)] -- Confirm tx1 at height 2 let block2 = fakeNode block1 [txHash tx1] 0 2 importMerkles (BestChain [block2]) [[txHash tx1]] Nothing assertBalance ai 0 0 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertBalance ai 2 0 assertBalance ai 3 0 assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 2 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 20000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 3 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddress accE 3 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- Reorg on tx2 let block2' = fakeNode block1 [] 1 22 block3' = fakeNode block2 [txHash tx2] 1 33 importMerkles (ChainReorg block1 [block2] [block2', block3']) [[], [txHash tx2]] Nothing getBy (UniqueAccTx ai (txHash tx1)) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Confidence is not dead" TxDead . walletTxConfidence . entityVal . fromJust getBy (UniqueAccTx ai (txHash tx2)) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Confidence is not building" TxBuilding . walletTxConfidence . entityVal . fromJust assertBalance ai 0 25000000 assertBalance ai 1 25000000 assertBalance ai 2 20000000 assertBalance ai 3 20000000 assertBalance ai 4 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 3 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 3 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 5000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 5000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- Reimporting tx2 should be idempotent and return TxBuilding assertImportTx ai 0 TxBuilding tx2 accountBalance ai 0 False >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Balance is not 25000000" 25000000 accountBalance ai 1 False >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Balance is not 25000000" 25000000 accountBalance ai 2 False >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Balance is not 20000000" 20000000 accountBalance ai 3 False >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Balance is not 20000000" 20000000 accountBalance ai 4 False >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Balance is not 0" 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 3 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 3 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 5000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 5000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- Reorg back onto tx1 let block3 = fakeNode block2 [] 0 3 block4 = fakeNode block3 [] 0 4 importMerkles (ChainReorg block1 [block2', block3'] [block2, block3, block4]) [[txHash tx1], [], []] Nothing assertBalance ai 0 0 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertBalance ai 2 0 assertBalance ai 3 0 assertBalance ai 4 0 assertBalance ai 5 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 20000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 4 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 4 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 20000000 20000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 5 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddress accE 5 1 AddressExternal [(1, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- tx1, tx2 and tx3 form a chain, and tx4 is in conflict with tx1 testConflictBalances :: App () testConflictBalances = do accE@(Entity ai _) <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } let tx1 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 10000000) ] tx2 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx1, 0) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 6000000) -- external , ("1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm", 4000000) -- change ] tx3 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx2, 1) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 4000000) ] -- external tx4 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 20000000) ] -- Import first transaction assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx1 assertBalance ai 0 10000000 assertBalance ai 0 10000000 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] -- Import second transaction assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx2 assertBalance ai 0 4000000 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 0 1 0)] -- Let's confirm these two transactions let block1 = fakeNode genesisBlock [txHash tx1] 0 1 block2 = fakeNode block1 [txHash tx2] 0 2 importMerkles (BestChain [block1, block2]) [[txHash tx1], [txHash tx2]] Nothing assertBalance ai 0 4000000 assertBalance ai 1 4000000 assertBalance ai 2 0 assertBalance ai 3 0 assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- Import third transaction assertImportTx ai 0 TxPending tx3 assertBalance ai 0 0 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertBalance ai 2 0 assertBalance ai 3 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 4000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 4000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- Now let's add tx4 which is in conflict with tx1 assertImportTx ai 0 TxDead tx4 assertBalance ai 0 0 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertBalance ai 2 0 assertBalance ai 3 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 4000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 1 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 4000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- Now we trigger a reorg that validates tx4. tx1, tx2 and tx3 should be dead let block1' = fakeNode genesisBlock [] 1 11 block2' = fakeNode block1' [txHash tx4] 1 22 block3' = fakeNode block2' [] 1 33 importMerkles (ChainReorg genesisBlock [block1, block2] [block1', block2', block3']) [[], [txHash tx4], []] Nothing assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx1) TxDead assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx2) TxDead assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx3) TxDead assertBalance ai 0 20000000 assertBalance ai 1 20000000 assertBalance ai 2 20000000 assertBalance ai 3 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 20000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddress accE 2 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 20000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 3 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- Reorg back to tx1, tx2 and tx3 let block3 = fakeNode block2 [] 0 3 block4 = fakeNode block3 [] 0 4 importMerkles (ChainReorg genesisBlock [block1', block2', block3'] [block1, block2, block3, block4]) [[txHash tx1], [txHash tx2], [], []] Nothing assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx1) TxBuilding assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx2) TxBuilding -- Tx3 remains dead until it is included into a block. Dead transaction are -- only revived upon confirmations. They are not revived if they are not -- confirmed even if they have no conflicts anymore. assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx3) TxDead assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx4) TxDead assertBalance ai 0 4000000 assertBalance ai 1 4000000 assertBalance ai 2 4000000 assertBalance ai 3 4000000 assertBalance ai 4 0 assertBalance ai 5 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 3 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 3 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 4 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddress accE 4 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddress accE 5 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] testOffline :: App () testOffline = do accE@(Entity ai _) <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } let tx1 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 10000000) ] tx2 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx1, 0) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 6000000) -- external , ("1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm", 4000000) -- change ] tx3 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx2, 1) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 4000000) ] -- external tx4 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 20000000) ] -- Import first transaction assertImportTxOffline ai 1 TxOffline tx1 assertBalance ai 0 0 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 10000000 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] -- Reimporting a transaction should me idempotent assertImportTxOffline ai 0 TxOffline tx1 assertBalance ai 0 0 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 10000000 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] -- Import tx2 assertImportTxOffline ai 1 TxOffline tx2 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 4000000 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 0 1 0)] -- Import tx3 assertImportTxOffline ai 0 TxOffline tx3 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 0 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 4000000 1 1)] -- Import tx4 assertImportTxOffline ai 0 TxOffline tx4 assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx1) TxDead assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx2) TxDead assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx3) TxDead assertBalanceOffline ai 0 20000000 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 20000000 0 1 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- importTx should be idempotent assertImportTxOffline ai 0 TxOffline tx4 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 20000000 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 20000000 0 1 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] testKillOffline :: App () testKillOffline = do accE@(Entity ai _) <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } let tx1 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 10000000) ] tx2 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx1, 0) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 6000000) -- external , ("1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm", 4000000) -- change ] tx3 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx2, 1) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 4000000) ] -- external tx4 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx1, 0) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 2000000) -- external , ("1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm", 3000000) -- change , ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 5000000) -- more change ] -- Import tx1 as a network transaction assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx1 assertBalance ai 0 10000000 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 10000000 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] -- Import tx2 as offline assertImportTxOffline ai 1 TxOffline tx2 assertBalance ai 0 10000000 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 4000000 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertBalanceOffline ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 0 1 0)] -- Import tx3 as offline assertImportTxOffline ai 0 TxOffline tx3 assertBalance ai 0 10000000 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 0 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertBalanceOffline ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 4000000 1 1)] -- Import tx4 as a network transaction. It should override tx2 and tx3. assertImportTx ai 0 TxPending tx4 assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx2) TxDead assertTxConfidence ai (txHash tx3) TxDead assertBalance ai 0 8000000 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 8000000 assertBalance ai 1 0 assertBalanceOffline ai 1 0 assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 15000000 10000000 2 1)] assertAddress accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 3000000 0 1 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 15000000 10000000 2 1)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 3000000 0 1 0)] testOfflineExceptions :: Assertion testOfflineExceptions = do let tx1 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 10000000) ] tx2 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx1, 0) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 6000000) -- external , ("1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm", 4000000) -- change ] tx3 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx2, 1) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 4000000) ] -- external tx4 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 20000000) ] assertException (WalletException "Could not import offline transaction") $ do _ <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } Entity ai _ <- getAccount "acc1" assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx1 importTx tx4 Nothing ai assertException (WalletException "Could not import offline transaction") $ do _ <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } Entity ai _ <- getAccount "acc1" assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx4 assertImportTx ai 0 TxDead tx1 assertImportTx ai 1 TxDead tx2 importTx tx3 Nothing ai assertException (WalletException "Could not import offline transaction") $ do _ <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } Entity ai _ <- getAccount "acc1" assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx1 importTx tx1 Nothing ai -- This test create a multisig account with the key of testImportMultisig2 testImportMultisig :: App () testImportMultisig = do accE1@(Entity ai1 _) <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "ms1" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 2 2 , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = ["xpub68kRFKHWxUt3oS8X5kVogwH5rvuAd4jrLkxVfHeudFC4MfwQ8oYV59F91uFnsLXANRB1MkN4Wa1PwymE4cRsU8PE755HNCb1EoBbSoAKXpW"] , newAccountReadOnly = False } accE2@(Entity ai2 _) <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "ms2" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 2 2 , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 1) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = ["xpub68kRFKHWxUt3mfJjcXdLeuDjCHnByqKSBVfMktJRXM6LSNNDR4ae6Nw1Kh621fzyKiBf6ssyZWPPTDUTQp1BhuZQuoVdtb8j2TRzqDLHmY7"] , newAccountReadOnly = False } let fundingTx = Tx 1 [ TxIn (OutPoint tid1 0) (BS.pack [1]) maxBound ] -- dummy input [ TxOut 10000000 $ encodeOutputBS $ PayScriptHash $ fromJust $ base58ToAddr "32RexHZdsMoV8yzL1pQyFhYY6XeUNcWP78" ] 0 importNetTx fundingTx Nothing >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Transaction import failed" ([(ai1, TxPending), (ai2, TxPending)], 2) . testTx -- Create a transaction which has 0 signatures in ms1 tx1 <- fst <$> createTx accE1 Nothing Nothing [ ( fromJust $ base58ToAddr "3BYWaQHz6AVXx7wXmCka4846tRfa1ccWvh" , 5000000 ) ] 10000 0 False True liftIO $ assertEqual "Confidence is not offline" TxOffline $ walletTxConfidence tx1 spendableCoins ai1 0 (const . const []) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in coins" [] . map (walletCoinHash . entityVal . inCoinDataCoin) txs Nothing ai1 (ListRequest 0 10 False) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in tx list" (sort [txHash fundingTx, walletTxHash tx1]) . sort . map walletTxHash . fst assertBalance ai1 0 10000000 assertBalance ai1 1 0 assertBalanceOffline ai1 0 9990000 -- Import the empty transaction in ms2 tx2 <- head . fst <$> importTx (walletTxTx tx1) Nothing ai2 -- This second import should be idempotent _ <- importTx (walletTxTx tx1) Nothing ai2 liftIO $ assertEqual "Txid do not match" (walletTxHash tx1) (walletTxHash tx2) liftIO $ assertEqual "Confidence is not offline" TxOffline $ walletTxConfidence tx2 spendableCoins ai2 0 (const . const []) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in coins" [] . map (walletCoinHash . entityVal . inCoinDataCoin) txs Nothing ai2 (ListRequest 0 10 False) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in tx list" (sort [txHash fundingTx, walletTxHash tx2]) . sort . map walletTxHash . fst assertBalance ai2 0 10000000 assertBalance ai2 1 0 assertBalanceOffline ai2 0 9990000 -- Sign the transaction in ms2 tx3:_ <- fst <$> signAccountTx accE2 Nothing Nothing (walletTxHash tx2) liftIO $ assertEqual "Confidence is not pending" TxPending $ walletTxConfidence tx3 spendableCoins ai2 0 (const . const []) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in coins" [walletTxHash tx3, walletTxHash tx3] . map (walletCoinHash . entityVal . inCoinDataCoin) txs Nothing ai2 (ListRequest 0 10 False) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in tx list" (sort [txHash fundingTx, walletTxHash tx3]) . sort . map walletTxHash . fst assertBalance ai2 0 9990000 assertBalance ai2 1 0 assertBalanceOffline ai2 0 9990000 tx4 <- fmap (entityVal . fromJust) $ getBy $ UniqueAccTx ai1 $ walletTxHash tx3 liftIO $ assertEqual "Confidence is not pending" TxPending $ walletTxConfidence tx4 spendableCoins ai1 0 (const . const []) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in coins" [walletTxHash tx3, walletTxHash tx3] . map (walletCoinHash . entityVal . inCoinDataCoin) txs Nothing ai1 (ListRequest 0 10 False) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in tx list" (sort [txHash fundingTx, walletTxHash tx3]) . sort . map walletTxHash . fst assertBalance ai1 0 9990000 assertBalance ai1 1 0 assertBalanceOffline ai1 0 9990000 -- Importing the transaction should have no effect as it was globally -- imported already in the previous step. tx5 <- head . fst <$> importTx (walletTxTx tx3) Nothing ai1 liftIO $ assertEqual "Confidence is not pending" TxPending $ walletTxConfidence tx5 spendableCoins ai1 0 (const . const []) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in coins" [walletTxHash tx5, walletTxHash tx5] . map (walletCoinHash . entityVal . inCoinDataCoin) txs Nothing ai1 (ListRequest 0 10 False) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in tx list" (sort [txHash fundingTx, walletTxHash tx5]) . sort . map walletTxHash . fst assertBalance ai1 0 9990000 assertBalance ai1 1 0 assertBalanceOffline ai1 0 9990000 testDeleteTx :: App () testDeleteTx = do accE@(Entity ai _) <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } let tx1 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 10000000) ] tx2 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx1, 0) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 6000000) -- external , ("1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm", 4000000) -- change ] tx3 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx2, 1) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 4000000) ] -- external assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx1 assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx2 assertImportTx ai 0 TxPending tx3 assertBalance ai 0 0 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 4000000 1 1)] tx2M' <- getTx $ txHash tx2 liftIO $ assertBool "Transaction 2 not found" $ isJust tx2M' deleteTx $ txHash tx2 tx1M <- getTx $ txHash tx1 tx2M'' <- getTx $ txHash tx2 tx3M <- getTx $ txHash tx3 liftIO $ assertEqual "Transaction 1 removed" (Just tx1) tx1M liftIO $ assertEqual "Transaction 2 not removed" Nothing tx2M'' liftIO $ assertEqual "Transaction 3 not removed" Nothing tx3M assertBalance ai 0 10000000 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] testDeleteUnsignedTx :: App () testDeleteUnsignedTx = do accE1@(Entity ai1 _) <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "ms1" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 2 2 , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = ["xpub68kRFKHWxUt3oS8X5kVogwH5rvuAd4jrLkxVfHeudFC4MfwQ8oYV59F91uFnsLXANRB1MkN4Wa1PwymE4cRsU8PE755HNCb1EoBbSoAKXpW"] , newAccountReadOnly = False } Entity ai2 _ <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "ms2" , newAccountType = AccountMultisig 2 2 , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 1) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = ["xpub68kRFKHWxUt3mfJjcXdLeuDjCHnByqKSBVfMktJRXM6LSNNDR4ae6Nw1Kh621fzyKiBf6ssyZWPPTDUTQp1BhuZQuoVdtb8j2TRzqDLHmY7"] , newAccountReadOnly = False } let fundingTx = Tx 1 [ TxIn (OutPoint tid1 0) (BS.pack [1]) maxBound ] -- dummy input [ TxOut 10000000 $ encodeOutputBS $ PayScriptHash $ fromJust $ base58ToAddr "32RexHZdsMoV8yzL1pQyFhYY6XeUNcWP78" ] 0 importNetTx fundingTx Nothing >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Confidence is not pending" ([(ai1, TxPending), (ai2, TxPending)], 2) . testTx -- Create a transaction which has 0 signatures in ms1 tx1 <- fst <$> createTx accE1 Nothing Nothing [ ( fromJust $ base58ToAddr "3BYWaQHz6AVXx7wXmCka4846tRfa1ccWvh" , 5000000 ) ] 10000 0 False True liftIO $ assertEqual "Confidence is not offline" TxOffline $ walletTxConfidence tx1 spendableCoins ai1 0 (const . const []) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in coins" [] . map (walletCoinHash . entityVal . inCoinDataCoin) txs Nothing ai1 (ListRequest 0 10 False) >>= liftIO . assertEqual "Wrong txhash in tx list" (sort [txHash fundingTx, walletTxHash tx1]) . sort . map walletTxHash . fst assertBalance ai1 0 10000000 assertBalance ai1 1 0 assertBalanceOffline ai1 0 9990000 tx1EM <- getTx $ walletTxHash tx1 liftIO $ assertBool "Transaction 1 not found" $ isJust tx1EM deleteTx $ walletTxHash tx1 tx1M <- getTx $ walletTxHash tx1 liftIO $ assertEqual "Transaction not removed" Nothing tx1M testNotification :: App () testNotification = do _ <- newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } let tx1 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 10000000) ] tx2 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx1, 0) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 6000000) -- external , ("1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm", 4000000) -- change ] tx3 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx2, 1) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 4000000) ] -- external notifChan <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTBMChan 1000 _ <- importNetTx tx1 (Just notifChan) tx1NM <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBMChan notifChan liftIO $ case tx1NM of Just (NotifTx JsonTx{..}) -> assertEqual "Notif hash does not match" (txHash tx1) jsonTxHash _ -> assertFailure "Transaction notification is not the right type" _ <- importNetTx tx2 (Just notifChan) tx2NM <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBMChan notifChan liftIO $ case tx2NM of Just (NotifTx JsonTx{..}) -> assertEqual "Notif hash does not match" (txHash tx2) jsonTxHash _ -> assertFailure "Transaction notification is not the right type" _ <- importNetTx tx3 Nothing let block1 = fakeNode genesisBlock [txHash tx1] 0 1 block2 = fakeNode block1 [txHash tx2] 0 2 best = BestChain [block1, block2] txs1 = [[txHash tx1], [txHash tx2]] importMerkles best txs1 (Just notifChan) b1NM <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBMChan notifChan liftIO $ case b1NM of Just (NotifBlock JsonBlock{..}) -> assertEqual "Block hash does not match" (nodeHash block1) jsonBlockHash _ -> assertFailure "Block notification not the right type" tx1NM' <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBMChan notifChan liftIO $ case tx1NM' of Just (NotifTx JsonTx{..}) -> assertEqual "Transaction list does not match" (txHash tx1) jsonTxHash _ -> assertFailure "Transaction notification not the right type" b2NM <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBMChan notifChan liftIO $ case b2NM of Just (NotifBlock JsonBlock{..}) -> assertEqual "Block hash does not match" (nodeHash block2) jsonBlockHash _ -> assertFailure "Block notification not the right type" tx2NM' <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBMChan notifChan liftIO $ case tx2NM' of Just (NotifTx JsonTx{..}) -> assertEqual "Transaction list does not match" (txHash tx2) jsonTxHash _ -> assertFailure "Transaction notification not the right type" let block2' = fakeNode block1 [txHash tx2, txHash tx3] 1 22 txs2 = [[txHash tx2, txHash tx3]] reorg = ChainReorg block1 [block2] [block2'] importMerkles reorg txs2 (Just notifChan) b3NM <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBMChan notifChan liftIO $ case b3NM of Just (NotifBlock JsonBlock{..}) -> assertEqual "Block hash does not match" (nodeHash block2') jsonBlockHash _ -> assertFailure "Block notification not the right type" tx3NM2 <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBMChan notifChan liftIO $ case tx3NM2 of Just (NotifTx JsonTx{..}) -> assertEqual "Transaction does not match" (txHash tx2) jsonTxHash _ -> assertFailure "Transaction notification not the right type" tx3NM3 <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBMChan notifChan liftIO $ case tx3NM3 of Just (NotifTx JsonTx{..}) -> assertEqual "Transaction does not match" (txHash tx3) jsonTxHash _ -> assertFailure "Transaction notification not the right type" testKillTx :: App () testKillTx = do accE@(Entity ai _) <- fst <$> newAccount NewAccount { newAccountName = "acc1" , newAccountType = AccountRegular , newAccountDeriv = Just (Deriv :| 0) , newAccountMaster = Nothing , newAccountMnemonic = Just (cs ms) , newAccountKeys = [] , newAccountReadOnly = False } let tx1 = fakeTx [ (tid1, 4) ] [ ("1DLW4wieCwUPMh6ThVwT2bKqSzkjeb8wUe", 10000000) ] tx2 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx1, 0) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 6000000) -- external , ("1PY7pWZ5FddWi747C6k5Y7okNHFUM2BKAm", 4000000) -- change ] tx3 = fakeTx [ (txHash tx2, 1) ] [ ("1MchgrtQEUgV1f7Nqe1vEzvdmBzJHz8zrY", 4000000) ] -- external assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx1 assertImportTx ai 1 TxPending tx2 assertImportTx ai 0 TxPending tx3 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 0 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 4000000 1 1)] killTxs Nothing [txHash tx2] assertBalanceOffline ai 0 10000000 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] -- Killing a transaction should be idempotent killTxs Nothing [txHash tx2] assertBalanceOffline ai 0 10000000 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] killTxs Nothing [txHash tx3] assertBalanceOffline ai 0 10000000 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 0 1 0)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 0 0 0 0)] reviveTx Nothing tx2 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 4000000 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 0 1 0)] -- Reviving a transaction should be idempotent reviveTx Nothing tx2 assertBalanceOffline ai 0 4000000 assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressExternal [(0, BalanceInfo 10000000 10000000 1 1)] assertAddressOffline accE 0 0 AddressInternal [(0, BalanceInfo 4000000 0 1 0)] testTx :: ([WalletTx], [WalletAddr]) -> ([(AccountId, TxConfidence)], Int) testTx (txls, addrs) = (map f txls, length addrs) where f tx = (walletTxAccount tx, walletTxConfidence tx)