module Haskore.Interface.SuperCollider.Performance where import qualified Haskore.Interface.SuperCollider.Note as Note import qualified Haskore.Interface.SuperCollider.SoundMap as InstrMap import qualified Haskore.Music.Standard as StdMusic import qualified Haskore.Music.Rhythmic as RhyMusic import qualified Haskore.Music as Music import qualified Haskore.Melody as Melody import qualified Haskore.Performance as Pf import qualified Haskore.Performance.BackEnd as PfBE import qualified Haskore.Performance.Fancy as FancyPf import qualified Haskore.RealTime.EventList.TimeBody as TimeList import qualified Haskore.RealTime.EventList.TimeTime as TimeListPad import qualified Haskore.General.IdGenerator as IdGen import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Class as NonNeg fromMelody :: (NonNeg.C time, Floating time, RealFrac time) => Melody.T () -> PfBE.Padded time Note.T fromMelody = {- PfBE.fromPaddedPerformance (Note.fromRhythmicNote (const "no drum") (const "no instrument")) . -} PfBE.fromPaddedPerformance (Note.fromRhythmicNote (error "no drum defined") (error "no instrument defined")) . fancyPaddedPerformanceFromMusic . StdMusic.fromMelodyNullAttr undefined fancyPaddedPerformanceFromMusic :: (Ord note, NonNeg.C time, RealFrac time) => Music.T note -> Pf.Padded time Double note fancyPaddedPerformanceFromMusic = FancyPf.paddedFromMusic type NodeId = Int -- cf. PlayEasy type NodeIdGen a = IdGen.T NodeId a type T time = TimeListPad.T time (NodeId, Maybe (time, Note.T)) eventsFromNotes, eventsFromNotesQueue, eventsFromNotesEither :: (NonNeg.C time) => PfBE.Padded time Note.T -> NodeIdGen (T time) eventsFromNotes = eventsFromNotesEither eventsFromNotesQueue = eventsFromNotesQueueAux TimeList.empty {- | This variant does not need a list of 'Either's, instead it uses two separate lists for start and stop events. We would like to use a standard datatype for priority queues, however it must be efficient to remove the first element which means that the time stamp of all following elements must be decreased. Since we have no such data structure, we simply use a TimeList. But then again, without the 'Either' list, we have to merge the queue of stop events and the list of start events manually. This makes the implementation less beautiful. -} eventsFromNotesQueueAux :: (NonNeg.C time) => TimeList.T time NodeId -> PfBE.Padded time Note.T -> NodeIdGen (T time) eventsFromNotesQueueAux queue xtt = let (qExists, (~(qTime,oldSId), qs)) = maybe (False, (error "no q", error "no qs")) (\q' -> (True, q')) (TimeList.viewL queue) (xTime,xs0) = TimeListPad.viewTimeL xtt (xExists, (note, xs)) = maybe (False, (error "no x", error "no xs")) (\x' -> (True, x')) (TimeListPad.viewBodyL xs0) qFirst = do oldSId fmap (TimeListPad.cons qTime (oldSId, Nothing)) (eventsFromNotesQueueAux qs (TimeListPad.decreaseStart qTime xtt)) xFirst = do newSId <- IdGen.alloc let noteDur = PfBE.eventDur note fmap (TimeListPad.cons xTime (newSId, Just (noteDur, PfBE.eventNote note))) (eventsFromNotesQueueAux (TimeList.insert noteDur newSId (TimeList.decreaseStart xTime queue)) xs) in if qExists && (not xExists || qTime <= xTime) then qFirst else if xExists then xFirst else return (TimeListPad.pause xTime) eventsFromNotesEither = eventsFromNotesEitherAux . TimeListPad.mapBody Right {- It seems not to be possible to implement that with foldM, because one recursive call to eventsFromNotes requires modifying the events list. -} eventsFromNotesEitherAux :: (NonNeg.C time) => TimeListPad.T time (Either NodeId (PfBE.Event time Note.T)) -> NodeIdGen (T time) eventsFromNotesEitherAux = (\ (dur, xss) -> fmap (TimeListPad.consTime dur) $ maybe (return TimeListPad.empty) (\(x,xs) -> let doRest ev restAct = fmap (TimeListPad.consBody ev) restAct in either (\sid -> do sid doRest (sid, Nothing) (eventsFromNotesEitherAux xs)) (\note -> do sid <- IdGen.alloc let noteDur = PfBE.eventDur note doRest (sid, Just (noteDur, PfBE.eventNote note)) (eventsFromNotesEitherAux (TimeListPad.insert noteDur (Left sid) xs))) x) $ TimeListPad.viewBodyL xss) . TimeListPad.viewTimeL instrStartNodeId :: NodeId instrStartNodeId = 2 -- succ Sound.SC3.Server.Play.homeId fixNodeIds :: NodeIdGen a -> a fixNodeIds = instrStartNodeId fromMusic :: (Ord note, NonNeg.C time, RealFrac time) => Note.FromNote time note -> Music.T note -> NodeIdGen (T time) fromMusic makeNote = eventsFromNotes . PfBE.fromPaddedPerformance makeNote . FancyPf.paddedFromMusic {- needed for Play.Install, Play.Channel, Live -} {- fromRhythmicMusic :: (Show drum, Show instr, Ord drum, Ord instr, Floating time, RealFrac time) => RhyMusic.T drum instr -> NodeIdGen (T time) fromRhythmicMusic = fromMusic (Note.fromRhythmicNote show show) -} fromRhythmicMusicWithAttributes :: (Ord drum, Ord instr, NonNeg.C time, Floating time, RealFrac time) => InstrMap.ToSound drum -> InstrMap.ToSound instr -> RhyMusic.T drum instr -> NodeIdGen (T time) fromRhythmicMusicWithAttributes dMap iMap = fromMusic (Note.fromRhythmicNoteWithAttributes dMap iMap)