{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Haskore.Interface.Signal.Write where {- What does the MIDI volume mean? First one must distinguish between the velocity (this is the force when playing) and the volume. The meaning of velocity depends on the instrument. By digitizing sounds from the Yamaha SY-35 I found out that an increase of the MIDI volume by 16 doubles the amplitude, i.e. 16 steps correspond to 3 dB. -} import qualified Haskore.Interface.Signal.InstrumentMap as InstrMap import qualified Haskore.Interface.Signal.Note as Note import qualified Haskore.Music as Music import qualified Haskore.Music.Rhythmic as RhyMusic import qualified Haskore.Performance as Performance import qualified Haskore.Performance.Player as Player import qualified Haskore.Performance.Context as Context import qualified Haskore.Performance.BackEnd as PerformanceBE import qualified Haskore.Performance.Default as DefltPf -- import qualified Haskore.Basic.Pitch as Pitch import qualified Haskore.Basic.Tempo as Tempo import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeBody as EventList -- import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Class as NonNeg import qualified Number.NonNegative as NonNegW import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Signal as Sig import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Cut as Cut import Data.Tuple.HT (mapSnd, ) import qualified Algebra.Module as Module import qualified Algebra.RealField as RealField import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive import Algebra.Module((*>)) import PreludeBase import NumericPrelude import Prelude (RealFrac, Fractional, Floating, ) type Time = Double type Volume = Double type NonNegTime = NonNegW.Double {- | Convert a standard music into a list of numeric values that represent a mono or stereo audio signal. -} fromRhythmicMusic :: (RealFrac time, Floating time, RealField.C time, Module.C dyn v, Fractional dyn, RealField.C dyn, Ord instr, Ord drum) => time -> InstrMap.InstrumentTable time v instr -> (Player.Name -> Player.T (NonNegW.T time) dyn (RhyMusic.Note drum instr)) -> Context.T (NonNegW.T time) dyn (RhyMusic.Note drum instr) -> RhyMusic.T drum instr -> Sig.T v fromRhythmicMusic sampleRate instrMap = fromMusic sampleRate (Note.fromRhythmicNote undefined (InstrMap.lookup instrMap)) {- | Convert a generic music into an audio signal. -} fromMusic :: (RealFrac time, Floating time, RealField.C time, Additive.C v, Ord dyn, Fractional dyn, Ord note) => time -> Note.FromNote time dyn v note -> (Player.Name -> Player.T (NonNegW.T time) dyn note) -> Context.T (NonNegW.T time) dyn note -> Music.T note -> Sig.T v fromMusic sampleRate noteMap pMap con = fromPerformance sampleRate noteMap . Performance.fromMusic pMap con fromPerformance :: (RealFrac time, Floating time, RealField.C time, Additive.C v, Ord note) => time -> Note.FromNote time dyn v note -> Performance.T (NonNegW.T time) dyn note -> Sig.T v fromPerformance sampleRate noteMap = Cut.arrange . EventList.resample (NonNegW.fromNumberMsg "Signal.Write.fromPerformance" sampleRate) . EventList.mapBody (eventToPiece sampleRate) . PerformanceBE.fromPerformance noteMap {- | Convert a generic note the sound of a single tone. -} eventToPiece :: (RealFrac time, Floating time, RealField.C time) => time -> PerformanceBE.Event (NonNegW.T time) (Note.T time v) -> Sig.T v eventToPiece sampleRate event = let dur = PerformanceBE.eventDur event sound = PerformanceBE.eventNote event in take (round (sampleRate * NonNegW.toNumber dur)) (Note.toSignal sound sampleRate) {- | can be used to turn an instrument mapper -} detuneTone :: Ring.C time => time -> (time -> time -> Sig.T v) -> (time -> time -> Sig.T v) detuneTone detune noteToSignal = \ sampleRate freq -> noteToSignal sampleRate (freq * detune) detuneInstrs :: Ring.C time => time -> [(name, time -> time -> Sig.T v)] -> [(name, time -> time -> Sig.T v)] detuneInstrs detune = map (mapSnd (detuneTone detune)) amplify :: Module.C a v => a -> (time -> time -> Sig.T v) -> (time -> time -> Sig.T v) amplify v sig sampleRate freq = map (v*>) (sig sampleRate freq) {- nonNegTimeInstr :: (time -> time -> Sig.T v) -> (NonNegW.T time -> NonNegW.T time -> Sig.T v) nonNegTimeInstr f sampleRate freq = f (NonNegW.toNumber sampleRate) (NonNegW.toNumber freq) -} contextMetro :: Time -> Music.Dur -> Context.T NonNegTime Volume note contextMetro setting dur = Context.setDur (Tempo.metro (NonNegW.fromNumberMsg "Signal.Write.contextMetro" setting) dur) $ DefltPf.context