-- to be found A.B.testcase module A.B.testcase(module System.FilePath.Windows) where import asdf -- to be found Request -- to be found Request2 -- to be found rqBody -- to be found rqMethod -- to be found rqPeer -- to be found Request3 data Request = Request2 { rqMethod::Method, rqBody :: RqBody, rqPeer :: Host } | Request3 deriving(Show,Read,Typeable) -- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1184 -- ! Convert Bool into another monad -- to be found boolM boolM False = mzero -- to be found sadlkfj sadlkfj = 7 -- to be found onlyTheFirstOne onlyTheFirstOne (x:xs) = 8 onlyTheFirstOne [] = 8 -- to be found AC AC a b c d e f g = 7 -- to be found abc abc = let a = 7 b = 8 in a + b where x = 34 o = 423 -- to be found BB -- to be found AA AA, BB :: Int -- to be found foo ad `foo` oh = 90 -- to be found X -- to be found xyz class (A a) => X a where xyz :: dummy -- to be found Z -- to be found o class (A a) => Z a where o :: Int -- to be found ABC newtype ABC = Int -- to be found DBM newtype IE.ISession sess => DBM mark sess a = DBM (ReaderT sess IO a) -- TODO -- to be found (=~) (=~) :: (Regex rho) => String -> rho -> Bool -- not to be found join -- to be found runGetState runGetState m str off = case unGet m (mkState str off) of (a, ~(S s ss newOff)) -> (a, s `join` ss, newOff) -- to be found SAA newtype Symbol = SAA String -- to be found value -- not to be found valuex value = reference <|> (Value `valuex` number) -- to be found assertEqual assertEqual :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> Assertion assertEqual preface expected actual = -- to be found CheckedException -- to be found checkedException newtype CheckedException l = CheckedException {checkedException::SomeException} deriving (Typeable) -- to be found Throws class Exception e => Throws e l