{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} -- | First-class control-flow (based on Variant) module Haskus.Utils.Flow ( Flow , IOV , MonadIO (..) , MonadInIO (..) -- * Flow utils , flowRes , flowSingle , flowSetN , flowSet , flowLift , flowToCont , flowTraverse , flowFor , flowTraverseFilter , flowForFilter , Liftable , Catchable , MaybeCatchable -- * Non-variant single operations , (|>) , (<|) , (||>) , (<||) -- * Monadic/applicative operators , when , unless , guard , void , forever , foldM , foldM_ , forM , forM_ , mapM , mapM_ , sequence , replicateM , replicateM_ , filterM , join , (<=<) , (>=>) -- * Named operators , flowMap , flowBind , flowBind' , flowMatch , flowMatchFail -- * First element operations , (.~.>) , (>.~.>) , (.~+>) , (>.~+>) , (.~^^>) , (>.~^^>) , (.~^>) , (>.~^>) , (.~$>) , (>.~$>) , (.~|>) , (>.~|>) , (.~=>) , (>.~=>) , (.~!>) , (>.~!>) , (.~!!>) , (>.~!!>) -- * First element, pure variant , (.-.>) , (>.-.>) , (<.-.) , (<.-.<) -- * Functor, applicative equivalents , (<$<) , (<*<) , (<|<) -- * First element, const variant , (.~~.>) , (>.~~.>) , (.~~+>) , (>.~~+>) , (.~~^^>) , (>.~~^^>) , (.~~^>) , (>.~~^>) , (.~~$>) , (>.~~$>) , (.~~|>) , (>.~~|>) , (.~~=>) , (>.~~=>) , (.~~!>) , (>.~~!>) -- * Tail operations , (..~.>) , (>..~.>) , (..-.>) , (>..-.>) , (..-..>) , (>..-..>) , (..~..>) , (>..~..>) , (..~^^>) , (>..~^^>) , (..~^>) , (>..~^>) , (..~=>) , (>..~=>) , (..~!>) , (>..~!>) , (..~!!>) , (>..~!!>) -- * Tail catch operations , (..%~^>) , (>..%~^>) , (..%~^^>) , (>..%~^^>) , (..%~$>) , (>..%~$>) , (..%~!!>) , (>..%~!!>) , (..%~!>) , (>..%~!>) , (..?~^>) , (>..?~^>) , (..?~^^>) , (>..?~^^>) , (..?~$>) , (>..?~$>) , (..?~!!>) , (>..?~!!>) , (..?~!>) , (>..?~!>) -- * Caught element operations , (%~.>) , (>%~.>) , (%~+>) , (>%~+>) , (%~^^>) , (>%~^^>) , (%~^>) , (>%~^>) , (%~$>) , (>%~$>) , (%~|>) , (>%~|>) , (%~=>) , (>%~=>) , (%~!>) , (>%~!>) , (%~!!>) , (>%~!!>) , (?~.>) , (>?~.>) , (?~+>) , (>?~+>) , (?~^^>) , (>?~^^>) , (?~^>) , (>?~^>) , (?~$>) , (>?~$>) , (?~|>) , (>?~|>) , (?~=>) , (>?~=>) , (?~!>) , (>?~!>) , (?~!!>) , (>?~!!>) -- * Helpers , makeFlowOp , makeFlowOpM , selectTail , selectFirst , selectType , applyConst , applyPure , applyM , applyF , combineFirst , combineSameTail , combineEither , combineConcat , combineUnion , combineLiftUnselected , combineLiftBoth , combineSingle , liftV , liftF ) where import Haskus.Utils.Variant import Haskus.Utils.Types import Haskus.Utils.Types.List import Haskus.Utils.Monad import Haskus.Utils.ContFlow -- | Control-flow type Flow m (l :: [*]) = m (Variant l) type IOV l = Flow IO l ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Flow utils ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Return in the first element flowSetN :: forall (n :: Nat) xs m. ( Monad m , KnownNat n ) => Index n xs -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE flowSetN #-} flowSetN = return . setVariantN @n -- | Return in the first well-typed element flowSet :: (Member x xs, Monad m) => x -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE flowSet #-} flowSet = return . setVariant -- | Return a single element flowSingle :: Monad m => x -> Flow m '[x] {-# INLINE flowSingle #-} flowSingle = flowSetN @0 -- | Lift a flow into another flowLift :: (Liftable xs ys , Monad m) => Flow m xs -> Flow m ys {-# INLINE flowLift #-} flowLift = fmap liftVariant -- | Lift a flow into a ContFlow flowToCont :: (ContVariant xs, Monad m) => Flow m xs -> ContFlow xs (m r) flowToCont = variantToContM -- | Traverse a list and stop on first error flowTraverse :: forall m a b xs. ( Monad m ) => (a -> Flow m (b ': xs)) -> [a] -> Flow m ([b] ': xs) flowTraverse f = go (flowSetN @0 []) where go :: Flow m ([b] ': xs) -> [a] -> Flow m ([b] ': xs) go rs [] = rs >.-.> reverse go rs (a:as) = go rs' as where -- execute (f a) if previous execution succedded. -- prepend the result to the list rs' = rs >.~$> \bs -> (f a >.-.> (:bs)) -- | Traverse a list and stop on first error flowFor :: forall m a b xs. ( Monad m ) => [a] -> (a -> Flow m (b ': xs)) -> Flow m ([b] ': xs) flowFor = flip flowTraverse -- | Traverse a list and return only valid values flowTraverseFilter :: forall m a b xs. ( Monad m ) => (a -> Flow m (b ': xs)) -> [a] -> m [b] flowTraverseFilter f = go where go :: [a] -> m [b] go [] = return [] go (a:as) = do f a >.~.> (\b -> (b:) <$> go as) >..~.> const (go as) -- | Traverse a list and return only valid values flowForFilter :: forall m a b xs. ( Monad m ) => [a] -> (a -> Flow m (b ': xs)) -> m [b] flowForFilter = flip flowTraverseFilter -- | Extract single flow result flowRes :: Functor m => Flow m '[x] -> m x {-# INLINE flowRes #-} flowRes = fmap singleVariant -- | Lift an operation on a Variant into an operation on a flow liftm :: Monad m => (Variant x -> a -> m b) -> Flow m x -> a -> m b {-# INLINE liftm #-} liftm op x a = do x' <- x op x' a ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Single element not wrapped into a variant ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Apply a function (|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b {-# INLINE (|>) #-} x |> f = f x infixl 0 |> -- | Apply a function (<|) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b {-# INLINE (<|) #-} f <| x = f x infixr 0 <| -- | Apply a function in a Functor (||>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b {-# INLINE (||>) #-} x ||> f = fmap f x infixl 0 ||> -- | Apply a function in a Functor (<||) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b {-# INLINE (<||) #-} f <|| x = fmap f x infixr 0 <|| ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Named operators ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Map a pure function onto the correct value in the flow flowMap :: Monad m => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (x -> y) -> Flow m (y ': xs) {-# INLINE flowMap #-} flowMap = (>.-.>) -- | Bind two flows in a monadish way (error types union) flowBind :: forall xs ys zs m x. ( Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union xs ys , Monad m ) => Flow m (x ': ys) -> (x -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE flowBind #-} flowBind = (>.~|>) -- | Bind two flows in a monadic way (constant error types) flowBind' :: Monad m => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (x -> Flow m (y ': xs)) -> Flow m (y ': xs) {-# INLINE flowBind' #-} flowBind' = (>.~$>) -- | Match a value in a flow flowMatch :: forall x xs zs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m zs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE flowMatch #-} flowMatch = (>%~^>) -- | Match a value in a flow and use a non-returning failure in this case flowMatchFail :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> m ()) -> Flow m (Filter x xs) {-# INLINE flowMatchFail #-} flowMatchFail = (>%~!!>) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- First element operations ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Extract the first value, set the first value (.~.>) :: forall m l x a. ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (a -> m x) -> Flow m (x ': l) {-# INLINE (.~.>) #-} (.~.>) v f = makeFlowOp selectFirst (applyM f) combineFirst v infixl 0 .~.> -- | Extract the first value, set the first value (>.~.>) :: forall m l x a. ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (a -> m x) -> Flow m (x ': l) {-# INLINE (>.~.>) #-} (>.~.>) = liftm (.~.>) infixl 0 >.~.> -- | Extract the first value, concat the result (.~+>) :: forall (k :: Nat) m l l2 a. ( KnownNat k , k ~ Length l2 , Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (a -> Flow m l2) -> Flow m (Concat l2 l) {-# INLINE (.~+>) #-} (.~+>) v f = makeFlowOp selectFirst (applyF f) combineConcat v infixl 0 .~+> -- | Extract the first value, concat the results (>.~+>) :: forall (k :: Nat) m l l2 a. ( KnownNat k , k ~ Length l2 , Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (a -> Flow m l2) -> Flow m (Concat l2 l) {-# INLINE (>.~+>) #-} (>.~+>) = liftm (.~+>) infixl 0 >.~+> -- | Extract the first value, lift both (.~^^>) :: forall m a xs ys zs. ( Monad m , Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Variant (a ': ys) -> (a -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (.~^^>) #-} (.~^^>) v f = makeFlowOp selectFirst (applyF f) combineLiftBoth v infixl 0 .~^^> -- | Extract the first value, lift both (>.~^^>) :: forall m a xs ys zs. ( Monad m , Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Flow m (a ': ys) -> (a -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>.~^^>) #-} (>.~^^>) = liftm (.~^^>) infixl 0 >.~^^> -- | Extract the first value, lift unselected (.~^>) :: forall m a ys zs. ( Monad m , Liftable ys zs ) => Variant (a ': ys) -> (a -> Flow m zs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (.~^>) #-} (.~^>) v f = makeFlowOp selectFirst (applyF f) combineLiftUnselected v infixl 0 .~^> -- | Extract the first value, lift unselected (>.~^>) :: forall m a ys zs. ( Monad m , Liftable ys zs ) => Flow m (a ': ys) -> (a -> Flow m zs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>.~^>) #-} (>.~^>) = liftm (.~^>) infixl 0 >.~^> -- | Extract the first value, use the same tail (.~$>) :: forall m x xs a. ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m (x ': xs)) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (.~$>) #-} (.~$>) v f = makeFlowOp selectFirst (applyF f) combineSameTail v infixl 0 .~$> -- | Extract the first value, use the same tail (>.~$>) :: forall m x xs a. ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m (x ': xs)) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (>.~$>) #-} (>.~$>) = liftm (.~$>) infixl 0 >.~$> -- | Take the first output, union the result (.~|>) :: ( Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union xs ys , Monad m ) => Variant (a ': ys) -> (a -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (.~|>) #-} (.~|>) v f = makeFlowOp selectFirst (applyF f) combineUnion v infixl 0 .~|> -- | Take the first output, fusion the result (>.~|>) :: ( Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union xs ys , Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': ys) -> (a -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>.~|>) #-} (>.~|>) = liftm (.~|>) infixl 0 >.~|> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. Passthrough the input value (.~=>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (a -> m ()) -> Flow m (a ': l) {-# INLINE (.~=>) #-} (.~=>) v f = case headVariant v of Right u -> f u >> return v Left _ -> return v infixl 0 .~=> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. Passthrough the input value (>.~=>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (a -> m ()) -> Flow m (a ': l) {-# INLINE (>.~=>) #-} (>.~=>) = liftm (.~=>) infixl 0 >.~=> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. (.~!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (a -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (.~!>) #-} (.~!>) v f = case headVariant v of Right u -> f u Left _ -> return () infixl 0 .~!> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. (>.~!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (a -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (>.~!>) #-} (>.~!>) = liftm (.~!>) infixl 0 >.~!> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. (.~!!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (a -> m ()) -> m (Variant l) {-# INLINE (.~!!>) #-} (.~!!>) v f = case headVariant v of Right u -> f u >> error ".~!!> error" Left l -> return l infixl 0 .~!!> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. (>.~!!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (a -> m ()) -> m (Variant l) {-# INLINE (>.~!!>) #-} (>.~!!>) = liftm (.~!!>) infixl 0 >.~!!> ---------------------------------------------------------- -- First element, pure variant ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Extract the first value, set the first value (.-.>) :: forall m l x a. ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (a -> x) -> Flow m (x ': l) {-# INLINE (.-.>) #-} (.-.>) v f = makeFlowOp selectFirst (applyPure (liftV f)) combineFirst v infixl 0 .-.> -- | Extract the first value, set the first value (>.-.>) :: forall m l x a. ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (a -> x) -> Flow m (x ': l) {-# INLINE (>.-.>) #-} (>.-.>) = liftm (.-.>) infixl 0 >.-.> -- | Extract the first value, set the first value (<.-.) :: forall m l x a. ( Monad m ) => (a -> x) -> Variant (a ': l) -> Flow m (x ': l) {-# INLINE (<.-.) #-} (<.-.) = flip (.-.>) infixr 0 <.-. -- | Extract the first value, set the first value (<.-.<) :: forall m l x a. ( Monad m ) => (a -> x) -> Flow m (a ': l) -> Flow m (x ': l) {-# INLINE (<.-.<) #-} (<.-.<) = flip (>.-.>) infixr 0 <.-.< ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Functor, applicative ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Functor <$> equivalent (<$<) :: forall m l a b. ( Monad m ) => (a -> b) -> Flow m (a ': l) -> Flow m (b ': l) {-# INLINE (<$<) #-} (<$<) = (<.-.<) infixl 4 <$< -- | Applicative <*> equivalent (<*<) :: forall m l a b. ( Monad m ) => Flow m ((a -> b) ': l) -> Flow m (a ': l) -> Flow m (b ': l) {-# INLINE (<*<) #-} (<*<) mf mg = mf >.~$> (mg >.-.>) infixl 4 <*< -- | Applicative <*> equivalent, with error union (<|<) :: forall m xs ys zs y z. ( Monad m , Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union xs ys ) => Flow m ((y -> z) ': xs) -> Flow m (y ': ys) -> Flow m (z ': zs) {-# INLINE (<|<) #-} (<|<) mf mg = mf >..-..> liftVariant >.~$> (\f -> mg >..-..> liftVariant >.-.> f ) infixl 4 <|< ---------------------------------------------------------- -- First element, const variant ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Extract the first value, set the first value (.~~.>) :: forall m l x a. ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> m x -> Flow m (x ': l) {-# INLINE (.~~.>) #-} (.~~.>) v f = v .~.> const f infixl 0 .~~.> -- | Extract the first value, set the first value (>.~~.>) :: forall m l x a. ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> m x -> Flow m (x ': l) {-# INLINE (>.~~.>) #-} (>.~~.>) = liftm (.~~.>) infixl 0 >.~~.> -- | Extract the first value, concat the result (.~~+>) :: forall (k :: Nat) m l l2 a. ( KnownNat k , k ~ Length l2 , Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> Flow m l2 -> Flow m (Concat l2 l) {-# INLINE (.~~+>) #-} (.~~+>) v f = v .~+> const f infixl 0 .~~+> -- | Extract the first value, concat the results (>.~~+>) :: forall (k :: Nat) m l l2 a. ( KnownNat k , k ~ Length l2 , Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> Flow m l2 -> Flow m (Concat l2 l) {-# INLINE (>.~~+>) #-} (>.~~+>) = liftm (.~~+>) infixl 0 >.~~+> -- | Extract the first value, lift the result (.~~^^>) :: forall m a xs ys zs. ( Monad m , Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Variant (a ': ys) -> Flow m xs -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (.~~^^>) #-} (.~~^^>) v f = v .~^^> const f infixl 0 .~~^^> -- | Extract the first value, lift the result (>.~~^^>) :: forall m a xs ys zs. ( Monad m , Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Flow m (a ': ys) -> Flow m xs -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>.~~^^>) #-} (>.~~^^>) = liftm (.~~^^>) infixl 0 >.~~^^> -- | Extract the first value, connect to the expected output (.~~^>) :: forall m a ys zs. ( Monad m , Liftable ys zs ) => Variant (a ': ys) -> Flow m zs -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (.~~^>) #-} (.~~^>) v f = v .~^> const f infixl 0 .~~^> -- | Extract the first value, connect to the expected output (>.~~^>) :: forall m a ys zs. ( Monad m , Liftable ys zs ) => Flow m (a ': ys) -> Flow m zs -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>.~~^>) #-} (>.~~^>) = liftm (.~~^>) infixl 0 >.~~^> -- | Extract the first value, use the same output type (.~~$>) :: forall m x xs a. ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': xs) -> Flow m (x ': xs) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (.~~$>) #-} (.~~$>) v f = v .~$> const f infixl 0 .~~$> -- | Extract the first value, use the same output type (>.~~$>) :: forall m x xs a. ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': xs) -> Flow m (x ': xs) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (>.~~$>) #-} (>.~~$>) = liftm (.~~$>) infixl 0 >.~~$> -- | Take the first output, fusion the result (.~~|>) :: ( Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union xs ys , Monad m ) => Variant (a ': ys) -> Flow m xs -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (.~~|>) #-} (.~~|>) v f = v .~|> const f infixl 0 .~~|> -- | Take the first output, fusion the result (>.~~|>) :: ( Liftable xs zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union xs ys , Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': ys) -> Flow m xs -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>.~~|>) #-} (>.~~|>) = liftm (.~~|>) infixl 0 >.~~|> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. Passthrough the input value (.~~=>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> m () -> Flow m (a ': l) {-# INLINE (.~~=>) #-} (.~~=>) v f = v .~=> const f infixl 0 .~~=> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. Passthrough the input value (>.~~=>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> m () -> Flow m (a ': l) {-# INLINE (>.~~=>) #-} (>.~~=>) = liftm (.~~=>) infixl 0 >.~~=> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. (.~~!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> m () -> m () {-# INLINE (.~~!>) #-} (.~~!>) v f = v .~!> const f infixl 0 .~~!> -- | Extract the first value and perform effect. (>.~~!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> m () -> m () {-# INLINE (>.~~!>) #-} (>.~~!>) = liftm (.~~!>) infixl 0 >.~~!> ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Tail operations ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Extract the tail, set the first value (..~.>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> m a) -> m a {-# INLINE (..~.>) #-} (..~.>) v f = makeFlowOp selectTail (applyVM f) combineSingle v infixl 0 ..~.> -- | Extract the tail, set the first value (>..~.>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> m a) -> m a {-# INLINE (>..~.>) #-} (>..~.>) = liftm (..~.>) infixl 0 >..~.> -- | Extract the tail, set the first value (pure function) (..-.>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> a) -> m a {-# INLINE (..-.>) #-} (..-.>) v f = case headVariant v of Right u -> return u Left l -> return (f l) infixl 0 ..-.> -- | Extract the tail, set the first value (pure function) (>..-.>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> a) -> m a {-# INLINE (>..-.>) #-} (>..-.>) = liftm (..-.>) infixl 0 >..-.> -- | Extract the tail, set the tail (..-..>) :: forall a l xs m. ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> Variant xs) -> Flow m (a ': xs) {-# INLINE (..-..>) #-} (..-..>) v f = case headVariant v of Right u -> flowSetN @0 u Left l -> return (prependVariant @'[a] (f l)) infixl 0 ..-..> -- | Extract the tail, set the tail (>..-..>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> Variant xs) -> Flow m (a ': xs) {-# INLINE (>..-..>) #-} (>..-..>) = liftm (..-..>) infixl 0 >..-..> -- | Extract the tail, set the tail (..~..>) :: forall a l xs m. ( Monad m ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m (a ': xs) {-# INLINE (..~..>) #-} (..~..>) v f = case headVariant v of Right u -> flowSetN @0 u Left l -> prependVariant @'[a] <$> f l infixl 0 ..~..> -- | Extract the tail, set the tail (>..~..>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m (a ': xs) {-# INLINE (>..~..>) #-} (>..~..>) = liftm (..~..>) infixl 0 >..~..> -- | Extract the tail, lift the result (..~^^>) :: ( Monad m , Liftable xs (a ': zs) ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m (a ': zs) {-# INLINE (..~^^>) #-} (..~^^>) v f = case headVariant v of Right u -> flowSetN @0 u Left l -> liftVariant <$> f l infixl 0 ..~^^> -- | Extract the tail, lift the result (>..~^^>) :: ( Monad m , Liftable xs (a ': zs) ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m (a ': zs) {-# INLINE (>..~^^>) #-} (>..~^^>) = liftm (..~^^>) infixl 0 >..~^^> -- | Extract the tail, connect the result (..~^>) :: ( Monad m , Member a zs ) => Variant (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> Flow m zs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (..~^>) #-} (..~^>) v f = case headVariant v of Right u -> flowSet u Left l -> f l infixl 0 ..~^> -- | Extract the tail, connect the result (>..~^>) :: ( Monad m , Member a zs ) => Flow m (a ': l) -> (Variant l -> Flow m zs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>..~^>) #-} (>..~^>) = liftm (..~^>) infixl 0 >..~^> -- | Match in the tail, connect to the expected result (..?~^>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) ys ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (x ': ys) {-# INLINE (..?~^>) #-} (..?~^>) v f = v ..~..> (\v' -> v' ?~^> f) infixl 0 ..?~^> -- | Match in the tail, connect to the expected result (>..?~^>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) ys ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (x ': ys) {-# INLINE (>..?~^>) #-} (>..?~^>) = liftm (..?~^>) infixl 0 >..?~^> -- | Match in the tail, connect to the expected result (..%~^>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) ys ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (x ': ys) {-# INLINE (..%~^>) #-} (..%~^>) v f = v ..~..> (\v' -> v' %~^> f) infixl 0 ..%~^> -- | Match in the tail, connect to the expected result (>..%~^>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) ys ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (x ': ys) {-# INLINE (>..%~^>) #-} (>..%~^>) = liftm (..%~^>) infixl 0 >..%~^> -- | Match in the tail, lift to the expected result (..?~^^>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (x ': zs) {-# INLINE (..?~^^>) #-} (..?~^^>) v f = v ..~..> (\v' -> v' ?~^^> f) infixl 0 ..?~^^> -- | Match in the tail, lift to the expected result (>..?~^^>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (x ': zs) {-# INLINE (>..?~^^>) #-} (>..?~^^>) = liftm (..?~^^>) infixl 0 >..?~^^> -- | Match in the tail, lift to the expected result (..%~^^>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (x ': zs) {-# INLINE (..%~^^>) #-} (..%~^^>) v f = v ..~..> (\v' -> v' %~^^> f) infixl 0 ..%~^^> -- | Match in the tail, lift to the expected result (>..%~^^>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (x ': zs) {-# INLINE (>..%~^^>) #-} (>..%~^^>) = liftm (..%~^^>) infixl 0 >..%~^^> -- | Match in the tail, keep the same types (..?~$>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) (x ': xs) ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m (x ': xs)) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (..?~$>) #-} (..?~$>) v f = case headVariant v of Right _ -> return v Left xs -> xs ?~^> f infixl 0 ..?~$> -- | Match in the tail, keep the same types (>..?~$>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) (x ': xs) ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m (x ': xs)) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (>..?~$>) #-} (>..?~$>) = liftm (..?~$>) infixl 0 >..?~$> -- | Match in the tail, keep the same types (..%~$>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) (x ': xs) ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m (x ': xs)) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (..%~$>) #-} (..%~$>) v f = case headVariant v of Right _ -> return v Left xs -> xs %~^> f infixl 0 ..%~$> -- | Match in the tail, keep the same types (>..%~$>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable a xs , Liftable (Filter a xs) (x ': xs) ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (a -> Flow m (x ': xs)) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (>..%~$>) #-} (>..%~$>) = liftm (..%~$>) infixl 0 >..%~$> -- | Extract the tail and perform an effect. Passthrough the input value (..~=>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (Variant xs -> m ()) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (..~=>) #-} (..~=>) v f = case headVariant v of Right _ -> return v Left l -> f l >> return v infixl 0 ..~=> -- | Extract the tail and perform an effect. Passthrough the input value (>..~=>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (Variant xs -> m ()) -> Flow m (x ': xs) {-# INLINE (>..~=>) #-} (>..~=>) = liftm (..~=>) infixl 0 >..~=> -- | Extract the tail and perform an effect (..~!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (Variant xs -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (..~!>) #-} (..~!>) v f = case headVariant v of Right _ -> return () Left l -> f l infixl 0 ..~!> -- | Extract the tail and perform an effect (>..~!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (Variant xs -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (>..~!>) #-} (>..~!>) = liftm (..~!>) infixl 0 >..~!> -- | Extract the tail and perform an effect (..~!!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (Variant xs -> m ()) -> m x {-# INLINE (..~!!>) #-} (..~!!>) v f = case headVariant v of Right x -> return x Left xs -> f xs >> error "..~!!> error" infixl 0 ..~!!> -- | Extract the tail and perform an effect (>..~!!>) :: ( Monad m ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (Variant xs -> m ()) -> m x {-# INLINE (>..~!!>) #-} (>..~!!>) = liftm (..~!!>) infixl 0 >..~!!> -- | Match in the tail and perform an effect (..?~!!>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable y xs ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (y -> m ()) -> Flow m (x ': Filter y xs) {-# INLINE (..?~!!>) #-} (..?~!!>) v f = v ..~..> (\xs -> xs ?~!!> f) infixl 0 ..?~!!> -- | Match in the tail and perform an effect (>..?~!!>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable y xs ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (y -> m ()) -> Flow m (x ': Filter y xs) {-# INLINE (>..?~!!>) #-} (>..?~!!>) = liftm (..?~!!>) infixl 0 >..?~!!> -- | Match in the tail and perform an effect (..%~!!>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable y xs ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (y -> m ()) -> Flow m (x ': Filter y xs) {-# INLINE (..%~!!>) #-} (..%~!!>) v f = v ..~..> (\xs -> xs %~!!> f) infixl 0 ..%~!!> -- | Match in the tail and perform an effect (>..%~!!>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable y xs ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (y -> m ()) -> Flow m (x ': Filter y xs) {-# INLINE (>..%~!!>) #-} (>..%~!!>) = liftm (..%~!!>) infixl 0 >..%~!!> -- | Match in the tail and perform an effect (..?~!>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable y xs ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (y -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (..?~!>) #-} (..?~!>) v f = case headVariant v of Right _ -> return () Left xs -> xs ?~!> f infixl 0 ..?~!> -- | Match in the tail and perform an effect (>..?~!>) :: ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable y xs ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (y -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (>..?~!>) #-} (>..?~!>) = liftm (..?~!>) infixl 0 >..?~!> -- | Match in the tail and perform an effect (..%~!>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable y xs ) => Variant (x ': xs) -> (y -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (..%~!>) #-} (..%~!>) v f = case headVariant v of Right _ -> return () Left xs -> xs %~!> f infixl 0 ..%~!> -- | Match in the tail and perform an effect (>..%~!>) :: ( Monad m , Catchable y xs ) => Flow m (x ': xs) -> (y -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (>..%~!>) #-} (>..%~!>) = liftm (..%~!>) infixl 0 >..%~!> ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Caught element operations ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | Catch element, set the first value (?~.>) :: forall x xs y ys m. ( ys ~ Filter x xs , Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> m y) -> Flow m (y ': ys) {-# INLINE (?~.>) #-} (?~.>) v f = case catchVariantMaybe v of Right x -> flowSetN @0 =<< f x Left ys -> prependVariant @'[y] <$> return ys infixl 0 ?~.> -- | Catch element, set the first value (>?~.>) :: ( ys ~ Filter x xs , Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> m y) -> Flow m (y ': ys) {-# INLINE (>?~.>) #-} (>?~.>) = liftm (?~.>) infixl 0 >?~.> -- | Catch element, set the first value (%~.>) :: forall x xs y ys m. ( ys ~ Filter x xs , Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> m y) -> Flow m (y ': ys) {-# INLINE (%~.>) #-} (%~.>) = (?~.>) infixl 0 %~.> -- | Catch element, set the first value (>%~.>) :: ( ys ~ Filter x xs , Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> m y) -> Flow m (y ': ys) {-# INLINE (>%~.>) #-} (>%~.>) = liftm (%~.>) infixl 0 >%~.> -- | Catch element, concat the result (?~+>) :: forall x xs ys m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs , KnownNat (Length ys) ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (Concat ys (Filter x xs)) {-# INLINE (?~+>) #-} (?~+>) v f = case catchVariantMaybe v of Right x -> appendVariant @(Filter x xs) <$> f x Left ys -> prependVariant @ys <$> return ys infixl 0 ?~+> -- | Catch element, concat the result (>?~+>) :: forall x xs ys m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs , KnownNat (Length ys) ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (Concat ys (Filter x xs)) {-# INLINE (>?~+>) #-} (>?~+>) = liftm (?~+>) infixl 0 >?~+> -- | Catch element, concat the result (%~+>) :: forall x xs ys m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs , KnownNat (Length ys) ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (Concat ys (Filter x xs)) {-# INLINE (%~+>) #-} (%~+>) = (?~+>) infixl 0 %~+> -- | Catch element, concat the result (>%~+>) :: forall x xs ys m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs , KnownNat (Length ys) ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m (Concat ys (Filter x xs)) {-# INLINE (>%~+>) #-} (>%~+>) = liftm (%~+>) infixl 0 >%~+> -- | Catch element, lift the result (?~^^>) :: forall x xs ys zs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (?~^^>) #-} (?~^^>) v f = case catchVariantMaybe v of Right x -> liftVariant <$> f x Left ys -> liftVariant <$> return ys infixl 0 ?~^^> -- | Catch element, lift the result (>?~^^>) :: forall x xs ys zs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>?~^^>) #-} (>?~^^>) = liftm (?~^^>) infixl 0 >?~^^> -- | Catch element, lift the result (%~^^>) :: forall x xs ys zs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (%~^^>) #-} (%~^^>) = (?~^^>) infixl 0 %~^^> -- | Catch element, lift the result (>%~^^>) :: forall x xs ys zs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs , Liftable ys zs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>%~^^>) #-} (>%~^^>) = liftm (%~^^>) infixl 0 >%~^^> -- | Catch element, connect to the expected output (?~^>) :: forall x xs zs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m zs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (?~^>) #-} (?~^>) v f = case catchVariantMaybe v of Right x -> f x Left ys -> return (liftVariant ys) infixl 0 ?~^> -- | Catch element, connect to the expected output (>?~^>) :: forall x xs zs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m zs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>?~^>) #-} (>?~^>) = liftm (?~^>) infixl 0 >?~^> -- | Catch element, connect to the expected output (%~^>) :: forall x xs zs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m zs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (%~^>) #-} (%~^>) = (?~^>) infixl 0 %~^> -- | Catch element, connect to the expected output (>%~^>) :: forall x xs zs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m zs) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>%~^>) #-} (>%~^>) = liftm (%~^>) infixl 0 >%~^> -- | Catch element, use the same output type (?~$>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE (?~$>) #-} (?~$>) v f = case catchVariantMaybe v of Right x -> f x Left _ -> return v infixl 0 ?~$> -- | Catch element, use the same output type (>?~$>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE (>?~$>) #-} (>?~$>) = liftm (?~$>) infixl 0 >?~$> -- | Catch element, use the same output type (%~$>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE (%~$>) #-} (%~$>) = (?~$>) infixl 0 %~$> -- | Catch element, use the same output type (>%~$>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m xs) -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE (>%~$>) #-} (>%~$>) = liftm (%~$>) infixl 0 >%~$> -- | Catch element, fusion the result (?~|>) :: forall x xs ys zs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union (Filter x xs) ys ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (?~|>) #-} (?~|>) v f = case catchVariantMaybe v of Right x -> liftVariant <$> f x Left ys -> return (liftVariant ys) infixl 0 ?~|> -- | Catch element, fusion the result (>?~|>) :: forall x xs ys zs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union (Filter x xs) ys ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>?~|>) #-} (>?~|>) = liftm (?~|>) infixl 0 >?~|> -- | Catch element, fusion the result (%~|>) :: forall x xs ys zs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union (Filter x xs) ys ) => Variant xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (%~|>) #-} (%~|>) = (?~|>) infixl 0 %~|> -- | Catch element, fusion the result (>%~|>) :: forall x xs ys zs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs , Liftable (Filter x xs) zs , Liftable ys zs , zs ~ Union (Filter x xs) ys ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> Flow m ys) -> Flow m zs {-# INLINE (>%~|>) #-} (>%~|>) = liftm (%~|>) infixl 0 >%~|> -- | Catch element and perform effect. Passthrough the input value. (?~=>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> m ()) -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE (?~=>) #-} (?~=>) v f = case catchVariantMaybe v of Right x -> f x >> return v Left _ -> return v infixl 0 ?~=> -- | Catch element and perform effect. Passthrough the input value. (>?~=>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> m ()) -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE (>?~=>) #-} (>?~=>) = liftm (?~=>) infixl 0 >?~=> -- | Catch element and perform effect. Passthrough the input value. (%~=>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> m ()) -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE (%~=>) #-} (%~=>) = (?~=>) infixl 0 %~=> -- | Catch element and perform effect. Passthrough the input value. (>%~=>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> m ()) -> Flow m xs {-# INLINE (>%~=>) #-} (>%~=>) = liftm (%~=>) infixl 0 >%~=> -- | Catch element and perform effect. (?~!>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (?~!>) #-} (?~!>) v f = case catchVariantMaybe v of Right x -> f x Left _ -> return () infixl 0 ?~!> -- | Catch element and perform effect. (>?~!>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (>?~!>) #-} (>?~!>) = liftm (?~!>) infixl 0 >?~!> -- | Catch element and perform effect. (%~!>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (%~!>) #-} (%~!>) = (?~!>) infixl 0 %~!> -- | Catch element and perform effect. (>%~!>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> m ()) -> m () {-# INLINE (>%~!>) #-} (>%~!>) = liftm (%~!>) infixl 0 >%~!> -- | Catch element and perform effect. (?~!!>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> m ()) -> Flow m (Filter x xs) {-# INLINE (?~!!>) #-} (?~!!>) v f = case catchVariantMaybe v of Right x -> f x >> error "?~!!> error" Left u -> return u infixl 0 ?~!!> -- | Catch element and perform effect. (>?~!!>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , MaybeCatchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> m ()) -> Flow m (Filter x xs) {-# INLINE (>?~!!>) #-} (>?~!!>) = liftm (?~!!>) infixl 0 >?~!!> -- | Catch element and perform effect. (%~!!>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> (x -> m ()) -> Flow m (Filter x xs) {-# INLINE (%~!!>) #-} (%~!!>) = (?~!!>) infixl 0 %~!!> -- | Catch element and perform effect. (>%~!!>) :: forall x xs m. ( Monad m , Catchable x xs ) => Flow m xs -> (x -> m ()) -> Flow m (Filter x xs) {-# INLINE (>%~!!>) #-} (>%~!!>) = liftm (%~!!>) infixl 0 >%~!!> -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers -------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Make a flow operator makeFlowOp :: Monad m => (Variant as -> Either (Variant bs) (Variant cs)) -> (Variant cs -> Flow m ds) -> (Either (Variant bs) (Variant ds) -> es) -> Variant as -> m es {-# INLINE makeFlowOp #-} makeFlowOp select apply combine v = combine <$> traverse apply (select v) -- | Make a flow operator makeFlowOpM :: Monad m => (Variant as -> Either (Variant bs) (Variant cs)) -> (Variant cs -> Flow m ds) -> (Either (Variant bs) (Variant ds) -> es) -> Flow m as -> m es {-# INLINE makeFlowOpM #-} makeFlowOpM select apply combine v = v >>= makeFlowOp select apply combine -- | Select the first value selectFirst :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Either (Variant xs) (Variant '[x]) {-# INLINE selectFirst #-} selectFirst = fmap (setVariantN @0) . headVariant -- | Select the tail selectTail :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Either (Variant '[x]) (Variant xs) {-# INLINE selectTail #-} selectTail = flipEither . selectFirst where flipEither (Left x) = Right x flipEither (Right x) = Left x -- | Select by type selectType :: ( Catchable x xs ) => Variant xs -> Either (Variant (Filter x xs)) (Variant '[x]) {-# INLINE selectType #-} selectType = fmap (setVariantN @0) . catchVariant -- | Const application applyConst :: Flow m ys -> (Variant xs -> Flow m ys) {-# INLINE applyConst #-} applyConst = const -- | Pure application applyPure :: Monad m => (Variant xs -> Variant ys) -> Variant xs -> Flow m ys {-# INLINE applyPure #-} applyPure f = return . f -- | Lift a monadic function applyM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Variant '[a] -> Flow m '[b] {-# INLINE applyM #-} applyM = liftF -- | Lift a monadic function applyVM :: Monad m => (Variant a -> m b) -> Variant a -> Flow m '[b] {-# INLINE applyVM #-} applyVM f = fmap (setVariantN @0) . f -- | Lift a monadic function applyF :: (a -> Flow m b) -> Variant '[a] -> Flow m b {-# INLINE applyF #-} applyF f = f . singleVariant -- | Set the first value (the "correct" one) combineFirst :: forall x xs. Either (Variant xs) (Variant '[x]) -> Variant (x ': xs) {-# INLINE combineFirst #-} combineFirst = \case Right x -> appendVariant @xs x Left xs -> prependVariant @'[x] xs -- | Set the first value, keep the same tail type combineSameTail :: forall x xs. Either (Variant xs) (Variant (x ': xs)) -> Variant (x ': xs) {-# INLINE combineSameTail #-} combineSameTail = \case Right x -> x Left xs -> prependVariant @'[x] xs -- | Return the valid variant unmodified combineEither :: Either (Variant xs) (Variant xs) -> Variant xs {-# INLINE combineEither #-} combineEither = \case Right x -> x Left x -> x -- | Concatenate unselected values combineConcat :: forall xs ys. ( KnownNat (Length xs) ) => Either (Variant ys) (Variant xs) -> Variant (Concat xs ys) {-# INLINE combineConcat #-} combineConcat = \case Right xs -> appendVariant @ys xs Left ys -> prependVariant @xs ys -- | Union combineUnion :: ( Liftable xs (Union xs ys) , Liftable ys (Union xs ys) ) => Either (Variant ys) (Variant xs) -> Variant (Union xs ys) {-# INLINE combineUnion #-} combineUnion = \case Right xs -> liftVariant xs Left ys -> liftVariant ys -- | Lift unselected combineLiftUnselected :: ( Liftable ys xs ) => Either (Variant ys) (Variant xs) -> Variant xs {-# INLINE combineLiftUnselected #-} combineLiftUnselected = \case Right xs -> xs Left ys -> liftVariant ys -- | Lift both combineLiftBoth :: ( Liftable ys zs , Liftable xs zs ) => Either (Variant ys) (Variant xs) -> Variant zs {-# INLINE combineLiftBoth #-} combineLiftBoth = \case Right xs -> liftVariant xs Left ys -> liftVariant ys -- | Single value combineSingle :: Either (Variant '[x]) (Variant '[x]) -> x {-# INLINE combineSingle #-} combineSingle = \case Right x -> singleVariant x Left x -> singleVariant x -- | Lift a pure function into a Variant to Variant function liftV :: (a -> b) -> Variant '[a] -> Variant '[b] liftV = updateVariantN @0 -- | Lift a function into a Flow liftF :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Variant '[a] -> Flow m '[b] liftF = updateVariantM @0