{- | This module provides functions to access remote endpoints.
     'runSelectQuery' and 'runAskQuery' may not work if you try to override the output format. See also about 'HGET' and 'HPOST'.

module Database.HaSparqlClient.Queries (runQuery, runSelectQuery, runAskQuery) where

import Network.URI
import Network.HTTP
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Char (toLower)

import Database.HaSparqlClient.Types
import Database.HaSparqlClient.Values

{- | Execute a service. On success returns a string created from the service. By default, the string is a representation in XML, other formats such as Turtle and N3 could be returned by adding the output format from the list of optional parameters. Returns an error message on failure. SPARUL and SPARQL can be performed.
runQuery :: Service -> Method -> IO(Either String String)
runQuery = getSparqlRequest right . constructURI 

{- | Find all possible values for a query of type SELECT and may return several lists of 'BindingValue'. URI, Literal and Blank Nodes are now types in Haskell. If it fails returns an error message. -}
runSelectQuery :: Service ->  Method -> IO(Either String [[BindingValue]])
runSelectQuery =  getSparqlRequest (parse $ parseSparqlVariables >>= parseSparqlResults) . constructURI
-- @
--  select = do
--     res <- runSelectQuery defaultService HPOST
--     case res of
--       Left e -> print $ "Error:" ++ e
--       Right s -> print s
-- @
-- | Return Right True or Right False for a query of type ASK. If it fails returns an error message.
runAskQuery :: Service -> Method -> IO(Either String Bool)
runAskQuery serv m= do 
                                    b <- getSparqlRequest (parse parseSparqlBooleanResult) (constructURI serv) m
                                    case b of
                                        Right x -> case x of
                                                    Just True -> return $ Right True
                                                    Just False -> return $ Right False
                                                    _ -> return $ Left "Boolean binding not found."
                                        Left x -> return $ Left x
-- @
--  ask = do
--     let s = Sparql "http://dbpedia.org/sparql/" query Nothing [] []
--     res <- runAskQuery s HGET
--       where
--         query = "PREFIX prop: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>" ++
--          " ASK { <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Amazon_River> prop:length ?amazon ." ++
--          " <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Nile> prop:length ?nile ." ++
--          "FILTER(?amazon > ?nile) .} "
--     case res of
--       Left e -> print $ "Error:" ++ e
--       Right s -> print s
-- @
-- In case of success makes the request and transforms the result depending on the callback function.
getSparqlRequest :: (String -> Either String b) -> Either String (URI,[ExtraParameters]) -> Method -> IO (Either String b)
getSparqlRequest f u m = case u of
                            Left err -> return $ Left err
                            Right uri -> do
                                              resp <- getRespBody uri m
                                              case resp of
                                                Left err -> return $ Left (show err)
                                                Right rsp -> case rspCode rsp of
                                                                (2,_,_) -> do 
                                                                            let xml = rspBody rsp
                                                                            return $ f xml
                                                                (a,b,c) -> do
                                                                        let rspErr = rspBody rsp
                                                                        return $ Left rspErr

-- This function looks if the Endpoint is a valid URI, then returns the URI and other parameters are fixed and added.                                            
constructURI :: Service -> Either String (URI,[ExtraParameters])                                            
constructURI (Sparql endpoint query defg ng oth) = case parseURI endpoint of
                                                    Nothing -> Left "Bad string for endpoint."
                                                    Just uri -> Right (uri,[("query",query)] ++ defaultgraph defg++ othervars ng ++ filtparams oth)
   othervars lst = [("named-graph-uri",x)|x<-lst]
   defaultgraph dg = case dg of
                        Nothing -> []
                        Just g -> [("default-graph-uri", g)]
   filtparams = filter bool
   bool (a,b)
            |lower a /= "named-graph-uri" && lower a /= "default-graph-uri" = True
            |otherwise = False
   lower = map toLower
quri :: Maybe String
quri = Just "http://www.w3.org/2005/sparql-results#"

-- Find the names for all sparql variables in the XML document.
parseSparqlVariables :: Element -> [String]    
parseSparqlVariables doc = mapMaybe attr (findElements (QName "variable" quri Nothing) doc)

   attr = findAttr (QName "name" Nothing Nothing)

-- Transform the XmlElement recivied from HTTP request with variable's name in lists.
parseSparqlResults :: [String] -> Element -> [[BindingValue]]
parseSparqlResults vars = map (parseSparqlBindings vars) . findElements (QName "result" quri Nothing)

parseSparqlBindings :: [String] -> Element -> [BindingValue]
parseSparqlBindings vars doc = map pVar vars
   pVar v  = maybe Unbound (elementBinding . head . elChildren) $ filterElement (pred v) doc
   pred v e = isJust $ do 
                        a <- findAttr (unqual "name") e
                        guard $ a == v
-- Parse the XML document and returns the Boolean value as Maybe Bool 
parseSparqlBooleanResult  :: Element -> Maybe Bool
parseSparqlBooleanResult doc =  case (findElement (QName "boolean" quri Nothing) doc) of
                                    Just elem -> case (strContent elem) of
                                                    "true" -> Just True
                                                    "false" -> Just False
                                    _ -> Nothing

-- Transform an XML element in a BindingValue.                                                          
elementBinding :: Element -> BindingValue
elementBinding e = case qName (elName e) of
                "uri" -> Database.HaSparqlClient.Types.URI (strContent e)
                "literal" -> case findAttr (unqual "datatype") e of
                                    Just dt -> TypedLiteral (strContent e) dt
                                    Nothing -> case findAttr langAttr e of
                                        Just lang -> LangLiteral (strContent e) lang
                                        Nothing  -> Literal (strContent e)
                "bnode" -> BNode (strContent e)
                _ -> Unbound
    langAttr = blank_name {qName = "lang", qPrefix = Just "xml"}

getRespBody :: (URI,[ExtraParameters]) -> Method -> IO (Either IOError (Response String))
getRespBody u m = catch (simpleHTTP(mountRequest m u) >>= (\(Right rsp) -> return (Right rsp))) (return . Left )

-- Make an HTTP GET or POST, according to the SPARQL protocol, some endpoints do not yet support POST requests. Some SPARQL queries, perhaps machine generated, may be longer than can be reliably conveyed by way of the HTTP GET. In those cases the POST may be used.
mountRequest m (uri,params) = case m of
                HPOST -> (Request uri POST [mkHeader HdrContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", mkHeader HdrAccept accept, mkHeader HdrContentLength (show $ length $ urlEncodeVars params), mkHeader HdrUserAgent "hasparql-client-0.1"] (urlEncodeVars params))
                _ -> insertHeaders [mkHeader HdrAccept accept] (getRequest $ show uri ++ "?" ++ urlEncodeVars params)

-- Parse XML documents depending on the generic function in the argument.                 
parse f s = case parseXMLDoc s of
                Just doc -> Right (f doc)
                Nothing -> Left "Internal error parsing xml results."

right :: b -> Either a b
right = Right

-- Defaults MIME/Types for SPARQL queries. '*/*' for all other possibilities.
accept = "application/sparql-results+xml, application/rdf+xml, */*"