module Hasql.QQ where

import Hasql.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import qualified Hasql.QQ.Parser as Parser
import qualified Hasql.Backend as Backend

-- |
-- Produces a lambda-expression, 
-- which takes as many parameters as there are placeholders in the quoted text
-- and results in an expression of type 'Backend.Statement'. 
-- E.g.:
-- >selectFive :: Statement b
-- >selectFive = [q|SELECT (? + ?)|] 2 3
q :: QuasiQuoter
q = 
    (const $ fail "Pattern context is not supported")
    (const $ fail "Type context is not supported")
    (const $ fail "Declaration context is not supported")

parseExp :: String -> Q Exp
parseExp s =
    n <- either (fail . showString "Parsing failure: ") return (Parser.parse (fromString s))
    return $ statementF s n

-- |
-- An expression of a function with an arbitrary arity, 
-- which produces a "Backend.Statement".
statementF :: String -> Word -> Exp
statementF s n =
  LamE pats exp
    vars = map (mkName . ('_' :) . show) [1 .. n]
    pats = map VarP vars
    exp  = AppE (AppE (ConE '(,)) (LitE (StringL s))) (ListE exps)
        exps = map (AppE (VarE 'Backend.renderValue) . VarE) vars