module Hasql.Query

import Hasql.Prelude
import qualified Hasql.Private.Query as Query
import qualified Hasql.Decoders.Results as Decoders.Results
import qualified Hasql.Decoders as Decoders
import qualified Hasql.Encoders.Params as Encoders.Params
import qualified Hasql.Encoders as Encoders

-- |
-- A specification of a strictly single-statement query, which can be parameterized and prepared.
-- Consists of the following:
-- * SQL template,
-- * params encoder,
-- * result decoder,
-- * a flag, determining whether it should be prepared.
-- The SQL template must be formatted according to Postgres' standard,
-- with any non-ASCII characters of the template encoded using UTF-8.
-- According to the format,
-- parameters must be referred to using the positional notation, as in the following:
-- @$1@, @$2@, @$3@ and etc.
-- Those references must be used to refer to the values of the 'Encoders.Params' encoder.
-- Following is an example of the declaration of a prepared statement with its associated codecs.
-- @
-- selectSum :: Hasql.Query.'Query.Query' (Int64, Int64) Int64
-- selectSum =
--   Hasql.Query.'statement' sql encoder decoder True
--   where
--     sql =
--       "select ($1 + $2)"
--     encoder =
--       'contramap' 'fst' (Hasql.Encoders.'Hasql.Encoders.value' Hasql.Encoders.'Hasql.Encoders.int8') '<>'
--       'contramap' 'snd' (Hasql.Encoders.'Hasql.Encoders.value' Hasql.Encoders.'Hasql.Encoders.int8')
--     decoder =
--       Hasql.Decoders.'Hasql.Decoders.singleRow' (Hasql.Decoders.'Hasql.Decoders.value' Hasql.Decoders.'Hasql.Decoders.int8')
-- @
-- The statement above accepts a product of two parameters of type 'Int64'
-- and produces a single result of type 'Int64'.
{-# INLINE statement #-}
statement :: ByteString -> Encoders.Params a -> Decoders.Result b -> Bool -> Query.Query a b
statement =
  unsafeCoerce Query.statement