-- | -- A DSL for declaration of query parameter encoders. module Hasql.Encoders ( -- * Params Params, unit, value, nullableValue, -- * Value Value, bool, int2, int4, int8, float4, float8, numeric, char, text, bytea, date, timestamp, timestamptz, time, timetz, interval, uuid, inet, json, jsonBytes, jsonb, jsonbBytes, array, enum, unknown, -- * Array Array, arrayValue, arrayNullableValue, arrayDimension, -- ** Insert Many -- $insertMany ) where import Hasql.Private.Prelude hiding (bool) import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as A import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Data as B import qualified Hasql.Private.Encoders.Params as Params import qualified Hasql.Private.Encoders.Value as Value import qualified Hasql.Private.Encoders.Array as Array import qualified Hasql.Private.PTI as PTI import qualified Hasql.Private.Prelude as Prelude -- * Parameters Product Encoder ------------------------- -- | -- Encoder of some representation of the parameters product. -- -- Has instances of 'Contravariant', 'Divisible' and 'Monoid', -- which you can use to compose multiple parameters together. -- E.g., -- -- @ -- someParamsEncoder :: 'Params' (Int64, Maybe Text) -- someParamsEncoder = -- 'contramap' 'fst' ('value' 'int8') '<>' -- 'contramap' 'snd' ('nullableValue' 'text') -- @ -- -- As a general solution for tuples of any arity, instead of 'fst' and 'snd', -- consider the functions of the @contrazip@ family -- from the \"contravariant-extras\" package. -- E.g., here's how you can achieve the same as the above: -- -- @ -- someParamsEncoder :: 'Params' (Int64, Maybe Text) -- someParamsEncoder = -- 'contrazip2' ('value' 'int8') ('nullableValue' 'text') -- @ -- -- Here's how you can implement encoders for custom composite types: -- -- @ -- data Person = -- Person { name :: Text, gender :: Gender, age :: Int } -- -- data Gender = -- Male | Female -- -- personParams :: 'Params' Person -- personParams = -- 'contramap' name ('value' 'text') '<>' -- 'contramap' gender ('value' genderValue) '<>' -- 'contramap' (fromIntegral . age) ('value' 'int8') -- -- genderValue :: 'Value' Gender -- genderValue = -- 'contramap' genderText 'text' -- where -- genderText gender = -- case gender of -- Male -> "male" -- Female -> "female" -- @ -- newtype Params a = Params (Params.Params a) deriving (Contravariant, Divisible, Decidable, Monoid, Semigroup) -- | -- Encode no parameters. -- {-# INLINABLE unit #-} unit :: Params () unit = Params mempty -- | -- Lift an individual value encoder to a parameters encoder. -- {-# INLINABLE value #-} value :: Value a -> Params a value (Value x) = Params (Params.value x) -- | -- Lift an individual nullable value encoder to a parameters encoder. -- {-# INLINABLE nullableValue #-} nullableValue :: Value a -> Params (Maybe a) nullableValue (Value x) = Params (Params.nullableValue x) -- ** Instances ------------------------- -- | -- Maps to 'unit'. instance Default (Params ()) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = unit instance Default (Value a) => Default (Params (Identity a)) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = contramap runIdentity (value def) instance (Default (Value a1), Default (Value a2)) => Default (Params (a1, a2)) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = contrazip2 (value def) (value def) instance (Default (Value a1), Default (Value a2), Default (Value a3)) => Default (Params (a1, a2, a3)) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = contrazip3 (value def) (value def) (value def) instance (Default (Value a1), Default (Value a2), Default (Value a3), Default (Value a4)) => Default (Params (a1, a2, a3, a4)) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = contrazip4 (value def) (value def) (value def) (value def) instance (Default (Value a1), Default (Value a2), Default (Value a3), Default (Value a4), Default (Value a5)) => Default (Params (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = contrazip5 (value def) (value def) (value def) (value def) (value def) -- * Value Encoder ------------------------- -- | -- An individual value encoder. -- Will be mapped to a single placeholder in the query. -- newtype Value a = Value (Value.Value a) deriving (Contravariant) -- | -- Encoder of @BOOL@ values. {-# INLINABLE bool #-} bool :: Value Bool bool = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.bool (const A.bool)) -- | -- Encoder of @INT2@ values. {-# INLINABLE int2 #-} int2 :: Value Int16 int2 = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.int2 (const A.int2_int16)) -- | -- Encoder of @INT4@ values. {-# INLINABLE int4 #-} int4 :: Value Int32 int4 = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.int4 (const A.int4_int32)) -- | -- Encoder of @INT8@ values. {-# INLINABLE int8 #-} int8 :: Value Int64 int8 = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.int8 (const A.int8_int64)) -- | -- Encoder of @FLOAT4@ values. {-# INLINABLE float4 #-} float4 :: Value Float float4 = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.float4 (const A.float4)) -- | -- Encoder of @FLOAT8@ values. {-# INLINABLE float8 #-} float8 :: Value Double float8 = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.float8 (const A.float8)) -- | -- Encoder of @NUMERIC@ values. {-# INLINABLE numeric #-} numeric :: Value B.Scientific numeric = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.numeric (const A.numeric)) -- | -- Encoder of @CHAR@ values. -- Note that it supports UTF-8 values and -- identifies itself under the @TEXT@ OID because of that. {-# INLINABLE char #-} char :: Value Char char = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.text (const A.char_utf8)) -- | -- Encoder of @TEXT@ values. {-# INLINABLE text #-} text :: Value Text text = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.text (const A.text_strict)) -- | -- Encoder of @BYTEA@ values. {-# INLINABLE bytea #-} bytea :: Value ByteString bytea = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.bytea (const A.bytea_strict)) -- | -- Encoder of @DATE@ values. {-# INLINABLE date #-} date :: Value B.Day date = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.date (const A.date)) -- | -- Encoder of @TIMESTAMP@ values. {-# INLINABLE timestamp #-} timestamp :: Value B.LocalTime timestamp = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.timestamp (Prelude.bool A.timestamp_float A.timestamp_int)) -- | -- Encoder of @TIMESTAMPTZ@ values. {-# INLINABLE timestamptz #-} timestamptz :: Value B.UTCTime timestamptz = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.timestamptz (Prelude.bool A.timestamptz_float A.timestamptz_int)) -- | -- Encoder of @TIME@ values. {-# INLINABLE time #-} time :: Value B.TimeOfDay time = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.time (Prelude.bool A.time_float A.time_int)) -- | -- Encoder of @TIMETZ@ values. {-# INLINABLE timetz #-} timetz :: Value (B.TimeOfDay, B.TimeZone) timetz = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.timetz (Prelude.bool A.timetz_float A.timetz_int)) -- | -- Encoder of @INTERVAL@ values. {-# INLINABLE interval #-} interval :: Value B.DiffTime interval = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.interval (Prelude.bool A.interval_float A.interval_int)) -- | -- Encoder of @UUID@ values. {-# INLINABLE uuid #-} uuid :: Value B.UUID uuid = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.uuid (const A.uuid)) -- | -- Encoder of @INET@ values. {-# INLINABLE inet #-} inet :: Value (B.NetAddr B.IP) inet = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.inet (const A.inet)) -- | -- Encoder of @JSON@ values from JSON AST. {-# INLINABLE json #-} json :: Value B.Value json = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.json (const A.json_ast)) -- | -- Encoder of @JSON@ values from raw JSON. {-# INLINABLE jsonBytes #-} jsonBytes :: Value ByteString jsonBytes = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.json (const A.json_bytes)) -- | -- Encoder of @JSONB@ values from JSON AST. {-# INLINABLE jsonb #-} jsonb :: Value B.Value jsonb = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.jsonb (const A.jsonb_ast)) -- | -- Encoder of @JSONB@ values from raw JSON. {-# INLINABLE jsonbBytes #-} jsonbBytes :: Value ByteString jsonbBytes = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.jsonb (const A.jsonb_bytes)) -- | -- Unlifts the 'Array' encoder to the plain 'Value' encoder. {-# INLINABLE array #-} array :: Array a -> Value a array (Array imp) = Array.run imp & \(arrayOID, encoder') -> Value (Value.Value arrayOID arrayOID encoder') -- | -- Given a function, -- which maps the value into the textual enum label from the DB side, -- produces a encoder of that value. {-# INLINABLE enum #-} enum :: (a -> Text) -> Value a enum mapping = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.text (const (A.text_strict . mapping))) -- | -- Identifies the value with the PostgreSQL's \"unknown\" type, -- thus leaving it up to Postgres to infer the actual type of the value. -- -- The value transimitted is any value encoded in the Postgres' Text data format. -- For reference, see the -- <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/protocol-overview.html#protocol-format-codes Formats and Format Codes> -- section of the Postgres' documentation. {-# INLINABLE unknown #-} unknown :: Value ByteString unknown = Value (Value.unsafePTI PTI.unknown (const A.bytea_strict)) -- ** Instances ------------------------- -- | Maps to 'bool'. instance Default (Value Bool) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = bool -- | Maps to 'int2'. instance Default (Value Int16) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = int2 -- | Maps to 'int4'. instance Default (Value Int32) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = int4 -- | Maps to 'int8'. instance Default (Value Int64) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = int8 -- | Maps to 'float4'. instance Default (Value Float) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = float4 -- | Maps to 'float8'. instance Default (Value Double) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = float8 -- | Maps to 'numeric'. instance Default (Value B.Scientific) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = numeric -- | Maps to 'char'. instance Default (Value Char) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = char -- | Maps to 'text'. instance Default (Value Text) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = text -- | Maps to 'bytea'. instance Default (Value ByteString) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = bytea -- | Maps to 'date'. instance Default (Value B.Day) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = date -- | Maps to 'timestamp'. instance Default (Value B.LocalTime) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = timestamp -- | Maps to 'timestamptz'. instance Default (Value B.UTCTime) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = timestamptz -- | Maps to 'time'. instance Default (Value B.TimeOfDay) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = time -- | Maps to 'timetz'. instance Default (Value (B.TimeOfDay, B.TimeZone)) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = timetz -- | Maps to 'interval'. instance Default (Value B.DiffTime) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = interval -- | Maps to 'uuid'. instance Default (Value B.UUID) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = uuid -- | Maps to 'json'. instance Default (Value B.Value) where {-# INLINE def #-} def = json -- * Array ------------------------- -- | -- A generic array encoder. -- -- Here's an example of its usage: -- -- >x :: Value [[Int64]] -- >x = -- > array (arrayDimension foldl' (arrayDimension foldl' (arrayValue int8))) -- -- Please note that the PostgreSQL __IN__ keyword does not "accept" an array, but rather a syntactical list of -- values, thus this encoder is not suited for that. Use a **field** = ANY($1) query instead. -- newtype Array a = Array (Array.Array a) -- | -- Lifts the 'Value' encoder into the 'Array' encoder of a non-nullable value. {-# INLINABLE arrayValue #-} arrayValue :: Value a -> Array a arrayValue (Value (Value.Value elementOID arrayOID encoder')) = Array (Array.value elementOID arrayOID encoder') -- | -- Lifts the 'Value' encoder into the 'Array' encoder of a nullable value. {-# INLINABLE arrayNullableValue #-} arrayNullableValue :: Value a -> Array (Maybe a) arrayNullableValue (Value (Value.Value elementOID arrayOID encoder')) = Array (Array.nullableValue elementOID arrayOID encoder') -- | -- An encoder of an array dimension, -- which thus provides support for multidimensional arrays. -- -- Accepts: -- -- * An implementation of the left-fold operation, -- such as @Data.Foldable.'foldl''@, -- which determines the input value. -- -- * A component encoder, which can be either another 'arrayDimension', -- 'arrayValue' or 'arrayNullableValue'. -- {-# INLINABLE arrayDimension #-} arrayDimension :: (forall a. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> c -> a) -> Array b -> Array c arrayDimension foldl (Array imp) = Array (Array.dimension foldl imp) -- $insertMany -- It is not currently possible to pass in an array of encodable values -- to use in an 'insert many' query using Hasql. Instead, PostgreSQL's -- (9.4 or later) `unnest` function can be used to in an analogous way -- to haskell's `zip` function by passing in multiple arrays of values -- to be zipped into the rows we want to insert: -- -- @ -- insertMultipleLocations :: Query (Vector (UUID, Double, Double)) () -- insertMultipleLocations = -- statement sql encoder decoder True -- where -- sql = -- "insert into location (id, x, y) select * from unnest ($1, $2, $3)" -- encoder = -- contramap Vector.unzip3 $ -- contrazip3 (vector Encoders.uuid) (vector Encoders.float8) (vector Encoders.float8) -- where -- vector value = -- Encoders.value (Encoders.array (Encoders.arrayDimension foldl' (Encoders.arrayValue value))) -- decoder = -- Decoders.unit -- @