-- | -- This module provides a low-level effectful API dealing with the connections to the database. module Hasql.Private.Connection where import Hasql.Private.Prelude import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as LibPQ import qualified Hasql.Private.PreparedStatementRegistry as PreparedStatementRegistry import qualified Hasql.Private.IO as IO import qualified Hasql.Private.Settings as Settings -- | -- A single connection to the database. data Connection = Connection !(MVar LibPQ.Connection) !Bool !PreparedStatementRegistry.PreparedStatementRegistry -- | -- Possible details of the connection acquistion error. type ConnectionError = Maybe ByteString -- | -- Acquire a connection using the provided settings encoded according to the PostgreSQL format. acquire :: Settings.Settings -> IO (Either ConnectionError Connection) acquire settings = {-# SCC "acquire" #-} runExceptT $ do pqConnection <- lift (IO.acquireConnection settings) lift (IO.checkConnectionStatus pqConnection) >>= traverse throwError lift (IO.initConnection pqConnection) integerDatetimes <- lift (IO.getIntegerDatetimes pqConnection) registry <- lift (IO.acquirePreparedStatementRegistry) pqConnectionRef <- lift (newMVar pqConnection) pure (Connection pqConnectionRef integerDatetimes registry) -- | -- Release the connection. release :: Connection -> IO () release (Connection pqConnectionRef _ _) = mask_ $ do nullConnection <- LibPQ.newNullConnection pqConnection <- swapMVar pqConnectionRef nullConnection IO.releaseConnection pqConnection -- | -- Execute an operation on the raw @libpq@ 'LibPQ.Connection'. -- -- The access to the connection is exclusive. withLibPQConnection :: Connection -> (LibPQ.Connection -> IO a) -> IO a withLibPQConnection (Connection pqConnectionRef _ _) = withMVar pqConnectionRef