-- | -- Internal mappings. module Hasql.Postgres.Mapping where import Hasql.Postgres.Prelude hiding (bool) import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH import qualified Hasql.Postgres.PTI as PTI import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified PostgreSQLBinary.Array as Array import qualified PostgreSQLBinary.Encoder as Encoder import qualified PostgreSQLBinary.Decoder as Decoder -- | -- Server settings. -- -- * @integer_datetimes@ type Environment = Bool type Value = Maybe ByteString -- | -- A final value level mapping. class Mapping a where oid :: a -> PTI.OID encode :: Environment -> a -> Value decode :: Environment -> Value -> Either Text a -- | -- A mapping for construction of array values. class ArrayMapping a where arrayOID :: a -> PTI.OID arrayEncode :: Environment -> a -> Array.Data arrayDecode :: Environment -> Array.Data -> Either Text a instance Mapping a => Mapping (Maybe a) where oid = const $ oid (undefined :: a) encode e = join . traverse (encode e) decode e = maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . (decode e) . Just) instance (ArrayMapping a, Mapping a) => ArrayMapping (Maybe a) where arrayOID = const $ arrayOID (undefined :: a) arrayEncode e = \case Nothing -> Array.fromSingleton Nothing True (PTI.oidWord32 (oid (undefined :: a))) Just x -> setNullable True $ arrayEncode e x where setNullable x (dl, vl, _, oid) = (dl, vl, True, oid) arrayDecode e = \case (_, [x], _, _) -> decode e x x -> Left $ "Array data doesn't match the 'Maybe' type: " <> (fromString . show) x instance (Mapping a, ArrayMapping a) => Mapping [a] where oid = arrayOID encode e = Just . Encoder.array . arrayEncode e decode e x = do b <- maybe (Left "NULL input") return x a <- Decoder.array b arrayDecode e a instance (Mapping a, ArrayMapping a) => ArrayMapping [a] where arrayOID = const $ arrayOID (undefined :: a) arrayEncode e = \case [] -> ([(0, 1)], [], False, PTI.oidWord32 $ oid (undefined :: a)) x -> Array.fromListUnsafe . map (arrayEncode e) $ x arrayDecode e x = traverse (arrayDecode e) $ Array.elements x instance (Mapping a, ArrayMapping a) => Mapping (Vector a) where oid = arrayOID encode e = Just . Encoder.array . arrayEncode e decode e x = do b <- maybe (Left "NULL input") return x a <- Decoder.array b arrayDecode e a instance (Mapping a, ArrayMapping a) => ArrayMapping (Vector a) where arrayOID = const $ arrayOID (undefined :: a) arrayEncode e = arrayEncode e . V.toList arrayDecode e = fmap V.fromList . arrayDecode e let settings = [ (,,,) [t|Int|] [|PTI.int8|] [|const $ Encoder.int8 . Left . fromIntegral|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Int8|] [|PTI.int2|] [|const $ Encoder.int2 . Left . fromIntegral|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Int16|] [|PTI.int2|] [|const $ Encoder.int2 . Left|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Int32|] [|PTI.int4|] [|const $ Encoder.int4 . Left|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Int64|] [|PTI.int8|] [|const $ Encoder.int8 . Left|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Word|] [|PTI.int8|] [|const $ Encoder.int8 . Right . fromIntegral|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Word8|] [|PTI.int2|] [|const $ Encoder.int2 . Right . fromIntegral|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Word16|] [|PTI.int2|] [|const $ Encoder.int2 . Right|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Word32|] [|PTI.int4|] [|const $ Encoder.int4 . Right|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Word64|] [|PTI.int8|] [|const $ Encoder.int8 . Right|] [|const $ Decoder.int|] , (,,,) [t|Float|] [|PTI.float4|] [|const $ Encoder.float4|] [|const $ Decoder.float4|] , (,,,) [t|Double|] [|PTI.float8|] [|const $ Encoder.float8|] [|const $ Decoder.float8|] , (,,,) [t|Scientific|] [|PTI.numeric|] [|const $ Encoder.numeric|] [|const $ Decoder.numeric|] , (,,,) [t|Day|] [|PTI.date|] [|const $ Encoder.date|] [|const $ Decoder.date|] , (,,,) [t|TimeOfDay|] [|PTI.time|] [|Encoder.time|] [|Decoder.time|] , (,,,) [t|(TimeOfDay, TimeZone)|] [|PTI.timetz|] [|Encoder.timetz|] [|Decoder.timetz|] , (,,,) [t|UTCTime|] [|PTI.timestamp|] [|const $ Encoder.timestamp|] [|const $ Decoder.timestamp|] , (,,,) [t|LocalTime|] [|PTI.timestamptz|] [|const $ Encoder.timestamptz|] [|const $ Decoder.timestamptz|] , (,,,) [t|DiffTime|] [|PTI.interval|] [|const $ Encoder.interval|] [|const $ Decoder.interval|] , (,,,) [t|Char|] [|PTI.text|] [|const $ Encoder.char|] [|const $ Decoder.char|] , (,,,) [t|Text|] [|PTI.text|] [|const $ Encoder.text . Left|] [|const $ Decoder.text|] , (,,,) [t|LazyText|] [|PTI.text|] [|const $ Encoder.text . Right|] [|const $ fmap TL.fromStrict . Decoder.text|] , (,,,) [t|ByteString|] [|PTI.bytea|] [|const $ Encoder.bytea . Left|] [|const $ Decoder.bytea|] , (,,,) [t|LazyByteString|] [|PTI.bytea|] [|const $ Encoder.bytea . Right|] [|const $ fmap BL.fromStrict . Decoder.bytea|] , (,,,) [t|Bool|] [|PTI.bool|] [|const $ Encoder.bool|] [|const $ Decoder.bool|] , (,,,) [t|UUID|] [|PTI.uuid|] [|const $ Encoder.uuid|] [|const $ Decoder.uuid|] ] in fmap concat $ forM settings $ \(t, pti, encoder, decoder) -> [d| instance Mapping $t where {-# INLINE oid #-} oid = const $ PTI.ptiOID $pti {-# INLINE encode #-} encode e = Just . $encoder e {-# INLINE decode #-} decode e x = do b <- maybe (Left "NULL input") return x $decoder e b instance ArrayMapping $t where {-# INLINE arrayOID #-} arrayOID = const $ fromMaybe ($bug "No array OID") $ PTI.ptiArrayOID $pti {-# INLINE arrayEncode #-} arrayEncode e x = Array.fromSingleton (Just ($encoder e x)) (False) (PTI.oidWord32 (PTI.ptiOID $pti)) {-# INLINE arrayDecode #-} arrayDecode e = \case (_, [x], _, _) -> decode e x x -> Left $ "Array data doesn't match the '" <> $(t >>= TH.stringE . show) <> "' type: " <> (fromString . show) x |]