module Hasql.Transaction
  -- * Transaction settings
  -- * Transaction monad

import Hasql.Transaction.Prelude
import qualified Hasql.Query as Query
import qualified Hasql.Session as Session
import qualified Hasql.Transaction.Queries as Queries
import qualified PostgreSQL.ErrorCodes as ErrorCodes

-- |
-- A composable abstraction over the retryable transactions.
-- Executes multiple queries under the specified mode and isolation level,
-- while automatically retrying the transaction in case of conflicts.
-- Thus this abstraction closely reproduces the behaviour of 'STM'.
newtype Transaction a =
  Transaction (Session.Session a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

-- |
data Mode =
  -- |
  -- Read-only. No writes possible.
  Read |
  -- |
  -- Write and commit.
  Write |
  -- |
  -- Write without committing.
  -- Useful for testing, 
  -- allowing you to modify your database, 
  -- producing some result based on your changes,
  -- and letting Hasql roll all the changes back on the exit from the transaction.
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

-- |
-- For reference see
-- < the Postgres' documentation>.
data IsolationLevel =
  ReadCommitted |
  RepeatableRead |
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

-- |
-- Execute the transaction using the provided isolation level and mode.
{-# INLINABLE run #-}
run :: Transaction a -> IsolationLevel -> Mode -> Session.Session a
run (Transaction session) isolation mode =
    resultEither <- do
      Session.query () (Queries.beginTransaction mode')
      tryError session
    case resultEither of
      Left error -> do
        Session.query () Queries.abortTransaction
        case error of
          Session.ResultError (Session.ServerError code _ _ _) | code == ErrorCodes.serialization_failure ->
            run (Transaction session) isolation mode
          _ -> 
            throwError error
      Right result -> do
        Session.query () $ bool Queries.abortTransaction Queries.commitTransaction commit
        pure result
    mode' =
      (unsafeCoerce isolation, write)
    (write, commit) =
      case mode of
        Read -> (False, True)
        Write -> (True, True)
        WriteWithoutCommitting -> (True, False)

-- |
-- Possibly a multi-statement query,
-- which however cannot be parameterized or prepared,
-- nor can any results of it be collected.
{-# INLINE sql #-}
sql :: ByteString -> Transaction ()
sql sql =
  Transaction $ Session.sql sql

-- |
-- Parameters and a specification of the parametric query to apply them to.
{-# INLINE query #-}
query :: a -> Query.Query a b -> Transaction b
query params query =
  Transaction $ Session.query params query