perch ================= Perch defines builder elements (perchs) for Haste.DOM elements that are appendable, so that dynamic HTML can be created in the client in a natural way, like textual HTML, but programmatically and with the advantage of static type checking. It can be ported to other haskell-js compilers Haste is a compiler that generates Javascript code from Haskell. The Haste.DOM module define a thin layer over the JavaScript DOM. The DOM is a low level HTML tree manipulation API. That makes the creation and manipulation of DOM elements almost as painful as in JavaScript. This package makes the creation of DOM elements easy with a syntax similar to other haskell HTML generators, using monoids and monads, such is the case of the package blaze-html. This is an example. `withElem` is a Haste.DOM call that give the DOM object whose id is "idelem", that has been created "by hand" in Main.hs. The program takes this element and add content to it: main= do withElem "idelem" $ build $ do div $ do div $ do p "hello" p ! atr "style" "color:red" $ "world" return () Creates these element:
<-- was already in the HTNL



The monoid expression can also be used, by concatenating elements with the operator <> ... term1 <> term2 ... Is equivalent to do ... term1 term2 ... How to run ---------- install the ghc compiler install Haste: >cabal install haste-compiler clone haskell-js-html-builder >git clone install perch >haste-inst install compile the main program >hastec Main.hs browse the Main.html file. In windows simply execute it in the command line: >Main.html Execute it in the same directory where Main.js is, since it references it assuming that it is in the current folder Status --------- Standard tags and attributes are not defined except div, p and b. Define your owns. For example: div cont= nelem "div" `child` cont p cont = nelem "p" `child` cont b cont = nelem "b" `child` cont onclick= atr "onclick" How it works ------------ The basic element is a "builder" that has a "hole" parameter and a IO action about what element will be created. The hole will receive the parent (Elem) of the element/s that will be created by the builder. So a builder can be considered like a perch that has other perchs that hang from it. either a single element or an entire tree. the call `nelem` (new element) is a perch that creates a single tag element. Upon created, it is added to the parent and return itself as parent of the next elements that can be hooked. To append two elements, both are added to the parent. The Monad instance is there in order to use the do notation, that add a new level of syntax, in the style of the package blaze-html. This monad invokes the same appending mechanism.