# haven ## Recursively retrieve maven dependencies A haskell project that uses Maven's `dependency:tree` command to get a list of Maven dependencies. The primary output format is a list of [nix sets](http://nixos.org/nix/manual/#idm140737318096432) describing the maven packages. Maven's local repo is redirected to a tmp directory, so haven won't pollute your home directory. `maven` is required in order to run `haven`. The provided `shell.nix` includes maven. ### Example #### `pom.xml` ```xml 4.0.0 com.dummy dummy 1.0-SNAPSHOT maven https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ central https://central.maven.org/maven2/ jcenter https://jcenter.bintray.com/ com.android.tools.build gradle 2.3.1 com.google.gms google-services 3.0.0 com.firebase firebase-jobdispatcher 0.5.2 aar com.android.support support-v4 ``` #### Output ```bash $ haven ./pom.xml ... # Maven logs on stderr [ { artifactId = "gradle"; groupId = "com.android.tools.build"; version = "2.3.1"; repo = "https://jcenter.bintray.com"; jarSha256 = "c621e827cf3b1dd6607d6c3f2dacdbea81cc4000ef3d7b91d7e967f368b9d9c3"; pomSha256 = "9a240dcae4b27de87af1cfb7164cb2097785e32dc1bca39cdaa1f5504c50cae4"; aarSha256 = null; } { artifactId = "gradle-core"; groupId = "com.android.tools.build"; version = "2.3.1"; repo = "https://jcenter.bintray.com"; jarSha256 = "6584bba738af0e1435521258ad20352e4f22e1ad9d6e3e10b566f9e316674804"; pomSha256 = "d393f858b613952f08d01ba6515a91f910be30768d6e05729ac254d632c87e3b"; aarSha256 = null; } { artifactId = "builder"; groupId = "com.android.tools.build"; version = "2.3.1"; repo = "https://jcenter.bintray.com"; jarSha256 = "b1a948c366e98061d840f2333d1467fbca7a53ff6d81f7a46cd15aea0a1272cc"; pomSha256 = "883026a359536e2d05a01cb8cea06e076bb013eccf1fb0ce35d4d96beda60521"; aarSha256 = null; } { artifactId = "builder-model"; groupId = "com.android.tools.build"; version = "2.3.1"; repo = "https://jcenter.bintray.com"; jarSha256 = "37ee6a2cbabc5ff9968dfbb58025aa53aaac9795d4d9a50f2a0883076e7398fb"; pomSha256 = "34245bc246fe93b3c3bf6f933a51efbb36d300e8fcee6cec4cee51653a1469b3"; aarSha256 = null; } ... ] ```