-- Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Jonathan M. Lange <jml@mumak.net>
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Haverer.CLI.CommandLine (
  ) where

import BasicPrelude hiding (round)
import Control.Error hiding (readMay)

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Haverer.Action (Play(..), viewAction)
import Haverer.Deck (Card(..))
import Haverer.Player (PlayerSet, getDiscards, isProtected, toPlayers)
import Haverer.Round (

import Haverer.CLI.Prompt (

instance ConsoleText Card where
  toText = show

instance ConsoleText a => ConsoleText (Round a) where

  toText round =
    "Cards remaining: " ++ show (remainingCards round) ++ ".\n\n" ++
    underline '-' "All discards" ++ "\n" ++
    Map.foldrWithKey (\k a b -> formatPlayer k a ++ "\n" ++ b) "" (getPlayerMap round)
      formatPlayer pid player =
        toText pid ++ ": " ++ intercalate ", " (map toText (getDiscards player)) ++ playerStatus player
      playerStatus player =
        case isProtected player of
         Just True -> " (protected)"
         Just False -> ""
         Nothing -> " (eliminated)"

instance (Eq a, ConsoleText a, Show a) => ConsoleText (Result a) where

  -- FIXME: Don't have quite enough information here to disambiguate between
  -- Soldier attack failing due to wrong guess and Soldier attack failing due to
  -- Priestess.
  toText (Played (viewAction -> (pid1, Soldier, Guess pid2 card)) NoChange) =
    toText pid1 ++ " wrongly guessed " ++ toText pid2 ++ " had a " ++ toText card
    ++ ". Nothing happened, maybe it was the right guess and they were protected."

  -- FIXME: Don't have quite enough information here to disambiguate between
  -- Knight attack failing due to tie and Knight attack failing due to
  -- Priestess.
  toText (Played (viewAction -> (pid1, Knight, Attack pid2)) NoChange) =
    toText pid1 ++ " attacked " ++ toText pid2 ++ " with a Knight, but nothing happened. "
    ++ "Because of a bug in the software, you don't know if it's because of a tie or "
    ++ "because " ++ toText pid2 ++ " is protected by the Priestess."

  toText (Played (viewAction -> (pid1, card, Attack pid2)) NoChange) =
    toText pid1 ++ " played " ++ toText card ++ " against " ++ toText pid2 ++
    ", but they were protected by the Priestess, so nothing happened"

  toText (Played (viewAction -> (pid1, card, NoEffect)) NoChange) =
    toText pid1 ++ " played " ++ toText card

  toText (BustedOut pid c1 c2) =
    toText pid ++ " busted out, holding " ++ toText c1 ++ " and " ++ toText c2

  toText (Played (viewAction -> (pid, Priestess, _)) (Protected p))
    | p == pid =
        toText pid ++ " played Priestess, protecting themselves from harm"
    | otherwise = error "BUG: " ++ show pid ++ " played Priestess but ended up protecting " ++ show p

  toText (Played _ (SwappedHands pid1 pid2)) =
    toText pid2 ++ " swapped hands with " ++ toText pid1

  toText (Played (viewAction -> (pid1, Soldier, Guess pid2 card)) (Eliminated loser))
    | loser == pid2 =
        toText pid1 ++ " correctly guessed " ++ toText pid2 ++ " had a " ++ toText card
        ++ ". " ++ toText pid2 ++ " has been eliminated"
    | otherwise = error "BUG: Soldier attacked " ++ show pid2 ++ " but eliminated " ++ show loser

  toText (Played (viewAction -> (pid1, Knight, Attack pid2)) (Eliminated loser)) =
    toText pid1 ++ " attacked " ++ toText pid2 ++ " with a Knight " ++
    (if loser == pid1
     then "and lost. "
     else (if loser == pid2 then "and won. " else error "BUG: Knight!")) ++
    toText loser ++ " has been eliminated"

  toText (Played (viewAction -> (pid1, Prince, NoEffect)) (Eliminated loser))
    | loser == pid1 = toText pid1 ++ " played the Prince, eliminating themselves"
    | otherwise = error "BUG: " ++ show pid1 ++ " played Prince, but " ++ show loser ++ " eliminated."

  -- FIXME: There are two reasons they could lose here: 1. Discard Prince, 2.
  -- Discard last card. Disambiguate between them.
  toText (Played (viewAction -> (pid1, Wizard, Attack pid2)) (Eliminated loser))
    | loser == pid2 =
        toText pid1 ++ " played Wizard on " ++ toText pid2 ++ " forcing them to discard "
        ++ "and thus be eliminated from the round"
    | otherwise = error "BUG: Wizard attacked " ++ show pid2 ++ " but eliminated " ++ show loser

  toText (Played _ (ForcedDiscard pid)) =
    toText pid ++ " was forced to discard their hand and draw another card"

  -- XXX: This is revealed to all who are watching the console.
  toText (Played _ (ForcedReveal pid1 pid2 card)) =
    toText pid1 ++ ": " ++ toText pid2 ++ " is holding a " ++ toText card

  toText event = "UNKNOWN: " ++ show event

instance ConsoleText a => ConsoleText (Victory a) where
  toText (SoleSurvivor pid card) =
    toText pid ++ " wins as the only remaining player, holding " ++ toText card
  toText (HighestCard card [winner] _) =
    toText winner ++ " wins holding " ++ toText card
  toText (HighestCard card winners _) =
    "Many winners holding " ++ toText card ++ ": " ++ intercalate ", " (map toText winners)

formatScores :: ConsoleText playerId => [(playerId, Int)] -> Text
formatScores scores =
  underline '-' "Scores" ++ "\n" ++
  unlines (map formatScore scores)
  where formatScore (pid, score) = toText pid ++ ": " ++ toText score

pickNumPlayers :: IO Int
pickNumPlayers =
  repeatedlyPrompt "Pick number of players: " parseNumPlayers
    parseNumPlayers s = do
      i <- note errMsg (readMay s)
      assertErr errMsg (2 <= i && i <= 4)
      return i
    errMsg = "Please enter a number between 2 and 4" :: Text

pickCardToPlay :: (Card, Card) -> IO Card
pickCardToPlay (dealt, hand) =
  chooseItem "\nPlease choose a card: " [dealt, hand]

pickPlay :: ConsoleText playerId => Card -> PlayerSet playerId -> IO (Play playerId)
pickPlay card players =
  case card of
   Soldier -> pickGuess players
   Clown -> pickAttack players
   Knight -> pickAttack players
   Priestess -> return NoEffect
   Wizard -> pickAttack players
   General -> pickAttack players
   Minister -> return NoEffect
   Prince -> return NoEffect

-- XXX: Exclude self-targeting when it's not legal
pickTarget :: ConsoleText playerId => PlayerSet playerId -> IO playerId
pickTarget ps = chooseItem "\nPlease choose a target: " (toPlayers ps)

pickAttack :: ConsoleText playerId => PlayerSet playerId -> IO (Play playerId)
pickAttack players = fmap Attack (pickTarget players)

pickGuess :: ConsoleText playerId => PlayerSet playerId -> IO (Play playerId)
pickGuess players = do
  target <- pickTarget players
  guess <- pickGuessCard
  return $ Guess target guess
  where pickGuessCard = chooseItem' "\nWhat card do they have?" 2 [Clown ..]